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Showing posts with label Thales planet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thales planet. Show all posts

Feb 13, 2024

Treaty of Versailles: a Cancerian Affair

In the horoscope of the Treaty of Versailles, the agreement that ended World War I, we find the critical 29th degree of Libra rising: Libra, sign of diplomacy - and with its polar opposite sign ruled by warrior planet Mars, the war axis, conjunct the Descendant.

These days, the current beating of war drums by Putin and others of a despotic mindset causes me to wonder, Who Wants Another World War? How about you, dear reader? Got any family members you'd like taking part in yet another ritual sacrifice to please psychotic, profiteering warmongers?

Well, here's a link to a view of the World War One Horoscope, aka, The Great Betrayal of America (one of many betrayals of the American people). And below, officially ending the First World War, and displaying a significant 9th house emphasis on Foreign Lands and Higher Minds, is the Horoscope of the Treaty of Versailles (RR: A), signed on June 28, 1919 and coming into effect on January 10, 1920:

And when it comes to the Treaty's double water Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer blend of conscious and unconscious energies, a revealing 'Image for Integration' seems quite appropriate due to its protective vibes (plus, America's 1776 Jupiter in Cancer is understandably prominent) along with Moon-ruled Cancer's intimate association with Self-Protection, Home, and Family:

"A gosling peeks out of its shell as mother goose chases away the farm cat" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey, #ad). Scat cat!

Then Coming Soon with a beneficial Thales planet attached: Spring Equinox 2024 set for Washington DC. See what you can make of it!

Dec 13, 2023

Year 2023 ends with a Cancer Full Moon!

Last Lunation of 2023: A Bright and Cold Full Moon

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

The final lunation of 2023 is the Cancer Full Moon of December 26, 2023 @4Can58:11 with both Moon and Mars out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane. If you're familiar with the planets on July 4, 1776, you know that this lunation falls within America's Cancer trio of planets: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (3--14 Cancer). Therefore, with money planets Venus and Jupiter in the spotlight, a culmination of some kind in relation to financial matters may be involved. Perhaps a diplomatic help will be generous Jupiter, not as strong as it could be due to retrogradation, yet in money sign Taurus, is acting as a Thales Planet for the Sun-Moon oposition, aka, a saving grace.

Then thankfully, Jupiter turns Direct on December 30, 2023 @5Tau34:51 at 9:40:15 pm EST, and will pick up steam as the Great Benefic moseys on through January 2024, reaching 7Tau10 at month's end. Notably, transit Jupiter enters Mercury-ruled Gemini the last week of May 2024, a cosmic signal for change.

Now the December 2023 Full Moon times the culmination phase issuing from the New Moon of December 12, 2023 @20Sag40; in between comes the Quarter Moon of December 19, 2023 @27Pisces conjunct the gaslighting planet of fraud and deception, Neptune, influential in its own sign of Pisces. Also notable is that Venu$ @26Sco34 in 4th house (Real Estate; Domestic Scene; Mining) leads all the Full Moon planets as the engine of a Locomotive shape, determined on success.

Now here's the DC Horoscope of the December 26, 2023 Full Moon with quite a few of my study notes squooshed upon it:

In general, Cancer Full Moons tend to activate emotional extremes and overblown reactions, patriotism, nationalism, tribalism, and may also highlight criminal activities. But on a more positive level, the sign of Cancer relates to family matters, openly expressed feelings of sensitivity, imagination, publicity, and genealogical interests.

Nov 16, 2023

Spring Equinox 2024 with a Thales Planet

An Intense DC Horoscope for Spring Equinox 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As you know, all Spring Equinox Horoscopes are "good for" the entire year its planets describe with the Sun conjunct the Aries Point. Therefore, the Spring Equinox 2023 Horoscope remains in force until the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope with Scorpio rising takes effect (chart shown below). As noted in the previous post, the March 2023 Horoscope reveals planetary potentials for simmering debt ceiling issues, illusions, deceptions, misunderstandings, undermining of associations, plus, a Mars-Pluto inconjunct of anger, persistence, and diehard competitors who refuse to accept defeat. If these potentials don't describe current actors and events in America (and elsewhere), I don't know what does.

Then if the March 4, 2024 J6 Trial of Mr. Trump holds on to its date via Judge Chutkan--the day prior to Primary Day 2024--the trial also will be 'covered' by the Spring Equinox 2023 Horoscope but proceedings may easily last long enough to 'stray' into 2024 territory. One consideration is that the J6 Trial falls within the 7 South Eclipse Series which contains energies of a Mars-Pluto square from 7 South's initial eclipse (June 22, 1248 @8Can03--conjunct Herr T's natal Mercury).

For more details see Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump particularly in Gemini's 22-degree range.

