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Showing posts with label dictatorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dictatorship. Show all posts

Dec 8, 2023

Friday Dec 8, 2023: 2 Quirky Horoscopes!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy

When we discussed how Trump's Take-Over Plan Began Years ago in yesterday's post, I had not yet considered the bi-wheel shown, below, or any implications it might have to our current day worries over what may be called a second Trump "presidency," being planned as a dictatorship.

Now please understand: today's post is ultra quirky, and thus Uranian, and may not make much sense to most readers. Perhaps my 10th house Uranus in Gemini is showing! Well, let's plow ahead since the bi-wheel of horoscopes concern Trump's first "Prez Bid," as I term it when titling the Gemini New Moon Horoscope of June 16, 2015. You'll remember that the New Moon perfected @25Gem07 on the morning that agent orange descended the Trump Tower escalator to address a paid-off audience gathered from a NY talent agency: $50 per head. And there, conjunct the New Moon, was belligerent planet Mars @24Gem35 ("25Gem"= "A Man Trimming Palms" - as he did; or someone did).

Of note is that the 2015 New Moon perfected in the midst of Trump's natal 10th house trio of quirky chaos-creator Uranus, North Node, and Sun, and a new cycle of activity began with seeds of his future plans implanted.

And since New Moons can disrupt earthly events in similar Uranian fashion as solar eclipses can, the presence of warrior planet Mars is significant and denotes potentials for the violence and brutality hidden within his racist sentiments that morning as he announced his presidential intentions.

Now in 2023, he's at it again, threatening all manner of retaliation against his critics of the anti-Trump persuasion. A Plutonian urge to purge lurked then against minorities, and is in the making now if Trump has his way in 2024 - which he must not have. If he succeeds, his "American Carnage" intonation on January 20, 2017 will be fulfilled against the American people and his anti-America handlers will be well pleased with their agent provacoteur.

So I'll close this post for now since gifts await wrapping as the holiday nears. Above, is the bi-wheel where you see Trump's Prez Bid New Moon of 2015 surrounding the Secondary Progressed Horoscope which results when Herr Adolf's natal chart is progressed ('SP') to the exact date, hour, and location of what is said to be his Death Chart. The result is that, as a transit chart, Herr Trump's 2015 Prez Bid New Moon conjuncts the SP Sun and SP Mars in Gemini of April 30, 1945 which may primarily show a timing issue for Trump's announcement, if nothing else. (And perhaps a secret tribute of sympatico to his Austrian idol was intended.)

You'll notice other contacts as well such as 2015 Mercury conjunct SP Pluto, notated on the chart, plus, 2015 Venus @10Leo05 conjunct Trump's natal Pluto (apex of his 'death axis' Mars-Saturn midpoint in 12th house = fury, destruction, death of many people--R. Ebertin). This functions as Trump's "urge to purge" writ large. Then, the Venus to Pluto transit suggests his need for complete control of people and situations.

But this comparison is all quite quirky though, isn't it?

Aug 4, 2023

Astrology: The Bundle of Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

With J6 plotter Trump now arraigned for his seditious activities, some folks are mentioning anew Trump's leaning toward dictatorship if he should grab the White House helm in 2024/2025 with vengeance on his fertile mind and the intention of purging from the US government the non-fascists he considers to be his enemies. The "American carnage" that he threatened the country with during his 2017 Inaugural Address will come fully to fruition, if egotist Trump manages to worm his way back into the Oval Office.

Can Dictatorship Show in Astrology?

When it comes to shapes of planets in a horoscope, a close grouping called a Bundle indicates a dictatorship personality. A good example is the natal horoscope of Italy's past dictator, the frowny Benito Mussolini with a grouping of his planets concentrated in mutable Gemini (Mars, Moon, Saturn, Chiron, Pluto), plus, his natal Neptune close by in Taurus (moodiness). So baby Benito was born with a dominating, bossy, brooding personality which developed into the determination to take over the leadership of his native country, Italy. But as everyone knows, a very bad end awaited him for his brutal efforts.

Then there's baby Donnie who has evolved (progressed) into the same rigid mindset which can be seen by Trump's current Secondary Progressions ('SP') in a chart set for August 3, 2023, the date of his J6 arraignment (an arbitrary choice of date on my part due to its personal significance for Trump - actually, his Bundle of planets has been forming for years now). Check out the dual images, below:

A Scorpio Natal and Progressed Ascendant (Mars-Pluto)

Bundle Shapes: Trump SP Chart August 3, 2023 (upper right) and Mussolini natal chart (lower left). These two horoscopes are shown here so we can compare and contrast their planets all bunched up, with Mussolini's in his natal 7th house of Others, and Trump's SP planets smooshed together within his SP 12th house of the Unconscious, Politics, Behind-the-Scenes activities, and Hospitals.

