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Showing posts with label Inauguration 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inauguration 2017. Show all posts

Aug 30, 2018

Trump Inauguration's Solar Return 2019

Today just a quick posting of the Solar Return 2019 Horoscope of the 2017 Inauguration of Donald Trump (January 20, 2017 noon est Capitol Building Washington DC) with a few chart notes to follow:

The POTUS Sun (or, Oath of Office Sun) returns to its 2017 degree of 00AQ49 on January 20, 2019 at 11:36:15 pm est Washington DC during an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes, publicity) with Moon in 10th house of Career and Public Status and the North Node of the Moon @26Can46 denoting public contacts and future direction. Opposite in 4th house is the POTUS Sun @00AQ49 in what is nearly a Full Moon which suggests awareness, fulfillment, or some sort of culmination for "something has gone full circle and a completion is at hand" (C. Teal).

Yet good fortune for the White House is also suggested by a Full Moon in a Solar Return chart. A Solar Return Moon in Leo denotes potentials for increased vitality, a possible reward or honor, coming under the spotlight (especially in the visible 10th house), and/or finding a new center of attraction or interest. However, critical degrees are at MC and IC (20Can/Cap) so events may be in crisis mode and the POTUS Sun is apex of the Jupiter-Neptune midpoint (see chart, upper right), the speculator pair. This condition is not aided by Saturn and Pluto, both karmic, at the Foundation (IC) of the chart, their midpoint (17Cap30) activating the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of NWO planets, Uranus and Neptune (see chart, lower right). Plus, we naturally think of the harsh Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 which will exactly conjunct the natal Vertex of Donald Trump (a point of fated encounters).

Yet the 2019 Solar Return POTUS Sun is afflicted by a square from disruptive Uranus, a time when the actions and decisions of others rule and challenge Trump's goals, plus, the separative South Node (the 'tail of the dragon') on October 27, 2018 will swipe our POTUS Sun thus limiting Trump's power and leadership ability. Of course, the cosmic event of SN to POTUS Sun occurs approximately every 18.6 years, the last time in Spring 2000 when President Bill Clinton visited South Asia. Will Trump leave the continent to forget his troubles a while?

Plus, there is more to the 2019 Solar Return Moon for it acts as the handle of a Bucket shape of planets linking two halves of hemispheres (here, public and private) and shows where a release of intense energies is found. The Moon here acts in similar fashion to the lead planet of a Locomotive shape where an executive urge toward success is the goal. As Bucket handle at MC, allegiances are adapted to where efforts count the most and others are inspired by Luna's unremitting zeal (Jones). And of course, any Mundane Moon represents The People or, the public.

With a Libra Ascendant, chart-ruler Venus in 2nd house @14Sag36 applies only once, to conjunction with Jupiter, also in 2nd house but Scorpio is on the 2nd cusp. Venus also rules the corporate 8th house and her hook-up with Jupiter describes conditions of exaggeration, overindulgence, overstatement, ostentation, a lack of a sense of proportion, and a wasting of good fortune. Of course, Libra is the sign of the Scales of Justice so Trump's ongoing legal battles are suggested and with his natal speculator trio of Neptune, Chiron, and Jupiter rising--his natal 2nd house Jupiter (17Lib27 Station Direct) precisely rising. And we'll surely hear more of Trump's protestations of "it's not fair!," a favorite complaint of a Libran Jupiter.

And there's chaos-lover Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries again (7th house of Partners and Open Enemies) with its tendencies toward fanaticism, blind zeal, violence, reformist urges, anarchy, and violence (Ebertin). Deceptive Neptune @14Pis35 is in 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking after completing the fifth and final return to natal position in the founding horoscope of the Republican Party--and still conjoining fixed star Achernar with its crisis at the end of the river and risk of rapid endings themes.

Now more clues may be found in the day's Air-Fire Sun AQ-Moon Leo blend of energies via a fabled leader who was born under the blend's auspices for his famous remark reminds us of Mr. Trump's tiresome despotic tendencies: "My people and I have come to an agreement...they are to say what they please, and I am to do as I please." Of course, Trump cares very much what people say--about him! For his nibs it's all about appearances and 'good' public relations no matter how deceptive the 'good' may be--and the more publicity the better. So maybe the 10th house 2019 Solar Return Moon in Leo will fill that attention-grabbing bottomless pit of his for a while.

In closing, we know that the Full Moon hinted at here actually perfects on January 21, 2019 @00Leo52 as a Lunar Eclipse, the second eclipse of 2019 after the Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn in the 2 South Saros Series and of course, both eclipses add additional karmic implications and 'wild card' Uranian energies to the Solar Return 2019 of Donald Trump's White House tenure. And if the alleged 'good fortune' comes to pass may it relate to a return to his previous life in New York for Mr. Trump even though the idea of a theocratic Pence presidency is more frightening and anti-American than many of us can now fully realize.

A Related Post:The Natal Horoscope of Donald Trump with Mike Pence's Planets.

For more Return details see Celeste Teal's Identifying Planetary Triggers.

Aug 11, 2018

The Conspiracy Party and its Neptune in Pisces

Are Republicans Drenched by Neptune?

In September 2017, a post appeared on SO'W concerning the fact that the Republican Party is in process of its first-ever Neptune Return, a five-fer return which began on May 17, 2017 with its final exact return on December 29, 2018.

Actually, today is August 11, 2018 so the party's next Neptune Return perfects on October 20, 2018 with Neptune Rx @14Pis01, the party's natal degree of the planet from their founding on March 20, 1854 (6:30 pm LMT Rippon, Wisconsin). Between the five return charts, let's count the last return of December 29, 2018 as the major one you see below, since it must serve the party for the next 164 years (as if). Of course, all five return horoscopes 'count' and perhaps the first one of May 17, 2017 is the most significant. But since it's now 2018, the December chart is shown here and is set for the party's natal location (Rippon, WI) because unlike the December return chart relocated to DC, three planets are angular, as you see:

Please enlarge image to read scribbles! Hour of Mercury which @20Sagittarius conjoins the Party's natal Moon (info, communications, and plans relate to education, domestic circumstances, family and child concerns, real estate sales or property, and/or health issues); Locomotive shape of ruthless success led by the Moon @8Lib51 conjunct MC; Trump's natal Neptune at MC: loss of position or simply more lies and scandals? Chart-ruler Jupiter rising in Sagittarius applies to a square with Republican Party's natal Neptune in Return 3rd house of Communications: details of potentials are penned on the chart; as you see, Jupiter-Neptune qualities infuse the chart and US natal Pluto sits in the middle! Star of extreme misfortune, even suicide, Scheat, @29Pisces conjoins Mars, Chiron, and the Return's IC (The Drain; the Basis of the Matter; Endings). '29Pisces' = "A Prism: VALIDATION"...positive expression: "exceptional accomplishment through judgment of unusual accuracy:; negative/unconscious expression: "fatuous pride of intellect" (Jones). Wonder who suffers from that?

Naturally, there are other chart factors worth your consideration as are several stars that attach to the return's planets such as self-sacrificing Diadem conjunct Moon (the public; publicity) and Midheaven, the Aspiration and Career Point of all horoscopes; warring star Antares rises with its themes recently expanded by transit Jupiter; Sun @7Cap41 rises with Aculeus (enduring attacks but success) and conjoins Facies while serious Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, rises with Facies (ruthlessness or, the victim). Noted in the center of the chart is the severe Saturn-Pluto midpoint @15Cap47 which by degree points toward the first Solar Eclipse of 2019 @15Cap which perfects on January 6th in the 2 South Saros Series (joining unusual groups and feeling you'll gain a great deal from it--Brady).

Negative Nabobs of Neptune

Now as you know, there are many words and concepts typically assigned to the nebulous if inspired realms of astrological Neptune, with conspiracy being merely one of them. Made more prevalent as it floats through its own sign of tropical Pisces, Neptune also relates to: paranoia, fear, propaganda, fraud, deception, illegitimacy, illusion, veils and cover-ups, secrets, leaks, scams, grand schemes and dreams, erosion and dissolution, insecurity, uncertainty, karmic loss, glamour, disguises, mass media, and the masses--all come to mind as well as oceans, rivers, drinking and other water, gases, floods, epidemics and toxins. In Astrology, expansive Neptune's list is quite endless, or should I say, infinite? For The Divine Source is the highest designation for Neptune so we also find the GOP's association with religion (except that's really codifying Jupiter's domain with Neptune more a marker for spirituality and compassion.) Of course, fear and paranoia are what conspiracy theories are often based upon and are what such fanciful notions are meant to raise through the continual spreading of them.

