May 10, 2021: Here are Thom Hartmann and author and advocate for health insurance payment reform Wendell Potter:
Tweet at Thom as you wish @Thom_Hartmann, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
May 10, 2021: Here are Thom Hartmann and author and advocate for health insurance payment reform Wendell Potter:
Tweet at Thom as you wish @Thom_Hartmann
Sept 26, 2017: an excerpt from today's Thom Hartmann broadcast with a question that seems more appropriate each day:
For years Stars Over Washington and other blogs and sites have featured warnings about such potentials. Here are eight posts closely related to the topics discussed by Thom Hartmann in the video excerpt, above:
Hitler's Progressed New Moon Exact: February 24, 2017: Is It Fair to Compare Trump to Hitler?
The Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse February 24, 1933 (chart shown).
At least two planetary returns stimulated the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse horoscope since Mr. Trump slithered on to the political scene--during his 2016 campaign, in fact, and both planets are prominent in the natal chart of Mr. Mars Rising: Violent Protests as Rebel Uranus Returns to its Fascist Solar Eclipse Degree and Jupiter in Virgo Now Triggers the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933: If Not Nominated Candidate Trump Signals Riots for RNC 2016.
Major General Smedley Butler and the Fascist Take-Over of the US - video w/ Eclipses.
Remembering Henry A. Wallace: Our Mystic Vice President.
National Journal: The Rise of Dark Money and the Koch Party.
The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump (Berlin's parliament building set ablaze under the influence of the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse).
Here's the latest post by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes which first appeared on his Left Wing Astrology blog:
The GOP Health Care Bill - Why Health Care Should Be Singlepayer
One of the main focuses this summer has been the attempted repeal of Obamacare by the GOP. The current bill would leave millions of people uninsured if it passes, but the biggest eye opener is that Congress would be exempt from the bill if it passes. In what way is Congress making laws that don't apply to them acceptable? While I've been critical of Obamacare in the past, mainly because it's a ponzi scheme to make health care providers richer through a mandate and increased prices, uninsuring millions of Americans is not the answer, as it is only a return to the outdated status quo.
The Answer? Single Payer Healthcare
As I have mentioned before, the country and everyone in it has been under the influence of Neptune in Pisces since April 2011 (the kids born with Neptune in Pisces will have this influence for the rest of their lives). This is significant since Neptune is in its own sign, and both Neptune and the sign of Pisces rule compassion and sacrifice. Therefore, it is no coincidence that since 2011, there's been a push for our elected officials to be more compassionate, and sacrificing their own status (which will be a fight, as many congress members and president Donald Trump have Pluto in Leo, the sign that rules status and royalty) for the betterment of all.
After all, it doesn't make sense to have to pay money to be healthy, as that should be a right when you think about it long and hard. Single payer health care, through a Medicare expansion, would have everyone in the country insured. So why is it such a bad idea to the GOP? Because it's "socialist"? The current system, designed to make the rich richer and the country dependent on warfare, has the country trillions of dollars in debt and another economic collapse will likely happen in the next few years. With the middle class declining rapidly and the country being close to another revolution (the US Pluto return will happen in March 2022), change is needed that will ensure a better quality of life for all Americans without being enslaved to the system, and single payer health care (along with Universal Basic Income) will be a change that will provide that.
The better question is: WHY are we so scared of that? Change is good sometimes, and this time it's necessary considering the current Pluto in Capricorn (which rules government, institutions, and big business) and Neptune in Pisces transits, as well as the Uranus in Taurus (which rules money and material possessions) transit that will start next year. With the transformer (Pluto) and the planet of unexpected change and rebellion (Uranus) in the two most materialistic signs, and Neptune, the planet of compassion and sacrifice, in its own sign, the outdated status quo that is not in humanity's best interests cannot continue, and the sooner it changes, the less chaotic it will be.
NASA image: Neptune
Pluto, Ceres, Chiron, America, and the 2017 Solar Eclipses in Pisces and Leo
by Jude Cowell
Since the early days of Stars Over Washington (2005) my attention has sometimes been drawn to a certain trio: power planet of domination, Pluto (27Cap Rx), security-minded nurturer Ceres, and wounder/wounded healer, mentor, and blind spot, Chiron (20Aries) in America's July 4, 1776 natal horoscope. As you know, the midpoint of the Pluto-Chiron duo in society can be associated with plutocrats, Plutocracy, and the consequences they engender such as exploitation, oppression, various -isms, and primal violence, among others.
