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Showing posts with label Georgia Guidestones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia Guidestones. Show all posts

Jul 7, 2022

Horoscopes: Georgia Guidestones blown up

UPDATE July 7, 2022: Mea Culpa! the July 6, 2022 chart (outer) was calculated with 'EST' and should be 'EDT' - in too much of a hurry earlier to notice. This hour change makes the Ascendant 9Gem49 with US 1776 Uranus rising (our planet of revolution and war), plus, Aldebaran rises with the Mercury-Uranus midpoint (eccentric actions) indicating accidents, upsets, and/or organizing ability (R. Ebertin). At Midheaven is 19AQ52 with Saturn Rx @24AQ28 - Saturn, karmic planet of stones, slabs, carvings, and loss. 2022 Uranus conjunct 1980 Venus suggests unusual alliances and unpredictable events affecting relationships.

Original post begins here:

My time today is brief because there's a whole bunch going on here, so below a quick posting of the Georgia Guidestones Horoscope surrounded by the timed chart of their destruction by incendiary device. Many study notes are penned on the charts for those who are curious and if you wish more Astrology concerning 'the stones' scroll down the sidebar and type into the Search field, or simply tap or click a label under this post.

And yes, for whatever reason that's Trump's "prez bid" New Moon of June 2015 rising, 'explosion Moon' @5Lib40 conjunct his natal Neptune, and more Trumpian stuff for those who care to look. One consideration: perhaps this story gets his Grand Jury troubles in Georgia off the wire for about a nano-second:

This morning: Mysterious words on a blown-up monument says MSN.

And here's another UPDATE July 7, 2022: The time capsule said to be buried near the Guidestones since 1980 has allegedly been opened but the entire thing has proved to be a ruse!

Jun 20, 2022

A Few Notes on the Global Elite Agenda

Sometimes I Get a Little Fussy

by Jude Cowell

Okay, admittedly through the years of writing Stars Over Washington, I have fussed about globalism and dissented against the Big-Brotherish 'Agenda 21' without fully understanding what it has had in store for world populations. However, my dumble-headed lack of knowledge is due, in part, to the secrecy with which global elites prefer to hide from prying eyes their bossy plans lest we of the masses take actions that might reveal, interfere with, or delay the implementation of their 'agenda', 21 or otherwise. Timing, as they say, is everything, and de-population is at the foundation of their plan for conquest.

Then, in late 2019 into 2020 (on cue?), the coronavirus leading to the Covid-19 pestilence, was unleashed upon world populations, and not the least to suffer from the pandemic turned out to be the American people whose healthcare and hospital systems had been under assault, inadequate, and ailing for years (by design).

Plus, in the lead up to the unleashing of the deadly virus, a kleptocratic, seemingly inept 'leader' had been put into place in the White House, enabled by Russia, who proceeded to do his part by not doing his part to protect and inform the US public. Crazy "treatments" were promoted ("drink bleach," poisonous Donnie, the thespian and snake oil salesman, promoted), and ineffectual medicines such as horse de-wormer were sold to the gullible. Money was made as victims sickened and many died - and de-population was implemented on a grand and global scale bwo a pandemic that had been previously predicted and prepared for (I've heard) under the Obama administration. Of course, it was imperative that those possibly life-saving plans had to be jettisoned once the orange menace took over the Ship of State, with his natal Mars in Leo aimed directly and malevolently toward the American people.

Yet, dear reader, you don't have to be of a conspiratorial mindset to read my ramblings on this topic, but if you wonder as I do about the planetary influences that were in effect during the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from June 3 to June 14, 1992 where "Agenda 21" was the primary topic said to support "sustainability" and issues, they said, that were "too big for member states to handle," then check out the horoscopes, below; you'll note that activist Mars, the warrior planet, ended at the critical-crisis 29th-degree position that insurrectionist Mars occupied during the coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress; and as many people are sorrowfully realizing, violence is part of the de-population plan:

Now if you've read my SO'W fusses previously, you may remember that the Hegelian Dialectic form of information provided by Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad) concerning planetary pairs, is, to simple-minded me, a description of the social meddlers' tactic: creating problems so that you can "solve" them the way you intended to in the first place. This includes undermining the world's sustainability so that global government can be implemented, even clamored for, or what some would call, a 'new world order'.

This is what seems to be at the foundation of their agenda - again, call it '21' or otherwise. And to me, "sustainability" is a euphemism for 'using de-population so that there will be more resources for those who are left'. Disagree if you must, but there is a certain logic to such selfish efforts. The devilish Ayn Rand would be proud - and naturally, the sustainability and stability of America had to be undermined first along with the weakening of our country's global leadership role.

