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Showing posts with label Agenda 21. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agenda 21. Show all posts

Jun 20, 2022

A Few Notes on the Global Elite Agenda

Sometimes I Get a Little Fussy

by Jude Cowell

Okay, admittedly through the years of writing Stars Over Washington, I have fussed about globalism and dissented against the Big-Brotherish 'Agenda 21' without fully understanding what it has had in store for world populations. However, my dumble-headed lack of knowledge is due, in part, to the secrecy with which global elites prefer to hide from prying eyes their bossy plans lest we of the masses take actions that might reveal, interfere with, or delay the implementation of their 'agenda', 21 or otherwise. Timing, as they say, is everything, and de-population is at the foundation of their plan for conquest.

Then, in late 2019 into 2020 (on cue?), the coronavirus leading to the Covid-19 pestilence, was unleashed upon world populations, and not the least to suffer from the pandemic turned out to be the American people whose healthcare and hospital systems had been under assault, inadequate, and ailing for years (by design).

Plus, in the lead up to the unleashing of the deadly virus, a kleptocratic, seemingly inept 'leader' had been put into place in the White House, enabled by Russia, who proceeded to do his part by not doing his part to protect and inform the US public. Crazy "treatments" were promoted ("drink bleach," poisonous Donnie, the thespian and snake oil salesman, promoted), and ineffectual medicines such as horse de-wormer were sold to the gullible. Money was made as victims sickened and many died - and de-population was implemented on a grand and global scale bwo a pandemic that had been previously predicted and prepared for (I've heard) under the Obama administration. Of course, it was imperative that those possibly life-saving plans had to be jettisoned once the orange menace took over the Ship of State, with his natal Mars in Leo aimed directly and malevolently toward the American people.

Yet, dear reader, you don't have to be of a conspiratorial mindset to read my ramblings on this topic, but if you wonder as I do about the planetary influences that were in effect during the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from June 3 to June 14, 1992 where "Agenda 21" was the primary topic said to support "sustainability" and issues, they said, that were "too big for member states to handle," then check out the horoscopes, below; you'll note that activist Mars, the warrior planet, ended at the critical-crisis 29th-degree position that insurrectionist Mars occupied during the coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress; and as many people are sorrowfully realizing, violence is part of the de-population plan:

Now if you've read my SO'W fusses previously, you may remember that the Hegelian Dialectic form of information provided by Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad) concerning planetary pairs, is, to simple-minded me, a description of the social meddlers' tactic: creating problems so that you can "solve" them the way you intended to in the first place. This includes undermining the world's sustainability so that global government can be implemented, even clamored for, or what some would call, a 'new world order'.

This is what seems to be at the foundation of their agenda - again, call it '21' or otherwise. And to me, "sustainability" is a euphemism for 'using de-population so that there will be more resources for those who are left'. Disagree if you must, but there is a certain logic to such selfish efforts. The devilish Ayn Rand would be proud - and naturally, the sustainability and stability of America had to be undermined first along with the weakening of our country's global leadership role.

Plus, member states (aka, nation states) said to be unable to "handle" such large issues are precisely the previously used rationale for the now-ongoing implementation of global government. We've been forced onto a downward path, my friends, but it doesn't have to be as dystopian as this - that's only the Republican fascist/neo-nazi model!

And so, in case the Hegelian Dialectic information applies to this topic, here I'll quote Michael Munkasey concerning the 'nwo' Uranus-Neptune duo whose current planetary cycle began in 1993 with a new phase of "smug or strong-armed paternalism":

Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolutions or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Anti-thesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems.

To the last potential let's add, a diminished Justice System.

Besides, once again, it's a process as is everything on Planet Earth and the Big Chess Game being played over our heads involves goals that no decent, life-honoring person can possibly appreciate or want. Perhaps all the TV shows and films of a dystopian nature in the last few years are being shown in preparation for their 'Big Picture' which "commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise," (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl #ad).

And that certain course of action is -- what fascist-minded politicians and their enablers, corporate and otherwise -- have been working toward so diligently.

Pluto in Capricorn = Dictatorship: Do Not Vote For It!

