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Showing posts with label secret conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret conspiracy. Show all posts

Nov 11, 2016

Major Gen Smedley Butler & the Fascist Takeover of the US - video (w/ Eclipses)

Did the Attempted Fascist Coup of 1933 Finally Succeed via a Donald Trump Presidency?

by Jude Cowell

For those who may be unfamiliar with certain political events of 1933, here is a brief video concerning the attempted Fascist plot that General Smedley Butler refused to take part in and which he subsequently revealed to the US government and the public as a plot to take over FDR's presidency. The plotters first approached General Butler on July 1, 1933, a few months after FDR was first sworn into office and his New Deal programs have been under attack by 'conservatives' ever since.

Update Feb 7, 2022: Video has been removed from SO'W but there's this if it's still available -

Video posted to YouTube by Wakeymedia3; here's the video link. And note that in the video the narrator says "1934" but it was 1933, just after FDR's first Inauguration.

On a cosmic level we may wish to consider the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 and its horoscope which shows that rebellious Uranus @20Ari48 (conjunct our July 4, 1776 Chiron) was recently rejoined by transit Uranus. This may be termed a 'Uranus Return' and is, I believe, a time link from 1933 to 2016/17, as are the two Solar Eclipses mentioned, below. Here is a link to the 1933 Solar Eclipse Horoscope with details. And here are a few notes previously posted concerning the chart and written during the Trump campaign and suggesting the violence that his rhetoric has invited if not incited:

Added to the disruptive shock of the current Uranus Return (2016 to 1933) are the two interlaced YOD patterns with their turning point-crossroads-special task vibes of crisis. (For more info on the Fascism Rising Horoscope, click or tap the link, above). You will note other current transits to the planets of 1933 and, of course, the recurring Uranus-Pluto square (Aries square Cancer in 1933) of a titanic generational clash as we've been experiencing again in this, the New Millennium, but with Pluto in Capricorn (signature of 'the dictator'). It seems to me that megalomaniac Trump's rhetoric triggers the violent Marseillaise Mars-Jupiter-Neptune trio to march again to the Bastille with fists and elbows ready to strike all who disagree.

Now as you know, Uranus in Aries is the 'blind zealot' and 'fanatic anarchist' (Ebertin) and along comes candidate Trump born under Mars Rising with kingmaker star Regulus in tow--in egoistic Leo. Mr. Trump has made himself a willing vessel for violent Mars-Uranus energies that seek expression in our era for we know that fascist authoritarian elements in the Collective never disappear completely, they simply cower in darkness in preparation for another government take-over attempt as they re-arm to fight another day.

Actually, another planetary return to the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse chart has occurred in our time--a Jupiter Return. This spotlights Jupiter-Uranus (now opposing one another), a fortunate pair of energies in many cases but which also contains a dark side with potentials for: 'fortune-hunting, conflicts over philosophy and religion', and 'zealous representation of one-sided views' -- all of which I expect to hear a lot of with authoritarian huckster Trump and theocrat Pence in the White House.

Now the two Solar Eclipses of 1933 are revealing: 7 North and 7 South. The Fascism Rising horoscope (Feb 24, 1933, linked, above) is background energy for the events of 1933 and its Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) is the 7 North with its theme of 'deep and hidden passions' bursting forth. But what really concerns yours truly is the second Solar Eclipse of 1933 in the 7 South Saros Series for its themes include its initial eclipse's Mars-Pluto square with potentials for: 'immense power, anger, and force' and 'huge obstacles that suddenly clear or move very rapidly' (Brady).

Why be concerned? Because a man that some have equated with Fascist dictator Mussolini has just been 'selected' president (not by popular vote, only by Electoral College) and the ruthless Mars-Pluto vibes of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of 1933 will constellate again--not via a 7 North Eclipse but by degree: Feb 24, 1933 7 South @28Leo activated by the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 1 North @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus. Now if you're familiar with the natal chart of Donald Trump you know these degrees hit his rising Mars and Ascendant (and rising Regulus), with late Leo being a very sensitive degree area in Mr. Trump's natal chart and in his entitled psyche.

And if you're familiar with the 'Nostradamus Eclipse', the 'King of Alarm' or 'Terror' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 (which descriptively ushered in the New Millennium and the pre-planned, so-called 'War on Terror' of the neocons), you know that the August 1999 Solar Eclipse is also in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, the Mother of All Eclipses. And the same neocons such as Bill Kristol, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and their ilk are now skulking back to the White House on the coattails of Donald J. Trump which is why I say, the Fascist Coup of 1933 is now about to be completed.

A Final Note: the upcoming 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, occurring during the first year of the Trump-Pence regime, is also the eclipse that cosmically splits America in two and is being referred to as The Great American Eclipse (which seems to be the one no one has been waiting for). Plus, it may be interesting to note that the karmic implications of any Solar Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo include cautions against vainglory, pomposity, pontificating, and other negative traits of the proud sign of Leo, for egocentricity thwarts karmic progress.