Worth a gander is a 2013 TYT video segment Which Party Buys More into Conspiracy Theories? (5:58). (Confession: some of the theories mentioned appear factual to me!)

So how appropriate during the Republican Party's ongoing Neptune Return/s of 2017--2018 that various media and entertainment figures have recently called out the GOP as the 'Conspiracy Party' based on what the party has become--especially under the 'leadership' (?) of Mr. Trump, an ace conspiracy theorist in the flesh. 'Birtherism' against Barack Obama is a prime example of a political tactic that Trump based his presidential candidacy on meant to rile up fellow bigots at voting booths and place white supremacists within his administration (as if that's okay but it isn't). Plus, Neptunian cover-ups of domestic and foreign interference methods used in the 2016 Election (and threatening future elections) aided Trump in his quixotic quest for the White House.

Yet as his nibs fears, his is now seen as an illegitimate presidency by a many Americans and even transit Neptune veiling US Progressed Sun (POTUS) in Pisces has not successfully hidden the fact, nor has Neptune managed to hide Mr. Trump's purposeful ineptitude, weakness, financial shortcomings, and basic unsuitability for playing the role of POTUS. Besides, Trump in the White House isn't about playing the role well, it's about collapsing the American system of government and eroding our institutions, traditions, ideals, and beliefs, isn't it?

So in the 1854 founding chart of the Republican Party, let's consider a certain natal midpoint picture involving Neptune...Neptune-MC (goal point) = Uranus in the corporate 8th house: the desire to bring ideas to realization at all costs (Ebertin); and self-righteousness (Tyl). Yet oddly enough 'realization' is a concept belonging to astrological Saturn, planet of reality, form, law, government, business, and The Establishment. And of course, astrological Uranus represents potentials for: revolt, war, shock, disruption, upheaval, radical reform, chaos, and inventive and/or Utopian ideas. Science, Technology, and Progress are also Uranian but these days fact-based systems and progressive social reforms, among other things, act as garlic to the vampires of the regressive GOP--regrettably, and this I type as a Protestant Christian who continues to rely on the natural laws of the Universe set up by our Creator just as our Solar System (The Great Cosmic Clock) was and which makes Astrology's 'As Above, So Below' structure possible for our better understanding of life on Earth.

In The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin also supplies information on the Neptune-MC blend itself which reveals potentials for: pursuit of wrong ideas; people with Utopian ideas (and plans!), crooks and swindlers, and a leaning toward deception. Does this sound like any politicians, indicted and not yet indicted, you can name? And with transit Uranus in Aries (blind zealots, anarchists, Utopians) we must add to their Utopian zealotry the Sabian Symbol of the Republican Party's Ascendant, the rising point which describes the Party itself, and the fact that America's natal Jupiter in Cancer rises in their chart as well and we have: '6 Cancer' = "Game Birds feathering Their Nests".

Now most everyone agrees that elected candidates of all political stripes go to Washington for one of two basic reasons: either to idealistically represent, as well as they can, We The People (what we once called public service and 'doing the people's business'), or, to create personal wealth within a compromised system based on favors, bribes, pay-offs, blackmail, intimidation...and doing the work of corporations--and nowadays, bowing to foreign dictators. Tragically for our nation, it often happens that the idealists find once there that materialism is the only way to keep their positions and many succumb as party leaders read them the riot act as dictated by un-elected financiers and anti-democratic saboteurs who care nothing for America.

Now in a spirit of disclosure, I should admit that for years I've blogged in dissent against America's role of World Cop for transnational Corporate Crime Syndicates--and have habitually complained against Global Government dissolving America's national sovereignty. But even as campaigning Trump gave lip service to such concerns, his 'walling in' of the American people is not the answer for these issues for I believe that Trump's border wall is more about playing on bigotry for votes, isolating America from her traditional allies and neighbors so that our leadership role on the global stage is reduced to allow authoritarian regimes to take over the reins. Perhaps you agree that China and Russia are the obvious culprits as we've observed foreign agent Trump approving of this radical notion. So often we see that Trump does just like Putin would do! so that his chaotic ways make more sense in such a disturbing light.

So as one of those many Americans with ancestors who sacrificed, fought, and died to help establish this nation--plus, with ancestors of non-Caucasian persuasions--the erosion and corruption of the Republican Party is of no joy to me nor is the corporate corruption of the Democratic Party. The fact that political parties were considered by our nation's Founders to be a negative course for America to take, their forming occurred in the past, a reality long accepted by my fellow Americans and used tactically by Washington DC, my former city of residence. That the Republican Party, said to have been created upon compassionate ideals (Neptune in Pisces) during the slave era, has slipped or been pushed into becoming a ridiculous 'Conspiracy Party' bodes ill for America's future unless and until clear and close scrutiny is performed by those who care and dare. Because even arrogant America, with her exalted Saturn in Libra, must abide by the natural laws of karma via sober Saturn's demands for realism, responsibility, integrity, honesty, and the accountability that Mr. Trump and the Republicans now encounter through the current fact-finding investigations of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the prosecutors of New York.

And speaking of Neptune, a 'noon' natal horoscope for POTUS-in-training Republican theocrat Mike Pence is available for viewing with two suggested rectified birth times and Ascendants--one ASC in Scorpio, one in Aquarius. Striking is his Minor Grand Trine formed by Saturn-Pluto = Neptune (quick decisions made in difficult situations; sudden acts of violence) with Neptune in this pattern alerting and inspiring him to a more objective use of the Saturn-Pluto trine, an aspect of The Magnate (Oken) which gives him an enormous capacity for accumulating wealth and for refining "existing forms of authoritarian institutions" (Alan Oken's Complete Astrology).

Related Posts include: Inauguration 2017 Horoscope in which we see that the final dispositor is Neptune in Pisces (of course it is!); Robert Mueller Appointed May 17, 2017; Reality Is Not What You Think, a Max Igan broadcast via video with his usual intriguing graphics and thought-provoking remarks; Horoscope: a Starry Autumn Equinox 2018; and it's up to We The People to shrug off our apathy and Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018 before Neptunian erosion via radical reforms by the Republican Party and their shady enablers change forever the America we've known and loved.

Above NASA photo: Neptune

Aug 8, 2018

Oct 2018: Tail of the Dragon Smacks 2017 POTUS Sun!

On October 27, 2018 transit South Node ('Tail of the Dragon') 'smacks' the 2017 POTUS Sun 00AQ49:53 for just under 3 minutes from 6:50 am edt to 6:52:50 am edt. The horoscope below is set for Washington DC at the first minute of this conjunction; the transit may have no significance at all but is posted here for the sake of recording the cosmic event--and because of the tribulations of the Trump administration since he 'took office' at noon on January 20, 2017 at noon est with an isolated 10th house Sun that represents, since Inauguration Day 2017, thespian Donald Trump in the leadership role.

Obviously this particular nodal transit also occurred approximately 19 years ago while Bill Clinton was in office, his second term ending on January 20, 2001. Embroiled in legal, political, and personal battles, Mr. Clinton's White House experience resembles on a basic ethical level that of the embroiled Mr. Trump, as you know, and although SN to Sun is a cosmic event of brief duration, perhaps its Saturnian vibes of separation and lack of resonance with the public (or with the public mood or societal trends) returns in 2018 for the American people's further dealing in the inflated form of ethics-challenged Donald Trump. Both planet Saturn and the Nodes of the Moon are considered karmic (what was sown is reaped) and both play roles in the element which only Astrology can provide the seeker--timing.

DC Horoscope: October 27, 2018 6:50 am edt Washington DC; SN conjunct POTUS Sun 00AQ49:53;Trump natal positions are penned around the chart in blue; chart-ruler Venus Rx opposes Uranus Rx highlighted in green; 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 is this karmic event's PE; its Syzygy Moon 1Tau13 perfects on October 24, 2018 conjunct planet of upsets and shocks, Uranus, here at 00Tau24; Venus-Uranus hints at financial improprieties, extravagance, devaluation of currency, and/or unusual sources of funding; in 2nd house, transit Mercury 25Sco12 has just entered Mr. Trump's natal 4th house (joining tr Jupiter) suggesting communications focused on domestic matters, family members, real estate, and potentially a 'change of residence' (not to get our hopes up!) if enough factors agree:

Now since it's America's POTUS Sun involved ('President of the United States'), the US presidency will be 'smacked' or 'swiped' in some way along with the man playing the archetypal role in October 2018; therefore, the Presidential Oath of Office will be involved. This brings Trump's affirmation to preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution into this Saturnian picture with its 'separation' theme. Agreement that Mr. Trump is actually doing the required job in the required way is hard to find unless you look toward the morally bankrupt GOP and their billionaire enablers who are determined to re-write the US Constitution in unrecognizable ways. Plus, Trump's mesmerized supporters, who at this typing, remain devoted to his quirky, eccentric, chaotic Uranian way of doing things, tradition be da*ned. For after all, Trump's natal 10th house Uranus in mutable Gemini (sign of duplicity, variety, tweeting, and gossip) is his guiding planet because it rises just before his Gemini Sun (aka, 'oriental').

