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Showing posts with label Leonard Leo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leonard Leo. Show all posts

Oct 8, 2024

The Solar Eclipse of Opus Dei

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy

During all the brou-ha-ha the last few years as the US Supreme Court bench was successfully populated with the bums of theocratic "conservative" judges through confirmations set up and manipulated by a Federalist Society's right-wing operative named Leonard Leo among others, a secret society known as Opus Dei ("God's work") came to attention within our public discourse.

The group was founded in 1928 under the auspices of the initial (very first) manifestation of a 2 New North Solar Eclipse @26Gem21:51. And perhaps you remember that former AG Bill Barr has been revealed as an Opus Dei member. Perhaps you also remember that the theme of all 2 New North Eclipses are: "The Tower - collapse and rebuild once the dust settles" (B. Brady). Apparently, the group's goal is the collapse of America so that our democratic Republic can be "rebuilt" as a fascist theocracy akin to the Catholic Church - from whence arose Opus Dei. Why, even women were allowed to join in 1930! They must have been seen to be useful after all.

Now I won't dispute the decades of degradation in society - in the US and elsewhere - with the enthusiastic participation of the Entertainment industry (sex sells), but attempting to force one's moral and ethical values on others is a senseless endeavor, unless a resort to cruelty is the point.

For as you know, values must be internal and can never be externally forced or they'll merely be superficial, and not genuine at all. Because historically we have the era of The Inquisition/s as a stark reminder of this.

Mercurial! Opus Dei's Eclipse in Gemini

Now in Mercury-ruled Gemini, solar eclipses bring issues of logic, fluency, and coherence in communications; negatively, they tend toward superficiality, caprice, and/or "talkathons" full of little if any forethought. Polling activities may also turn up under a Gemini eclipse (R. Lineman), plus, the fact vs fiction polarity of mutable Gemini-Sagittarius tends to be ruffled by a "wild card of the Universe" eclipse in Gemini.

And so the Horoscope of the Opus Dei "revelation" (October 2, 1928: thus, its founding), is shown in a dual image, below (upper right) set for "noon". Actually, Madrid, Spain may be the more accurate location but cussedly I've set both charts for Rome, where Vatican City nestles.

As noted, the Opus Dei Society was spawned under, and influenced by, the 2 New North Eclipse of June 17, 1928, as its solar and lunar energies "ran in the background of society." Below, the 1928 Eclipse Horoscope is shown lower left, and both charts display a YOD pattern of karmic opportunity, turning point, a special task, and/or crisis for those who care to use the "Finger of God" pattern which tend to work as timing agents; a generous helping of my study notes are squooshed upon the dual image of charts:

Saturn (old order) and Uranus (new order)

Then as you see, rigid Saturn in religious Sagittarius is prominent (see Saturn-SN notes on chart) as is Uranus in Aries (Utopianism = lawlessness); one spot that "vessel" Trump can be found in the eclipse chart is spiritual planet Neptune conjunct Apollo (the sun god: Sol Invictus?) conjunct Herr T's rising natal Mars in Leo (rising with Apollo and royal star Regulus, it seems). As noted, the theme of 2 New North are those of "The Tower" (#16 Tarot card). How curious that poet W.B. Yeats published one of his most famous collections in 1928 titled: The Tower.

Understandably, my suspicion is that the secretive group's Quest (Jupiter-Chiron) is to force their religious beliefs upon society utilizing a self-righteous assumption of alleged intellectual superiority (Saturn is Sag as Bucket handle). Plus, mention should be included here of the Eclipse Horoscope's Mercury-Pluto Conjunction with its spying tendencies and obsession with other people's secrets.

And the Sabian Symbol of the 2 New North Eclipse degree rounded up?

"27 Gemini": "A Young Gyspy Emerges from the Woods and Gazes at Far Cities." Dr. M. E. Jones gives this Symbol's keyword as, "EXPENDITURE"; and its positive expression as: "self-release in the joy of the accomplishments of the moment; negative (unconscious/shadow side- jc) expression: "complete disinclination to enter into the ordinary relationships of society."