Plus, member states (aka, nation states) said to be unable to "handle" such large issues are precisely the previously used rationale for the now-ongoing implementation of global government. We've been forced onto a downward path, my friends, but it doesn't have to be as dystopian as this - that's only the Republican fascist/neo-nazi model!

And so, in case the Hegelian Dialectic information applies to this topic, here I'll quote Michael Munkasey concerning the 'nwo' Uranus-Neptune duo whose current planetary cycle began in 1993 with a new phase of "smug or strong-armed paternalism":

Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolutions or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Anti-thesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems.

To the last potential let's add, a diminished Justice System.

Besides, once again, it's a process as is everything on Planet Earth and the Big Chess Game being played over our heads involves goals that no decent, life-honoring person can possibly appreciate or want. Perhaps all the TV shows and films of a dystopian nature in the last few years are being shown in preparation for their 'Big Picture' which "commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise," (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl #ad).

And that certain course of action is -- what fascist-minded politicians and their enablers, corporate and otherwise -- have been working toward so diligently.

Pluto in Capricorn = Dictatorship: Do Not Vote For It!

Why cite this? Because it's the midpoint picture of Uranus-Neptune, that met three times all through 1993, along with transit Pluto in 2017 conjunct the 'nwo pair', revealing via Astrology what's been in process for the last several years, now activated or set in motion by the transformative, manipulative, subversive planet Pluto - during the first year of the orange blighter's regime of lawlessness perpetrated from the Oval Office with the aid of Organized Crime. Plus, the degree of the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto conflagration on or about "18 Capricorn" contains a revealing Sabian Symbol of "A British Destroyer" with the negative expression of "smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones), as noted above. Isn't this the mindset of modern-day misogynist Republican comrades of a 'macho' fascist persuasion? They use the tiresome 'divide and conqueror' tactic so that the American people fight each other instead of the saboteurs we should be fighting - because they know that 'divide and conquer' weakens the power of We The People.

So to close this fuss, here's one final note which might ruffle a few feathers: in Mundane Astrology, another hat worn by powerful Pluto can be as, The Pope. Therefore, may I remind you that various Popes have called for a 'new world economic order' during their annual New Year's Day messages? Just sayin'.

Meanwhile, if you have on-topic observations or comments to share with this post (no 'anonymous' or 'unknown' comments will be published) concerning such subjects and/or the above Earth Summit 1992 horoscopes, please leave them for moderation by yours truly. Jude

Here's a Possibly Related Post concerning global de-population and the creepy Georgia Guidestones.

And definitely related is The Roman Empire: Birthday of The New Order showing a horoscope with 18 Capricorn at Midheaven, The Goal Point.

May 27, 2022

Global Depopulation Carved in Stone?

Today I ran across a Truthsteam Media video concerning the fact that way back in 2017 Bill Gates Warned a New Bioweapon Will Wipe Out 30 Million. Now perhaps we can agree that such a bioweapon has indeed been unleashed upon humanity and, as I type, is busy reducing the global population much as was promoted in the carvings on the Georgia Guidestones which recommended a global depopulation agenda. A devilish "guide" if you ask me but then again I am, admittedly, a suspicious gal particularly when it comes to governments and world class social meddlers, many if not all of whom, are acolytes and servants of Sata*. Perhaps recent Davos Summit attendees enjoyed some good chortles over how their depopulation agenda is going (but that's only a fanciful imagining of mine, right?).

So check out the video if you dare, and note mentions of new threats to humankind such as genetic engineering and synthetic viruses. Meanwhile, shown below is my version of the March 1980 unveiling of the Georgia Guidestones near Elberton, Georgia, a few miles from my hometown of Athens, Georgia. For the sake of comparison, the March 22, 1980 unveiling horoscope set for the speculative hour of 11:00 am ("in the morning," sources say) with Mercury (sight, unveiling) at Midheaven, the WHY? Point, while a delusional Moon-Neptune opposition rises and sets. As you see, the Guidestones chart surrounds what some astrologers use as a founding chart for America with Sagittarius rising, but of course you can place the 1980 chart around any horoscope you prefer, or none if you like. Added below the image is a link to my original post concerning the unveiling of the Georgia Guidestones - caution: a hint of prophecy may be involved:

Astrology of the Georgia Guidestones.

Extra Astro-Notes: Such a karmic time we're living in, my friends! The Guidestones' 1980 Chiron @10Taurus in now eclipsed since April 30, 2022 by a 6 North Solar Eclipse with its themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'commitments due to another person being unable to carry on' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Plus, 1980 Venus @17Taurus will be eclipsed in November 2022 by a Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus, what I've termed the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse conjunct the planet of radical zealotry, Uranus. And of course, all eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and may also be called 'cosmic blinks' from Above. Disruption, fated events, and changes of direction are always involved.

