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Showing posts with label 1984 Solar Eclipses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1984 Solar Eclipses. Show all posts

Jul 2, 2019

The New Living Language, Brainwaves and Babel: a Truthstream Media Report

For years Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media have produced intriguing, informative video reports investigating a wide variety of topics many of which are seldom addressed elsewhere.

The following presentation is no exception but caution: its Orwellian topics may be disturbing to the timid if there are any such among the readers of Stars Over Washington!


Related posts include: Horoscope of the Georgia Guidestones; Loss of Net Neutrality? Technocracy is the Real Threat; and, The Perils and Eclipses of 1984 Continue to Haunt.

Apr 29, 2015

Papantonio: Mitch McConnell Wants to Nullify the Constitution - video

#USConstitution #USPatriotAct #NSA #EdSnowden #1984 #BigBrother #MitchMcConnell

Speaking of Orwell's predictive novel 1984, eclipse themes provide background vibrations that can describe on one or more levels the time span or event in focus and there were 5 eclipses that year: 3 lunar and 2 Solar Eclipses.

The first Solar Eclipse of 1984 (a 'Reagan year') manifested @9Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus, the planet of revolution, revolt, uprisings, and anarchy and is intimately connected with America's cycle of going to war. Here are a few details on the themes of both 1984 Solar Eclipses, paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology:

May 30, 1984 in the 4 North Saros Series contains themes of difficulties, illusions, restraints, restriction, inhibition, and separation; events occur which block progress and lead to misjudgment of strengths or the situation; best to wait until the influences of 4N are over before taking any real action. (4N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948, and of Aldous Huxley.)

November 22, 1984 in the 4 South Saros Series @1Sagittarius; 4S carries themes of strong emotions about relationships or money, anger, or lust; a sense of fatedness is attached with a sudden desire to end relationships in which events seem to spiral out of control; a great deal of frustration in involved due to blocked emotions; best to avoid rash actions until issues settle down. (4S is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the US Mint--October 16, 1786--and the Bush-Cheney Invasion and Occupation of Iraq in 2003.

The Sabian Symbol for 1984's eclipse @1Sag links or resonates with the 2003 horror that is the Bush-Cheney war presidency: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Or as some might call it, how to misuse, misdirect, and lame an entire military force such as the world had never seen.

Of course, many other planetary factors influenced the year 1984 including a Great Conjunction of the speculator-wastrel-grand-schemer-inflationary pair, Jupiter and Neptune @00Cap01, a World Point of Manifestation and Prominence. This occurred only once on January 19, 1984 but it also imprinted the presidency of Barack Obama during his first year in office for there were three Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions sprinkled through 2009, exact on May 27, July 10, and December 21--all within the range of 24--27 degrees of Aquarius which conjoins the US natal Moon of July 4, 1776.

Jupiter-Neptune = natal Moon gave the American people fraudulent schemes, false promises, little sense of reality, a desire to dream (dreamy 'rock star' Barack--his Mars veiled by US natal Neptune!), and of course you remember the mortgage-credit-banking crisis, Bush's Crash of 2008 as December led into 2009.

So though it puts me in a right old snit of miffdom to say so, the 1984 and 2009 conjunctions of expansive Jupiter and deceptive Neptune--one conjunction in Earthy, practical Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) and the others of 2009 in Airy Aquarius (sign of several things including Science, Progress, Independence, and Technology (exs: NSA spying on the American people as discussed in the video, above; Transhumanism and breakthroughs in Genetics)--link together the administrations of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama in a frothy 'grand spirit' sort of way. And fraud. We mustn't forget government fraud.

Jan 15, 2010

FBI's Most Wanted billboard in Times Square and 1984

Will this be a helpful innovation for society? Or a sign of 1984-esque control and manipulation by the police state?

How odd if the snoots of criminal suspects being splayed across NYC's Times Square provides crooks with a feeling of having 'made it' in popular culture.

Perhaps this tech innovation indicates that Andy Warhol's '15 minutes of fame' is finally being writ large enough for all to see...and fear.