So what are the chances a president Mr. Trump can avoid the Leonine traits he has already exhibited now that he's coup'd the top CEO position in the land? My next question is: to what year will Trump and his cronies regress America now that 'karmic progress' is off the political table?


Eclipse themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology and Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse.

Jul 13, 2016

The Pokemon Go Conspiracy - clip

Sometimes this Capricorn is glad she cares nothing for time-wasting games. We Are Change reports on the Pokemon Go craze with its app that is more than it appears to be:

Feb 11, 2014

JFK on Secrecy in a 'free and open' society--because Hillary 2016

“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it...Without debate, without criticism, no administration, and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive.”

--President John F. Kennedy, in a speech titled, 'The President and the Press', in New York on April 27, 1961 (with this blogger's italics added.)

So in the spirit of opening one of many American cans of secret worms, I add here--particularly for those who may be considering voting for Hillary Clinton in 2016 if she runs for president--a link to The Vince Foster Stonewall. Think carefully, my friends.

Jun 15, 2013

Term "ChemTrails" first used by US Air Force manual (video)

Those Mysterious "ChemTrails" in Our Skies

Having today received an alert from Alexander Bruce concerning chemtrails and the US military's and government's denials of awareness that they exist, much less Why they exist and Who's perpetrating them, perhaps Alexandra Bruce won't mind if I provide an excerpt along with the video and a link for reading more:


Alexandra Bruce

April 11, 2013

The word "chemtrails" was not invented by a conspiracy theorist, it was invented by the US Air Force. A microfiche has been found in the Oklahoma Library system of an Air Force manual dating back to 1990, which uses the word "Chemtrails" in its title and describes the various experiments pilots will be conducting with the aerosol release of various noxious substances, some relating to cloud-seeding and weather modification such as silver iodide and others, in conjunction with the HAARP project, such as barium-fluoride.

The spraying of toxic barium salts in the atmosphere relates to scalar weapons systems (HAARP), which behave like targeted gravitational fields and act as anti-ballistic shields.

See more at Forbidden Knowledge TV.

As The Daily Show's John Oliver highlighted on the June 10th show concerning the NSA surveillance of all our communications, Good News! You're Not Paranoid.

In case you missed Oliver's first hosting of the show for the summer while Jon Stewart is away from the news desk, here it is:

The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Good News! You're Not Paranoid
Daily Show Full EpisodesIndecision Political HumorThe Daily Show on Facebook

Aug 2, 2012

What is HAARP? (video) as Pluto nears 9 Capricorn

You probably know that in the Sabian Symbols we find "An Angel Carrying a Harp" for '9 Capricorn', a degree now being approached by transformative Pluto as America's natal planets in Cancer are being opposed by Mr. Underworld's terrific force.

In The Sabian Symbols in Astrology Marc Edmund Jones gives this degree's keyword as: ATTUNEMENT and its positive expression as:

"...a special gift for inspiring others to accomplishment and for realizing the ultimate dreams of self as a consequence."

The negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) expression of '9Cap' = "simple fantasy and uncritical self-superiority."

Now does this oracle hint that anxious concerns over HAARP are merely "simple fantasy"? We know that the vast majority of Washington politicians express "uncritical self-superiority" 24/7 for they imagine themselves masters of the globe, if not the universe. But for the rest, viewing the following film may help you decide truth from fantasy, or at least get you a ways down the road toward understanding what HAARP is all about:

For interesting videos and documentaries on a variety of topics visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Apr 6, 2012

'Conspiracy? The Lincoln Assassination' (full film) w Astro-Notes

Is the Lincoln Assassination Still a Mystery?

by Jude Cowell

From Alexandra Bruce at ForbiddenKnowledgeTV comes a heads-up on an intriguing question concerning the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln:

Was the plot to kill Abraham Lincoln orchestrated by the highest levels of the confederate government? After 20 years of independent research, Edward Steers claims that Booth received substantial and critical help from the confederate secret service, operating in Canada.

If you wish, check out the full film (45 mins 16 secs), 'Conspiracy? The Lincoln Assassination':

Here's an interview with author Edward Steers about his historical research.

Plus, you may wish to view Mr. Lincoln's natal horoscope with his assassination horoscope around it (click chart image to enlarge.) You'll note the Mystic Rectangle planetary pattern over America as our president was shot and lay dying.

Oct 12, 2010

Harry Truman on the secret power brokers

And now a quote from President Harry Truman on secret power brokers in a statement which today we might call a 'conspiracy theory':

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the US, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

(From ‘The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People.’)