Well, to me this sounds on the holier than thou side. How about you?

Jul 8, 2024

WHY they gave Trump immunity. And WHO was behind the plan? - Five Minute News

Here's an informative report from journalist-broadcaster Anthony Davis of Five Minute News regarding US Supreme Court imperialism, Trump immunity, Christian Nationalism, Charles Koch, Leonard Leo, and the Federalist Society:

A Related Post Now Appears on SO'W's sister site: Biden and Trump Natals with Election 2024 Planets.

Dec 13, 2023

Dec 2023: Leona occults Betelgeuse!

Rising: The Constellations in the Sky

by Jude Cowell

On December 11, 2023, a rare celestial event occurred when asteroid Leona (#319), discovered on October 8, 1891 at the Nice Observatory in France, occulted starry Betelgeuse in the right shoulder of constellation Orion. Perhaps you caught the story in or on Scientific American published December 11th. An Eastern Time of 8:17 pm is cited in the article for the seconds-long occultation, with December 12th the date the path crossed Southern Europe, Turkey, Greece, and Sicily.

Setting a December 11th horoscope for Washington DC for 8:17 pm EST shows America's 1776 North Node rising with Midheaven @23Ari30 conjunct the transiting North Node @23Ari28 although other times and locations of the occultation would naturally vary, and you'll see sprinklings about Trump on the chart, plus, with asteroid Leona, you know that Supreme Court whisperer Leonard Leo must be lurking about somewhere.

Well, here's a quickly marked-up horoscope for your consideration which may also be used as merely a transit chart for December 11, 2023:

Keywords for Betelgeuse: Fame, success, good fortune, determined, shrewd, a rebel, rash, inventive, fevers, acute illness (A. Louis). Note that there are indications of someone's nervousness and/or neuroses on the chart (see lower right corner's New Moon) although admittedly, this could describe many people in light of current events. The occultation's Vertex ('VX' of fated encounters) conjuncts Trump's natal Moon-South Node of fluctuating popularity and emotional estrangement.

Sep 13, 2023

Leonard Leo: Scorpio Sun-AQ Moon

Right-wing operative Leonard Leo of SCOTUS-stacking fame, and long time VP of the conservative-libertarian Federalist Society is now under investigation by DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb - see details in The Guardian, Leonard Leo Under Investigation in Washington DC.

Up until now, Mr. Leo's birth date has been elusive but has apparently turned up thanks to master astrologer Marjorie Orr. Other astrologers may have it, too, but Marjorie's Star4Cast website is where I discovered it first, however, her source is unknown to me.

So below are two images of Leonard Leo's 'noon' natal horoscope, the first with a bunch of my study notes squooshed upon it, the second the same natal horoscope set for November 1, 1965, no aspect grid, unmarked and suitable for printing or whatever:

You'll note that little baby Leonard was born under the auspices of a 3 North Solar Eclipse (@9Gem13; May 30, 1965), the Saros Series that brought America the WTC Attacks of 9/11 and the Financial Crash of 1929 that announced the Republican Great Depression of the 1930s; a 3 North Eclipse last manifested in 2019 @11Cancer. To review 3 North themes go here.

Sept 13, 2023 UPDATE: Another birth date and location have turned up for Mr. Leo. Below is an unmarked 'noon' chart image set for November 7, 1965 Northport, New York. His 3 North PE and Syzygy Moon remain the same as noted, above, however, a Sun Scorpio-Moon Aries personality blend is more combative and confrontational with Scorpio and Aries both ruled by warrior planet, Mars. So obviously, unless a verified source appears, the topic of Leonard Leo's natal horoscope will be an ongoing enigma suitable for such a controversial man who prefers secrecy!

A huge Thank You to my FB friend Kat King for bringing Mr. Leo's alternate data to my attention!