Also significant for 77-year-old Trump is his SP Ascendant having just entered the brooding, subversive sign of Scorpio which suggests a new level of grievance, vengefulness, betrayal and/or a sense of betrayal ('martyrdom'); plus, with Scorpio, a potential for surgery may appear on Trump's horizon as Scorpio's degrees tick on.

Then all in all, I know you've probably noticed the similar facial expressions of the two men - the brooding, petulant frown which, for Trump the Arraigned, will become more and more prevalent.

Above Photo: Is it Donald in a Helmet? No, it's Benito in his prime!

Jul 17, 2023

GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America

In case you missed it, here's a recent video segment from the progressive broadcast of Thom Hartmann: "GOP in League With Hostile Foreign Power to Plan Single Party Dictatorship," and I'm certain anyone reading this post knows which of our two political parties are being used to sabotage democracy in America:

The GOP, Dictatorship, Plutocracy, and Powerful Pluto

by Jude Cowell

Today transit Pluto @29Cap13, a critical 29th degree, shows that the planet of sabotage has yet to reach Aquarius and remain there; this won't occur for good until January 2024. Meanwhile, with US 1776 Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn @27Cap33 Rx, America is experiencing her first-ever Pluto Return, a three-fer which can be seen in the tri-wheel image, below; you'll find astro-details in a previous post:

US Pluto-Mercury Opposition: Demagogues, Spies, and Suggestive Orators

Now obviously, the Capricorn placement of insidious, power-grasping Pluto relates to America's Plutocratic and Oligarchic conditions since day one; also note that our 1776 Pluto-Chiron midpoint of exploitation conjuncts 1776 US Ceres, asteroid of democracy, and of our food supply controlled and adulterated by corporate Plutocrats. Tellingly, Reinhold Ebertin gives Pluto in Capricorn a description of the dictator. These are the difficult energies and forces that pro-democracy types in government and in society have fought against all along. Among other things, America's Pluto Return/s may be considered a timing device for the surfacing of these power issues which culminated in 2022 but are ongoing.

So if curious enough, we might even compare events in year 1776 with year 2022 events since historical cycles tend to rhyme in similar fashion. One example: economic royalists oppressed us then (via King George) and now we fight oppressors hiding behind the masks of Republicanism with 'maga' extremists the more violent of the saboteurs of our freedom, independence, civil rights, and democracy. After all, monarchical rule is a form of dictatorship, yes? Then through the repeal of Roe v Wade by SCOTUS justices of the Catholic persuasion, we saw Vatican interference boldly peeking through, with one of Pluto's mundane roles of manipulation being 'the Pope'. Now there's a foreign power for ya, though certainly not the only one with selfish interests to promote in the US.

Astrologically, the time period is extended by using America's Secondary Progressed ('SP') position of Pluto @29Capricorn+. But whether we consider this or not, our nation has entered her second generation of Plutonic energies so that the 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition is re-energized and re-activated, primarily through the power to influence the masses, and to control communications, knowledge--and wealth.

"American Carnage": A Violent Demagogue Appears

So as we know, the democracy vs authoritarianism issue reared its head big-time once Donald Tr*mp became the figurehead of bigoted authoritarians in the US and elsewhere (many of whom still bristle with resentment from our Civil War days, and/or from Hit*er's defeat) so that Tr*mp's escalator announcement to a paid audience at NY's Trump Tower on June 16, 2015, was timed by the morning's Gemini New Moon. As many people realized then or have realized by now, Herr T's destructive intentions were telegraphed during his initial "prez bid" announcement. Meanwhile, in 2022 into March 2023, Mars returned to position in the June 16, 2015 New Moon horoscope. In fact, that morning's 'Prez Bid' New Moon conjoined aggressive warrior planet Mars (suggesting violent acts), all within Trump's natal 10th house of Career and Public Status where his Uranus-NN-Sun trio of radical reforms hangs out.

As noted, transit Mars returned to position in Trump's 2015 New Moon chart three times, most recently: twice in 2022, and once in March 2023. Not that transit Mars hadn't hit the chart before, but 2022 and 2023 are the focus of this post. For as you know, the 2024 campaign season has already begun--and Election 2024 is projected to be America's "AI election" of deep fakes and even more desperate power grabs.

So one factor I'm personally keeping an eye on is the transit in August 2024 when warrior planet Mars returns to his Gemini New Moon position of June 16, 2015, a lunation cosmically yoked to Tr*mp's presidential ambitions. Besides, you know that hotheaded Mars symbolizes Tr*mp with his Mars rising, right?

For further reading: Remember way back in 2013 when transit Pluto Opposed US Sun?