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox March 19, 2024 11:06:22 pm edt Washington DC; ASC @16Sco10 ruled by Mars with co-ruler Pluto; MC @25Leo26 (sporting Trump's natal Mars) with transit Mars @27AQ46 conjunct the foundational IC of Endings. And with Mars opposing his natal Mars, he may experience a period of fruitless head banging as others challenge his actions with an equal or more intense use of force, a possibility which sounds promising for the rule of law:

2024: Thales Planet a Saving Grace For Heated Emotions

For a namesake, you may wish to see Thales of Miletus, an ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher credited with the famous saying, "Know Thyself." Of course, current-day politicians who complain against Americans being "woke" don't care at all for ancient Thales, or for his teachings! And many Republicans show an embarrassing lack of self awareness.

Yet as you see, a ruffled-up Moon-Pluto opposition falls across the self-will axis of Leo-AQ, so aggressive quarrels will continue--and we don't need Astrology to realize this! In fact, this aspect is termed The Devastator by Alan Oken and symbolizes people determined to gain complete control of others. But the good news? There's a Thales Planet that, if utilized, can ease the negative potentials of the manipulative Moon-Pluto opposition. The Thales Planet in the chart is Neptune in its own sign of compassionate Pisces, with the placement a marker for peace:

Neptune trines Luna, a positive and creative aspect, and sextiles Pluto, a transiting aspect in effect for quite a while now and denotes those who are responsive to the uplifting vibrations of the planetary pair in the higher realms as the consciousness of the masses continues to awaken and then sees things more clearly. The sextile-trine condition suggests that diplomacy may be in the offing, in Washington DC, and in foreign conflicts.

As for the Sun-Pluto sextile, those who control information and are adept at winning arguments through this control are indicated. Since ultimate power is involved via Pluto along with leadership (Sun), this may be a picture of powerful legal experts and court officials attempting to hold scofflaw Trump accountable to the rule of law, and/or to the wealthy folk who are on the side of democracy rather than cheering and financing brutal animalism against the American people and the entire world population.

Now here's a previous post which may be of interest, The Thales Eclipse and the Peacock of Venus.

Well, this is my initial assessment of Spring Equinox 2024 conditions although more consideration may be necessary as the Vernal Equinox of Election Year 2024 approaches and further events occur.

Now in closing, as a tribute to the Spring Season, here's one of my favorite pencil drawings, Hidden Garden:

Thanks a bunch for reading! Jude

Oct 15, 2017

DC Horoscopes November 2017 Lunations: Mars in Libra

Here are the lunations, Full and New Moons, of November 2017. The charts are set for the White House and both show warrior Mars in Venus-ruled Libra as lead planet of a Locomotive shape which denotes success and power through an executive eccentricity--a self-driving individual (Jones).

Given that Mr. Trump's natal Mars rises in his chart, he is an obvious guess as to the identity of this Mars @7Libra which by transit has just conjoined his natal Neptune (5Libra) (unwise decisions, misunderstandings, actions misguided or undermined) and at the New Moon approaches Trump's natal Jupiter (17Lib27 Stationary Direct), a time when plans and appetites are expanded or widened, whether practical, wise, or not.

And once transit Mars nestles between Mr. Trump's inflated natal Neptune and Jupiter, a midpoint picture forms suggesting potentials for: unreliability, irresponsibility, being let down by others, speculation, and/or an urge to realize plans without prospect (Ebertin). Not so different than his usual behavior, is it?

However, we should note that at the November 4, 2017 Full Moon, Mars leads but is unaspected by the rest of the planets (actors) which may describe Trump not listening to the advice of others for here is a man of power who has withdrawn from various associations and left himself (and the US) isolated. This resonates with the Inauguration 2017 horoscope which shows only the Sun (POTUS) in 10th house (World Stage), all alone by his telephone.

Note that in the Full Moon chart, weaponry and destruction continue to be topics of discussion (Mars-Pluto = Mercury) and some people feel anger and frustration at those who avoid or deny reality (Mars-Neptune = Saturn).

Yet by the time of the November 18th New Moon, fighting Mars is more involved with other actors and, penned on the chart by the New Moon image, are Mars's aspects--the first is important since Mars is chart-ruler (ASC 22Sco55; co-ruled by Pluto @17Cap28) and applies to a square with powerful Pluto. This indicates a period of power struggles, revenge, and jealousy, plus, past actions come up and may cause blockages or obstacles that must be cleared away before current actions can succeed.

Of course, Libra is the sign of diplomacy and Mars in the sign can indicate that too much frankness (or off-hand remarks, insults, and tweets) tend to cause anger and a lack of cooperation (which we've already seen from Mr. Trump as he argues with his own political party and insults anyone who disagrees with or criticizes him). Additionally, too much dependence on moods and feelings, whether from the gut or not, proves to be unwise, another tendency we've seen from the Moon-SN-directed Mr. Trump.

