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Showing posts with label liberalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberalism. Show all posts

Sep 4, 2024

Pluto in Capricorn: Dictators and Post Liberals

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Much is explained concerning current affairs and authoritarian saboteurs in an informative article in The Dispatch: Post Liberalism. And as astrologers know, and fabled astrologer Reinhold Ebertin confirms, Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is The Dictator placement so it's no comfort that transit Pluto Rx left Aquarius and stepped a claw back into Capricorn on Sunday September 1, 2024, with Capricorn being the sign of government, law, business, investment, leadership - and (a potential for) world government.

Significantly, September 1, 2024 also timed a New Moon @11Vir04 at 9:58 pm ET, plus, it was Labor Day 2024 in the US which signaled the official beginning of Campaign 2024.

So for curiosity's sake, below you see a DC Horoscope of the very first moment (according to my SolarFireGold v9.27 software) that Pluto backed into Capricorn @29:59:59 at 7:57:26 pm edt on September 1st. For obvious reasons, the horoscope is set for Washington DC and shows subversive Neptune rising in 1st house at a critical 29th degree of shady Pisces, sign of the ocean, other bodies of water, marine creatures - and the Blue Tsunami of voters needed for best results on November 5th:

Meanwhile, transit Neptune remains conjoined with fixed star Scheat which suggests such events as weather disasters, drownings, or erosion. We've seen such events featured in the news with Scheat known as a star of misfortune when configured with malefic planets.

Then Jupiter, planet of codified religion, rules the chart's Ascendant (what?) and Midheaven (why?) as authoritative Saturn in Pisces rises - not the best placement for old man Saturn, planet of legalities, limits, blockages, restriction, responsibility, and authenticity. A potential for conflicts with opponents also applies to this placement, a clear reference to Campaign 2024 and the upcoming Harris-Trump Debate scheduled for September 10th, assuming that the old man shows up.

Must The Roman Empire Come Again?

Actually, the Roman Empire never ended, but morphed into the Catholic Church and remains submerged within the darkened chambers of Vatican City (horoscope linked, below). Despising America's Enlightenment principles, it's the religious rule of government model the saboteurs and seditionists are attempting to establish in the US. We experienced this negative energy on one level via their "anti-woke" campaign.

Then as Campaign 2024 trundles along and with US Election 2024 approaching, there's a lifelong predatory criminal running to stay out of prison who aspires to be dictator of America - in essence, a "divine-right" monarch, untouchable by law, and intending to restore a new, or perhaps an old, monarchy as in Europe (for background see The Dispatch linked, above) - and in total defiance of the Magna Carta, the scaffold of civilization.

Yet co-dictatorship with The Vatican must be part of their longed-for theocratic agenda of authoritarianism with enforced worhip on Sunday a major objective of their dream of "world government." Perhaps you've heard that when enforced observance on Sunday is implemented, it's the "mark of the beast" appearing to oppress and control. For it's all about timing, as you know.

Now to close this fussy post, here's Roman Empire: Birthday of a New Order, plus, you may wish to view the 1929 Horoscope of The Vatican City State. Or not. Because as always, it's completely up to you! jc

Image: Neptune Ascends; pencil on paper; jc

Mar 13, 2020

Catch Nicole Sandler's interview w/ Lawrence O'Donnell

March 13, 2020: Just a quick heads-up concerning a recent interview conducted by radio broadcaster Nicole Sandler and Lawrence O'Donnell, host of MSNBC's The Last Word. Their conversation actually began on Twitter a couple of weeks ago and resulted in Nicole issuing an invitation to discuss the topic of Socialism and Lawrence's O'Donnell's on-air admission that he is a socialist. Not once but several times through the years he has publicly said this and if you find such topics of interest, check out their conversation which Nicole re-aired today during her Friday guest stint as host of The BradCast.

Nicole says she has all but stopped watching MSNBC due to the large number of disaffected Republicans appearing on the network with their anti-Trump grumps and you may wish to hear Mr. O'Donnell's response.

Plus, here is a segment of The Last Word from March 12, 2020 with Rep. Adam Schiff in a discussion of the CoronaVirus outbreak in the US and the administration's response to it.