For further information, check out the Georgia Guidestones' Wikipedia page.

Apr 10, 2020

Herd Immunity: Depopulation Foretold in 1980?

Can the Past Inform the Future? Let's Consult the Georgia Guidestones

by Jude Cowell

About three years ago a Steemit post appeared: The Georgia Guidestones and the Depopulation of the World which, despite its conspiracy theory implications, might actually make sense to many folks these days as the Covid-19/coronavirus contagion rages through society and Trump's apparent embrace of 'herd immunity' as a tactic. This amounts to a kind of a passive-aggressive way of "fighting" our "invisible enemy," as he calls it, and results in depopulation via 'thinning the herd' by letting the weaker citizens among us languish and die.

Now on several levels, this is a belated post for when I originally published the Horoscope of the Georgia Guidestones' dedication ceremony ("in the morning" of March 22, 1980, near Elberton, GA--I use 11:00 am since 'seeing/unveiling' Mercury in secretive Pisces is at Midheaven, the most visible point in a horoscope), the idea of depopulating the Earth of millions of people--advice listed on the Stones--seemed preposterous and certainly psychopathic. But now it's 2020 and the fact is, world "leaders" behave in psychopathic ways quite often--and with Trump it's multiple times per day. For as you know, his natal Mars rising opposes US natal Moon (We the People) so he considers the American people as little more than targets and enemies for him.

So in consideration of current events, I'm publishing here for the curious a marked-up Horoscope of the Georgia Guidestones in a bi-wheel with America's natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) in the center. No chart factors are noted - except that details of the 1980 planets as transits to the US chart are penned around the bi-wheel (please enlarge the image if you wish to read them!), plus, a few of Trump's natal planets (and his IC @25Scorpio) are listed in blue. For the most part, red = 1980, green = US natal.

So if the secretive intentions of the Georgia Guidestones for and against America and the American people are of any interest to you, consider the following transits of 1980 in light of current conditions which the suspicious among us could take as the dawning fruition of a dastardly depopulation/control plan designed by a powerful secret organization now using Spanky Trump as their figurehead 'to get the job done':

Of course, other planetary transits may be noticed as well so if you wish, leave your on-topic comments with this post. And do Share if you Dare! jc

UPDATE April 12, 2020: please see my two Comments underneath this post! jc

Jul 2, 2019

The New Living Language, Brainwaves and Babel: a Truthstream Media Report

For years Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media have produced intriguing, informative video reports investigating a wide variety of topics many of which are seldom addressed elsewhere.

The following presentation is no exception but caution: its Orwellian topics may be disturbing to the timid if there are any such among the readers of Stars Over Washington!


Related posts include: Horoscope of the Georgia Guidestones; Loss of Net Neutrality? Technocracy is the Real Threat; and, The Perils and Eclipses of 1984 Continue to Haunt.

Jul 29, 2018

Destroying the Georgia Guidestones | reallygraceful - video

Now here is an interesting video by reallygraceful concerning the mysterious Georgia Guidestones near Elberton, Georgia. Yes, Georgia is my native state yet have never ventured north to check out the monument, the so-called 'American Stonehenge." However, in 2016 I did write a post on them in which their unveiling ceremony's horoscope is shown if you'd like a view at the Guidestones' planets on the morning of March 22, 1980.

Feb 20, 2016

Water Crisis Spreads Beyond Flint – You Might Be Drinking Poison - video

Feb 20, 2016: Farron Cousins reports for Ring of Fire Radio on the prevalence of contaminated water across the United States:

As transit Neptune floats through its own sign of oceanic Pisces there are more and more stories of contamination, poisoning, contagion, and fraud along with the resulting paranoia that goes with the feeling that your government and the entities that control it are weeding out the weak and preying on the remnant via whoever is strong enough to continue standing and be exploited. Perhaps you disagree with this conclusion, but there it is.

And here is an April 2011 post concerning the Georgia Guidestones, a henge-like mystery, upon which a chilling 500,000,00 population for the entire earth is carved in granite along with other "commandments".

Apr 11, 2011

Cosmic Conflict: Orwell's '1984' still a top seller

With George Orwell's book 1984 retaining a spot on Amazon's Best Sellers list, we may safely assume that the masses are paying attention to his warnings more than ever before.