Before closing, perhaps we should add another astro-note concerning the Full Moon @11Tau58 for it has a Thales Planet--Neptune @11Pis33 Rx for Neptune sextiles the Moon, trines the Sun, and perhaps in this role may relieve some of the tension or pressure inherent in the solar-lunar opposition--even if it takes Neptunian lies and fantasies to do it.

Dec 2, 2016

Dec 19, 2016: Cosmic Conditions for the Electoral College Decision on a Trump Presidency

As per reader's request (thanks for the inspiration, Rebecca!), the following post concerns the official Electoral College meeting on December 19, 2016, to decide if Donald Trump can indeed take possession of the reins of power in 2017. The planetary indications described below denote certain cosmic influences yet as usual, the motivations of those involved are known only unto themselves and may interfere with the outcome. If this occurs, you'll know that yours truly will fault Pluto in Capricorn so near to tofu planet Mercury taking the shape and mindset of the persuasive, intimidating planet of meddling Plutocrats!

The Electoral College Meets December 19th: For or Against Mr. Trump?

by Jude Cowell

A basic reason that America's Electoral College was founded was in order to prevent dangerous demagogues from grabbing the presidency. So will Donald Trump be cast aside on December 19 (2016) when the electors officially meet to decide who will enter the Oval Office on January 20, 2017? Based on the Astrology of that day I would say that, yes, it is possible that the presidency could be decided in favor of Hillary Clinton (unless a higher authority prefers Trump) although Clinton's higher popular vote count probably carries no weight in their decision.

The Hill lays out the political considerations. But what do the December 19, 2016 planets reveal through my common-good lens?

After studying the day of December 19th in the morning, noon, and later, I find two main planets in transit that relate descriptively to such political considerations: voting/negotiating Mercury station retrograde @15Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and authority) conjunct powerful, wealthy, plutocratic Pluto, and Cap-ruler Saturn @20Sagittarius. Transit Saturn is in process of conjoining Mr. Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction while opposing his natal Sun-North Node pair which has potential for difficulties of a karmic nature. But putting such a Saturnian 28-to-29-year transit aside, let's consider two things: that voting Mercury is spotlighted via stationing, and by the fact that it will then retrograde which relates to reviewing and reconsidering--and a possible change of mind. On a Mercurial level, this a cosmic picture of the sobering events occurring December 19, 2016! Yet if little Mercury--under the influence of manipulative Pluto--isn't enough to jettison Trump (or to keep him), there's the weighty condition of Saturn.

On December 19th, transit Saturn is the Thales planet for the ongoing conflict-producing Jupiter-Uranus opposition since the conservative law abiding Saturn sextiles Jupiter and trines Uranus. Possibly, this indicates Saturnian people (in authority) coming to the aid of Donald Trump, especially since his natal Sun-Moon opposition is involved. And note that for most of us, Saturn 'hitting' a natal Full Moon can result in difficult circumstances unless we have previously honored Saturn's commands to be accountable, responsible, and mature. Now for me, that does not describe Mr. Trump who seems emotionally immature as many folks have noted. And he's much more of a Jupiterian personality who takes credit where it isn't due, is materialistic, and thinks that cheating is winning even though it's actually stealing. Well, as he never tires of saying, he does love "winning". By trickery? No problem!

So with Saturn sextile Jupiter, opportunity to expand or improve one's professional status is offered though not promised. But the offer is made more interesting because Mr. Trump is in process of his 12-year Jupiter Return which makes the December 19th Jupiter in Libra more personal to him (though transit Jupiter is not on Trump's natal Jupiter degree on that particular day). As for Hillary, her natal Jupiter is @00Sag, the sign through which Saturn has been stomping and this may give her a measure of influence in this cosmic picture although it's more of a Saturn-conjunct-Jupiter vibe of 'giving back some of what was given' since transit Saturn already conjoined her natal Jupiter back in September 2015.

Then with transit Saturn trine Uranus, planet of radical, reactionary politics (such as Republicans tend to practice), we may expect financial and business improvements for those involved--particularly for groups and organizations, thanks to general monetary conditions (and financial titans manipulating US Politics from behind the curtain).

As for the Electoral College itself, another cosmic condition of Saturn applies on December 19th--Saturn is the oriental planet for it rises last before the Sun. Saturn oriental is often present when Politics are involved and shows that things function best in situations where goals are highly defined, perseverance and maturity are warranted, and administrative talent is necessary. Plus, Saturn in Sagittarius describes those who are serious about their moral and ethical standards though self-righteousness may result.