Feb 21, 2018

Authoritarianism - Wrong Only When the Other Party Is in Power?

Stars Over Washington is pleased to publish another in a series of posts by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes. The following originally appeared on Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog:

Authoritarianism - It's Wrong Only When The Other Party Is In Power?

by Kevin Estes

The US Government has never been more authoritarian and divisive than during the last 14 months, which is the amount of time the Trump Administration has resided in the White House. Some notable incidents from Trump and other GOP during these 14 months:

Trump firing James Comey, then attempting to fire Robert Mueller in an attempt to obstruct justice

Trump saying that NFL players who protest should be fired on the spot

Trump putting blame on counter protesters during the Charlottesville demonstrations

GOP lawmakers proposing legislation making it legal to run down protesters in the midst of the Keystone XL/Dakota Access Pipeline protests

Laura Ingraham saying that LeBron James should "shut up and dribble" after he criticized the Trump Administration

GOP Representative Clay Higgins saying that all Muslims should die

Courtland Sykes, a Republican running for congress, saying that he wants to come home to a cooked dinner every night, in a sexist remark

Jeff Sessions removing anti discrimination protections for transgender citizens, and Trump banning them from the military

Trump not approving release of the Democratic memo, indirectly incriminating himself and obstructing justice even further (if he was truly innocent, he would have no problem with it getting released!)

And there are many, many more that would take all day to name. The point is that the same people who were using their first amendment right during the Obama Administration, speaking out against Obamacare and Benghazi, are shockingly silent, during a time in which the reputation of their entire party is in complete jeopardy as a result of these divisive and immature actions, as well as the Mueller Investigation.

Or is it shocking?

Right now, we are in the midst of a paradigm shift, known as the transition to the Aquarian Age. In astrology, Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, and it is known as one of the most progressive signs of the zodiac, if not THE most progressive. In an age ruled by this sign, many of the ideals embraced by the Republican party are quite frankly, incompatible with these energies. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and overall inequality will simply not be tolerated anymore, and deep down, they know this. So, many of these Republicans will simply lower their moral standards in order to gain power, when in reality, their party is in shambles. We are technically still in the Piscean Age, so the illusions are still in play.

It's In Their Astrology

In many examples on this blog and on my Pinterest account, it is proven that left and right wing politics are shown in people's astrology charts. Economic leftists have Venus, the 2nd house, and their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house (those on the cultural right who have this pattern can also support tariffs, major military spending, and even fascism, as it's the dissolution, Neptune, of wealth from the poor to the rich), and cultural/social leftists have Moon, the 4th house and their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house. Economic rightists have Venus, the 2nd house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node, the 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus, and cultural/social rightists have the Moon, 4th house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node, the 4th house, and the sign of Cancer.

Overall leftists have liberal impulses in both categories, while overall rightists have conservative impulses in one or both categories, and people with an equal number of indicators in a category for each side tend to lean to the right. Those with a mixed (partisan) or aggressive (authoritarian) pattern in regards to aspects with the asteroid Pallas are the most prone to the philosophy of "the end justifies the means". Aggressive Pallas indicators are Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node and in hard aspect to Jupiter, and defensive (Libertarian) Pallas indicators are Pallas and its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of our elected officials have either mixed Pallas or aggressive Pallas, including everybody in the Trump Administration that I have cast a chart for.

We Need To Know

If we only knew that our political views, among other things, are basically ingrained in our astrology charts, the country, as well as the entire world, would be a lot less divided because we'd know that our political viewpoints are like our personalities, in that there is no right and wrong, but just "is". If everybody had the exact same personality or exact same political views, things would get real boring, real fast, so all our different Sun signs, Moon signs, rising signs, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune generations, etc., as well as our different innate political viewpoints are likely in God's plan to keep things interesting for all of us rather than divide us. Our political views being astrological complexes makes a whole lot of sense when you realize that you typically can't bring someone to the other side, no matter how well thought out your argument is. And while people's parents and place they grew up in may be a factor, whose to say that these people weren't fated to be in that situation before incarnating? And if we knew the true reason for people's political views, as well as innate ethical nature, we could prevent something like the Trump/Russia fiasco from happening ever again, and find out if the politicians running for office actually have the viewpoints they're expressing, or are faking it in order to get elected. I do have pictures of all the rising sign appearances saved on my Pinterest.