Orwell's Doublespeak abounds as government programs are named the opposite of what they actually do (Clean Air Act; No Child Left Behind), radiation from the nuclear meltdown in Japan is 'good' for us (and not harmful at all, silly gooses!), and perpetual war is "humanitarian intervention."

Apparently bombs are 'good' for us, too, as the ruling elite - the powers-that-be - continue implementation of a one-world-government and the draconian population control measures they're psychotically putting in place.

Can we read such intentions carved in stone? Yes, upon the Georgia Guidestones near Elberton, Georgia. The first 'guide', 'message', or 'commandment' is:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Obviously, to maintain such a number, the
world's population
would have to be weeded out first and it's difficult not to see current wars, radiation leaks, contagions, natural disasters which may not be totally natural at all, mutations caused by chemicals including those in plastics, genetically altered foods, and other health-impairing and death-dealing tactics as being part of an overarching agenda - more of Earth's dwindling resources for those who are left, you see.

Plus, President Obama's constant capitulation to the far right's austerity cuts
which will decimate further America's middle and lower classes may unfortunately be part of this agenda. Hate to type it for I voted for him, too. We were given no viable choice otherwise, were we?

(Note on the Guidestones: pretending to rewrite God's Ten Commandments doesn't wash with Protestant me.)

If you wish to read the other nine 'guides' on the Guidestones, and the little that is known of their secretive creation and purpose, try Radio Liberty.

The few clues about who is responsible for designing the standing stones and having them erected seem to point toward the Rosicrucians but if any reader has a better informed idea, please let me know in a Comment or by contacting me at judecowell at gmail dot com.

Apparently there are those who won't allow humankind to shake off the Utopian vision and tiresome shackles of the 18th century's Age of Reason where we'll all run around in loincloths. (Remember Bush-Cheney-mainstream media touting that Osama bin Laden wanted to send us back to the Stone Age? Guess that sandal is actually on the other foot - and it's a boot.)

Well, Age of Enlightenment my patootie! Much of what we've gotten so far from 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune has been the negative/shadow side of '18Cap'...smug or strong-armed paternalism! That doesn't sound enlightened to me, only business as usual from those in power who wish to stay in power.

As you know, in a Mundane Astrology horoscope, Uranus and Neptune volunteer to bring us good and new ideas for society. Their partnership was in the spotlight all through 1993 at their Great Conjunction/s in the 18 to 20 degree range of Capricorn. And yes, transiting Pluto will eventually plod through those degrees since Mr. Hades now lurks in the first decanate of the sign of government, law, and business - Saturn-ruled Cap.

Then as Pluto approaches the duo's Great Conjunction degrees, he begins to form what will be midpoint pictures between the three outer, generational, transformational planets in our solar system:

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: remaining at the mercy of external circumstances without attempting a firm stand; abandoning resistance; a necessity to give in; great losses; calamities and catastrophes; the Big Picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed - very little option to do

Uranus/Pluto = Neptune: deep study of a specialized subject; delving into supernatural realms; unfulfilled wishes; fatigue; neuroses; sympathy.

Neptune/Pluto = Uranus: adventurous, mystical, and supernatural experiences; peculiar discoveries.

(Ebertin; Tyl; any, all, or none may apply.)

Age of Enlightenment my patootie! Much of what we've gotten from 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune so far has been the negative/shadow side of '18Cap'...smug or strong-armed paternalism! That doesn't sound enlightened to me, only business as usual from those in power who wish to stay in power and don't care what they have to do or kill in order to keep it.

Well, it's all unsettling and depressing, I agree, and makes following a spiritual path of faith the only viable answer for keeping one's sanity. Bible reading and prayer are always great ideas, of course, or how about a Bible-based, modestly-priced book I reviewed on Amazon called Cosmic Conflict?

Because that is the higher realm underneath which we now labor on Planet Earth, the Lesson Book of the Universe. Unfallen beings on unfallen worlds are watching Earth with great and compassionate interest: how will you act under the Cosmic Microscope?


Further reading: The Ben Franklin solution for the coming age of scarcity.

Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! has just reported than 27 demonstrators were arrested Sunday (4.10.11) in front of the White House. They were asking that the death-dealing School of the Americas be shut down.


Stay tuned, for this week the Summer Solstice 2011 Horoscope set for the White House will be published here on Stars Over Washington on a need-to-know basis! jca>

Mar 14, 2011

Meltdown in Japan & New Nuclear Power Plants Coming to Georgia (USA)

You know how you return home from a weekend trip and there are zillions of things to catch up with? Well, that's my situation this morning as I read the latest info I can find on the horrendous earthquakes and ongoing nuclear catastrophe in Japan, a nation of good people for whom I pray in this, their time of great trial.