Need any plutocrats? America's got plenty to share!
Now it seems to me that Election 2016 preceded by the 2016 Campaign of Insults brought us to the ill-attended Inauguration 2017 oath-taking and presidential theater, dahlink which heralded the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12, the degree of America's Pluto-Chiron midpoint and her natal Ceres so that they are activated or triggered to express. The natal midpoint and asteroid were simultaneously eclipsed.
Now I'm no numerologist so these triple digits hold no particular place in my thinking about such matters other than astrologically--8th house, 8th sign, 6th house (8 + 8 + 8 = 24 = 6), 6th sign so naturally health concerns are involved through Virgo and Scorpio. Note that the mid-degree of Scorpio is the Point of Regeneration (15Sco), aka, the Eagle Point. Therefore, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto influence the proceedings via their sign rulerships, and of course, Pluto, Mars, and sign Scorpio relate to such medical issues as surgeries, surgical tools, scientific research, medical personnel, and more. Mental planet Mercury represents the knowledge to treat, operate, and cure, and adds health insurance into the mix.
These health topics and issues shown by Pluto, Chiron, and Ceres make timely descriptors of the current 'debate' in the news concerning the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (aka, ACA or 'Obamacare' turned 'Trumpcare') with something wonderful!. Puh! Recklessly, the GOP's knife points toward Medicare as well which I consider to come under the oppressive primal violence tendencies of Pluto-Chiron while our caring Ceres in compassionate Pisces takes a break with the Republicans at the helm.
Another potential is that food and food contamination, false product information, 'Frankenstein' GM foods, adulteration, etc, come under the banner of Pluto-Ceres, and Pluto-Chiron, too. The EPA's poison control and other departments are in process of being severely restricted or closed down by the GOP to one degree or another. Ask me in about a year when Congress and the Trump administration will have done as much damage as their cold, perfidious hearts can manage. The congressional enablers in Congress follow a be-shadowed 'austerity agenda' for the 99% and produce legal-sounding documents and the papers for Trump to blindly sign with a flourish.
Trump Land is a blighted land and the EPA and the protection of clean water are now under threat (not that there aren't waste, fraud, and abuse issues in this and other government agencies).
Actually, The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 at a critical-crisis 29th degree is a cosmic repeat performance of the Prenatal Eclipse of the Clean Air Act of 1963 so environmental topics and problems will continue to pop up everywhere and will not be denied under the Act's own revealing solar eclipse in the egocentric sign of leadership, royal Leo, part of the 1 North Saros Series which last manifested on August 11, 1999. The August 2017 Solar Eclipse across America will be personalized for Donald Trump since his natal Ascendant and Regulus rising (and by association if not degree, his aggressive, litigious Mars Rising) are 'hit' or somehow stimulated or activated by the eclipse.
And so this August, the great eclipse's cosmic blink winks at Don Don. He is, in the role of US president, quite unbelievable, isn't he? But not in a good way. "People come to him," said Kellyanne Conway recently and it sounded more than a little mafia 'donnish' as if "for favors" should have been the end of her sentence. Maybe Conway's remark sounded that way because this is a pay-to-play White House under Trump's extensive ballast and gold-hoarding hands.
However, this is also a non-mandated administration of a nude emperor, folks! Highly unpopular legislation awaits enforcement, let the blighting increase! But will the governed remind the compromised 'governors' of their true responsibilities to The People, whether said 'leaders' are acting from within a state of blackmail, bribery, and intimidation...or not?
On a happier if similar note, I'll hush and embed a link to an article I discovered just today written by Shirley Soffer. It's a revealing look at the deeper levels of Pluto and Ceres and I suspect you'll want to check it out if you haven't already!
Further Reading: Monday March 20, 2017 - Spring hits! even in our compromised, infiltrated, infested, toxic capital of Washington DC (horoscope shown) with its weather-damaged cherry blossoms this year...clearly a Thanks Trump situation.
Above photo of the Jefferson Memorial and (previous) Cherry Blossoms: By Staff Sgt. Christopher Reese, USMC [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Dec 22, 2016: GOP 'Repeal ACA' Motive Revealed to Be - Money!