And if we look to a South Node/Sun conjunction in general for clues to what may be involved in late October, we find circumstances, conditions, and people continuing to block and limit Trump's self-expression, leadership, and power potential. Obstacles via others litter his path of achievement to the point that aims may be denied altogether. That Trump has and does promote his own selfish aims at the expense of others--aka, exploitation--complicates the situation for SN-to-Sun is a doubly karmic event in which current actions are thwarted by pipers who rightfully demand full payment. You've probably noticed how Mr. Trump has demonstrated an alarming lack of self-discipline and an inability to control his primal urges which do not sync with Saturn's requirements which can lead to positive outcomes and best results.

And of course, astrological Saturn is the taskmaster bringing lessons of limitation, restriction, and accountability (The Establishment in the form of Mr. Mueller?!) but as we know, Mr. Trump has shown himself to be learning disabled concerning most topics, and a know-it-all to boot. In fact, he has stated that he's never asked for forgiveness because he's never sinned or made a mistake--quite an unsullied 'god' he imagines himself to be! Perhaps having royal Regulus rising along with asteroid Apollo (the 'sun god') inspires such a misconception about himself as being superior to the rest of humanity. Yet in his role of US president, and allegedly accountable to the American people and to the laws of Saturn, it may soon be time for cosmic comeuppance for such hubris as that belonging to the very flawed Donald J. Trump.

Apr 25, 2018

POTUS Sun 2017 Conjunct Icarus

Speculative Horoscope: The Discovery of Icarus June 27, 1949; exact hour unknown; Palomar Observatory California discovered by *Walter Baade. Timing the chart for 10:03:19 pm pst shows asteroid Icarus @11Sag29 Rx precisely conjunct Midheaven (11:29), the Goal Point of any horoscope.

Listed are Carelli's symbol for '11 Sagittarius' (he doesn't round up as in Sabian Symbols) - "An Ape Riding a Wolf" and the Jones version of the Sabian Symbol for '12 Sagittarius' - "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" which of course is a possible picture of America's natal Ascendant in the late afternoon charts on July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA. Of course, an eagle is a typical symbol for America (on the Great Seal, etc) and we're accustomed to much crowing over the US flag.

A related post: Is Washington DC the "New Rome"? Altair the Eagle Says Yes! Post includes the FDR Inauguration horoscopes for 1933 and 1937 to show the switch of the ceremony from early March to January 20th.

The discovery horoscope of Icarus is currently signiffficant because during Inauguration 2017 as Trump took the Oath of Office, the POTUS Sun (00AQ49) was unaspected (which we have discussed previously as a self-interested leader focused on his own importance and holding himself in high regard--Tierney) but conjunct asteroid Icarus. Therefore, I am relating this horoscope of Icarus to the current occupant now sitting in the Oval Office and note that he is a Jupiterian figure blended with chaotic Uranian and Mercurial trickster-esque tendencies.

As you see, expansive planet Jupiter Rx (weakened) is at a critical 29th degree in 12th house of Politics and Karma and is the handle of a Sling shape which knits together two hemispheres of the chart. As handle, Jupiter's expansive energies are the focus although its expansive activities are partially held in check when in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, the sign of law, government, and business. A Moon-Jupiter opposition suggests emotional vulnerability, lack of a sense of self-worth, the need for expert advice (seldom taken), and a tendency to give others who may not deserve it the benefit of the doubt. Jupiter quincunx reforming Uranus suggests unrealistic expectations which Mr. Trump apparently possessed before stepping into the Oval Office--one example being how "easy" he thought presidentin' would be. Who knew chairing America could be so complicated?

Now I won't fuss on about the POTUS Sun-Icarus conjunction (in force as long as Trump's term goes on) but here are the comments I added to the Icarus horoscope when I first set it up. You may find this of interest now that Mr. Trump's administration has had time to show purposeful disfunction, the sabotage of various government agencies, and his tendency to act alone and seldom in accord with others (unaspected Sun, isolated in the 10th house of the Inauguration 2017 horoscope)--and noting that Icarus didn't listen to his father's admonition, flew too high, subsequently fell, and drowned in a Neptunian sea:

'New Insights into Astrology' page 196 by Nona Gwynn Press (see my Amazon review!); Icarus discovered by Walter Baade on June 27, 1949; in Greek Mythology, Icarus was the son of master craftsman Daedalus and Naucrate, a Cretan slave. Daedalus constructed the labyrinth on Crete where the Minotaur was kept. King Minos imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus in the labyrinth, Daedalus made wings of feathers and wax, and Icarus, ignoring his father's warning, flew too close to the sun, the wings melted, and predictable results occurred.

The orbit of Icarus is between the Sun and Jupiter and it crosses the orbits of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars. Only comets go closer to the Sun. Icarus (#1566) contains the restlessness of Mercury, the sensuousness of Venus, the earthiness of Earth, and the self-assertiveness of Mars. Zane Stein gives Icarus a feeling of restriction, unrestrained exhilaration at escape which may be followed by a fall. House position shows where risks are taken (10th), and the practice of Politics is associated with Icarus via its 'rise and fall' nature. Assassination is also related to Icarus including character assassination (of Trump, now underway).

*German astronomer Walter Baade (1893--1960) worked in the US from 1931 to 1960 and with fellow astronomer Fritz Zwicky coined the terms "supernova" and "neutron star." A total of ten asteroids were discovered including Icarus, as noted above, and Hidalgo (#944) which were known as minor planets but are now called Centaurs of which Chiron is most notable.

Apr 22, 2018

The 2016 Solar Eclipse That Heralded The Prevaricator

This DC Horoscope image is a re-posting of the 19 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Its themes still inform the public discourse and affect the current social and political climate with its truth vs fiction, realism and coming down to earth, tackling the truth (Mr. Mueller!), and seeing things for how they really are and not how you'd thought they were (Brady):

As you see, or perhaps remember, transit Neptune, influential in its own sign of Pisces, opposed the 19N Eclipse which denotes multiple negative potentials, some of which are penned upon the chart, upper right. In pink are marked the natal Pluto and Mars of Donald Trump which snug around the eclipse's Ascendant (19Leo40) and form a midpoint picture which is highlighted in pink, lower left: a coercive demeanor that intimidates (Munkasey). And with his already bombastic, imposing personality!

Now normally under the auspices of a 19 North Eclipse conditions would have been more relaxed even as secrets are suddenly uncovered (as all eclipses can do with Uranian flare) but this time we 'gained' transit Neptune and Mr. Trump with his life-long tendency for truth-bending, avoiding responsibility for his actions, and taking credit where it isn't due. His natal Mercury-Neptune square plays right along and describes his fake (Neptune) news (Mercury) antics and the propaganda, misconceptions, scandals, indiscretion, vagueness, deception, and corruption that attend it. Add to this his Geminian tendencies for duplicity and multiple personalities and you get a sneaky Trump hiding behind disguises such as 'John Baron' and 'John Miller' in order to build himself a larger yet false reputation!

Well, hopefully the chart image will enlarge for closer viewing in case you wish to read my notes for I'm tired of typing on this rainy Sunday afternoon in Georgia. However, here is a link to on of my original posts concerning the September 1, 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse sans edits. Cover-ups, leaks, secrets and hidden emotional ties (Vladdie? more ladies? a secret child?), plus, scandals, lies, guilt, and self-pity are embedded within this eclipse chart so perhaps a reconsideration of its implications is merited in light of what we now know of Donald Trump and his personal flaws as he plays POTUS on the world stage, a role he arrogantly assumed would be so easy (or so he said).

