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Showing posts with label Distinguished Unit Citation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Distinguished Unit Citation. Show all posts

Nov 26, 2020

Trump Nodal Return 2020 IDs secret meeting with Special Forces

No Alarm, Merely a Forewarning that's Hopefully Unnecessary

by Jude Cowell

Most everyone is anxious about Inauguration Day 2021. Well, as it turns out, on the very day of his Nodal Return, October 29, 2020, Trump met behind the scenes with US Special Forces at Fort Bragg, NC, the men who killed Islamic leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi a year or so ago. During their meeting that was conducted "outside the view of the press corp traveling with him," Trump presented the troops with a Presidential Unit Citation, an honor formerly known as a Distinguished Unit Citation. For conspiracy theorists the fancy word play (as if to put Trump's personal stamp on the award and "claim" the troops as his own whether all of them like it or not), plus, Trump's (North Node conjunct North Node in duplicitous Gemini) secret meeting with Special Forces, seems to be part of a potential Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction plan for anarchy since we know that Trump will do anything to hold onto to power and thus avoid (or postpone!) his fate.

Yes, it goes against the grain yet I'm reluctantly suggesting here the possibility of a Trump scheme to use military intervention by what some might call 'rogue' units to be put in service to a cult leader instead of honoring their oaths to the US Constitution. Trump's ongoing legal challenges to his election loss could be serving as a distraction campaign for such military muscling up behind the scenes. For when a politician says, 'look here', we must be sure to look elsewhere.

Astrologically, such interventionist energies peak on January 20, 2021 (noon chart shown) when the Mar-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 perfects at 3:38 pm est - quite near Joe Biden's natal Moon (@00Tau59, in n 5th house). And as you know, earlier at noon that day, the combustible, activist pair rises over Capitol Hill in 12th house: behind the scenes; Politics; US Congress. Yet hopefully, all these considerations are too fantastical for practical implementation and too non-traditional to be feasible. After all, President-Elect Biden has the option to use US military troops for various purposes, too.

Meanwhile, here's something I wrote on Trump's above linked Nodal Return Horoscope of October 29th which apparently relates to this difficult topic. It involves the fact that transiting Neptune (fraudster, speculator, grand schemer, liar, erosion, the media) in secretive, shady Pisces, has been squaring Trump's Nodal Axis which creates potentials for: subversives who undermine traditional religious and social standards and principles (ex: the peaceful transition of power that We The People must rely on); sabotage of social institutions, and/or terrorists with villainous purposes (Munkasey).

So in closing, here again is a view of the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope with the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope added:

A Closely Related Post:Trump regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017.