And interestingly, the year 1984 saw two Solar Eclipses, one from the 4 North Series @ 9Gemini, one from 4 South @ 1 Sag:

4N's flavor: a difficult series bringing restrictions, restraints, separations, and illusions; events block, and strength and situations are misjudged.

4S: very strong emotions concerning money or relationships; anger or lust; relationship issues go beyond one's control; can bring a sudden desire to end unions; emotions are blocked or checked in some way resulting in tremendous frustration; avoid rash actions until things settle down (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology .)

Also in 1984 was a Great Conjunction of grand schemers and speculators, Jupiter and Neptune, @ 00Cap01, a World Point where big events tend to manifest. That's why I keep referencing the recent transit of Pluto (god of the Underworld and crime syndicates) as Mr. Invisible, the secret hand, triggered this degree off and on (and is still within orb of influence), and resulted in the following midpoint picture, one astrological factor which unites the much-touted 'Big Brother 1984' with our current times:

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: major adjustment of life circumstances; unreasonable plans; self-projection out of hand. (Tyl.)

Hmmm...'self-projection out of hand'?? Sounds a bit like a techno-billboard of sought suspects hovering over Times Square like a Big Brother-induced method of societal control and fearmongering to me with "high security messages" included.

What do you think?

Aug 17, 2009

Solar/Lunar Eclipses affecting Russia's natal chart

Natal chart of modern Russia, Dec 8, 1991; 7:45 pm EET; Moskva (Moscow); historical record; Hour of Venus 2Sco50 in 4th house; Chart-ruler Sun 16Sag08 conjunct Mercury 15:51 Rx, in 5th house.

Uranus 12Cap20, Moon 14Cap25, Neptune 15:22, from 5th house into 6th house; Saturn 3AQ27 in 6th house (note: Russia's natal Saturn conjuncts Jan 20, 2009's US Inaugural Jupiter 3AQ32 in Inaugural 10th house.)

As I read today of the troubles in Russia, I am moved to take a look at Russia's natal horoscope and see that the recent/current Lunar and Solar Eclipses are affecting the Big Bear's national chart.

July 7, 2009's Lunar Eclipse 15Cap24 'eclipsed' natal Uranus, Moon (the people), and Neptune (the masses) in Capricorn, 5th to 6th house.

Our current Eclipse season of July 21/22, 2009's Solar Eclipse 29Can27, conjuncts natal Nemesis 29Can49 Rx in 12th house, but is actually another lunation manifestation from Russia's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, the 11 South.

Highlighted in red in 12th house you see Russia's PE '19Can' in which the establishment of the current incarnation of the Russian state was implemented. Therefore, the same issues and themes from that time (1991) are again awakened across the steppes.

As you know, the 11S Series is the 'systems fail; new methods and ideas are needed to deal with events brought by the Eclipse; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The whole world, in tandem with Pluto's transformative mission through the sign of structure, government, law, and business (Capricorn) is under siege from old systems failing or falling down on the job. If we could only figure out what went with the tax monies that were set aside for such systems overhaulings, we could ask the bandits to pay up!

And now here's a Round-Up of current Russian headlines, some with a marine flavor which relates to natal Moon/Neptune being eclipsed on July 7; plus, the July Solar Eclipse fell in the Water sign of The Crab, Cancer:

There's been a deadly 'accident' from dam burst or explosion at a Russian power plant; 10 dead, dozens still unaccounted for. (July 7 Lunar Ecl affecting natal Uranus = 'electricity' and, of course, Moon (the public) and Neptune (water.)

Russia's missing merchant ship has been found off the coast of West Africa.

Russia okayed to purchase German shipyard.

Russian officials blame Islamic militants for deadly suicide attack in Ingushetia; EU said to be miffed. ('Miffed' is my word. jc)

Kremlin's proxy policy contributes to anarchy in 'unruly' provinces.

German-Russian summit in Sochi emphasizes trade, so they say.

"Banking secrecy saves lives" according to the Prince of Liechenstein (who may have his own reasons for saying such a thing. jc)