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Showing posts with label H5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label H5. Show all posts

Sep 22, 2019

Autumn Equinox 2019: a Pentagram of Ordo Ab Chao

Autumn EQ 2019 Washington DC: Good vs Evil, As Within So Without

by Jude Cowell

In Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages we find that, the pentagram symbol (5-pointed star) is "the time-honored symbol of the magical arts".."the five senses of man, the five elements of nature, the five extremities of the human body. By means of the pentagram within his own soul, man may not only master and govern all creatures inferior to himself, but may demand consideration at the hands of those superior to himself." (My italics.)

Will Order From Chaos occur and override Uranian Donald Trump who only knows how to 'govern' via chaos and who is overshadowed by lawsuits and investigations everywhere he turns? We can hope. Now as you see in the Autumn Equinox 2019 Horoscope, below, the US Inaugural Ascendant (14Taurus) sits atop the chart at Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, as does the Moon-Neptune midpoint. This forms two pictures suggesting an unstable personality who is "gripped by forebodings." Can this be Trump under pressure and feeling cornered? Well, in mundane charts the Sun represents the leader, or in this case, US POTUS (by which I mean the fellow currently playing the role) and this Sun 00Lib00:00 conjoins the Jupiter-North-Node midpoint in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (with chart-ruler Sun making no Ptolemaic aspects in the chart other than opposing Chiron). Of course, one of Trump's favorite planets, Mars @23Virgo, is in 2nd house as well and conjoins US natal Neptune, a time when unwise decisions are probable and getting to the bottom of things is difficult if not impossible. Keeping a low profile is the best course of action but who would expect such moderation from attention-hound Trump? Especially since America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misguided action is activated by transit Mars to Neptune.

Then with the anti-social Neptune-North-Node midpoint conjunct the Equinox MC we may expect that the help of others is needed in order to reach objectives, while someone is in seclusion (though he may still be tweeting up a storm and calling heads of state on the phone for cozy chats. The way you do).

Above you see the DC Horoscope for Autumn Equinox 2019 which perfects when the Sun enters Libra (00:00:00) on September 23 at 3:50:25 am edt (aka, the Libra Ingress); highlighted in red is a stretched pentagram pattern pointing toward the Midheaven of the chart (MC 14Tau54) which subsequently conjoins America's Presidential Oath of Office, the Ascendant, at noon on January 20th, the swearing in of a new president. In this case, that would be Trump playing the POTUS role. The lower left point of the star conjuncts Trump's Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio in his natal 2nd house--closest to his Chiron and therefore the middle of his speculating, inflating, fraudulent Jupiter-Neptune midpoint. So for Herr Spanky a midpoint picture of potentials is formed by transit Mercury (conjunct US natal Saturn 14Lib4) as apex---his natal Jupiter-Neptune = transit Mercury: skills with deceptive practices; misleading or misdirecting the attention of others. With US n Saturn: combining the real with the unreal in activities; curtailed occult practices (Munkasey). Also note that rising in 1st house is transit Nemesis @28Leo26 conjunct the natal Mars and Ascendant of Donald Trump (which brings royal Regulus along as well: success if revenge is avoided--if not, every gain is taken away). Finally, is this a cosmic picture of a foe that's unbeatable for Teflon Trump?

Note: you're welcomed to take exception to my use of the stretched pentagram shown here but let's proceed in case the pattern turns out to have relevance to events and to current crises at least until Winter Solstice 2019 occurs and 'takes over' in December. If the pentagram is irrelevant, we'll find out by the time 2019 careens on into 2020.

Now a pentagram is a 5th Harmonic pattern and with an exact one, all five points (planets, points, etc) would be conjunct in a 5th harmonic chart ('H5'). Yet pentagrams rarely turn up in horoscopes so I'm allowing a stretching for this one. For as you know, its symbolism has been used for centuries by secret societies, other organizations, and in sacred, gnostic, Kabbalistic, and satanic systems and beliefs. In Christianity a pentagram often represents The Star of the Magi (or, Star of Bethlehem) and, as noted by Manly Hall in the quote, above, relates to man--and particularly to Leonardo da Vinci's illustration of the Vitruvian Man (health, fitness, asteroid Hygeia, the practice of medicine). Issues of the 'balance between mind and body' are implied which suggests some of the public discourse prevalent concerning the health of Donald Trump.