As for the eclipse chart with Leo rising, the Sun (leader) rules the chart although Mercury conjunct Jupiter @28Virgo rules the eclipse--details matter, expansive plans implemented, risky reforms are on the menu). Chart-ruler Sun makes four applying aspects to other planets resulting in these possibilities:

1. Sun square Saturn (0A42): a leader expected to measure up and be accountable; 2. Sun oppo Neptune (1A18): vagueness, mystery, disguising one's true self, wearing masks, hidden goals, misconceptions; 3. Sun square Mars (4A47): anger, frustration, challenges and competition, aggression, stress and strain; 4. Sun trine Pluto (5A43): setting priorities, gaining assistance from higher ups (exs: wealthy manipulators and financiers, hidden puppet masters, organized crime figures--Putin? is that you? a different blackmailer perhaps?) Also note that the Sun is the engine leading a Locomotive shape of the planets which denotes a person of ruthless actions determined toward success no matter what.

Oh! And that's Vladimir Putin's vengeful natal Venus in betraying Scorpio at the Foundation Point, the IC of the chart, and in 4th house, a Mars-Saturn conjunction of hard feelings, anger, limitations, and a need for self-restraint over impulses. Add unscrupulous, immoral Neptune to the scene and America is suffering from some seriously eroding power and a leaky boatload of Donald Trump's lies and schemes. Add to the 2016 election and the current US presidency an eclipse in Mercury-ruled Virgo and we have karmic conditions in which a strong sense of duty and honest analysis are necessary for best results, otherwise karmic progress will be stalled if not all together stymied until a later time.

To close, here are some background details posted in 2016 concerning 19 North Solar Eclipses with their previous dates/degrees and a few events and entities they heralded:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo; July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter and near Trump natal Mercury 8:51). 19N is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), and the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962). Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for Politics? You see, correlating the years of 19N with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative since history doesn't repeat as much as it rhymes.

And for those who wish to Look Ahead here's the DC Horoscope of the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms which has been labeled The Tower Solar Eclipse for its theme of collapse and rebuild. Could that be Trump Tower or perhaps the Trump Organization a-jumble in the dust?

Oct 11, 2017

DC Horoscope: Cancer Full Moon Jan 1, 2018

As you remember, the first lunation of year 2017 perfected on January 12, 2017 with a Full Moon @22Can27 and was the culmination-fulfillment stage of the New Moon @7Cap59 of December 29, 2016. These lunations were during the Trump Transition period as he and daughter Ivanka readied for Inauguration 2017 on January 20th.

This time New Year's Day 2018 brings society a Full Moon @11Can37 which, degree-wise, is surrounded by America's natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in the 2-to-14-degree range of Cancer (July 4, 1776). Goddess star Sirius (The Scorcher) is included. So as before, 2017 business laps into or holds over into the next calendar year of 2018 for the seeding stage, the New Moon @26Sag31 on December 18, 2017 culminates with the New Year's Day 2018 Full Moon.

Please enlarge the following image to read my notes penned on the chart including a high-flying Kite pattern of success with the Full Moon as its tail and the Sun @11Cap37 as the Kite's nose. Mars and Neptune are involved in the pattern as well and form a trine aspect. Midpoint pictures are thus created with these potentials--Mars-Neptune = Sun: discontent; lack of vitality or willpower; infection; undermining of health (or health insurance?- jc); and Moon: crooks; danger of infection; feeling inferior; sensitivity; nervousness; weak, sick, or moody women (Ebertin).

Quirky Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries is Station Direct (zealots; anarchists; Utopians -Ebertin), plus, as you see, warrior planet Mars applies to expansive Jupiter (The General; the CEO) in big business Scorpio (3rd house) which may denote troop movements into foreign lands (Mars rules 8th and 9th cusps) along with the Mars-Neptune trine which hints at America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misguided actions, wrong directions, and 'the fog of war'--an aspect astrologer Alan Oken calls, "The Obsessive Impulse".

Still, it's an Hour of restrictive Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, so we can pray that cooler heads with steadier hands will prevail over hothead Mars-Rising Mr. Trump, the 'obsessive- impulsive' ego-maniacal moron in the White House with his quirky finger on The Button:

See Senior Republican Says Trump May Have to Be Physically Restrained from Launching Nuclear Strike.

And unfortunately no, I don't believe he has any better common sense than to press The Button when his massive and pathetic ego and/or his bank account are challenged. But as I've blogged previously, someone in charge wanted Trump in the White House in order to set up such a dire scenario--and I believe all the chaos, threat, fear and paranoia are based on the Hegelian Dialect and intended to establish a totalitarian 'new world order'. And this includes the noticeable increase of violent "false flag ops" across the globe.

Sep 23, 2017

Trump Inauguration 2017's Solar Return 2018

Although there is some level of uncertainty that Donald Trump will remain in the White House until January 20, 2018, here is the Solar Return 2018 horoscope of his Inauguration 2017 chart showing Sun (POTUS) @00AQ49, its precise position on that presidential oath-taking moment on January 20, 2017 at noon est Capitol Building, Washington DC:

As you see, the Sun returns to its 2017 position on January 20, 2018 at 5:45:08 pm est--not in its oath-taking Angular 10th house position but in the Cadent 6th house position. As chart-ruler (ASC 7Leo37) Solar Return 2018 Sun has no applying aspects which emphasizes its sign (AQ) and house position, the 6th house of Health, Work (Employment), Military-Police-Civil Services, along with Trump's Daily Rounds (of golf?) Venus @3AQ36, Pluto @19Cap27, and Mercury @13Cap43 are in 6th house as well, however, the SR Sun's 6th house position, plus no solar application, suggests a self-contained man which is also shown by the BOWL shape of planets lead by Jupiter @19Sco56--self-contained and feeling 'cut off' from life's experiences. (This may hint that he misses his former life more than ever.)

It seems that the actors (planets) in Return 2018 6th house are 'with' Trump--but are they really?

Well, obviously, a full Return 6th house emphasizes the concerns and topics of this Material house of preparation, fluctuation, and transition via plans which lurk in the background until a later date or come to fruition later--possibly not until the onset of SR 2019 (C. Teal). SR Sun in 6th house spotlights the usual 6th house matters, as noted, above, yet with Pluto in Capricorn there, my suspicion is that the Generals of the Pentagon are closely involved in current and future plans and activities--especially since Mr. Trump basically gave over the commander-in--chief's reins to them from the start of his 'administration'. Another unsettling potential in Return 6th house matters, of course, is whatever foreign dictator (Pluto in Saturn-ruled Cap) is pulling Trump's strings--militarily, financially, or in other ways. Or perhaps the manipulative planet of power denotes a group of foreigner bankers or financiers shown by wealth-hoarder Pluto, 'god' of the Underworld.

Additionally, at the Goal Point of the chart (MC) we see quirky Uranus (radical reformers, changes in the social fabric; Trump himself) and also Cupido, representative of The Family (the Mafia, or religious fanatics), and/or the Corporate Global Crime Syndicate. (You may disagree, but there it is.)

The Solar Return Moon

A Solar Return Moon (SR Moon) in Pisces tells of a year of domestic changes, some sort of weakness or fragility, and possible illness--of Trump, a family member, or even a colleague unable to carry on. This SR Moon reveals 8th house matters such as paying off loans, Corporatism, Big Business, Debt and Credit, Insurance (health?), legacies and inheritance, transformation, death, the occult, etc. Plus, fraudster planet Neptune in Pisces posited in the Return 8th house is of no comfort, is it?

SR 2018 Vertex

We should also note that the chart's Vertex @22Sag57, a karmic point of fated encounter and possible endings, points directly toward Mr. Trump's natal South Node-Moon conjunction where transit Saturn has recently stomped (and stationed on August 25, 2017). This means that the Anti-Vertex conjoins Trump's natal Sun-North Node conjunction which also includes his wild card Uranus that leads all his planets in its oriental condition. Through this Vertex-Anti-Vertex, I suspect that the contentious Mr. Trump sees himself as the Uranus-NN-Sun side of this polarity (which happens to conjunct US natal Mars @22Gemini) but his Moon-SN side? Not so much. Based on his childhood, it seems that he much prefers Papa over Mama.

Task-Master Saturn @3Cap39 in the Return 5th house: Risk-Taking?

Actually, SR 2018 Saturn @3Cap39 (strong in its own sign, planet of karma) is unaspected in this chart indicating working in solitude or feelings of isolation, plus, unaspected Saturn denotes responsible folk who become indifferent or unconcerned about their duties. Organization and self-discipline may be lacking as 'Saturnians' become overly receptive to random influences in the environment. To me, this describes the entire Trump administration from Day One but whether that's an accurate assessment or not, the 2018 Return chart of the Trump Inauguration threatens our nation with lawmakers and others in government neglecting their duties.

