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Showing posts with label Bilderberg Group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bilderberg Group. Show all posts

Jun 13, 2010

Video report from Bilderberg Meeting in Spain June 2010

The Guardian's Charlie Skelton is interviewed from Sitges, Spain where the Bilderberg Cabal 2010 wrapped up a few days ago. Skelton is one of few journalists who have attempted to attend these affairs previously and seems to me to use words such as 'silly' quite a lot when he reports on this secretive organization of movers and shakers.

Question is, what are they preparing to shake? And can we move out of the way in time?

Actually, the euro is said to have been their main topic of discussion this year but for me it's the same as with all Politics: no matter what is being strongly promoted - or how diversionary it is - we can be fairly certain that it isn't the real deal we should be keeping a close eye upon.

And when things the power elite have rushed to 'save' or 'rescue' fail anyway, we can be fairly certain it was meant to fail. Yes, they are only human but you can't expect such bloodlines to admit to embarrassing infallibility when lesser mortals come a-knockin' for answers.

Can you even imagine that the April 20 BP Oil Catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico - the blowout, the spill, the sabotage, whatever - was not a topic of discussion amongst the elite throng gathered in luxury at the swanky Dolce Hotel?

After all, the entire world was talking about it! With our collective attention diverted from ____?____.

Image: Path to Blue Tree Castle.

Jun 8, 2010

Bilderbergs, Obama, and the creating of kings

Here's a round-up of Bilderberg info with lots of links to follow, a video to watch, and the final list of this years' attendees in Sitges, Spain June 3 - 6, 2010.

There's mention of the secret meeting between then-candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with the Bilderbergers in Chantilly, Virginia (not "in DC" as stated in the round-up - I mention so you'll know for certain which meeting is meant) which is when and where I think Mr. Obama was given the go-ahead as Democratic nominee (and winner of the White House shilling job; McCain and Palin were ridiculous fakes!)

This was the one where Robert Gibbs attempted to keep reporters on the Obama campaign plane happy with being locked inside the airplane while Mr. Obama had been whisked away to meet with some of his bosses who were cabaling in Chantilly.

Now if you're still uncertain that the Bilderberg Group creates 'kings' and determines global policies for the year ahead, please read the article, watch the video, and follow some or all of the links. For when a former Nato Secretary General confirms Bilderberg involvement in directing the world, perhaps it's worth considering as plausible.

As for the Astrology of it, I'm quite okay with using the midpoint Pluto/Chiron to represent plutocrats such as the Bilderberg Group. And on Jan 20, 2009, at noon, Capitol Building, the Pluto/Chiron midpoint was at Midheaven, the Goal Point of the chart and it was in good company - President Obama's Saturn (authority) in Capricorn (government, law, politics) was there as well with the Sun and Mercury Rx 00AQ+ conjunct Mr. Obama's natal's a mixed bag of potentials...

Jupiter/Saturn = Mc: thinking with grandeur; new outlooks for personal refinement and growth; the philosopher; fluctuating success; changes; losses.


Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey.

Jun 4, 2010

Horoscope of the Bilderberg Cabal June 3 - 7, 2010

Bilderberg Group meets June 3 - 7, 2010, in Sitges, Spain, at the Dolce Hotel (gentle?); all charts shown are speculative and are set for Barcelona some 12 miles away.

Update June 5: here's Charlie Skelton reporting from the Dolce Hotel!

Plus, here's a link to some 'Bilderbergs outed' videos you may be interested in watching (recommended.) I nabbed the link from an astute reader's comment left with this post (see below) and it's a doozy.

Original post continues here:

Here you see dual charts starting with the earliest imaginable time and date for the 2010 Bilderberg cabal in Spain to begin: June 3 @ 12:00 am CEDT, lower left; the chart, upper right is for June 7 11:59:59 pm which should include the entire misguided affair. (My intuition is that most of the global population don't want what the cabalists are cookin'. Do you?)

Let me say that one of the group's main objectives, imho (after studying the As Above, So Below planetary alignments which even the power elite cannot hide from the common folk - so we're having a sneak peek), is to create the bureaucratic structure for the world government they have in mind, and which will supposedly be created to find solutions for the world's dire problems.