To put it briefly, the calling out of one party's flaws, but refusing to do the same for the other party, is a major reason why the US is so divided, and is a major reason why our freedoms are disappearing more and more over time. Imagine how much progress we can make when we're willing to hold elected officials from our own parties accountable, as well as the other party? It's not like the laws they pass will only negatively effect those on the "other side". In other words, authoritarianism is never okay, even when it's your side in power.

Even though there haven't been many posts lately, I have still been active on Pinterest, mainly with the "astrological liberals" and "astrological conservatives" boards, as well as the "sports astrology" and "cool imagery" boards, the latter of which is to save higher vibration imagery in order to help with the current shift. If you're worried about the Trump Administration and are into psychics and tarot card readers, check out Kirsten Langston, Tarot Politics, Truth Warrior Tarot, and Lena Rodriguez on YouTube, as all have predicted Trump's downfall in the next few months, and the first three have extremely charismatic personalities as well! Just thought I'd give them all a recommendation as discovering these people has helped me get through the extreme anxiety I was under a few months ago. Keep up the good work!


Jun 14, 2016

Liberalism: What Happened To The Party Of The People? (w/ Guest: Thomas Frank)

Here progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann interviews author Thomas Frank whose book on Amazon is linked, below. One point made by Mr. Frank is that the successful fundraising of Bernie Sanders during Campaign 2016 proves that the Democratic Party doesn't have to be rotten with corporatism (my wording, not his) in order to win elections.

Of course, then Democrats would be beholden to We the People and expected to act on our behalf which is not part of the Global Government script that Washington follows though you may not hear such sentiments in the following interview! jc

Listen, Liberal: What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?


Related post: Rule by Corporate Democrats Timed by Carter Inauguration 1977 (horoscope shown).

And here is the Natal Chart of Jimmy Carter born October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia under a protective Water Grand Trine composed of his Scorpio Moon, Uranus, and Pluto, plus, a dynamic T-Square configuration between his know-it-all Mercury-Uranus opposition with religious Jupiter at apex in its own sign of Sagittarius. Within these patterns are his impressive intellectual capacity, talents for technology and mathematics, and his nuclear interests. A gift for diplomacy is in there somewhere--with his 12th house Sun and Ascendant, both in Venus-ruled Libra, I suspect. jc

Nov 20, 2008

Thomas Frank on unionizing and the Obama presidency

It's time to give voters the liberalism they want, says Thomas Frank.

We voted for it. Didn't we? Will it matter?

Since I've been trying to find more details about the issue of union organizing, its pros and cons, Franks' article fills the bill on that score, but it also contains his views on Barack Obama's victory, governing from the center, and what the governed want from government.

Now I know what you're thinking: McCain didn't try, he was only a fake candidate - the same role that Al Gore and John Kerry played.

Gore meekly accepted the SCOTUS decision after wimpily protesting the recount/chad situation in 2000.

Then John Kerry pulled a lofty "I'm above their attacks" air for Swift Boaters using the Michael Dukakis model and let Rove stomp all over his military record, one of the few things Kerry had going for him.

2008 comes along, and McCain picks Sara Palin as VP stunning mate and she played the role of Flash In The Pan Mama while getting herself some national name recognition for later use. Oh - and she'll soon have a book she wants you to buy.

Why, it's almost as if gnats like me are correct when we say the American people don't elect the president, he's selected from a private stash by a secret cabal from the shadows.

And it's almost as if America's two most elevated natal planets on each side of our national *Midheaven describes a secret government for all the world to of the signatures of Saturn-Neptune IS secret (Neptune) government (Saturn.)

Perhaps the great majority of us are the only ones who can't see it even as it hides in plain sight, m'peops.

But we now know from blowback that others in the **wider world feel its wrath and have had enough.

And we now know that all the power elitists do, they cover themselves by acting in our name: America.


* Using 'Sibly' version or the Dane Rudhyar chart for July 4, 1776.
** 'wider world' = the Midheaven, the most visible point in any chart, the noon point.