Miscellaneous Chart Factors

If we don't mind counting the North Node, we find a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; special task; spiritual opportunity) with a Moon-Mercury sextile at its base. A Moon-Mercury sextile suggests those who are argumentative with passions so invested in their ideas that their sense of compassion is lost. Bad timing in communications is indicated along with a tendency to placate others (Tierney). At the least, Moon-Mercury-NN forms a midpoint picture suggesting potentials for public contacts and propaganda efforts which relate to Politics and the US Congress via the Moon's ruler-ship of the political 12th house (cusp: 7Can21) of Secret Deals and Large Institutions such as the US Congress and/or Hospitals.

Now since this post is being written in late September 2017, the GOP's attempt to "repeal and replace" Obamacare is in crisis mode for Republicans have until September 30th to bring their misshapen bill up for another vote (they promised Charles Koch, no doubt--and who know who else!) I mention this here because the asteroid denoting health, Hygeia, conjoins the South Node of this chart in 7th house. As you know, the South Node (SN) of the Moon is a Saturnian point of separation where reliance is placed upon past abilities or behavior--which no longer suffice in the present--and this suggests neurosis. Does this mean that Obamacare will be long gone by January 20, 2018? Or perhaps will Republicans make more attempts in 2018 to snatch away health care insurance from millions of Americans? These questions I cannot answer, can you? Yet the GOP's obsession (SN) with blotting out Mr. Obama's signature legislation, the ACA, seems to be partially described here.

Jupiter in Scorpio Leads Them all

Now you may notice that Jupiter @19Sco56, the leader of the planets (Trump himself, on many levels of hugeness, financial concerns, big money from small efforts, boasting and self-importance) conjoins two difficult fixed stars so we should probably mention them: Alpha Serpentis (aka, Unuk) = tragedy, misfortune. And North Scale = hasty words cause problems (Trump's a master at that!), tragedy, violence, but also honors, wealth, and distinction (N. DeVore; A. Louis). DeVore adds that 19Scorpio is traditionally an evil degree, the degree of Self-will vs the Supreme Will. Isn't self-will what the Uranian maverick, Mr. Trump, is all about?

Plus, the 4th house Mars, strong in its own sign of Scorpio (activist, warrior, surgeon, and/or malcontent) has just moved beyond conjunction with expansive Jupiter indicating grand plans and/or those who 'make waves' successfully (Tyl). This can be another hint of health care insurance overhaul--or the lack of it in order to make a political point (ex: Obamacare bad, Trumpcare good).

Another chart factor is the Syzygy Moon (last lunation) prior to this Return chart, a New Moon @26Cap54 on January 17, 2018, conjoins US natal Pluto and Inauguration 2017 MC and denotes new plans being seeded in relation to the power of the presidency and the plutonian Military. I must also direct your gaze to the 2/8 cusps where The Great American Eclipse lurks (conjunct 2nd cusp of the National Treasury; Values, and Earning Ability). On the 8th cusp is the next Solar Eclipse in the 1 South Saros Series which manifests @27AQ08 (conjunct US natal Moon) on February 15, 2018.

The 'hasty energy' 1 South's themes include being flooded with options and enthusiastic ideas which tend to have positive outcomes (Predictive Astrology, Brady). The previous 1 South Solar Eclipse occurred on February 5, 2000 @16AQ01 and has also occurred in the years 1909, 1927, 1946, 1964, and 1982 (conjunct Ronald Reagan's natal 2nd house Sun). So it seems that from this chart, particularly in financial matters, that we must continue to beware 1 North's "info is distorted and possibly false" theme even as we're being flooded with ideas and options during the first half of 2018.

Now as you see, there are several other chart factors worth noting and I trust you to consider them at your leisure. Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbles and know that your Comments and Shares are always welcome!

But lest this meager post threaten to become the length of a book, let's close by mentioning the transiting North Node (here, @14Leo55, a positive indicator in any 1st house suggesting new alliances and fortunate encounters) as it continues its winding path toward Donald Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo). This cosmic encounter of Pluto-NN suggests powerful new alliances and/or meetings, catching a tiger by the tail, power plays with others, and/or the common destiny of a mass of people (Ebertin; Tyl). Plus, a midpoint picture of possibilities is formed by the SR 2018 trio:

NN-ASC = natal Pluto: changes in the fabric of society; revenge or retaliation; powerful friends or allies. Any, all, or none may apply.


Since Venus, planet of values, evaluation, perspectives, relationships/alliances, and luxury, rules all US Inauguration horoscopes (ASC 14Taurus since January 1937), Venus as ruler of materialistic Taurus is chart-ruler so any Inauguration's annual Venus Return is important. Trump's Inauguration 2017 chart's Venus Return (to 17Pis44) perfects on February 24, 2018.

Jul 4, 2017

The Presidencies of Washington and Trump = Uranus!

Let's Get Mystical: Astro-Fun with the US Presidency (Uranian Topics Arise)

by Jude Cowell

Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans!

Quite a while ago I posted on another blog the horoscope of America's very first Inauguration of George Washington, an event held on April 30, 1789 at 12:45 pm LMT on Wall Street, New York City. Around Stars Over Washington you'll find more than one copy of the horoscope of Inauguration 2017, a post displaying a synastry grid between the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope and Mr. Trump's natal planets as well as his natal chart.

Patriot George Washington Not the Only Quirky Rebel Around Here!

Now since the quirky rebel Uranian Mr. Trump, the gold-loving brander-in-chief, tends to make light of the US presidency in the view of many people (he dabbles), why not engage in a quirky consideration of the 1789 Inauguration horoscope blended with the chart of Inauguration 2017--just to see what the resulting Composite/Davison relationship chart tells us about George and Donald and the American people? Perhaps an interesting topic will arise! And so it does, as you see in the chart, below.

But if you, dear reader, are sensitive to such lighthearted shenanigans (such as utilizing Astrology as a tool for speculation--and on Independence Day no less!), you are hereby cautioned to stop reading here. Seriously. Stop.

For the rest of us celebrators, below is a view of the 1789 + 2017 Composite/Davison horoscope with way too many factors penned on (as usual) so please enlarge the image if you wish to read my notes. Penned around the chart are some US natal planets (green), some of Trump's natal planets (yellow orange), and a few current 2017 transits (also in green). Chart-ruler Jupiter is robed in blue (no application), rising Uranus, planet of Technology, radical reforms, upheaval, and shock, is lavender.

Mystical Neptune-and-Pluto are both turquoise, US natal Mars is between them in red, the trio's midpoint picture added which also involves Trump's natal Sun @22Gemini, and the Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo opposition is marked in yellow while the 'brave new world' opposition of Uranus and Neptune (one at Cardinal World Point 00Cancer) are lavender and turquoise, respectively, and reminds us of oh-so-rational global government and the chaos deemed necessary in order to force authoritarism into place:

As for the Mysticism pair, Neptune and Pluto, please note that George Washington and many other presidents were Freemasons and therefore of a mystical bent. My suspicion is that Mr. Trump is a Mason and/or Illuminati adherent as well, especially considering all those hand symbols he constantly throws out during speeches--such as his odd Inaugural Address promoting a dark dystopian view of America. (See George W. sporting his Masonic apron and symbols, sidebar->).

So one factor always interesting when two charts are blended (averaged) is the resulting mid-point date - here between April 30, 1789 + January 20, 2017 the date is May 13, 1903 so right away we both think of our 26th President Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858--January 6, 1919), in office from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909. In May 1903, On This Day lists him engaged in his anti-trust-busting campaign but can his campaign relate to our speculative topic here? Apparently so since nowadays multiple corporations are busy forming monopolies, regardless of the affect on our nation's economy and people. Any US presidency is a mere part of a process or a cycle, after all, and in 2017 We The People have reached where we are, here and now, with all that has gone before part of our national DNA. Not that 'government by consent of the governed' is followed anymore by current oligarchs but we retain the right to redress of our grievances, don't we?

Well, here are a few articles concerning monopolies, all from 2017 and in no particular order: Tech Sector Has Built a Monopoly; This Budding Movement Wants to Smash Monopolies; Want to Rescue Rural America? Bust Monopolies. The Atlantic asserts that America's Monopolies Are Holding Back the Economy while Bloomberg View says that Monopolies Are Worse Than We Thought. (Not worse than you or I thought but worse than someone in charge thought. Duh. Of course, money and power are always their primary goals.)