However, the oriental condition of Saturn does tend toward a strong sense of social order and a preference for authoritarianism which relates to political conservatives, or could, if their consciences are voted, be an indicator that a demagogue such as Donald Trump is unfit and unqualified to be president of the United States because if the electors are honest, they know that he does not meet with the Electoral College mandate laid down by our Founding Fathers.

Other Planetary Influences of Note

Additional transits to Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter are worth considering such as his Jupiter Return/s on December 4, 2016, April 13, 2017 (Rx), and August 4, 2017 with natal Jupiter strongly stationed @17Lib27 in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values (and in a trio with Chiron and Neptune--he's a speculator - and one of Jupiter's roles is the politician). The above described Jupiter-Uranus opposition means that transit Uranus opposes Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter, a time when optimism may be ill-warranted, unstable conditions can prevail, separations may occur, and the results of advancement of professional and economic opportunities are unpredictable. A cautious profile is advised under this erratic Uranian influence, but as we know, Trump has difficulty maintaining such a cautious stance for very long. Yet the Uranus opposition will let up around the time of his second Jupiter-conjunct-Jupiter in April 2017 and will be out-of-orb by August 4, 2017.

Perhaps even more descriptive is transit Pluto square his natal Jupiter with Jupiter-Pluto as the pair of the wheeler-dealer and special achiever, and a Plutocrat indicator as well. This denotes a time when others with more power and influence can choose to squelch or block those with inflated self-importance and unrealistic expectations--those such as the bombastic Mr. Trump. Plus, his father Fred's past Jupiterian business activities could be one reason that Trump's ego and power needs are not politically improved upon at this time though seemingly they have been as of the November election. In other words, the tiresomely ongoing Cardinal Uranus-Pluto square is and has been closely affecting the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump--and his Jupiter wants what all Jupiters want: to grow, improve, better, and expand.

So once again, it will be the true motivations of more powerful Plutocrats (in or acting through the Electoral College) who determine the outcome of the 70-year-old Mr. Trump's final bid for political ascendancy and control. Or, maybe the simple fact that transit Mercury, planet of votes, negotiations, and deals, turns retrograde on Dec 19th and describes an elector, or multiple electors, changing their minds concerning a Trumpian presidency as astrologer Larry Schwimmer recently reminded me!

A related post: DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2017.

Feb 8, 2010

Horoscope of Spring Equinox 2010

Also known as Aries Ingress 2010, here is the horoscope for Spring Equinox 2010 when the Sun clocks in at 00Aries00, the Aries Point (AP), in the Tropical zodiac.

This chart is set for DC's Capitol Building, March 20, 2010 @ 12:32 pm est; Hour of the fluctuating Moon (see below: Moon conj Algol) but it should be set for 1:32 pm EDT. Mea culpa, but same chart even so.

For starters, 21Can12 rises which makes the Moon chart-ruler of Spring Equinox 2010's chart. Applying aspects of a chart-ruler tell the story of how things may proceed and here we see the Moon makes only applying aspects; in order they are:

1. sextile Uranus (0A33): opportunity; exciting possibilities;
2. square Neptune (1A10): blockage; separating fact from fiction nearly impossible;
3. sextile Sun (3A47): opportunity; the public relates easily with leadership;
4. square Chiron (2A09): blockage; high level of emotional awareness but too intense to learn from others;
5. trine Saturn (5A10): opportunity; respects tradition yet productive changes are seen as valuable; cautious, conservative, and creative.

Spring 2010 seems a bit of a roller coaster ride for the American people (Moon) and with Neptune visiting US natal Moon 27AQ10, we feel a sense of rootlessness continuing with foreclosures, loss of "our America" to unseen forces, refugee concerns, and homeland security - above all, security - appearing on the gigantic tab that Washington politicians are running up in our name -- and ultimately payable to who-knows-whom of foreign entities.

As usual, a large array of notes are scrunched onto the chart, but click to enlarge if you're daring or hapless.

There's the Sun 00Ari00 at Mc but on the less manifesting 9th house side of planning and preparation; Mercury 6Ari07 is conj MC and Uranus 26Pis46 is oriental (last planet to rise before the Sun; 'eastward') which brings elements of risk and danger to our picture - diversity appeals, innovation and adventure are on the menu for Spring 2010 (Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, Noel Tyl.)

Yes, rebellious Awakener Uranus is still in Pisces for the moment but will soon conjunct AP and this Sun; Uranus is posited in 9th house as is jolly guru, Jupiter, significator of the Republican Party. With 9th house Philosophy, Religion, and Higher Education connotations, the Republicans are busy retooling their platform and hoping that religion and ideology will grease the wheels of power for them once again in November elections. I refer to the propagandistic, knee jerk, religious chain-yanking the GOP has been politically successful with in the past.

(Here's my usual clue for such things: true ministers and pastors of God don't frequent Earth's worldly halls of power - duh.)

