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Showing posts with label Hidden Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hidden Garden. Show all posts

Nov 16, 2023

Spring Equinox 2024 with a Thales Planet

An Intense DC Horoscope for Spring Equinox 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As you know, all Spring Equinox Horoscopes are "good for" the entire year its planets describe with the Sun conjunct the Aries Point. Therefore, the Spring Equinox 2023 Horoscope remains in force until the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope with Scorpio rising takes effect (chart shown below). As noted in the previous post, the March 2023 Horoscope reveals planetary potentials for simmering debt ceiling issues, illusions, deceptions, misunderstandings, undermining of associations, plus, a Mars-Pluto inconjunct of anger, persistence, and diehard competitors who refuse to accept defeat. If these potentials don't describe current actors and events in America (and elsewhere), I don't know what does.

Then if the March 4, 2024 J6 Trial of Mr. Trump holds on to its date via Judge Chutkan--the day prior to Primary Day 2024--the trial also will be 'covered' by the Spring Equinox 2023 Horoscope but proceedings may easily last long enough to 'stray' into 2024 territory. One consideration is that the J6 Trial falls within the 7 South Eclipse Series which contains energies of a Mars-Pluto square from 7 South's initial eclipse (June 22, 1248 @8Can03--conjunct Herr T's natal Mercury).

For more details see Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump particularly in Gemini's 22-degree range.

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox March 19, 2024 11:06:22 pm edt Washington DC; ASC @16Sco10 ruled by Mars with co-ruler Pluto; MC @25Leo26 (sporting Trump's natal Mars) with transit Mars @27AQ46 conjunct the foundational IC of Endings. And with Mars opposing his natal Mars, he may experience a period of fruitless head banging as others challenge his actions with an equal or more intense use of force, a possibility which sounds promising for the rule of law:

2024: Thales Planet a Saving Grace For Heated Emotions

For a namesake, you may wish to see Thales of Miletus, an ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher credited with the famous saying, "Know Thyself." Of course, current-day politicians who complain against Americans being "woke" don't care at all for ancient Thales, or for his teachings! And many Republicans show an embarrassing lack of self awareness.

Yet as you see, a ruffled-up Moon-Pluto opposition falls across the self-will axis of Leo-AQ, so aggressive quarrels will continue--and we don't need Astrology to realize this! In fact, this aspect is termed The Devastator by Alan Oken and symbolizes people determined to gain complete control of others. But the good news? There's a Thales Planet that, if utilized, can ease the negative potentials of the manipulative Moon-Pluto opposition. The Thales Planet in the chart is Neptune in its own sign of compassionate Pisces, with the placement a marker for peace:

Neptune trines Luna, a positive and creative aspect, and sextiles Pluto, a transiting aspect in effect for quite a while now and denotes those who are responsive to the uplifting vibrations of the planetary pair in the higher realms as the consciousness of the masses continues to awaken and then sees things more clearly. The sextile-trine condition suggests that diplomacy may be in the offing, in Washington DC, and in foreign conflicts.

As for the Sun-Pluto sextile, those who control information and are adept at winning arguments through this control are indicated. Since ultimate power is involved via Pluto along with leadership (Sun), this may be a picture of powerful legal experts and court officials attempting to hold scofflaw Trump accountable to the rule of law, and/or to the wealthy folk who are on the side of democracy rather than cheering and financing brutal animalism against the American people and the entire world population.

Now here's a previous post which may be of interest, The Thales Eclipse and the Peacock of Venus.

Well, this is my initial assessment of Spring Equinox 2024 conditions although more consideration may be necessary as the Vernal Equinox of Election Year 2024 approaches and further events occur.

Now in closing, as a tribute to the Spring Season, here's one of my favorite pencil drawings, Hidden Garden:

Thanks a bunch for reading! Jude

Jul 24, 2017

July 24, 2017 Kushner spills a few beans just before closed-door testimony

Today Trumpman Jared Kushner testifies behind closed doors on Capitol Hill (which sports quite a few closed doors and the meetings within) and before going in this morning to give his 'testimony' (not under oath as first promised but it's still illegal to lie before Congress--under oath or not) son-in-law Kushner revealed Russian meddling through an event that occurred just before the November 2016 election.


Wanted to record the above tidbit here on SO'W and note that a post in the series In the Realms of Jupiter will soon be published here. Today the profile is about the natal Jupiter of Jared Kushner so stay tuned if ye may! jc

Like Mr. Kushner's testimony today, here is a Hidden Garden.