Okay, so techie futurist Uranus, quirky planet of new thoughts and methods, radical politics, startling reforms, shocks and chaos rises in the Comp/Dav chart of May 13, 1903 bringing the need for anti-trust-busting with it. What else? Well, any of Teddy R's Progressive Movement policies may be spotlighted here (and require protection in 2017) along with his vast Jupiterian personality and style of leadership fairly similar in some respects to Mr. Trump's.

Now remember that our study is only speculative yet another chart factor we may wish to consider is the Pisces Sun (POTUS; leadership) opposing the Virgo Moon (We The People) and what this implied in 1903, yes, but what it may also imply for societal conditions in 2017.

How do you read the Sun-Moon opposition? I read it as vague, secretive, mysterious leaders (Sun in Pisces) promoting, allowing, and/or using misconceptions, misunderstandings, distraction, confusion, and deceit to affect current conditions and to hide sneaky legislation that most of us will loathe when we find out about it. The people (Moon) are critical and nervous (Virgo) because leadership (Sun) hides (Pisces) its true motives while propagandizing, weaponizing, privatizing and monetizing everything they can get their greedy little claws on. Scandals, leaks, cover-ups, step-downs, pay-offs, and favors abound while leaders make impossible demands without caring how the consequences will affect We The People (ex: Trumpcare passage).

The negative conditions and chaos thus created can be overcome but it won't be easy.

For you know that a regressive Donald Trump Hearts President Andrew Jackson whose natal Sun-Moon blend is the very Pisces-Virgo polarity revealed in the 1913 horoscope! How crazy is that?

Solar goals hidden beneath Piscean shade, in Politics a corrupt picture that is astrologically supported in 2017 by the fact that transit Neptune (today @14Pisces), planet of fraud, loss, disappointment, and dissolution now surrounds in mystery and obfuscation US progressed Sun (POTUS) indicating a period when a public image can be deceitful, secretive, crime-ridden, scandal-prone, and/or eroded. Actually, we've discussed this Neptune transit to US SP Sun in a previous post if you care to take a look.

So! What else has our speculative chart investigation with Uranus rising revealed? Transit Saturn in Sagittarius is on course to visit this Uranus (25Sag29) denoting a period of limitation of freedom and resistance to unorthodox ideas which may be rejected as structure and tradition are called for. Initial delays are frustrating but better planning and organization may eventually carry the day--such as with Trump's 'travel ban' against Muslims being reworked and its provisions partially allowed by a SCOTUS decision recently.

We also see that instead of pro-society progressive reforms Mr. Trump and his Goldman-Sachs minions and regressive bigoted operatives and amateurs in the White House are mooning us with Uranian chaos, shock, and disruption. Journalist-author Naomi Klein calls this Mr. Trump's 'shock politics' and if you haven't, you may wish to check out Ms. Klein's best selling new book on the topic No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need. And here she is in a presentation originally posted by The Intercept where she is now a Senior Correspondent:

Follow this link in case the video is removed (it will be worth your time).

Related posts include:

July 4th! America's Solar Return 2017 (with authoritarian Saturn at Midheaven--or is the karmic taskmaster keeping Trump's shock politics at least partially in check?)

The POTUS 'unbirthday' of July 23, 2017 when the Sun opposes the Inaugural POTUS Sun (00Leo/00AQ) spotlighting presidential frustrations, and a reassessment of the year's goals which should occur and a new course set if needed.

The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017. Whimsical? Now that's one thing they never called reliable George Washington in his day. Any bets?

From July 4, 2012: The Natal Horoscope and Character of George Washington.

June 1, 2015: The Progressed Full Moon of George Washington (he's still with us on esoteric and idealistic levels!)

Washington DC's Secret Symbolism: From Past to Future.

Friday May 13, 2016: The History of Freemasonry and The Skull and Bones (video).

Mar 13, 2017

What Do Franklin Roosevelt and Lord Byron Have in Common?

Monday March 13, 2017: for those who consult Sun-Moon personality blends of politicians and poets, the discovery of who shares a natal Sun-Moon blend with another famous person can be revealing although we may not always understand what is being revealed since sometimes the pairs who share personality blends seem more different than similar. Yet often their personalities can be perfectly described by their Sun-Moon blends. For illustration, we might refer to the shared blends of Mr. Trump and......guess who?

Now if you wish, check out the (Uranus Rising = coping ability) natal chart of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the natal chart of George Gordon Byron and you'll see that they share the Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer personality blend of the 'humanitarian idealist'.

(Speaking of idealism, it's curious that both men's lives involved them in war efforts on the 'white hat' side, wars that were fought ostensibly for the sake of liberation. But war must always begin under a pretext, mustn't it? Otherwise, very few people would sign up to do the fighting.)

Now this misty, ethereal Air-Water combination of energies tends to possess 'a wonderful sense of humor' due in part to its cooperation between mind (AQ) and emotion (Cancer). This poetic, romantic combo has great insight and sensitivity, communication talent, and is quite theatrical. 'Conscious reflection upon the mysteries of life' is typical of this blend. Very creative, Sun AQ-Moon Cancer maintains a detached attitude toward others and is quite subjective (Cancer) when using its reasoning power.

Unconscious prejudices are likely to influence actions along with an ability to rationalize the irrational; a talent for expressing universal insights via personal images is evident (for Roosevelt through his speeches and Fireside Chats, and for Lord Byron through his romantic poetry). There is, on some level, a 'devotion to truth' embedded within both personalities (though I must wonder what Mr. Roosevelt the 33rd-degree Freemason, and member of the banking Roosevelts, did with such a devotion while serving as president).

And on that presidential note, it's time to close by typing for you the two Images for Integration for the Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend of FDR and Lord Byron:

"A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey; my italics).

You may also wish to compare the Personality Blends of Franklin, Washington, Paine, and Jefferson, and here's a post about the day's Sun-Moon blend of Thomas Jefferson's First Inauguration in 1801. Watery!

Or why not compare the Sun-Moon blends operating during Inaugurations 1993 and 2017 of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump?

For those who don't think that 'FDR' and the label 'new world order' belong in the same sentence try this from a previous post:

In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal (1958) he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

At the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

And yet in 2017 that sounds a lot like what we have now--a stark revolutionary crisis.

FDR image in the public domain; Lord Byron painting by Thomas Phillips [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Jan 30, 2017

Transits to Inauguration 2017 Planets Bring Frustration

Recent political developments in the US inspired a look at the first 6 months of planetary transits to the Inauguration 2017 horoscope. This resulted in slight amazement at how many transits offer frustration and delay for the White House. Perhaps you are not surprised, dear reader, since recent news reports contain only partial success for Mr. Trump's and Mr. Bannon's policies such as banning visitors to the US from Muslim countries (though not the ones that participated in the attacks of 9/11). When the outcry was more than the White House anticipated, an attempt was made to blame President Obama's previous list of nations but that ploy isn't working very well either for the amateurish crowd now mishandling the White House.

But whether or not you agree that Mr. Trump and his minions are 'mishandling' our government, the 2017 planets in their courses are objectively showing a picture of frustration and a stalling of the administration's dearest objectives with only partial success at best. So by the time of a major signpost, when the Sun opposes Inauguration 2017 Sun, aka, POTUS, will plans and aims progress for the White House and thus for the nation?

Here's a bi-wheel with the Inauguration 2017 horoscope inside and transits for July 23, 2017 set for 8:08:40 am edt, the moment the Sun @00Leo49:53 opposes the POTUS Sun (00AQ49:53) in what some call an 'un-birthday'. If you enlarge the chart perhaps my scribbles will become legible for almost everything I wish to say about the matter is squished upon the chart including the primary point about an un-birthday: time to measure progress or the lack of it; unfavorable for ego-related pursuits (such as those driven by ego); reassess priorities and change course, if necessary:

Outside the chart/s are penned Mr. Trump's natal planets, plus, the Solar Eclipses of September 1, 2016 (9Vir21) and February 26, 2017 (8Pis12) are added. Actually, transit Saturn in Sagittarius squaring Inauguration 2017 Mars (24Pis21) is quite enough to block, restrict, or delay initiatives and skew their plans. Calm persistence and patience (not Mr. Trump's best qualities with natal Mars rising with royal Regulus in vain Leo) are the keys to success. However, this Saturn-Square-Mars transit perfects three times in 2017--once already on January 29th, again on June 17th, and finally on October 29, 2017 so frustration is in effect the entire year. (Of course, other transits aid or deny POTUS plans as well but that's a post of a thousand words so let's not for now.)