Be all that as it may, my main point today is about the opposition between Saturn 1Lib23 Rx and the Spring EQ Sun, an aspect in which both actors (planets) may feel threatened by the other. With Sun in a mundane chart signifying 'the leader' we may expect President Obama's travails to go on as he learns Saturn's lessons, mostly in his personal dealings (yet he acts as the people's 'rep' as we've been taught.)

Lack of confidence in himself and ours in him are at the base of the problem as the opposition phase of the most recent Sun/Saturn cycle culminates for Spring Equinox 2010 and carries it's cyclic energy forward into the season (and until their next conjunction.)

Often with a Sun/Saturn opposition, others won't allow the Sun room to expand so space must simply be taken anyway. Expanded debt ceiling? Done!

Now this particular Sun/Saturn cycle began on Sept 24, 2009 with their conj @ 24Vir59, then on to 25Vir00 because Saturn reached that degree while the Sun shone upon the old taskmaster; soon Sun joined Saturn again. Thing is, on 9.24.09, Uranus 24Pis38 Rx opposed their conj so any, all, or none of these midpoint pictures may apply:

Sun/Saturn = Uranus: the unexpected becomes commonplace; the need for people who bring excitement (Sarah Palin? jc); unexpected barriers or turns of events; computers or astrologers playing important roles (!! Astrologer in the White House again? jc); clashes between the old ways of doing things and the long-established ways; crises in relationships; separations; nervous or emotional tensions; a fluctuating attitude toward life; a fight for individuality. (All midpt pics on this blog are from Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin.)

The theme of Sun/Saturn itself is one of discipline and determination lending purpose to one's goals. Obviously the blend has an air of authority, persistence, and respectability to it, yet inflexibility is an issue, as well as having to work very hard to overcome restrictions and criticisms coming from others. (Hey, wait a minute: did I just sum up most of Mr. Obama's presidential experiences so far?)

So for Spring EQ 2010 we find that the Sun has now moved from his previous conj with Saturn in Sept 2009 to a conj with progressive Uranus about 3 days prior to Aries Ingress 2010.

And with South Node already risen and Mars 00Leo53 (now moving Direct) in 1st house and rising, we have a Mars/SN = ASC picture I'd prefer to ignore other than to say that war and violence are the usual results with the Mars/SN blend. And NN 17Cap56 rounded up to '18Cap' points toward the degree that marks the modern beginning of the NWO: the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune on Oct 24, 1993 (3rd conj of three, 1993.)

Also rising in the 2010 EQ chart is Castor 20Can14 (Alpha Gemini), a Fixed Star whose twin, Pollux 23Can13(Beta Gemini), is always nearby. *Castor can indicate such things as: sudden fame or loss, crippling of limbs, or murder. Pollux indicates the possibility of disgrace, cruelty, rape, murder, poisons, thievery, danger from large animals or women (or large women? jc); astrology and the occult are also provinces of Pollux, the 'dark twin.' And with twins always representing polarities, Castor and Pollux are the most famous starry reps for the concepts of light/dark, black/white, positive/negative, etc. Both stars are linked to creativity, especially writing.

Highlighted (in red) is the T-Square pattern between the Sun/Saturn opposition as it squares apex Pluto 5Cap20 which has been blurbed upon here before. Its Cardinal energy shows a here-and-now imperative toward goals. That the goals belong to secret hand Pluto is what grumps me up the most. You?

Sun/Saturn = Pluto: illness causes developmental inhibitions; pressure to change one's entire value system (guess that's considered by some to be a broken 'system', too, a la the 'systems fail; reforms needed' Solar Eclipse of July 21, 2009 @ 29Can27; immune system breakdowns are indicated); threat of loss in relationships or to health ('health' or health insurance reform? jc); a disciplined person who wants and attracts power; increased will toward retaliating against others due to slights - 'paybacks'; overwhelming rigidity or inflexibility; elimination of pessimism or despair (ok, that last would be good. jc)

Plus, US natal Jupiter supplies the missing actor, energy, or point in the Cardinal T-Square which turns the T-SQ configuration into a Cardinal Grand Cross, and adds financial and ideological issues through Jupiter's influence and particpation.

Noel Tyl gives Sun/Saturn = Jupiter as: breakup of a value system or relationship for eventual recovery; a cloud with a silver lining.

Considering manipulative Pluto's tiresome intention to interfere in everything, we might then stretch a bit to include a second plutonian midpoint picture using Mercury 6Ari07...

Mercury/Saturn = Pluto: compulsive to ensure that information is indeed correct; serious incidents provoke the questioning of official communications; total communications breakdowns bring an end to doing business with others; brooding over one's destiny; toiling or grappling with unusual, special circumstances or problems.