These, however, as the very problems the power elite have created themselves in order to have meetings such as these where the destiny of the world is, they think, being held in their hands, the grasping claws of the select few; some attendees are their mere minions, shills, pawns, dupes, operatives, or hostages.

Considering our dire times, perhaps I should add that my personal belief is that our Creator is the One in charge, not the ritzy Rothschilds, Rockefellers, or their royal cousins. But mankind is always capable of making things worse or better, isn't he/she? And to paraphrase FDR, the 'test of our progress' is how we treat the underdogs in our society, not how much we kow-tow to the wealthy.

Well, there will be a lot of kow-towing going on this weekend in Sitges, Spain, and much hand-wringing over finances as we would expect considering the corruption, fraud, and embezzlement in every nation. Collapsing governments is a large part of the NWO scenario, too, and their agenda seems to be on track. Guess there will be a few congratulations going around the Knights' table as well for those following the NWO script (Japan's PM recently stepped out of line mouthily and you see what happened there.)

My intention in posting the dual charts is primarily to see the changes: the signs and degrees of the faster moving bodies with the Moon being quickest, of course, and a good timer. The full chart pictured below is timed by the Moon's hook up with Jupiter and Uranus at AP.

Sun 12Gem15 begins @ US natal DESC (Sibly chart 5:10 pm LMT) and Luna 20AQ21 will complete a Lunar Return for the US a few hours after this chart for 12:00 am, if you use the Sibly Moon 27AQ10.

During the conference, the Moon will pass through one of the zones of The Grand Irrationality, a phrase which to me well describes the flawed thinking of these arrogant cabalists.

No matter their topics of discussion or the outcomes from this current Bilderbergianism, the world sees this particular group of individuals as extremely wealthy and the global economy as 'missing' trillions of dollars now, so...wonder who's hoarding your next mortgage payment money? The masses? Or the cabalists?

On June 7 at midnight, Sun reaches 17Gem02 which conjoins the degree of the rare Venus Transit which perfected the weekend of the June 6, 2004 G-8 Summit on Sea Island, GA, about 5 hours down the road from here. Interesting in view of the Bilderberg meeting is the Sabian Symbol for this degree, '18Gem' = "Two Chinese Men Talking in a Western Crowd."

If you're interested, here are a few brief details on the astrological meaning of Venus Transits in charts such as these.

Lots of martian energy here with the AP rendezvous of expansive Jupiter, lady Moon, and radical Uranus triggering and emphasizing world stage activities:

Chart shown: Horoscope of the Moon-Jupiter-Uranus conjunction which perfects on June 6, 2010 @ 7:49:35 am CEDT during the June 2010 Bilderberg meeting; Hour of Venus; Venus out-of-bounds (Angela Merkel? Queen Who-Itz? a new attendee?); chart-ruler Moon in 10th house of Public Status; Sun 15Gem26 in 12th house of secret meetings/deals, and Politics.

From Rudhyar: Sun (the leader) = '16Gem' = "A Woman Activist In An Emotional Speech Dramatizes Her Cause"...PROSELYTIZING MIND.' (I'm certain she will and hopefully someone is acting as a fly on the wall to clue us in!)

Chart-ruler Moon's applying aspects give hints as to how the day shall proceed and here the Moon makes two such: Luna's conjunction with Uranus (shocks to the people; upheavals? an intense female attendee?; 0A15) and a square with Pluto (4A36), an aspect indicating apprehension about the future and an anticipation of coming danger.

Mercury, planet of meetings, planning, agreements, and messages, is @ 23Tau39 in 11th house of Groups-Associations-Hopes-and-Wishes; Mercury conjoins difficult Fixed Star Capulus (to lose one's head; tremendous male passion and power) and approaches the zodiacal position of Fixed Star Algol (tremendous feminine passion and power); both stars indicate extreme reactions and intense energies with perhaps more than a little rage in the atmosphere, either from participants within or the protesters whom we can pretty much be certain will get as close as they are allowed to the Dolce Hotel.

Of interest is that Mercury is triggering the Great Conjunction of the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, who are now at culmination/fulfilment phase (opposition) of that very conjunction of May 28, 2000.