Now Mr. Trump's 'first 100 days' ends on April 29th (or the 30th at noon, the way I count it) so that has become an important presidential benchmark since the days of FDR. When I looked at transits of that day there's a Lunar Return to the New Moon in Gemini which timed Mr. Trump's announcement of a White House run in June 2015 (as he descended from on high in Trump Tower to speak before a paid audience). Shortly before 9:00 pm on April 29, 2017, Luna sails across the 00Cancer Cardinal World Point of manifestation which creates two Sun-Moon blends of cosmic weather for April 29, 2017: Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini (dusty Earth-Air) and Sun Taurus-Moon Cancer (muddy Earth-Water). For comparison's sake, here are the Images for Integration for both blends which may or may not relate to the condition of Mr. Trump's administration after its first 100 days:

Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini: A wealthy publisher launches another new project...A restaurateur earns a reputation for delicious souffles and meringues...A scientist brilliantly discourses on the mysteries of nature.

Sun Taurus-Moon Cancer: Dr. Spock teaching mothers how to bring up their children...A baker undertakes to feed an orphanage...Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake.

So apparently by the end of April we'll have fluffy souffles and/or the angry swan of the Cygnus constellation. Well, I don't know about you but I'm not certain which, if any, to cheer for.

Related posts include: The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017; and don't miss the rock 'em sock 'em natal chart of Donald Trump!

Recommended as always: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jan 20, 2017

Trump Inaugural Address Full of Illuminati Hand Symbols

January 20, 2017 Trump Inaugural Address 12:00 pm est - 12:18 pm est

Those who watched today as President Donald J. Trump took the presidential Oath of Office then began his inaugural address couldn't miss his typical use of hand symbols such as the 'okay' sign which tends toward the positive in America, but holds very negative meanings in other countries. Now like most of my fellow Americans, I hope for best results for our nation and people in the years ahead under the Trump-Pence administration.

However, what secret beliefs and allegiances are held by Mr. Trump I do not know but his constant use of Freemasonry and Illuminati hand symbols when speaking provides this particular Child of the Revolution no comfort at all.

Recommended is a very interesting Related Video Presentation from Max Igan: Illuminati Mind Control, Spells, and Illusions.

Jan 20, 2017: '11 Aries' = "The President of the Country"

'11 Aries' = "The President of the Country": This is a symbol of high ego on the impersonal side, evident in the complete and naive dedication of the individual to some part he chooses to play among his fellows. Implicit here is the selection of such a role as will have a maximum breadth of recognition, so that the player may be established in a reality which he would be quite unable to sustain by himself. There is a subordination of all other considerations to one primary act of individual assurance. The keyword is IDEALIZATION.

When positive, the degree is the self-sacrifice required of anybody who would become the creative representative of anybody who would become the creative representative of eternal value, and when negative, an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness or vain pretense.

- The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

To this degree, Dane Rudhyar adds in his An Astrological Mandala:

KEYNOTE: The power resulting from the formal integration of the collective desire for order.

...At this ego level, laws and the restrictive power of a police force are dominant features. Psychologically speaking, this means that the integrative principle is the limited, more or less narrow "i am" realization. It manifests itself as the personal ego exerting its will to control the reactions of the bio-psychic organism.

It indicates a CENTRALIZATION OF POWER at the level of a rigidly structured consciousness.

January 20, 2017 Capitol Building noon Inauguration 2017 - cosmic vibes of the day:

Sun Aquarius-Moon Scorpio (Air-Water = ethereal mist): charisma, keen insight, strong-willed, egoistic, dogmatic, stubborn, ambitious, self-reliant, an astute observer, a reformer, emotionally blows hot and cold, all-or-nothing, self-important, desire to improve the welfare of others, potential for ruthless behavior and manipulation.

Sun AQ-Moon Scorpio is the natal Sun-Moon blend of writer-historian Henry Brooke Adams who famously informed us that, "Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organisation of hatreds." - Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Welcome to Washington, Mr. President.

Jan 11, 2017

Horoscope: Donald Trump w Mike Pence's natal planets

In this image the natal planets of VP-elect Mike Pence (R-IN) are penned around the outside of President-elect Donald Trump's natal chart which shows a few descriptive links between the men, one born in June 1946, the other in June 1959. Mr. Trump's chart and planets are highlighted in orange, Mr. Pence's planets are in blue-green with no angles shown since I don't have Mr. Pence's birth time; therefore, 'noon' positions are entered on the chart:

Naturally, Mr. Pence's natal planets were transits in 1959 for the almost-13-year-old Donald Trump.

DT = Donald Trump; MP = Mike Pence; MP's natal Moon ranged from 23Gemini to 6Cancer over the 24-hour period of his birth day.

The links that pop out at me (and are not dependent upon an accurate birth hour for Mr. Pence) are:

DT's late Leo Mars and Ascendant are conjoined by MP's natal Pluto @1Virgo. All three conjoin royal star and 'kingmaker' Regulus (success if revenge is avoided); this creates midpoint pictures with potentials, one of which is penned, lower right: DT Mars/MP Pluto = DT ASC: daring (Ebertin); coercive measures; intimidation (Munkasey); also: DT Mars-ASC = MP Pluto: violence; a love of quarreling; desire to rule others; premature action; forcible adjustment to new circumstances and conditions (Ebertin). As always, any, all, or none may apply.

Together they concentrate Mars-Pluto force with its potentials for chaos, aggression, suppression, and/or oppression.

MP Sun @16Gemini conjunct DT Uranus @17Gemini: quirky, rebellious Uranus which not only leads all of Mr. Trump's natal planets but is oriental (rising just before his Sun) has MP's natal Sun shining upon it which suggests that pride may interfere with group endeavors and cause separation or disruption, and loyalty issues may ensue. This connection shows DT inviting MP to take a leadership role and hints that MP was selected for his traits and abilities that DT lacks (obviously!). Yes, they are a team yet trouble may develop unless MP accepts DT's non-traditional ways of doing things, and/or if their egocentric personalities cause too many quarrels over authority issues--especially with DT's planet of authority and responsibility (Saturn) in Cancer opposed by MP's natal Saturn strong in its own sign of Capricorn. Plus, MP's Saturn widely opposes DT's Mercury which suggests MP's need for DT to become more sober in his communications--if not, then restriction, criticism, or resentment may occur.

Perhaps Mr. Pence's Solar Return in June 2017 will reveal their Sun-Uranus link either positively or negatively, and it will be a Sun-to-natal-Uranus transit for Mr. Trump.

MP Mercury @21Gemini conjoins DT Sun and North Node of public contact and future direction. This connection suggests the ideas and goals of DT which are in sync with MP's thoughts and expression of them to the public via the media or via speeches, meetings, and/or pressers. It also indicates the more aggressive and dramatic forum that MP has now thanks to DT; Mr. Pence may add his input to DT's ideas and plans but this must be done gingerly by MP or the super-sensitive DT may take offence (or perhaps MP will manage to turn DT's ideas and plans into something totally different than what DT intended. This is perhaps not a good idea.

An interesting link is formed on MP's Nodal Axis in DT's 2nd house of Money and Values which holds Trump's Jupiter-Neptune 'speculator' pair (and which rule DT's natal 8th house of Corporatism and Debt via its shady Pisces cusp). DT's Juno (a political asteroid) is there are well along with guru Chiron, the blind spot. This picture is fraught with complexity beyond the scope of this meager post but with MP's North Node conjoining DT's 2nd house trio, Mr. Pence may find himself dealing with such monetary themes in his public contacts before their first term ends. The presence of wounded/wounding Chiron between DT's Jupiter and Neptune seems to be a sign of Mr. Trump's many bankruptcies and over-extensions of credit to the point of massive debt to foreign banks. DT's chronic non-payment of workers he hires may be pictured here as well along with his over-inflated boasts of his wealth.

Now there are other chart factors between them that are worth considering such as MP's Jupiter Rx conjunct DT's IC--opulent surroundings, gain via real estate?) but these are the primary ones I see. You may see others, of course, and a study of their progressions and return charts will yield more information about their association (and make for a much longer post).

There is one more thing I want to mention: Mr. Pence's natal Chiron Rx @27AQ38. As you know, Chiron is the Wounded Healer, priest, guru, mentor, and blind spot--and signifies the Christ archetype in a horoscope. Here we find that MP's natal Chiron conjoins US natal Moon (We The People) of July 4, 1776. This conjunction suggests the religious aspect of Mr. Pence but perhaps also a kind of wounding which may occur due to Theocracy being brought into the US government where it doesn't belong. I say this as a Christian myself and as a Child of the Revolution--one who demands that church and state remain as separate as possible in America for the sake of religious freedom. For it is my belief that morality cannot be legislated but must come from within each individual. Externally enforced morality is a false morality and only serves to enslave not free!