Perhaps a bright spot in the Sun/Saturn T-Square with Pluto and the Sun/Saturn opposition itself is Mars acting as Thales Planet or Point: Mars sextiles Saturn and trines the Sun thus acting as a conduit for some of the pressure and tension of the opposition.

Another less heavy T-SQ is highlighted by dots:

NN/ASC = Venus: tactful treatment of or from others; focusing on values received from mutual participation (Rs cooperating with Ds? Personally I'm fatigued beyond all get-out with 'Rs vs Ds' dirty tricks against one another, tricks meant to ruin opponents, stop the people's business from being done, and divert our attention from implementation of their actual goals - yet they don't divert as much as play a part in veiling the class warfare being fought - against we-the-people. So far, we're losing for you can't fight what you refuse to recognize - jc.)

Well, you see the sensual Taurus Moon 26Tau13 in 11th house conjoining a nasty Fixed Star, Algol (Beta Perseus; aka, Caput Algol) 26Tau10. Chinese Astrology calls Algol Tseih She, meaning 'piled up corpses' and in Arabia the star is called, Ras al-Ghul, 'Head of the Demon' or 'wife of the devil.' Obviously, the concepts of feminine anger, rage, and passion are indicated here along with a connection to Lilith in the Talmud as a 'demon of the wind.'

Yes, the intense power of Mother Nature is also spotlighted by a reflection of Algol from the Spring Equinox 2010 Moon, and as always, Algol's deeply unconscious compulsion to take revenge will be better for all concerned if left unexpressed because when rage is that deep, there'll always be an inconvenient amount of blowback to unduly affect the innocent in harm's way.

If you dare click the chart to enlarge, you may read the questions I've posed concerning Saturn conj Ic. Restrictive Saturn will return to his degree in the 2010 Spring Equinox chart (1Lib23) on or about August 6, 2010 as he continues working over US natal Mc in our nation's Sibly chart (00Lib53.) But hopefully it's a good thing for our Real Estate issues for Spring 2010 that Saturn is actually out of 4th house and into 3rd even though he's close enough to affect 4th house with its Libra cusp. Perhaps the worst of US foreclosures and evictions are over - or at least will be ending soon.

Now if this sour post gives you a yen for more uplifting energies this Spring, you may wish to look again to the Divine Source of inspiration and life still available to us (this chart, in 8th house): Chiron conjunct Neptune, a spiritual pair now lighted affectionately upon the hearts and minds of the American people and available to all who wish to follow a higher path than the power brokers of Washington can ever offer to a living soul.

Yet tragically for the whole planet, US leaders continue to ignore we-the-people's deepest wishes for world peace as they arrogantly proceed with their determined, over-arching Sun/Saturn activities toward greater and encompassing control.

Well, I for one hopey-changey that they fail in forcing their one-world-government restrictions upon us...and with Sarah Palin's careless bomb-Iran threat most definitely included.

Update 2.11.10:

But who are we kidding? The US war machine doesn't need a Sarah Palin to promote it because with Mr. Obama at the helm, war has been ratched up, not slowed down - and certainly not ended as he pledged on Oct 27, 2007 when the Democratic candidate said (I suspect you remember this doozy):

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank."

(But first check to be certain your bank wasn't closed by auditors overnight.)

Yes, I suspect you may also remember the elated applause from the audience when he mouthed what I thought then was an empty promise, typical during a political campaign. Having read Chalmers Johnson's book The Sorrows of Empire I knew the list of occupied countries was long. So as we know, Obama's bring-home-the-troops promise, above all others, is why the people thought they were voting for him. Saps.

Now, out of madness or for propaganda purposes, President Obama says he wants to increase the US nuclear arsenal, in spite of his recent SOTU Address when he said he "seeks a world without them." Yeah? If this is what he calls 'seeking' then finding will be a real b*tch.

Well, enough of my grumping (and pardon me for wanting a decent world to pass on to our children)...please read Laurence M. Vance's article Same Empire, Different Emperor where you'll find a disturbingly long list of the countries and territories now occupied by the United States of America.

After all, we bought it all and pay dearly for keeping the imperial illusion going, so we should at least know where all our real estate is located while our own neighborhoods are being decimated by foreclosures and evictions. Right?

And just think - America's imperialist career started with mild, lovely, non-belligerent Hawaii.


*Castor and Pollux details from Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis, and from Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.

Nov 12, 2008

Full Moon of the Mystic Rectangle 11.13.08

Full Moon 21Tau15, Nov 13, 2008; 1:17:18 am est, White House, Washington, DC; Moon in 9th house, Sun 21Sco15 in 3rd house...and it's a chart full of challenges and gifts of the skills to meet them!

Now of course, the Moon is exalted in Taurus and very fat and happy - here we see Luna preening at her Taurean fullness as she reflects the Sun in Scorpio.

