Dec 22, 2016: GOP 'Repeal ACA' Motive Revealed to Be - Money!
Republicans have never been completely honest or open about their desire to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare), but a new study by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center reveals that repealing the law will result in massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and raise taxes for many others.
The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains the Republicans' obsession with taking away the health care insurance of millions of Americans:
Yes, most politicians do love their money even though 'the root of all evil' is the love of it!
July 4, 1776: money planet Jupiter @6Cancer = Sabian Symbol "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests," the present-day priority of Washington DC politicians, their enablers, and puppet masters. Now who honestly thinks gold-worshiping game bird Donald Trump will be an improvement?
The United States of America: the most lucrative cash cow of a nation there ever was!