Republicans have never been completely honest or open about their desire to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare), but a new study by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center reveals that repealing the law will result in massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and raise taxes for many others.
The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains the Republicans' obsession with taking away the health care insurance of millions of Americans:
Yes, most politicians do love their money even though 'the root of all evil' is the love of it!
July 4, 1776: money planet Jupiter @6Cancer = Sabian Symbol "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests," the present-day priority of Washington DC politicians, their enablers, and puppet masters. Now who honestly thinks gold-worshiping game bird Donald Trump will be an improvement?
The United States of America: the most lucrative cash cow of a nation there ever was!
In March 2010, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama while transit Neptune sat upon America's natal Moon in Aquarius, aka, We the People, and the Great Conjunction/s of the inflationary/speculator/wastrel pair, Jupiter and Neptune, had sprinkled dreamy fairy dust over our Moon and hearts all through 2009, Mr. Obama's first year in office. Little sense of reality prevailed and big promises were made and believed by the more gullible among us.
Nowadays, reality continues to hide beneath the waves of deceptive Neptune strong in its own murky sign of Pisces as Mr. Trump readies his administration and enjoys his own Jupiter Return/s to its natal position of 17 Libra. And yes, the delusional Jupiter-Neptune imprint applies to Trump's first term in office as well since the next Great Conjunction doesn't occur until *Saturn and Pluto meet @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020:
For more progressive reports and commentary visit Thom Hartmann.
Read the 2012 SCOTUS decision on the ACA.
As you know, when astrological Neptune is associated with health issues a wrong diagnosis can be the result. Let's hope for the sake of all Americans that Mr. Trump, Tom Price, and other administration officials determined to repeal and/or reform the ACA give us a new and improved prescription for what ails us.
*We remain under the influence of the last Saturn-Pluto conjunction which perfected once @27Lib36 on November 8, 1982 during the first term of the Reagan administration. Air sign Libra was about ideas and ideology; their next conjunction in 2020 in pragmatic Earth will be about consolidation and bringing to fruition a draconian ideology which will soon be cavorting about the Rose Garden like little nazi fairies. But I doubt they'll look like this:
The Following fuss is a re-publish from *Jude's Threshold a while back and it must have been written when I was in a definite snit of miffdom over something; a few edits have been done:
Is the Health Care Reform debate 1993 revisited?
Sometimes history repeats like reflux, thanks to Washington politicians using the same anti-societal tactics that worked for them before. Often it's more like a rhyme but with different or new components and my suspicion is that these days, the ruling class' contempt for the masses--individually or clumped together--has grown, not diminished.
Here and elsewhere I have complained that 2009’s Health Care Reform bill (ACA) is being opposed if only to undermine a Democratic White House, and I wasn’t even considering Republican actions and the factions of 1993. Was I wrong?
Never mind that Democrats have a mandate from We the People, many of whom need relief from a costly run-away health care system that intends only bankruptcy for you if you should find yourself in a bind. For in Darwinian America of the New Millennium, you have to be fit to survive, otherwise it’s buh-bye, see ya wouldn’t wanna be ya.
Maybe we need a dose of that oft-touted “compassionate conservatism” we once heard so much about. That and ten dollars might get you a fluffed-up pillow in a sparsely-appointed emergency room somewhere in America.
Meanwhile, Washington pols work tirelessly to protect corporate profits and keep their own stock portfolios fluffed up with med and pharmaceutical returns while insurance companies chortle on their way to open their next offshore account.
Meanwhile, Beltway Brigands give the old “fox guarding the henhouse” truism fresh meaning with every secret deal they make at our expense, every bribe they take, every fraud they make.
Now I ask you: if a loved one suffers and dies for lack of treatment based on an insurance company's concerns for their bottom line, would you really care which party inhabits the White House – or whose prospects are better for the next election?
This fussy snit was written by yours truly, Jude Cowell, typing at you from North Atlanta in the Kennesaw Mountain area. Okay, I take back all the mean things I've typed about the City of Atlanta, let bygones be so. I'll leave Atl alone and hope that it will leave me alone. jc
Notice: one of my other blogs *Jude's Threshold will be sleeping with the dodo birds on or about October 11, 2016 so if you think you might want to read anything thereupon, please sashay over when you can. Articles include: Dracula's Natal Chart, Cleopatra's Natal Chart, Saturn and the Moon's South Node, the Wedding Day Astrology of Bill and Hill (and one on Chelsea and Mark), and more, plus, wonderful re-blogged articles by my favorite online authors and researchers!
