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Showing posts with label Conspiracy Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conspiracy Party. Show all posts

Sep 9, 2021

Gaseous Neptune in Pisces fuels the Big Lie Party

NASA image: gaseous giant Neptune, symbol of lies and fraud in astrology

Thursday September 9, 2021: So a year ago on Stars Over Washington, what used to be known as the Republican Party (b. 1854) was being re-named with various labels such as the Conspiracy Party and of course they've certainly earned the moniker.

But now in 2021, thanks to Donald Tr*mp's malicious ploys and antics in a desperate bid to regain power, a new au courant re-naming has occurred for they are now known as the Big Lie Party and the group's 1854 Neptune in mid-Pisces must be simply inflating and preening with pride. Why party members are positively bubbling with corruption, fraud, fantasy, pretense, and eagerness to kiss Herr Tr*mp's ring way down in Mar-a-Lago by oceanic Neptune's shores!

For as TV's Moira Rose might put it, GOP-ers seem to bombillate with anticipation!

And then, of course you know which fixed star twinkles mid-Pisces: Achernar, with key phrases that include: success in public office (for those with good morals) but also the risk of rapid endings and crisis at the end of the river. And the descriptive Sabian Symbol for "14 Pisces" (and the Big Lie Party's traditional promoters): "A Lady in FOX Fur" (my BOLD); negative expression: amoral opportunism (Jones). Oh dear! Sounds like a lack of good morals.

Now personally I wouldn't miss their rapid ending at all if such is the fate of the "Republican Party" since they, as an American political entity, don't actually govern the US but instead have opted for a well-paid Neptunian-Plutonian sabotage agenda for our country.

So in case you missed it you may wish to see Salon's Why the Republicans' 'Big Lie' works so well: A sociopathic party and a damaged country by Chauncey DeVega.

Yeah, and who has worked for years and years to effect such damage in preparation for a long-planned shift from democracy and the US Constitution to an authoritarian state modeled on naz*sm and brutality?

You know who--the Big Lie Party!

Jun 11, 2021

Horoscope: 2021 Saturn opposes Trump n Pluto #3 of 3

by Jude Cowell

June 11, 2021: As you know, restrictive Saturn, karmic planet of Time, authority, authenticity, realism, limits, death, and/or loss (if deserved, or the time draws nigh), now traverses the sign of Aquarius where the Old Man rules along with eccentric, progressive Uranus (unless you're a complete traditionalist!) so we should note that the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square in rigid Fixed signs (AQ-Taurus) over our heads signifies the current R vs D stalemates in Congress (status quo vs progress), plus, global society is experiencing a general conflict between the old order vs a new order, nowadays in the form of democracy vs authoritarianism (or, fascism/neo-nazism).

Note that when in Aquarius, reality-based Saturn can signify practical ideals and plans, but for less grounded types can denote eccentric expectations that lead to disappointment, or, ambitious plans without a firm foundation.

Now today's post is for considering major 2021 transits to the natal chart of Donald Tr*mp, a demagogue I'd hoped to never type about again.

Yet certain 2021 transits to his natal planets are significant for the American people (through his nibs as a recent figurehead of the country, now trying hard to remain politically relevant - and solvent). These transits may be used as a lens through which to ponder the wider cosmic influences affecting our society and affecting other nations and cultures across the globe, at least until he is completely removed from the world stage. So here goes:

Below is a color-coded bi-wheel with Tr*mp's natal chart in center, with the third of three transit charts (outer) showing legal eagle Saturn opposing his natal 12th house, unaspected Pluto (10AQ02 vs 10Leo02) which represents the several legal battles and lawsuits that his delusional, underworld self is embattled by. As you know, his Pluto = his Mars-Saturn midpoint, the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin, and signifying brutality, destruction, and the deaths of many people, as we've experienced.

Several midpoint pictures are listed on the chart, plus, the transit that times the chart is highlighted: Saturn oppo natal Pluto with potentials for: 'a time of limited resources, authority directly challenges and threatens power and control'. We may expect that his popularity will continue to plummet with transit Venus in Capricorn opposing natal Venus in Cancer, and the ability to 'face the truth' certainly is not one of his strong suits (Pluto oppo natal Venus: 3x in 2021 exact on February 18, July 10, and December 25).

Meanwhile, as many astrologers have noted, transit Neptune in shady Pisces has been squaring his natal Sun-Moon opposition and Nodal Axis (fated!) suggesting his personal condition of illusion, fantasy, discontent, isolation, and the undermining of relationships. (For as you know, since the Tr*mp Mob Attack of 1/6, droves of supporters have been deserting the sinking bulk of Herr Tr*mp. See The slow disillusionment with Trump continues - 'slow' Neptune = disillusionment, disappointment, fraud, deception, karmic loss.) And of course, Neptune in Pisces is the natal placement of the Republican Party (1854), sometimes called the Conspiracy Party.

It seems that the GOP has used Neptune's return to Pisces to time their current undermining and erosion of the federal, centralized US government - as such hotheads did in secession days culminating with the Civil War - but that's a fuss for another day.

So for Tr*mp, all of 2021 is unfavorable for 'exacting revenge' (his favorite pastime!), 'calling in debts', and/or 'working against tradition or authority'. Plus, transit Pluto opposing natal Venus indicates that it's time to face the truth (as if!) and may trigger bankruptcy filing since resources are limited; relationship conflicts are also suggested. However, these potentials do not address any hidden wealth (Pluto in Leo) he has squirreled away, although that possibility may be disputed by some since he's always been known to be a fortune-hunting wastrel (see lower left).

So as noted, the following horoscope displays the 3rd of three oppositions to natal Pluto. 1. March 16, 2021; 2. August 4, 2021; and 3. December 13, 2021. Admittedly, he may or may not be located in Mar-A-Lago, Florida in December 2021 - and should not be since it's a place of business, not legally a residence.

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes which include more transits and a few midpoint pictures which denote potentials for 'gloom, separation, perversions, infection, illness, obstacles created by others, mourning, living in a world of illusion, acting and pretending, insecurity, uncertainty, pursuit of wrong objectives, little sense of reality, damage through thoughtlessness, fortune-hunting and squandering (Ebertin; Tyl).

And of course, the 'biggie' is the fact that the Saturn-Uranus square involved with his natal Pluto forms a major T-Square of difficult potentials - Saturn-Pluto square Uranus = 'sudden violence; brutal efforts to start a new order' (with Tr*mp at the helm, he hopes), and/or 'an attack regardless of potential losses' with apex Uranus in Taurus taking the reins, leading the mob, and suggesting the radical politics of zealotry and Utopian anarchy.