Therefore, a midpoint picture is formed and it's very applicable to our topic:

Jupiter/Saturn = Mercury: effectively communicating about planning and organization for all activities; using the media to publicize ideas and aspirations; having info that is contrary to knowledge generally available; inconstancy in mind and philosophy; a desire to make changes; a fortunate journey or separation; studying one's life philosophy; speaking with great maturity; studying hard, asking the right questions.

(All mdpts pics from: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Heads-up! A watchful reader has kindly alerted you and me up to a list of this year's attendees if you wish to know their names and pass the list along, if you like.

There are multiple T-Squares in the June 6 chart which form midpoint pictures and one of them points to the triple conjunction of Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus (and to Jupiter and Uranus before the Moon 'arrives' @ AP)...I have highlighted some that are particularly interesting considering the types of varmints we're dealing with...

Pluto/ASC = Moon: strong emotional reaction; wielding a strong psychic influence upon one's environment; an instinct for avoiding powers or people which can be destructive to the environment or to oneself; sensitivity about reading the motives of others; difficulties with abusive females; intense mood swings.

Pluto/ASC = Jupiter: an enhanced love of Politics or Law and the use of knowledge of people and their motives to push ahead in life; an excessive urgency to control the feelings and lives of others; an increased aura of sincerity (puh!); an imposing and powerful personality; a large gain; the good fortune to receive gifts; a bounty; a favorable turn in life's circumstances; a drive to major success.

Pluto/ASC = Uranus: success at all costs; unusual events fan the fires further; living with constant anxiety and restlessness; extraordinary incidents and upsets; accidents; studying the psychology of others (the better to dupe them?); an increased need to be disruptive toward practices of which you do not approve; an interest in studying Astrology as a way to understand others.

(Wouldn't it be hilarious if this cabal is actually an Astrology Conference? Ha! Read on...)

In addition, we may substitute 'ASC' for US natal Jupiter 5Can56 which is, as you see, rising in the June 6 chart (enlarge chart to read its Sabian Symbol; America's current situation as tr Pluto opposes our Venus, Jupiter, and eventually, natal Sun; here tr SN, a separative and Saturnian point, conjuncts US n Sun.( Substituting our n Jupiter gives a few clues relating to the US, and all of the following could be highlighted so I won't bother:

Jupiter/Pluto = Moon: emotional convictions guide new starts; establishing one's new position with a gut feel; aspirations to bring about social improvements; the ability to influence the masses through an emotional appeal; a good psychologist; a quest to reach the top of society may take turns of direction; inconsistency in pursuit of power goals; a powerful female or family influence.

Jupiter/Pluto = Uranus: fanatical striving for improvements; the quick exploitation of every situation; sudden reforms; quick developments; adjustments to new circumstances; sudden and unexpected interference with one's plans for advancement; exceptional, unusual situations; rebelling against society and seeking to start a private clique of influential friends; intense application of resources to establish new perspectives; overturning the tables; getting back on course or finding a better one.

Then there's the deceptive Mars/Neptune opposition forming a midpoint picture with Mercury - this apex Mercury does not like to have its thoughts challenged or modified by others but its overbearing manner is resented...

Mars/Neptune = Mercury: adaptability is shown when taking the power of one's visions or dreams to others; energy put into acquiring knowledge about the mystical or magical; fast but angry encounters with holy people; the urge to dominate people's minds; suggestion; hypnosis; difficulty coping; imagination may lose anchor.

(Imho, with their levels of greed and hubris, NWO types lost their marbles decades, if not centuries, ago. Talk about misguided use of energies! Reminds me of the old saw about holiday season Fruitcakes: people make them when they could be making something good.)

Well, there are many more chart factors to mention and I hope you will in your comment since we're under yet another major Uranian thunderstorm watch here in Georgia and it's getting mighty dark in here! Better shut down for now for I have a healthy respect for lightening.


Update 1:27 pm edt: The weekend's three Sun/Moon combinations are now up @ Jude's Threshold, if you're game for some interesting info.

Jun 2, 2010

Jupiter/Uranus to AP: A Global Awakening to Bilderberg culpability!

(RussiaToday) For decades, some of the world’s most powerful people have come together to form a secret society known as the Bilderberg group. The secrets of Bilderberg’s role in the financial crisis have been revealed in the halls of the European Union parliament. Alex Jones says that people across the globe are finally awakening to how the Bilderberg group has manipulated the world's economies to benefit themselves. #

The link is to a video, 'Secrets of Bilderberg's Crisis Role Revealed in Halls of EU Parliament.' Admitting upper echelon manipulation and control can get you canned from your government shilling job, too.