And please note that some of my previous Jude's Threshold articles shall appear on my latest blog Jude Cowell Astrology so drop in at your leisure.
As the senator speaks on issues affecting all Americans, you may hear vibes of Bernie Sanders' Sun in Virgo (sign of health and dedicated work) and Moon in activist Aries (I Am the People)!
A Smidgeon of Astrology
Related: Social Democracy Is 100% American (video), and Bernie Sanders' Sun Virgo-Moon Aries personality blend. Unconsciously I neglected to add that his natal Sun is veiled by America's natal Neptune (22Virgo) which negatively can denote that the public can't see clearly who or what he really is. On another level it can indicate the large audiences (Neptune) he's commanding during the 2016 campaign with Neptune (the masses, the media, photography, films, illusion) clouding or glamorizing his image and/or possibly hiding what his goal actually is (Sun)--or more simply, he shines (is popular) with the public.
How can his motives and purpose be obscure, suspicious astrologer, you ask? It can be if Senator Sanders is running for president in order to be a mouthpiece--to express the frustration so many Americans feel and think about government--while those in charge of counting the votes have no intention of allowing a Social Democrat in the Oval Office--unless he can be used for their purposes to rally the masses into Marxism.
And given current events such as the big 'climate change' summit in Paris this week and the steady dribble of US soldiers now being sent back to Iraq and elsewhere, I wonder how many of us realize that we're seeing before our eyes (though propagandized as something other than what it is) the waging of a World War meant to take charge of the entire planet? Masses of the homeless forced to shift across the globe, hunger that doesn't have to be the case--population control measures are being perfected based on past efforts.
Now I know that more and more people are realizing that the engineered East vs West conflict is more than Washington is tellin' us as of yet and maybe the rest of us will wake up once the 19 North Solar Eclipse manifests on September 1, 2016 @9Virgo with its themes of realism, coming down to earth, tackling the truth, and becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is (Brady.) Lied into war is an old situation, isn't it? Aggressors pretending it's the other guy, not us is a tiresome tactic old as the hills, agreed? Wonder if the power elite and their bosses know how transparent their draconian plans have become? Or is the transparency only part of their fear mongering? Such thespian classes politicians must take!
Plus, as you see by the date of the 2016 eclipse, it is the Pre-Natal Saros Series of both Election 2016 (Nov) and of Inauguration 2017 (Jan) which means that its themes will affect both events including the first term or duration of the new presidency (and the second term if there should be one.) Maybe this means that a "truth teller" will somehow land in the White House! Well, at this point "truth teller" seems to refer to either Bernie's mostly unvarnished truth--or Donald's Mercurial-Neptunian flights of fancy mixed with his stark opinions of the stream-of-consciousness variety.
October 23, 2015: a range of topics are covered in the following Corbett Report-Media Monarchy discussion including: medical and recreational marijuana and President Obama's recent visit to West Virginia, government requests for DNA files of ancestry dot com and 123 dot com customers for a DNA database, and the lawsuit against DuPont Chemical concerning river contamination with PFOA, the cancer-causing agent in Teflon which apparently is no longer used in the US but is found in every American's bloodstream:
Astrologically we look to poisonous Neptune now floating through its own sign of oceanic Pisces as an influence on above topics involving chemicals, toxins, water, drugs, contagion and infections (health), and the urge to merge and find out info on one's past generations via cells, heredity, and DNA. Of course, DuPont's shady, fraudulent behavior is part of the Neptunian picture along with various states of paranoia which are often justified when corporations are involved..
Another Neptunian condition is that in March 2010 President Obama signed the ACA ('Obamacare') with fraudulent, networking, web-casting, veil-throwing Neptune Conjunct US natal Moon (We the People) and one of my early concerns was that everyone's DNAwould thereby be made available to and owned by the US government. It seems that my paranoia about that concern has become a reality.
Related: a video of President Obama this year as he Marked the Five-Year Anniversary of the ACA.