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Showing posts with label Saturn-Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn-Uranus. Show all posts

Jan 15, 2025

America's Saturn-Uranus Cycle

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

With America's Saturn-Uranus duo of July 4, 1776 in a beneficial trine relationship of progressiveness and an ability (of our Founders) to blend past and present values together for best effect by joining historical perspective within the context of the actual moment, I share this with you today as radical, unwanted reforms loom directly ahead.

Their ability was to successfully couple inventiveness with common sense (A. Oken), yet as we know, one political party nowadays in the US has completely lost - or purposefully tossed out - their ability to behave with common sense. Apparently, the 1854 party's 2017-2018 Neptune Return/s effectively eroded any common sense they possessed and morphed it into cultism, fraud, deception, and mass delusion in their search for grabbing 100 years of power - at any cost.

So being of a Mercurial nature, today I've been searching for America's initial Saturn-Uranus Cycle (first moment), a chart which could be useful for comparing transits and progressions at any point in time.

The two planets met - one signifying the past- tradition-law, the other the future-progress-change - on May 14, 1761 @7Ari42, as we see in the Horoscope displayed below.

Please note that the following Horoscope set for 4:27:01 am LMT (NS), in Philadelphia may not depict their only exact conjunction prior to July 4, 1776 but it's the one I'm going with for now in their approximately 45-year cycle; also note that this planetary pair symbolizes Israel-Palestine but this ancient topic is well beyond the scope of today's limited post - even though this very day Peace in the Middle East may have been brokered by President Joe Biden:

Penned on the chart are a bunch of my study notes plopped on for the curious reader. Because hopefully, a dear reader such as yourself might enlarge and/or print the Saturn-Uranus Horoscope of May 1761 for future reference, if need be. Or perhaps you might set up a chart for yourself and squoosh your own study notes all over it! Or not. Your choice. jc.

Meanwhile, a list of Events of 1761 contains some very interesting historical information if you're curious. Events involving tension, separation, and/or "unyielding politics" would be three influences to look for, plus, natural events. Then two famous ones are the wedding and the coronation of King George III and Duchess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz with both ceremonial events occurring in September 1761.

Oct 8, 2024

The Solar Eclipse of Opus Dei

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy

During all the brou-ha-ha the last few years as the US Supreme Court bench was successfully populated with the bums of theocratic "conservative" judges through confirmations set up and manipulated by a Federalist Society's right-wing operative named Leonard Leo among others, a secret society known as Opus Dei ("God's work") came to attention within our public discourse.

The group was founded in 1928 under the auspices of the initial (very first) manifestation of a 2 New North Solar Eclipse @26Gem21:51. And perhaps you remember that former AG Bill Barr has been revealed as an Opus Dei member. Perhaps you also remember that the theme of all 2 New North Eclipses are: "The Tower - collapse and rebuild once the dust settles" (B. Brady). Apparently, the group's goal is the collapse of America so that our democratic Republic can be "rebuilt" as a fascist theocracy akin to the Catholic Church - from whence arose Opus Dei. Why, even women were allowed to join in 1930! They must have been seen to be useful after all.

Now I won't dispute the decades of degradation in society - in the US and elsewhere - with the enthusiastic participation of the Entertainment industry (sex sells), but attempting to force one's moral and ethical values on others is a senseless endeavor, unless a resort to cruelty is the point.

For as you know, values must be internal and can never be externally forced or they'll merely be superficial, and not genuine at all. Because historically we have the era of The Inquisition/s as a stark reminder of this.

Mercurial! Opus Dei's Eclipse in Gemini

Now in Mercury-ruled Gemini, solar eclipses bring issues of logic, fluency, and coherence in communications; negatively, they tend toward superficiality, caprice, and/or "talkathons" full of little if any forethought. Polling activities may also turn up under a Gemini eclipse (R. Lineman), plus, the fact vs fiction polarity of mutable Gemini-Sagittarius tends to be ruffled by a "wild card of the Universe" eclipse in Gemini.

And so the Horoscope of the Opus Dei "revelation" (October 2, 1928: thus, its founding), is shown in a dual image, below (upper right) set for "noon". Actually, Madrid, Spain may be the more accurate location but cussedly I've set both charts for Rome, where Vatican City nestles.

As noted, the Opus Dei Society was spawned under, and influenced by, the 2 New North Eclipse of June 17, 1928, as its solar and lunar energies "ran in the background of society." Below, the 1928 Eclipse Horoscope is shown lower left, and both charts display a YOD pattern of karmic opportunity, turning point, a special task, and/or crisis for those who care to use the "Finger of God" pattern which tend to work as timing agents; a generous helping of my study notes are squooshed upon the dual image of charts:

Saturn (old order) and Uranus (new order)

Then as you see, rigid Saturn in religious Sagittarius is prominent (see Saturn-SN notes on chart) as is Uranus in Aries (Utopianism = lawlessness); one spot that "vessel" Trump can be found in the eclipse chart is spiritual planet Neptune conjunct Apollo (the sun god: Sol Invictus?) conjunct Herr T's rising natal Mars in Leo (rising with Apollo and royal star Regulus, it seems). As noted, the theme of 2 New North are those of "The Tower" (#16 Tarot card). How curious that poet W.B. Yeats published one of his most famous collections in 1928 titled: The Tower.