So pentagrams also relate to the Mind of Man (and Woman), the Fire element, to creative regeneration, and to those who are on a continual, adventurous quest upon which new, often unexpected events are encountered which may help rectify mistakes or past events--thus bringing order out of chaos. Plus, a definite spiritual component (good vs evil) is involved when a pentagram appears and there's often a 'brilliant bolt from the blue' that hints of erratic Uranus, The Witness, the Rebel, the Disrupter, the Maverick--and changes of direction become necessary. (Note that Uranus @5Tau55 Rx in 9th house is unaspected in this chart suggesting 'spurts of unusual behavior projected onto others'--Tierney.) Also Sun unaspected indicates a self-involved person with no conscience.

So does the Autumn EQ 2019 pentagram symbolize that someone new will appear on the scene, someone to counter Uranian Trump successfully? If so, he or she may be characterized as a 'giant' who has the power to affect and manipulate global events either for good or evil. Is she/he already on the scene (exs: the fellow lurking in the Oval Office, or, a 2020 candidate?) or is she/he someone new as suggested by the pentagram? With Venus in Libra in the 2020 Election Horoscope, the incumbent party is expected to retain control of the presidency although the Venus Cycle didn't manage to block a couple of exceptions to the rule in past presidential elections. So the certainty that this must be Trump in 2020 isn't necessarily the case, I suppose, and certainly much has happened in recent weeks on the Trump-whistleblower-Ukrainian front to suggest more strongly and blatantly than ever how unfit for office Trump is. Plus, Venus Cycle or no, if enough women, minorities, and Millennials vote Democrat, another Blue Wave could sweep his nibs out to sea.

Yet it's also possible that his status as Teflon Trump, a Bacchus figure (see 2nd house Sun @00Libra conjunct transit Bacchus!), will continue to protect him from all accusations and threats which suggests to me that people in very high places want him to remain in the White House as the saboteurs of America tick off items on their devilish to-do list. We know that major shifts are occurring around the world so is US global leadership becoming a thing of the past under agent Trump?

Then with another look at the horoscope, we see that Pluto-MC = Neptune which denotes potential scandals, other-worldliness, peculiarities, and "power run amuck" (Tyl)--a few of the things we already have experienced under the auspices of scofflaw Donald Trump. So if someone 'new' intends to appear, let's hope our difficulties will abate soon even if they can't disappear all together especially since December 26, 2019 brings the world a Capricorn Solar Eclipse in the 3 South Saros Series with its authority-related karmic imperatives and the promise--whether we're ready for it or not--of traumatic transformation, a concept which is well supported by transit Pluto plodding through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, transforming structures and systems as he creeps toward 2022 and his position in our nation's July 4, 1776 chart.

Sep 20, 2019

Trump Whistleblower Complaint and a Leo New Moon

July 31, 2019--August 12, 2019: Trump and Our National Security

Well, according to Fortune Magazine, here is today's update Trump Whistleblower Complaint: Everything You Need to Know by Natasha Bach, and while I can't personally vouch for the accuracy of the update I do know that when Trump allegedly called Vladimir Putin on July 31, 2019, a
New Moon perfected @8Leo37
less than 2 degrees from Trump's 12th house Pluto (10Leo02; Rx and unaspected) which suggests that seeds (ideas) were planted and a new cycle of activity began. Was this mobster calling mobster? Underworld boss Pluto called and answered, if so.

Now as you know, astrological Luna may be used as a handy timing device in horoscopes and the July 31 New Moon culminated with the Full Moon of August 15, 2019 @22AQ24, book ending a time period when the current turmoil over a suppressed whistle blower complaint against Trump making a disturbing, possibly national security endangering, 'promise' to a foreign leader during a phone call, may have begun (July 31) and the whistleblower complaint filed or aired (on August 12--within the August 15th time frame). Of interest may be the rounded-up degree's symbol for the Full Moon: "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving all Its Paws," with 'big bear' a traditional symbol for Mother Russia. The symbol's negative/shadow side expression: "frantic efforts to gain and hold attention" (Jones).

Also note that on July 31st, communicating message-bringer Mercury @23Cancer stationed and turned Direct precisely upon Trump's natal 11th house Saturn (seeking or giving advice; serious communications)! Hello Moscow? Is that you, Moscow? It's me, Donald.

Now as it turns out, Ukraine is said to be involved which to me includes Putin, so some people are calling this Trump's Ukrainegate. Do you suppose the Trump-Putin pact to finagle Russia back into the G-8 is any part of this 'promising' picture? For as you know, Putin's actions against Ukraine got him kicked out of the G-8.