With Virgo ascending, the Taurean 9th cusp indicates a down-to-earth view of religion and philosophy; views are fixed (Taurus) and not likely to easily change.

Also there's insistence on the just handling of finances and relationships with a Taurean 9th cusp. One must be careful though with Taurus' shadow side: intolerance and greed.

Moon in 9th house has an emotional attachment to 9th house matters of religion, philosophy, and higher education. Social values come from childhood teachings with a 9th house Moon, with the 9th house's natural ruler, Jupiter, exalted in Cancer, the Moon's natural sign.

However, this emotional bias and identification with traditional values can limit the scope or depth of spiritual understanding, or there can be inspired intuition with this Moon placement - and with a celestial Mystic Rectangle overhead we may hope the latter is the case.

Sun in 3rd house likes words well said and Sun here spotlights communications. Since a Full Moon is the culmination of things begun at the last New Moon ('6Sco': "A Gold Rush"), and since the economic crisis is in the airwaves and on every one's menu, perhaps we'll be hearing something soothing for a change in the next two weeks concerning finances.

This Full Moon is part of a pattern, a Mystic Rectangle, a configuration consisting of two oppositions (the other being Saturn oppo Uranus) with planets sextiling one another on each end. In this chart you see the Mystic Rectangle highlighted in blue.

Not much has been written about this lovely-named pattern, but Bil Tierney says it indicates practical mysticism and points out that the sextiles and trines (Moon sextile Uranus; Sun sextile Saturn, so naturally Moon trines Saturn, Sun trines Uranus) gives opportunity for the awareness-revealing oppositions (Sun/Moon; Saturn/Uranus) to be utilized creatively. (Tierney, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.)

So the challenges that oppositions normally bring are more effectively encountered than would be otherwise expected with the sextiles and trines easing the conflict and discord into satisfying resolutions.

Yippee! Who doesn't like satisfying resolutions?

Well, right. Some people do prefer things stirred up in order to justify their gripes and make way for what they see as improvements. Them, we can do without.

And with a Mystic Rectangle, the cosmos gives us chances for more balance in relationships (oppositions always relate to relationships, and sextiles and trines are considered helpful in Astrology) and makes possible an objective evaluation through intuition and insight.

Occurring during a Sun Hour, this Full Moon shows Venus still out-of-bounds (OOBs) and thus not part of the system of energies here. At a World Point, 00Cap45, we see her just beyond her hook-up with Pluto, a conjunction which has a bankruptcy influence, as well as other flavors I won't repeat from a previous post.

Actually, it looks to me as if Lady Venus is sashaying Pluto back into Capricorn for more breakdowns and restructurings!

Highlighted in pink is a T-Square with Sun/Moon pointing to Neptune 21AQ30 in 6th house of Work; Health; Service. This makes nebulous, spiritual Neptune the apex planet of a T-Square.

An apex planet directs the energy of the opposition and can indicate the general tone of the entire chart - especially since the opposition in question is the Full Moon. Here's the midpoint picture using Tyl and Ebertin...

Sun/Moon = Neptune: misunderstandings in relationships; inner discontent; deceptions and illusions; self-torment; one who is easily upset; the undermining of associations.

This apex Neptune tells the tale for which the Mystic Rectangle is needed!

And what about the Saturn/Uranus opposition? Any help there?

Well, Saturn is being quincunxed (inconjuncted - 150 degrees) by Neptune - and vice versa. Inconjuncts are often involved when there are health problems, and Neptune in 6th house indicates conditions which are difficult to detect or are incorrectly diagnosed. (Planets in Aspect, Rob Pelletier.)

Saturn inconj Neptune: stay away from those with infectious conditions! (Easy to say and usually hard to do.) There is a compelling spiritual motivation to bring social order to chaos, but programs with unclear goals should be avoided (such as 'Bailout Bills'?)

When Saturn and Neptune are inconjunct, it's typical that those who serve are abused in some way - self-protection becomes extremely important. This morning NPR reported that an American aid worker and his driver have been killed in Afghanistan. And thus it goes.

Plus, there is a tendency for those who would serve to take on too much or to feel responsible for what should be the tasks of others - Senator Barack Obama comes to mind and scapegoating by some will be a real temptation or possibility with his presidency. (His awareness of these tendencies will help.)

The good news is that beneficent Jupiter, who often acts as a guardian angel, is applying in trine to Saturn (0A53) and sextiling Uranus (separating, but 00S00 - they are both 18:50!) so an olden term in Astrology for Jupiter here is: Thales planet, or Thales Point.

In (American) Political or Mundane Astrology we use Jupiter to signify the Republican Party, with Saturn for the Democrats. In this lovely trine, we see the peaceful transfer of power now occurring in Washington between the parties and administrations.