Well, this is one sort of global awakening at hand that Jupiter and Uranus to Aries Point promises!

You may wish to pour another cup of coffee (make it strong) while awakening yourself to some good Bilderberg enlightenment here, here, and here.

Plus, Wiki has a list of participants who have attended one or more Bilderberg cabals through the years.

Now it's 2010 and obviously your engraved invitation to this week's annual cabal in Spain must have been lost in the mail yet you can still check it out in this post where I continue to entertain hopes of publishing a horoscope of the proceedings in time for Friday, June 4, the day the festivities get underway to plan the rest of the world's global financial collapse.

Such smartypants they!

Their expectation is that we'll be begging our 'global overlords' to institute any totalitarian changes they wish, you see. Ah, the best laid plans of mice and cabalists...

Feb 2, 2010

Robert Welch: the internal destruction of America (video)

Robert Welch is an interesting character who in his day accused certain US presidents of being Communist agents or in league with them. Welch died in 1985. Wonder what he'd say about our more recent crop? Undermining and destroying America does seem to be on someone's to-do list, doesn't it?

And I have to say it's disturbing to read the above-linked Wiki article and find that Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, was saying similar things about the US government and the conspiratorial take-over that coup'd it by internal operatives of the Illuminati persuasion, as I and many others read and write about today.

Makes the US natal Sibly chart more...interesting...when you see our nation's 10th house Saturn in Libra and 9th house Neptune in Virgo in a loose snuggle around the Sibly Midheaven degree 00Lib53, knowing that secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) is but one of the meanings of the Saturn/Neptune combo, with 'Communism' being one of the others.

The last Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Neptune was 3 times in 1989 in the range of 10 - 12 Capricorn. When transiting Pluto comes in range of those degrees we will have:

1989 Saturn/Neptune = tr Pluto: difficult growth; strong depression; feeling downtrodden; punishment for those who allowed decay and decadence to persist; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories; rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt from responsible people.
(Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Hmm. Pluto must be in range of 1989's Saturn/Neptune already (a 5-degree orb is the usual, I think. The god of Hades draws near.)

However, during America's Communist-denying Truman-to-Eisenhower days there occurred a Great Conjunction of the Communism pair, also 3 times:

1. Nov 21, 1952 @ 22Lib47;
2. May 1, 1953 @ 22Lib39;
3. July 22, 1953 @ 21Lib12

Once transit Saturn moves on to late degrees of Libra, a trine will form between Saturn and Neptune just before Neptune enters Pisces in early Feb 2012. This will be a trine from within the 1989 Saturn/Neptune cycle (10 - 13 Cap which opposes US natal Sun), yet actually, tr Saturn will return to its 1952/53 degrees (as listed above) beginning in Oct 2011.

We may expect more such 1950s themes to resurface as the "red menace' (according to Welch its handmaidens have worked under the surface and behind the scenes for decades), continued Iranian-American issues - the US government propped up the Shah in Tehran under Saturn/Neptune's rays. Also in 1952, Eisenhower became president (by a reputed 'landslide'), the US bombed North Korea and exploded the first hydrogen bomb in the Pacific.

Some events of 1953: Egypt became a dictatorship, Stalin died, and in the US the Rosenbergs were executed for spying; huge floods hit England and the Netherlands, Hillary and Norgay scaled the heights of Mt. Everest a mere 3 days before the *coronation of Elizabeth II; in the US the first open heart surgery was performed, and a woman was impregnated with frozen sperm.

Born in 1953: Tony Blair, Benazir Bhutto, and Jean-Bertrand Aristide (former Haitian president.) My candidate for the 'frozen sperm' affair would be Mr. Blair.

In 1954: what was reputedly the first meeting of the Bilderberg Group was held May 29 - 31, 1954; racial segregation in US schools was ruled unconstitutional; the French government surrenders in Vietnam and falls as a result; the US Senate censures Joseph McCarthy (congressional mummery); the US drops a hydrogen bomb on Hiroshima (with Truman's finger on The Button); the first nuclear submarine is launched to do its dirty work.

Born in 1954: Oprah Winfrey, Reba McIntyre, Elvis Costello, and John Travolta.

