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Showing posts with label Ezra Pound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ezra Pound. Show all posts

Mar 31, 2021

Horoscope: World War One that "war to end all wars" - a Great Betrayal

Lying Americans Into War a Long Tradition

by Jude Cowell

March 31, 2021: You'll recognize the quote from President Woodrow Wilson on the occasion of his deceitfully taking America into World War I: that it would be a "war to end all wars." As the world well knows, it was not that but the start of a process. And it was, however, "a ritual sacrifice" and global populations - including millions of Americans - have been sacrificed ever since, both in declared and undeclared wars, thanks to old, mostly bald war profiteers and their warmongering enablers propagandizing generations of men and women into sacrificing their lives and fortunes on behalf of corporate conquest, plunder, greed, and power. Will we ever learn?

Numero Uno: A New Order Initiated

Below you see the historical World War One Horoscope, but first, a question: Why Was Kaiser Wilhelm Never Tried for Starting WWI? Note that today is the 116th annversary of the Kaiser's 'open door' speech delivered in Tangiers, North Africa on March 31, 1905.

As for President Wilson, he had duplicitously campaigned on a platform of keeping America out of the war! But there were massive profits to be made, as Wilson discovered (if he hadn't known before). So here's a quote by political prisoner of the era Ezra Pound from a previous SO'W post (2012) concerning these topics (post link, below):

"Here are the simple facts of the great betrayal. Wilson and House knew that they were doing something momentous. One cannot fathom men's motives and this pair probably believed in what they were up to. What they did not believe in was representative government. They believed in government by an uncontrolled oligarchy whose acts would only become apparent after an interval so long that the electorate would be forever incapable of doing anything efficient to remedy depredations." (My italics.)

Ezra Pound

St. Elizabeth's Hospital

Washington DC 1950

Are we incapable now?

Link: On the Fed, Wilson, and other Revealing Topics (interview) (Note that the video has been deleted by hands unseen.) You see, the work of author Eustace Mullins reveals too much uncomfortable truth for the sensitive political class these days!

Making the World Safe for Democracy? Seriously?

For the curious, here's a view of the A New Order: Woodrow Wilson Inauguration Horoscope of 1913 with two apt midpoint pictures indicating duplicity, unfaithfulness, deception (Neptune-NN = Saturn) and a sense of tragedy (Venus-Pluto = Saturn), with Inaugural Saturn as the planet of authority, management, and lawmaking. And to add insult to injury, here's the Scripture the Bible was opened to as Wilson took the Oath of Office upon it with Inaugural Sun in secretive, shady Pisces as it was until 1937:

Psalms 119:43--46 KJV: 'And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; for I have hoped in Thy judgments. So shall I keep Thy law continually for ever and ever. And I will walk at liberty; for I seek Thy precepts. And I will speak of Thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed.'

In closing, perhaps Woodrow Wilson's duplicity toward American principles of democracy and the American people might be partially explained by a midpoint picture imprinted upon his 1913 Oath of Office for it affected his natal Saturn, karmic planet of truth and realism: Neptune-ASC = n Saturn: 'becoming weak in bad company' (R. Ebertin). I'd say so: he hung around with Washington politicians.

Dec 5, 2015

How JP Morgan sunk his unsinkable Titanic to create the Fed - video

Here's a link to this video about the Titanic sinking.

And contained within a previous post is an interview with Eustace Mullins who details the House of Rothschild's engineering of communist Woodrow Wilson into the White House, the conditions surrounding the waging of World War I, JP Morgan (whose personal emissary attended the secret 1910 Jekyll Island meeting along with other Morgan agents and villain Senator Aldrich), President Taft, and more by the author of The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. This interview reveals in 10 minutes very interesting material by Mr. Mullins, a man who witnessed it all.

To quote poet Ezra Pound (political prisoner without trial St. Elizabeth's Hospital 1950):

Here are some simple facts of the great betrayal. Wilson and House knew that they were doing something momentous. One cannot fathom men's motives and this pair probably believed in what they were up to. What they did not believe in was representative government. They believed in government by an uncontrolled oligarchy whose acts would only become apparent after an interval so long that the electorate would be forever incapable of doing anything efficient to remedy depredations."

2015 minus 1913 (a traitorous US Congress passes the Federal Reserve Act) = 102 years, a long enough interval to implement the creepy Oligarchy we now have thanks to public apathy, a century of deceitful propaganda, and the self-undoing that results from trusting the wrong people.

Oct 31, 2015

Caller: What About Dismantling the Federal Reserve? - video (w the Fed's New Moon)

Here a caller to the Thom Hartmann Show questions the continued existence of the Federal Reserve Bank which many people believe causes the economic problems it then pretends to rush in and solve. Thom replies to the caller and adds historical information about Richard Nixon taking the US off the gold standard:

As you know, Senator Aldrich along with bankers and corporate operatives met in secret in late 1910 in order to plan the creation of what became the Federal Reserve Bank. This planning session of sneaky "duck hunters" has a Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) which perfected @8Sag49 during the secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia. To me, the karmic degree (8Sag) is more revealing of the Fed's genesis than the Sabian Symbol for the rounded-up degree of 9Sag though of course both degrees (word pictures) apply. And as you know, the Panic of 1907 was used as justification for planning and establishing the Federal Reserve Act in December 1913 and the American people and US government officials have been its subjects ever since. See what you think (my italics) of 8Sag:

8 Sagittarius: "Rocks and Things Forming Therein" which speaks of creating one's own reality by "taking control of the circumstances which provide the matrix" for existence. "Each person in accepting his roots and capitalizing on his own endowment is enabled to proceed to high achievement." This degree of the Fed's New Moon, the seed phase of a new cycle of activity, expresses as: "exceptional ability to mold or remold the course of events." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Can anyone disagree that the Federal Reserve System through its money monopoly did and does just that?