Uncomfortably for this reluctant astrologer, Jupiter is still on the '18Cap' degree, which is the New World Order degree in my book due to its activation at the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in the early 90s when Bush Sr called for the NWO.

The current financial crisis, engineered as it may be, is the opportunity they've been working toward, and you've heard the words, "a new economic world order' in the news lately, haven't you?

Actually, I'd say it's more a culmination of their plans which are in process of being realized by the opportunity they created with the economic meltdown. How excited the shadowy 'they' must be!

Back to the Full Moon chart:

At the Ic, or Foundation Point, I have marked its 11Sag33 because it is the position of Dec 30, 1999's conjunction of the plutocratic corporatism pair, Pluto and Chiron. The midpoint of Sun and Pluto is there as well, so because it's about polarities, we have...

Sun/Pluto = Mc: power games with important consequences; striving for power; consciousness of objectives and goals; vocational crises; violence with emotional consequences.

The Sun/Pluto pair, says Ebertin = 'craving for rulership and disadvantages through the former; the power of attainment; pioneers; martyrs; rulers; leadership; danger; arrogance; fanatical aspirations; creative power.'

Orating Mercury in deep-thinking Scorpio is in Nodal Degree (same degree as the Nodal axis - here, 13) which represents a fated or karmic condition. And their midpoint is one degree from Pluto which is close enough for us to consider the midpoint picture formed...

Mercury/NN = Pluto: the thrust of intellect; lording it over others; the desire to be intellectually superior.

Plus, there are two other planetary pictures in this chart...

Mercury/Mars = Sun: putting one's foot down; making a point strongly; standing up for one's position; enjoying a good argument; a man of quick decisions; manly and brave thinking and acting; a positive or firm demeanor; determination; the ability to succeed.

NN/ASC = Mars: team spirit; an intense working together with colleagues; an association or organization fighting to uphold its common ideas and principles; working for the common good; the do-er. (This may partially describe the do-er that the Saturn/Neptune inconjunct will take advantage of...or maybe not.)

Whew! That's a lot at the Base of this Full Moon chart but all we have to do is listen to, watch, or read the news - no Astrology necessary.

And with Saturn rising, the Saturn/Uranus opposition is on the menu from the get-go. This pair of planets is associated with the Middle East, and with Israel and Palestine in particular.

And of course our November 4 elections was the day the opposition perfected, with a few more votes to be counted (Dec 2 is a senate run-off here in Georgia - Chambliss vs Martin. My local radio station just announced that John McCain will be coming to GA to stump for Chambliss - McCain's first stumping (other than last night's TV appearance where he touted Palin's future endeavors) since he lost the presidency. Goody for us, but will it be enough to help the Bush-loving Chambliss?)

(Counterpunch! It's an hour later and they're now announcing that Obama campaign field operatives are on the way to GA to help with Jim Martin's grassroots organizing - yes! and thanks. Chambliss needs to go.)

Now Back to Saturn/Uranus:

So we may say that their opposition is the 'Full Moon' of the Saturn/Uranus cycle which began with their conj in 1988. (I'll not repeat previous blurbs about this cycle.) This means that issues from 1988 resurface for resolution (Mystic Rectangle!) - or for brewing tensions to fully express.

The chart's Kite patterns are marked with penned dashes and I hope you can see them both. Kites are actually modified Grand Trines with a planet/s at a fourth point opposite one of the trine's planets and simultaneously sextiling the other two planets.

You see the kite tails I've drawn - one on Saturn, one on the Moon, which operate here as stimuli for the trines' creative outpouring of special skills and talents.

So a Kite adds more chances for successful use of Grand Trine energies which are gifts from the cosmos. This is an Earth Grand Trine which emphasizes the calming, comforting, and attracting power of a Grand Trine pattern...very magnetic.

Earth Grand Trines accumulate and skillfully manage assets and resources with common sense, and having a Taurean Moon as a driving force may bring solid results.

But for whom? we may rightfully ask.

This chart seems to indicate that working for the common good may now bring positive results for the people as this Full Moon shows us the way. And Moon in a national chart = The People.

In conclusion: my hope is that with all this good will from On High, the world can find a better path now which is being kindly lightened by the rays of a lovely Taurean Full Moon.


My excellent friend, astrologer Monica Starr, has posted an article about tonight's Full Moon in Taurus relating it to the natal chart of the New York Stock Exhange. (Nov 12 or Nov 13 - depends on your time zone since the Moon is full at 1:17 am est - I set the above chart for DC, Eastern time zone.)

Monica is well-versed in Astrology AND financials so you'll want to see what she has to say about this Full Moon occurring in one of the money signs - Taurus, a sign that is nothing if not on the bullish side.