Then my terra-mail is opened and I am starkly reminded of Japan's nuclear disaster bwo the recent addition to our Georgia Power electric bills: $3.79 per month for their rammed-through legislation allowing a Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery in order to build not one but two nuclear plants in my home state. This is a pay-it-forward tax since the money has been forcibly added to Georgians' power bills as of January 2011 for future construction.

(Anti-nuke protests are now going on over the globe!)

And of course, it doesn't matter if the public (whose taxpayers' will be saddled with massive costs if there's a catastrophe) wants the worrisome nuke plants or not, or if we consider them safe to live near. Georgia's well known water supply shortages seem not to matter either - millions of gallons of cool water for future meltdowns notwithstanding. Smart planning? I think not. Especially since Georgia tends toward debilitating droughts in recent years which are difficult enough to deal with without potential radiation poisoning to worry about.

Of course, dead people aren't thirsty people, are they?

So what if our nation's antiquated power grid failed during one of Georgia's extremely hot summers? Electricity and water are needed to cool down reactors! And I'm not even considering here the threat of hacking by terrorists.

Water Water No Where

Guess we Georgians could spurn water and just drink Atlanta-based Coca-Cola (not me!) all the time "going forward" - but oops! Brewing Coke takes lots of water, too. Gotta work on that pesky getting-thirsty habit, it seems, for if it comes down to drinking water or having nuclear energy, Georgia Power's thumb on the scale has decided 'what's best' for this native Georgian. It all makes me wonder just who could possibly have thought that hot, dry Georgia was a good location for two new nuclear plants.

Uranus, Earthquakes, and Sudden Disasters: Uranus to Aries Point

For years, astrologers have been expecting big events (as well as one can 'expect' with quirky Uranus, planet of The Unexpected) as The Awakener has again crossed the Aries Point of World Manifestation in 2010 and 2011. And I'm sure we've all been hoping that Uranus to AP wouldn't come to this. Hard lessons from Japan's current nightmare and the folly of placing nuclear reactors on or near fault lines reminds me that I've never considered nuclear plants to be "safe" neighbors.

So if I thought that writing a Dear John letter to the powerful power company would help this deplorable situation, I'd write and send it along - and ask pointedly for my money back for this devilish project. Something along the lines of: nuclear power is only "safe" and "clean" until the first accident occurs, you numbskulls.

Or perhaps I should delete 'you numbskulls' for a better outcome...?

Oh well. Never mind that the state of Georgia experiences infrequent earthquakes, too (name a location that doesn't, right?) At least we're the state with the mysterious Georgia Guidestones which tout (severe) population control, among other things, and apparently was commissioned in 1979 by a stranger with the pseudonym "R.C. Christian", a Rosicrucian reference, as some (such as myself) believe.

It seems that the 'purpose' of the Guidestones (unveiled publicly on March 22, 1986, Elberton, GA) relates to our Founding Deist Thomas Paine and the religious theories he expounded in his pamphlet The Age of Reason. I say this because a carving on the Guidestones states,

"Let These Be Guidestones to An Age of Reason." Voila! The Utopians are coming for us!

Well, after hearing this weekend of the earthquakes and subsequent nuclear meltdowns in Japan, both reason and common sense tell me that building more nuclear plants when you're incapable of dealing with the refuse of the ones you have - and building them on or near fault lines - is self-destructive madness and as such, is not reasonable in the least.


For similar topics, you may wish to check out an intriguing reciprocal transit in 2006 which occurred within the natal horoscope of Thomas Paine. As you know, 2006 was the year that US natal Mars turned retrograde by progression. Paine's reciprocal transit is: Sun to Chiron and Chiron to Sun - simultaneously! Read chart details, or skip the text and view a dual chart image here, if you wish, for his Sun/Chiron synchronicity in May 2006 is quite amazing to see!

Another previous post which unfortunately relates to today's topic of nuclear plants is the Chernobyl meltdown of 1986 (chart details are included.)

And here is a post containing the Horoscope of Chernobyl with a few notes on the Atom Split chart and its Secondary Progressions.

You may remember that in August 2010, 500 wildfires were approaching the Chernobyl site yet I heard nothing of the outcome of that additional health threat. (Yes, all nuclear catastrophes - and bombings - sound precisely like the Scriptures' abomination of desolation prophecy to me. The Atomic Split irreparably broke a natural law, and sad to say, America was in the forefront of unleashing such horror upon the Japan.)

Well, if you're fatigued with state propaganda on such important topics, check out Democracy Now!'s coverage of the ongoing nuclear catastrophe to gain a clearer idea of what's really going on in Japan.