Disagree if you must but there it is. And if I've missed a link between their natal planets that you consider important or you have info to add to the above assessment please let me know in a comment or at judecowell at gmail dot com.

Related posts: The Asteroids and Dreams of Mike Pence; The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump; Horoscope: Inauguration 2017; and Horoscope: The Great American Eclipse of August 2017--the 'splitting' energies of which will imprint upon the presidency of Donald J. Trump. Or should I say, the Trump-Pence presidency?

Jan 5, 2017

Jan 5, 2017 Stars Over Washington's 'Trump Poll': the totals so far

Thursday January 5, 2017 1:50 pm est

As of today the leading opinion in the recently posted Stars Over Washington 'Trump Poll' (A Trump Presidency will be--) is: one big scam. Runner-up is a distopian nightmare, and number 3: the end of America. The 4th possibility has zero adherents, undoubtedly because that answer is a dream come true.

And so I'm proud to say that readers of Stars Over Washington, those who go to the trouble to participate in polls (please do! sidebar, upper right), possess a clear-eyed, realistic view of the ongoing train wreck that is Washington DC Politics 2017 and have faced the haunting specter of the alt-right and theocratic ideologues who will sway Mercurial Gemini Mr. Trump on many social and political issues which will closely affect the American people, undermine the US Constitution, and ruin the US government more than it already has been. And considering Mr. Trump's conflicts of interest, past and current shady dealings, scams, frauds, billionaire buddies, possible mob ties, a basic lack of understanding of the necessary 'blind trust' requirement, and a thousand other issues and protocols that most people understand and would abide by, this freedom-loving fellow (who threatens to jail others and 'loves to fire people') sees only the ironies convenient for him to see. It appears to this astrologer that his fighting, egoistic Leo Mars rising with royal Regulus will signify much of his hot-mess presidency ruled by whim and retaliation.

And as anti-democratic and bigoted as his Cabinet members and staff of operatives may be, astrologically we can expect Mr. Trump's natal Uranus (radical reformer, rebel, anarchist) posited at his birth in changeable, sometimes unreliable Gemini to lead his pack of planets with all the disruptive, maverick, and chaotic energies it and he can muster. For as you know, the sign of Uranus in a natal chart describes behavior and with Trump's Uranus oriental and leading a BOWL shape, chatty deal-making Gemini is one of the main archetypes that We The People are facing with Mercury the ruler of Gemini and his Sun (personality) and North Node (public contact) in the sign as well.

And yet his Mercury in Cancer, sign of shrewd business ability and love of family and country, provides him some measure of perception, intuition, and objectivity (since Mercury is not in his Sun sign) even though his Mercury, planet of thinking processes, is ruled by the Moon (feelings, emotions) so We The People have that goin' for us. We find Mr. Trump's extreme defensiveness displayed via his tweets and remarks that punch back at all detractors ("enemies," he says) since Cancer, sign of the crab, always scuttles sideways to avoid dealing with unpleasant encounters--such as blame, criticism, and other people's opinions and ideas.

However, he relates to others (via Jupiter's sign--his moneybags planet is strong for it's Stationary Direct) as a Libra with the placement's constant "it's not fair!" refrain ringing in our ears, and yet his Moon-South-Node conjunction does not make for popularity and indicates mommy issues, or, at the least, a deep sense of separation from the crowd. This spot in the Zodiac (for him, 22 Sagittarius) is where the karmic planet of restriction and blockage, Saturn, now tromps and conjuncts natal Moon-South-Node and opposes his natal Sun in Gemini. This transit is quite a cosmic Ouch!

And so...

The SO'W Trump Poll remains open until midnight January 20, 2017 (Inauguration Day) and if you haven't, please register your opinion if you have a moment. Multiple answers are acceptable which may come in handy for those who feel torn between the nightmare and the dream come true. That's a tiny little joke, in case you can't tell.


Related Posts include: The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017; Inauguration 2017: Midpoint Pictures and the Sun-Moon Blend (hint: someone's 'blind zeal' is showing); The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump; After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump; and Donald Trump and The Future, a message from activist Max Igan via video.

Additionally, typing the president-select's name into the SO'W sidebar Search field will present many possible reading opportunities for the daring...

Dec 29, 2016

Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway

GOP Strategist and Pollster Kellyanne Conway born January 20, 1967

by Jude Cowell

If curious, you'll find basic bio details concerning Mr. Trump's Svengali Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway (nee, Fitzpatrick) on Wikipedia such as the fact that she was born on January 20, 1967 in Camden, New Jersey. Yes, Inauguration Day 2017 marks her 50th birthday! IMDb also has a brief bio about her which gives her birth place as Atco, NJ, 16 miles southeast of Camden.

Now without an accurate birth time I hesitate to embed Mrs. Conway's natal horoscope here but perhaps we might consider her Sun @29Capricorn or 00Aquarius and Moon in Taurus (for the 24-hour period). And we don't need a birth time to check out her Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series (PE) for a smidgen of insight into this highly accomplished lady who will soon accompany Mr. Trump into the White House with her Sun conjunct America's Inaugural Sun (00AQ+), and perhaps her natal Mercury conjoining it as well (00AQ50--2AQ31). Plus, if born around noon with her Moon in mid-Taurus, then Luna conjoins US Inauguration Ascendant which is the Oath of Office itself.

So during the 24 hours of January 20, 1967, the odds are that Mrs. Conway's Sun is in very early Aquarius rather than at the very end of ambitious Capricorn but let's consider the Image for Integration and a few traits of both Sun-Moon combinations in case one seems more descriptive of the lady.

Pragmatic, matter-of-fact Earth-Earth Sun Cap-Moon Taurus: "A wealthy grandfather opens a savings account for his granddaughter on her day of birth; she later becomes a famous artist, inherits a fortune and makes her own." This combo shows an inflexible system of values, an attachment to familiar routine, an overly materialistic mindset, and a stubbornness which comes out most strongly when dealing with people who don't follow the rules. Ruh-roh! If this is her personality blend, dealing with chronic rule-breaker Donald Trump must take a lot of energy and involve a superhuman amount of patience.

Rational, efficient, supportive Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Taurus: "The resident caretaker of a 'New Age' community sips his Beaujolais as he systematically does the year's accounts." This blend can be reluctant to listen to other people's views, be smug and arrogant, and can ride roughshod over others in order to achieve ambitions. We've discussed this blend here before so I won't add any thoughts on 'New Age'/'New Order' operatives (which may not apply anyway) but the double fixed quality of Aquarius and Taurus may provide a clue to her personality which can be seen in the way she usually holds her own during media interviews (plus, natal Mercury, planet of communications, is in fixed Aquarius no matter her birth time and she tends to stick to her point in spite of any interruption).

Now Kellyanne Conway was born into the 4 South Solar Eclipse Series, not the most favorable series for anyone with its themes of 'strong emotional feelings concerning relationships and/or finances; anger or lust; a sense of fate within relationship events that are beyond control; a sudden urge to end a relationship; blocked emotions and a great deal of frustration; avoid rash actions while the eclipse is in effect' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

For Conway, 4 South manifested at a difficult degree: 19 Scorpio, conjunct a malefic fixed star Alpha Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai) which can bring tragedy, misfortune, success followed by a fall, and weighty legal entanglements. Now I don't know if this star has expressed in her life in the past but having an eclipse conjoining this degree strengthens potentials--and to make matters more disturbing, another star conjoins the 19th degree of Scorpio, North Scale. This star tends to add wealth, distinction, honors, and intelligence to the mix yet may also indicate a tendency toward hasty words that cause problems, violence, and/or war. However, good organizing ability is also supplied and she has certainly demonstrated such talent in her political career.

To put Mrs. Conway's 4 South PE in historical and cyclical context, it has manifested in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, 1966 (hers), 1984, and 2002, and will repeat next in the highly significant year of 2020.

For more info and Images see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Additional Note: As I type, Trump's political operative Kellyanne Conway is in the midst of her three-fer Chiron Return/s to natal degree (22Pisces), a 50-year cycle with a Pisces Chiron all about mentors and gurus: 1. April 8, 2016; 2. September 19, 2016; 3. February 8, 2017.