Wonder who he refers to? Power and horoscope-wise, it sounds like it's America's natal Pluto in Capricorn to me, with transiting Pluto now opposing US natal Venus, Jupiter, and soon, the Sun. There are other secretive factors in the US horoscope, of course, but for one little planet who can manipulate it all, Pluto fills Truman's bill.

And yet he's the one who dropped destructive Pluto's atom bombs on the Japanese people! Which was an act that the secret power brokers of Truman's day had to encourage, imho. It was, I believe, at their instigation.

Feb 2, 2010

Robert Welch: the internal destruction of America (video)

Robert Welch is an interesting character who in his day accused certain US presidents of being Communist agents or in league with them. Welch died in 1985. Wonder what he'd say about our more recent crop? Undermining and destroying America does seem to be on someone's to-do list, doesn't it?

And I have to say it's disturbing to read the above-linked Wiki article and find that Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, was saying similar things about the US government and the conspiratorial take-over that coup'd it by internal operatives of the Illuminati persuasion, as I and many others read and write about today.

Makes the US natal Sibly chart more...interesting...when you see our nation's 10th house Saturn in Libra and 9th house Neptune in Virgo in a loose snuggle around the Sibly Midheaven degree 00Lib53, knowing that secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) is but one of the meanings of the Saturn/Neptune combo, with 'Communism' being one of the others.

The last Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Neptune was 3 times in 1989 in the range of 10 - 12 Capricorn. When transiting Pluto comes in range of those degrees we will have:

1989 Saturn/Neptune = tr Pluto: difficult growth; strong depression; feeling downtrodden; punishment for those who allowed decay and decadence to persist; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories; rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt from responsible people.
(Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Hmm. Pluto must be in range of 1989's Saturn/Neptune already (a 5-degree orb is the usual, I think. The god of Hades draws near.)

However, during America's Communist-denying Truman-to-Eisenhower days there occurred a Great Conjunction of the Communism pair, also 3 times:

1. Nov 21, 1952 @ 22Lib47;
2. May 1, 1953 @ 22Lib39;
3. July 22, 1953 @ 21Lib12

Once transit Saturn moves on to late degrees of Libra, a trine will form between Saturn and Neptune just before Neptune enters Pisces in early Feb 2012. This will be a trine from within the 1989 Saturn/Neptune cycle (10 - 13 Cap which opposes US natal Sun), yet actually, tr Saturn will return to its 1952/53 degrees (as listed above) beginning in Oct 2011.

We may expect more such 1950s themes to resurface as the "red menace' (according to Welch its handmaidens have worked under the surface and behind the scenes for decades), continued Iranian-American issues - the US government propped up the Shah in Tehran under Saturn/Neptune's rays. Also in 1952, Eisenhower became president (by a reputed 'landslide'), the US bombed North Korea and exploded the first hydrogen bomb in the Pacific.

Some events of 1953: Egypt became a dictatorship, Stalin died, and in the US the Rosenbergs were executed for spying; huge floods hit England and the Netherlands, Hillary and Norgay scaled the heights of Mt. Everest a mere 3 days before the *coronation of Elizabeth II; in the US the first open heart surgery was performed, and a woman was impregnated with frozen sperm.

Born in 1953: Tony Blair, Benazir Bhutto, and Jean-Bertrand Aristide (former Haitian president.) My candidate for the 'frozen sperm' affair would be Mr. Blair.

In 1954: what was reputedly the first meeting of the Bilderberg Group was held May 29 - 31, 1954; racial segregation in US schools was ruled unconstitutional; the French government surrenders in Vietnam and falls as a result; the US Senate censures Joseph McCarthy (congressional mummery); the US drops a hydrogen bomb on Hiroshima (with Truman's finger on The Button); the first nuclear submarine is launched to do its dirty work.

Born in 1954: Oprah Winfrey, Reba McIntyre, Elvis Costello, and John Travolta.

Well, thanks for taking a nostalgic stroll down Saturn/Neptune Lane with me. They say 'you can't go home again' but that's moot because somehow, I think America never left the neighborhood and has been living there for many years under an assumed alias: "Democracy."


Many thanks to for supplying the video of Robert Welch.

*the current Solar Eclipse Series (Jan 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01) indicates a ceremony of some kind, perhaps a royal wedding or coronation - and Queen Elizabeth is getting rather long in the tooth. Of course, Nobel Prize ceremonies for US Presidents fulfill the eclipse imperative, too. jc


"There is almost no kind of outrage -- torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, the bombing of civilians -- which does not change its moral color when it is committed by 'our' side. The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them." George Orwell

Aug 21, 2007

those Jews and Freemasons!

Masonic Traveler has the text of an interview about that suspicious secret whatchamacallit where you'll find that Jews and Freemasons are said to be behind...well, check it out for yourself.