Trump's Mercury and a YOD Points to Mars and Crisis

As for America's national security, I confess to being one of those Americans who have considered the loose-lipped Donald Trump to be a major national security risk from the start with a huge clue pre-2016 being his natal Mercury-Neptune square of deception, lies, fraud, indiscretion, fantasy, inability to hear or to learn, and misperception. Naturally there were other clues but the square is a major 'tell' especially since the former reality show host uses his mouth almost non-stop for boasting, propagandizing, demagoguing, promoting, broadcasting, tweeting, insulting, and whining for what feels like 24/7. Aptly, Alan Oken calls the Mercury-Neptune square "the sneaky mind" and on that perhaps you and I can agree.

So was Trump addressing a crisis in a phone call on July 31, 2019? Perhaps so since a crisis pattern--a YOD (also, a special task; a crossroads)--is present in the July 31st New Moon horoscope (linked, above) and points toward fire-starter planet Mars (males; the military; warriors; energy, action, motivation). And if we use the YOD's planets to determine midpoint pictures we get the following potentials (my italics):

Neptune-Pluto = Mars @19Leo09: compulsion to use violence; imminent destruction emphasizes hostility; lack of resistance; used as a tool; and Saturn-Neptune = Mars: defending shabby practices; emotional depression or sickness; listlessness. (Munkasey; Ebertin). Noel Tyl adds: preoccupations that can't be explained.

No, I don't imagine that Trump's true preoccupations can be honestly explained but we know that he and his minions expend a huge amount of energy and time hiding, obstructing, and suppressing them from congressional and public scrutiny. It's the tyrant's way!

Recent and Related: What About Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto?

Sep 12, 2019

What about Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto?

September 12, 2019: As you already know, the Sun-Pluto planetary pairing relates to the craving of power and ruler-ship and the attainment of power (Ebertin). The abuse or misuse of power is also possible and in America's July 4, 1776 horoscope/s Sun in mid-Cancer and Pluto Rx in late Capricorn are in a compulsive-obsessive quindecile (+/-165 degr) aspect denoting Washington DC as ruthless, manipulative, and intimidating in its drive for power and control.

Then today as I reviewed a long-owned book by David Hamblin which concerns one of my favorite branches of Astrology, Harmonics, my eye was caught by the 5th Harmonic, or the 'H5', as I prefer to term it in my notes, and an interesting feature of unaspected planets when converted to the H5. Often on the look out for another way to understand this complex wheeler-dealer using astrological principles, and knowing that Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY) was born with Pluto @10Leo02 unaspected in the 12th house of the Unconscious, Politics, and Karma, curiosity got the better so I transformed his natal chart into an H5 chart just to see what his natal Pluto would 'do', if anything.

Turns out that in his H5 chart, Trump's Pluto @20Capricorn forms a trine to his H5 Sun (which conjoins his natal MC conjunct angry Algol!). Now according to David Hamblin, when an unaspected natal planet (split off from or unintegrated into the personality) aspects another planet in the native's H5 chart, Fiveness = an "unnatural link" that is "forged in an artificial or deliberate way" between features that are "naturally felt to be separate" and this relates to building, constructing, arranging, and harvesting for use. Then Hamblin cites John Harvey and John Addey for pointing out that, "Five is connected with power since "to be able to arrange matter into form of one's choosing is to exert power over it." And of course, astrological Pluto on its own is a planet of power and of hidden or invisible power (and of Underworld connections and extreme wealth like Trump's--secreted away and hidden in his 12th house like a puppet master pulling his strings.) And, funny thing--today transit Pluto @20Cap44 conjuncts Trump's H5 Pluto!

Now five relates to the mind of man and "is the first number in which man asserts his power over the world." So one of the most disturbing things to me is that, "--within the principle of Fiveness, {he} strives to change the world and to make it other than how he found it." Well, Trump is definitely all about that, and apparently he's aided by an H5 Sun-Pluto trine to do it, hidden though it may be. Does the trine reveal powerful criminal elements assisting him with his government sabotaging and wealth-purloining endeavors? Unsurprising, if so.

Yet psychologically the most curious part of it all may be that Trump prefers to rule by chaos--he's a chaos-creator with his oriental Uranus @18Gemini (in 10th house of Career) which means that erratic Uranus is his guiding planet (last to rise before his Sun @22Gemini) and he's certainly known for suddenly changing of his mind back and forth, and creating shocks and disruption all around him, plus, there's his alleged tendency to rule by unusual notions and whims (Uranus in changeable Gemini).

And yet his H5 Sun-Pluto trine supplies the power for something he could use and impress us with if only he would--Trump can "create order out of chaos"!

And there, my friends, is yet another example of the complex personality and paradoxical nature of the cantankerous Donald J. Trump who, on a deeper level, and despite his advanced age catching up with him, may not be as quirky and erratic as he pretends to be. Especially fancying himself as a world class thespian and all.

Got any thoughts you can share?