Well, thanks for taking a nostalgic stroll down Saturn/Neptune Lane with me. They say 'you can't go home again' but that's moot because somehow, I think America never left the neighborhood and has been living there for many years under an assumed alias: "Democracy."


Many thanks to for supplying the video of Robert Welch.

*the current Solar Eclipse Series (Jan 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01) indicates a ceremony of some kind, perhaps a royal wedding or coronation - and Queen Elizabeth is getting rather long in the tooth. Of course, Nobel Prize ceremonies for US Presidents fulfill the eclipse imperative, too. jc


"There is almost no kind of outrage -- torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, the bombing of civilians -- which does not change its moral color when it is committed by 'our' side. The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them." George Orwell

Jan 7, 2010

Interview with a Bilderberger

Now that my head cold has taken a turn for the worse I'm stuck at home today and on the loose as I surf roguishly about the cybersphere, lookin' for trouble.

Somehow I picked up a March 10, 2001 interview with Denis Healey, one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group, titled Who pulls the strings? and thought you might have a grain of salt large enough to digest his quite mild statements about what the "private" club of power elite string-pullers are really up to.

Of course, Healey takes exception to the term "secretive" - they're "private" - and each attendee who's invited to participate must do just that - participate by speaking. Seems they can't just sit through the meetings like bumps on logs but must open their precious traps and tell the group how the world should be run within their areas of expertise - political, business, banking, and media.

Here's a brief excerpt from Mr. Healey circa 2001:

"To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

Never mind that entire cultures of people the world over don't want a "single community" which seems quite impossible to me. Most people just want to be left alone from the meddling string-pullers of the Bilderberg Group and other secret societies yet a certain 'weeding out' (aka, population control) is taking place as I type, isn't it?

Imho, Healey's "killing people and rendering millions homeless" is an ongoing project these 8 years later for they're at it still. But apparently that's what they 'feel' takes to impose a one-world government on a global population that totally disagrees with the high-minded ideals of a few concerning how the masses should live what are, after all, their own lives.

And I do remember in spite of my stuffed-snoot haze that it was UK's The Guardian that ran 'joke coverage' of the Bilderberg conference held in Athens, Greece (May 2009) in an attempt to make outsiders' interest in their secret doings seem conspiracy-theory-mad.

Interestingly, their May 2009 meeting occurred during authoritarian Saturn's Direct Station @ 14Vir54.

Well, if you wish, check out a long yet incomplete list of members and attendees through the years - that is, if Wikipedia doesn't follow through on their stated intention of deleting the list of names. (I have the list tucked away in case it should suddenly disappear.)

Vernon Jordan invited Bill Clinton to the 1991 conference where his presidency was endorsed, or decided, depending on what you believe about the way the world 'works' as directed from the halls of power and the infested bowels of power politics.

So you may notice that the list of names includes Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Tom Daschle, and others from the US, any one of whom might have invited presidential candidate Barack Obama to the annual Bilderberg meeting at Chantilly, VA, June 2008.

But so far, I haven't found President Oabama's name on the list. Funny, that.

Oct 15, 2009

Bilderbergers built the EU: Alex Jones video

Alex Jones with guest Paul Joseph Watson speaking on the Nazis in the early 1940s who envisioned a new European economic empire to be shoved through by consent not by conquest. These top Nazis, the Bilderbergers, are now admitting that they founded the European Union.

The Bilderberg Group is the shadowy crew that then-Senator Obama slipped away during the 2008 campaign to meet with in Chantilly, Virginia.

No details of their meeting have been released that I know of but you may remember that Mr. Obama later was rewarded with the presidency of the United States.

Feb 15, 2009

Soviets withdraw from Afghanistan Feb 15, 1989

The year 1989 saw mass movements and revolutions all around the globe - including the toppling of the Berlin Wall - as Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune tangoed in authoritarian Capricorn, with the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune piping a social movement overture as they lined up for their Great Conjunction (3x) in 1993 in the 18 to 19 degree range of Cap.

Back up a bit and the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Uranus was exact in 1988 3x: Feb 13, June 26, and Oct 18; from 27 - 30 Sagittarius. And as you know, transit Pluto has recently plowed through and stirred up the Saturn-Uranus Conj and bringing a 'tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion' flavor to the global arena.

