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Showing posts with label David Letterman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Letterman. Show all posts

Oct 20, 2010

Video Witch-Off: O'Donnell vs Elvira

Update Oct 21, 2010: On ABC, Christine O'Donnell said she regrets airing her not-a-witch ad which was meant to kill opponent's use of her past craft-dabblings against her. Instead, SNL lampooned it (amusingly, I might add - loved it!) but she seems to have made no mention of David Letterman's nightly spoofing ('the witch running in Delaware') or of Elvira's mimcry below...

Original post begins here:

Well, I didn't actually want to post the TV ad of witchery denial from Delaware candidate Christine O'Donnell (who may be you but she isn't me) yet here it is so you can compare her message with Elvira's macabre message below...

Since Halloween 2010 is sneaking up on us, this does make for sort of a holiday-themed post, doesn't it?

Covens alive! Even with its totally black background, O'Donnell's message shoots for sweetness and light yet I wonder if she's cognizant of the fact that some people are aware that pearls are a symbol of satanism. Wonder if they're real?

Jun 16, 2009

David Letterman's natal chart - and Sarah Palin

David Letterman has now apologized for his tasteless joke about Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter - perhaps a day late after some are calling for his resignation from his CBS Late Show. Naturally Letterman's 'joke' has given him a case of Don-Imus-itis for its link to jokes about the sexual activities of young ladies.

Old men, young ladies - unlevel playing field and what amounts to sexual harrassment, so back off, fellas. You show yourselves to have lower standards than the ladies you disparage.

One hopes no one ever makes unkind remarks on national TV about his son, Harry!

Yet political opportunism coming into play is sadly expectable, but one wishes Governor Palin could resist the temptation. Still, as many public figures are fond of saying, any publicity is good publicity.

So with no known birth time for Mr. Letterman, I don't wish to publish his chart here but I did take a look to see if there were transits causing him difficulties (although he brought this on himself - wonder who wrote the joke? The 'any publicity' works for him too, esp with Conan O'Brien now opposite him. Letterman's viewership numbers are trending up, I heard.)

David Letterman April 12, 1947, Indianapolis, IN (CST); Sun definitely in Aries, Moon in Capricorn for the 24-hour day of birth (ranging from 6Cap50 to 18:40.)

Well, the Sun has been recently highlighting his natal Uranus 18Gem41, a transit which emphasizes uniqueness and individuality - one may possibly 'stick out like a sore thumb' in fact, as a separation or singling out of some kind may occur, for good or bad. Showing stubborn pride (Sun = ego) is also a potential...perhaps a reason why he didn't apologize for the small-minded joke immediately.

Natal Mercury 25Pis24 is being affected by transiting Uranus off and on - a time when freedom to express one's thoughts is sought, and original, perhaps quirky, ideas come easily. Mercury is the planet of ideas and communications so with Uranus' electrical energy in the vicinity, there's no telling what might occur in relation to one's thinking processes - and in Letterman's case, one's joke writing and delivery.

Surfing on your behalf, dear reader, I found that Vega Attractions has an image of Mr. Letterman's Solar Chart (sunrise) if you'd care to snag yourself a peek. You'll see Letterman's natal Mars at Aries Point, a World Point of Prominence and Fame, as the whole world sees Dave's intrinsic Mars capacity for grumpiness and contentiousness!

But I still prefer Dave's show to Conan's - plus, it leads in to my favorite late night comedian of all time: Craig Ferguson and his "It's a great day for America, everybody"!

May 19, 2009

Maureen Dowd and the plagiarism of Pluto/Chiron

So far my favorite article on the subject of Maureen Dowd and her current plagiarism misstep is written by Jack Shaffer on Slate Magazine where I hung out a bunch in my pre-blogging days.

In fact, I've added the Press Box Correx feed in the sidebar for my own convenience, but you're welcome to check it out if you like.

Tiresome, isn't it? That the 'oppression duo' Pluto/Chiron has yet another -ism on its long list of disenfranchisements...the -ism they call plagiarism, a very sneaky form of thievery. Until someone notices and the sneak factor is seriously impaired.

Speaking of sneakiness and its disadvantages, there's always the fun new children's book Sneaky Weasel for kids or for the crooks of Washington and Wall Street to profit by!

And say...did anyone notice that those highly touted 'ethics seminars' Capitol Hillers were to morally benefit from a couple of years ago only led directly into the financial crash of 2008 which was, of course, oncoming for years?

Guess the concept of financial stewardship wasn't included in the 'ethics' courses our 'reps' took to cure the corruption that ails them and threatens to undermine our national sovereignty while decimating our private lives.

Why are old Republicans the happiest people in America? asks David Letterman on my TV just now. A: Because they'll soon be dead and we'll be left with the problems caused by old Republicans.

But since the R v D thing is an illusion to keep the masses divided and weak, I have to add: Don't leave out the old Democrats. It's simply their turn just now to play leader, that's all.

The worm will turn. The worm will turn.

Mar 4, 2009

Of bailout schemes and ugly things

Michel Chossudovsky says the 2010 budget which the president submitted to Congress on Feb 26, 2009 is a war budget and that's not all he says.

The Bush-Obama bailout schemes are serving the interests of mystery financiers - deliberately, says Chossudovsky.

And as David Letterman keeps asking, where'd the money go?

The market is 'poised to open higher after 5 straight days of selling," says NPR this morning.

Yeah well, it's another Wednesday at NY's gaming tables. But who's being gamed?