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Showing posts with label 5G control grid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5G control grid. Show all posts

May 16, 2020

US Government & the Fed in Blind Panic (w/ Richard Wolff)

May 16, 2020: Here's an informative May 15th segment from the Thom Hartmann program with economics Professor Richard Wolff concerning the Fed and economic panic:

So! Translating this Federal Reserve topic into astrologese, remember when we discussed how the Great Conjunction of karmic loss-leaders Saturn and Pluto in January 2020 'hit' the 1910 Uranus of the Fed? And of course, astrological Uranus represents potentials for lightening bolts, shocks, disruptions, separations, revolt, radical political activists, reactionaries (ex: the GOP), Utopian zealots, visionary ideals and such.

But it's the midpoint picture formed by transit Saturn-Pluto 2020 conjunct the Fed's Uranus (based on the secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia December 1, 1910) that reveals the massive long-standing corporate agenda that more folks than ever are aware of by now 'thanks' to the current pandemic with its quarantine conditions, feelings of dread at what's being done behind our backs, and the resulting economic panic:

2020 Saturn-Pluto = 1910 Uranus: "Brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack regardless of potential losses" (Tyl). Social tinkerers needed something global, brutal, and completely irreversible to interfere with and stop society so that we'd all say in unison, Oh please establish a one world government to rescue us! And complete the 5G control grid while you're at it for we'll gladly trade privacy for 'security'! (Add: like the gullible fools most of us have turned out to be.)

Can the objectives of 'the powers that think they be' be any clearer?

Jun 23, 2019

July 2019 Eclipse hits 'Berlin Wall Falls' Horoscope

On the topic of new and old orders falling, being built, and morphing into the next, here is the timed horoscope (via news report; RR: A) of the Fall of the Berlin Wall November 9, 1989 where we see Jupiter Rx exalted in Cancer and rising and, it turns out, awaiting its 'eclipse' which occurs on July 2, 2019 in the form of the 3 North Solar Eclipse @10Can37 (chart set for DC, not Berlin); please enlarge the image since my study notes are penned on the chart and will not be repeated in this text:

The horoscope of this global event, a major signpost along the dusty trail toward the draconian 'New World Order' (which some say is actually the 5G 'Smart' Grid), reveals a variety of cosmic time links to planets, conjunctions, and lunations within the 2019--2022 period and I believe that this is partially because those in charge (lurkers behind the curtain--'presidents' and politicians are mere figureheads) use--have always used--occult methods such as Astrology to time their devilish activities. You may disagree but there it is.

Naturally, with the sign Cancer involved, plus, the planet Jupiter, financial implications or complications are suggested by the July 2 Eclipse and by the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (@24Cap04--near US natal Pluto and opposing US natal Mercury--security, surveillance concerns and/or spying scandals exposed? Even Cancerian food supplies may be affected).

So which planets in Mundane Astrology are associated with old and new orders?

We can point to Saturn (old; the past) and Uranus (new; the future) and consult their 45-year cycle for timing purposes. Their current cycle began when they last conjoined three times, all in 1988: February 13 @29Sag55, June 26 @28Sag47, and October 18 @27Sag49 during the presidency of Ronald Reagan who, among other things, signed a trade agreement with Canada in 1988, if memory serves. And of course, on November 8, 1988, George H. W. Bush was (s)elected president and continued to experience some measure of fall-out from his Iran-Contra role, hidden as it was intended to be. Meanwhile, karmic Saturn went on to meet with Neptune in Capricorn three times in 1989 (@10-12Cap). Yet for our topic today--years 2019--2022--we should note that the next Saturn-Uranus Conjunction won't perfect until June 28, 2032 @28Gem01, opposite their 1988 meet-ups.

Therefore, I'm 'calling it' for the two societal planets as timer--Jupiter and Saturn, for their conjunctions relate to the beginnings of new social, financial, religious, and political orders which endure for about 20 years, with the current cycle in force since May 28, 2000 (@22Tau43). So in case you haven't seen it, here's a DC Horoscope of the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction at Winter Solstice which conjoins and activates America's POTUS Sun degree (00AQ+) on December 21, 2020, just in time for Inauguration 2021.

A prominent midpoint picture will form--Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Solar Arcs, Tyl).

Related: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021.