Recommended: On the Fed, Wilson, and Other Revealing Things... which includes a video and a related quote by Ezra Pound.

And check out this excerpt from a presentation on the Fed and the Bank Panic of 1907:

May 7, 2012

On The Fed, Wilson, and other revealing topics (interview)

Past Points to Future and Culprits Surround Us

by Jude Cowell

Now here's a last interview recorded with the controversial Eustace Mullins whose book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection details actions and motives while naming many culprits from the past (1880s into the 20th century and into the 1980s of Ronald Reagan) of the financial and political realms. These are people whose biological and ideological descendants continue to bedevil and infest our nation to this very day.

While he was no less flawed than you or me, Mr. Mullins associated with those whom many now consider to be unsavory groups and individuals, it's true, yet if you don't think the shady financiers and politicians who met oh-so-secretly on Jekyll Island, Georgia in late November into early December 1910 in order to set up the Federal Reserve System of banks were unsavory themselves, then there's little to discuss when it comes to their long-serving bubble-boom-bust pattern highlighted by Financial Collapse 2008, the Crash of 1929, the Panic of 1907, etc, etc, both in the US and abroad.

As noted in the video below, the first loan made by 'The Fed' was to England so that World War One could be waged--and huge fortunes made (other sources confirm this.) Woodrow Wilson ran duplicitously for president on keeping the US out of the European war but that was only campaign propaganda meant to persuade the public so if any of this sounds familiar in our current conditions, there are very good reasons! Check out the interview if you dare.

Now how about a quote found in the Mullins book from the controversial 'mad' poet himself, Ezra Pound, an associate of Eustace Mullins (as is well-known); the quote appears in the book's Introduction and imho, has been proven in the New Millennium to contain several kernels of highly uncomfortable truth:

>"Here are the simple facts of the great betrayal. Wilson and House knew that they were doing something momentous. One cannot fathom men's motives and this pair probably believed in what they were up to. What they did not believe in was representative government. They believed in government by an uncontrolled oligarchy whose acts would only become apparent after an interval so long that the electorate would be forever incapable of doing anything efficient to remedy depredations."

Ezra Pound

St. Elizabeth's Hospital

Washington DC 1950

This blogger believes that such an interval has done much damage upon the awareness, clear perspective, and willpower of the American people which is why I happily remind us all to continue supporting Occupy Wall Street and other groups promoting and uplifting the common good! And please do remember the 'Bush years' full of fear, lies, propaganda, pre-emptive war on credit card, the trickle down economic ruse, and the Big Heist of 2008 when you vote on November 6, 2012. Please. For you know that as imperfect as President Obama is, Mitt Romney would be a ramped up neocon version of George W. Bush--and ingratiatingly easy to manipulate.

Oligarchy, Plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, violence and fear, racism and other -isms--all may be described astrologically by planetary pairs when their energies combine yet my prime duo for such cruelty and haughty ivory-towerism is the Pluto-Chiron duo which last met in Great Conjunction on December 30, 1999 at '12Sag'--conjunct US natal Ascendant in our Sibly horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) This was 'Battle in Seattle' time, the first huge protests against the World Trade Organization of global bankers, politicians, and their agents.

'12Sag' = "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows"...ADJUSTMENT.

Positive expression: successful self-establishment through genuine self-expression;

Negative (Unconscious/Shadow Side--jc): idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Yes, 'unsubstantiated claims' of the sort that are so very useful for any politicians and media types in on the Big Game of lying the American people into supporting and fighting wars by twisting us emotionally into the pawns that wealthy warmongers must have as cannon fodder.


btw: just as I published this post I noticed that the Moon approaches '12Sag'...

Apr 12, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut 1922--2007

Novelist Kurt Vonnegut's fall two weeks ago in his Manhattan apartment resulted in brain injuries and he gave up the fight Wednesday, April 11.

In honor of a master I'm posting his natal chart the birth time of which is in question. But some transits aren't affected by birth time as long as the date is correct so I've marked Saturn outside the chart as The Old Man been visiting Vonnegut's natal Neptune of late. This is a difficult transit when you're 84 years old with its visions of The Grim Reaper and all.

Jupiter tends to be active at times of death and so we see Jupiter in first house along with Pluto. In a spree of blatant neglect, I did not write in the supposed planetary hour of his birth--a Jupiter hour, if born at 8:00 am CST (this looks like a rounded off time--once very commonly done.)

Custodians of Chaos is an excerpt from his memoir, Man Without A Country and is well worth a read if you haven't. It puts Bush and Cheney in their sorry places.

The Image for his natal Sun Sco/Moon Leo blend:

A Samaritan mirrors sunshine into the depth of a dark pit bringing hope to those who live there.
Puts me in mind of the slaughterhouse in Dresden and his use of his war experiences in writing Slaughterhouse Five.

This Sun/Moon blend is shared by poet Ezra Pound who said, "The difference between a gun and a a difference of tempo. The tree explodes every spring."

Your work, Mr. Vonnegut, is well done. RIP where guns can hurt no more.