Why cite this? Because it's the midpoint picture of Uranus-Neptune, that met three times all through 1993, along with transit Pluto in 2017 conjunct the 'nwo pair', revealing via Astrology what's been in process for the last several years, now activated or set in motion by the transformative, manipulative, subversive planet Pluto - during the first year of the orange blighter's regime of lawlessness perpetrated from the Oval Office with the aid of Organized Crime. Plus, the degree of the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto conflagration on or about "18 Capricorn" contains a revealing Sabian Symbol of "A British Destroyer" with the negative expression of "smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones), as noted above. Isn't this the mindset of modern-day misogynist Republican comrades of a 'macho' fascist persuasion? They use the tiresome 'divide and conqueror' tactic so that the American people fight each other instead of the saboteurs we should be fighting - because they know that 'divide and conquer' weakens the power of We The People.

So to close this fuss, here's one final note which might ruffle a few feathers: in Mundane Astrology, another hat worn by powerful Pluto can be as, The Pope. Therefore, may I remind you that various Popes have called for a 'new world economic order' during their annual New Year's Day messages? Just sayin'.

Meanwhile, if you have on-topic observations or comments to share with this post (no 'anonymous' or 'unknown' comments will be published) concerning such subjects and/or the above Earth Summit 1992 horoscopes, please leave them for moderation by yours truly. Jude

Here's a Possibly Related Post concerning global de-population and the creepy Georgia Guidestones.

And definitely related is The Roman Empire: Birthday of The New Order showing a horoscope with 18 Capricorn at Midheaven, The Goal Point.

Sep 30, 2020

But Is It Better Than a Dictator Trump?

"Shove America toward fascism and the American people will turn and run toward whatever 'new order' the corporate global syndicate has in store."

-Jude Cowell

September 30, 2020 10:45 am edt

In Astrology (as used here on SO'W):

Cupido = Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate.

Neptune-Pluto = Organized Crime; The Underworld; criminal enterprises; the supernatural; illusory tricks; plans for mutual destruction; mass medical or social care.

Uranus-Neptune: the 'new world order' duo; Utopian zealotry; subversive political movements; changes in political and social structures; groups formed to exploit oil or chemical resources; contacts with foreign countries; peculiar psychic states; strange inclinations; elimination of the waking consciousness; mysticism; inner illumination and enlightenment; idealism; wrong ideas.

After some years of build up, with Trump in 2017 came transit Pluto activating the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune @18Capricorn and completing a midpoint picture that describes figurehead Trump's and his fellow saboteurs' imperative to collapse America:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl).

And when you owe millions of dollars to foreign countries and dictators as does serial bankrupt asset Donald Trump, your choice to follow treasonous orders against America is really no choice at all.

'18 Capricorn' in Sabian Symbols:

"The Union Jack Flies From a British Warship: Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers" (Rudhyar).

"The Union Jack: SUPERVISION; positive expression: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches; negative expression (unconscious; shadow side--jc): smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones).

Hmmm. Looks as if America's 'Mother Country' might know more than she's telling about our current predicament. Or should we say The City of London, the financial district founded by the Romans?

Related and in store: Davos 'Re-Set Agenda' Forum Moves to Summer 2021.

Above image: the Rothschild coat-of-arms

Aug 3, 2010

Agenda 21, Climate Change, & David de Rothschild (video)

Plus, the word I left out of the title of this post: plastics.

Remember the (de) Rothschild Family has helped fund and stir up most if not all of the wars and revolutions the world has seen for centuries (whatever costs weren't charged to the American taxpayer.) And that's not counting the plastics coup or periodically engineered financial collapses that benefit those in the know and beggar the rest.

Now Agenda 21, the UN global initiative? If you're unfamiliar with it since the New Millennium, you shouldn't be - just look around you!

Let us remember Seattle November 20, 1999 when people from many nations joined the protesters against Stealth Government creating a global constitution (WHO, IMF, and the World Bank.) Their Seattle cabal was successfully disrupted by 3 days of protests but the power elite have learned how to secrete their planning shenanigans better since then.

Within recent memory are the protests at the G20 in Toronto in June, 2010 which showed the Canadian police acting in even more of a strong-armed way as Seattle police toward protesters (who are always seeded with false flag operatives who smash windows, etc, to confuse public opinion and divide the protesters' solidarity.)

Now a thunderboomer has arrived, shutting down for now because I possess a healthy respect for lightening.