The Soviet Union's natal chart (Nov 7, 1917) has a Saturn-Uranus opposition, and the chart for their withdrawal from Afghanistan, Feb 15, 1989, has a tough Mars-Pluto opposition (15Tau/15Sco, the Oxen Point and Eagle Point respectively) in a Fixed (rigid) T-square with apex Venus at Angel Point(15AQ.)

This tension-filled pattern is a passionate, dangerous combination of planets, with Mars-Pluto signifying zealotry, violence, and drastic measures. And though Venus usually prefers things to be easy, as apex planet in a Fixed T-square, the inflexible energy tends to stifle partnerships through lack of compromise which causes resentment and conflicts.

Determined to have her way, apex Venus here indicates that relationships are in a rut and going nowhere; a possessive streak causes problems and there's a lack of accommodation, for normally sociable Venus as apex in a Fixed T-square is the least easy-going placement of all for this relating planet.

And with Pluto involved in the pattern, obsession, manipulation, and/or deep-rooted jealousy rear their ugly heads. This is a frustrated Venus who has concentrated steadily upon others in a way that has made them feel trapped - yet apex Venus wants her own independence.

Perhaps the 'independence' was their troop withdrawal from May 1988 to Feb 15, 1989 - especially since the Soviets had expected Afghanistan to be...dare I say it?...a cakewalk but after a long 10 years of war, the Soviets ended in bankruptcy, loss, and with the break-up of their country (sound familiar?)

What Really Happened has notes from the 'Silken Road', historical events you've surely read before about since the US, Britain, and others conspired against the Soviet Union in the arming and training of Afghanistan's mujahedeen.

So with today being the 20th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, I wanted to read again the sorry details of the war and their 10-month withdrawal.

And if you've ever happened upon this blog before, you may have read of my intuition concerning the US that upping the number of US troops in Afghanistan seems a very bad idea for Pres. Obama and the USA.

Of course, there are many things involved in such dire decisions of which I and most anyone else are unaware, yet if you have a chance, you may as well read the above-linked article (Wikipedia has lots of pages on it as well) since apparently Mr. Obama is under the sway of those who pull the strings of war and who pine for another anti-human-race go-round at the proud country that has suffered so much already. Over 500,000 orphans were created by the time the Soviets left, and that's only part of the mayhem.

If you scroll down far enough into the article, you'll find a few rats in the oilworks - among them Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Richard Armitage, and the Carlyle Group (Poppy Bush) - so basically the Bilderberg gang is all there.

(Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it the Carlyle Group meeting in Washington DC on the morning of Sept 11, 2001? Hmm. And given how the US worked against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, I've wondered since 2003 if Putin has worked against us there and in Iraq with the same fervor we showed against his country. It could explain a lot.)

And, of course, Osama bin Laden is there for the Soviet-Afghan war as well, and forming al-Qaeda in 1988 with CIA complicity.

On Feb 15, 1989 just after sunset, Moon reached the World Point of 00Cancer00 indicating global events, and Sun was at 26AQ57 (conj US natal Moon), so I thought I'd check the Images for Integration for this Air-Water may be interested to note that the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan occurred with the flavor of these two pictures, one conjuring up orphans, and one concerning something we see more clearly now in 2009:

A social worker by-passes bureacracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

This blend is shared natally by Boris Yeltsin, Norman Mailer, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lord Byron, who made an observation which would instruct Pres. Obama in the present temptation to ramp up US forces in Afghanistan, if he'd only listen, so I shall end this post with Lord Byron's quote.

The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series that the Soviet withdrawal occurred in was the 8 South which the world last experienced on Sep 22, 2006 (29Vir) - for the US, the PE of the 2006 elections.

8S's Keywords: separation, loss, partings; to finish something and feel sad at its completion; physical injury is possible through over-straining of strength (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Yes, it's quite astounding now to think of then-president Ronald Reagan proclaiming 'Afghanistan Day' on March 21, 1989!

I only hope we won't have to watch Pres. Barack Obama fall into the same trap of thinking that Afghanistan can be had for the taking, for as Lord Byron aptly said,

"The best of prophets of the future is the past."


You may wish to visit Think Progress for further reading.

Midpoint picture: Noel Tyl; T-square/apex Venus info: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.