Understandably, my suspicion is that the secretive group's Quest (Jupiter-Chiron) is to force their religious beliefs upon society utilizing a self-righteous assumption of alleged intellectual superiority (Saturn is Sag as Bucket handle). Plus, mention should be included here of the Eclipse Horoscope's Mercury-Pluto Conjunction with its spying tendencies and obsession with other people's secrets.

And the Sabian Symbol of the 2 New North Eclipse degree rounded up?

"27 Gemini": "A Young Gyspy Emerges from the Woods and Gazes at Far Cities." Dr. M. E. Jones gives this Symbol's keyword as, "EXPENDITURE"; and its positive expression as: "self-release in the joy of the accomplishments of the moment; negative (unconscious/shadow side- jc) expression: "complete disinclination to enter into the ordinary relationships of society."

Well, to me this sounds on the holier than thou side. How about you?

Jul 23, 2024

Eclipses of Gov Andy Beshear and Sen Mark Kelly

Office of Senator Kamala Harris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; 2017

VP Harris' Important Decision

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

When Joe Biden stepped down from his 2024 Campaign, he catapulted America into a new generation of politicians thereby fulfilling his early promise to be a bridge between generations! This resonates with Biden's natal Saturn (old)/Uranus (new) conjunction in Gemini (sign of youth), and interestingly, Chiron (the rainbow bridge!) has been traveling all snugged between transit Saturn and Uranus: Chiron = Saturn-Uranus - as the centaur is today. You can't make this stuff up!

And wouldn't it be amazing if the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 conjunct Chiron (both @19Ari24, Aries: sign of the fearless pioneer), operative until the 8 South Eclipse manifests October 2nd @10libra, actually spotlighted for us this generational shift in US politics? For as you know, VP Kamala Harris and Grandpa Tr*mp are one generation apart which makes his nibs the oldest candidate in the race, if he can hang on until November. And why not? After all, the 2024 race has become a Prosecutor vs Perpetrator affair, so why would a lifelong fraudster want to miss that? Do you ever get the feeling that Kamala Harris has been Joe Biden's ace up his sleeve since Day One?

Meanwhile, two names of Kamala Harris' potential VP picks have floated to the top of a long list: Gov Andy Beshear (D-KY) and Sen Mark Kelly (D-AZ).

Governor Beshear speaks with what has been described as a comforting "Kentucky Blue Grass" accent and has created for himself an impressive resume of working for the people of his home state as their governor, while former astronaut Senator Kelly has a resume of service and heroism as long as anyone's arm.

Of course, these are not the only possible choices for 2024 candidate Harris' running mate but they've been mentioned and are worthy of consideration here. However, I'm actually working today to complete a different post with interruptions in my real world scheduled in a while, so let's base this brief consideration on the Solar Eclipse energies and themes that run in the background of Beshear's and Kelly's lives - the Eclipse Saros Series into which each fellow was born.

Andy Beshear November 29, 1977 Louisville, KY: 16 North October 12, 1977 @19Libra: This if the "illumination of ideas from the unconscious" eclipse inspired by the Uranus-Neptune trine of its initial elcipse. These ideas are beneficial and may be acted upon. Last 16N: 2013; next 16N: 2031.

Mark Kelly February 21, 1964 Orange, NJ: 1 South themes include being "flooded with ideas and options" that tend to have positive outcomes. Last 1S: 2018; next 1S: 2036.

And so this brief comparison between Beshear and Kelly based on their eclipses (with themes that resemble one another!) is neither for nor against either fellow as VP candidate and certainly is in no way conclusive but it does offer a small peek at Beshear and Kelly just for you, dear reader!

For more eclipse info see Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad

May 26, 2024

Trump Trial May 28, 2024

The Criminal Trump Trial for Election Interference: Rebellion

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Horoscope: Tuesday May 28, 2024 9:30 am edt Manhattan, NY; Judge Merchan presiding:

As you see in the above chart, 1Leo04 rises which brings up Trump's natal 12th house cusp of incarceration; behind-the-scenes (as in, house arrest?). Or am I only dreaming that this lifelong criminal and sexual predator will finally be taken off the streets, if only for a short while? But of course, this also brings up his lethal midpoint picture: Pluto = Mars-Saturn.

Well, no matter how legalities proceed, according to the planetary configurations shown above, we can potentially expect "rebellion, upheaval, and challenges leading to a fight" via warrior planet Mars (his appeal of the case? and/or physical unrest?). Then the Moon-Pluto conjunction suggests zeal and upheaval by intense people. This pairing could also relate to the people feeling emotionally overwhelmed by the verdict when it comes, and the rage that is certain to follow a conviction.

Meanwhile, check out the Moon's and Sun's Sabian Symbols which are penned on the chart. And notably, chart-ruler Sun makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects so its sign, degree, and house are emphasized.

Apr 30, 2024

Early America with Ed Kohout!

Saturn-Uranus: Old Order v New Order

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

With ongoing challenges to our established system of government by authoritarian forces determined to topple our nation, the conflict heating to a boil as Election 2024 nears, I'm very pleased today to present gifted astrologer Ed Kohout with his thoughts regarding a question I recently posed to him concerning the Freemasonic founding of America, and whether the venerable Secret Society continues to influence our nation via current events.

Q: Ed, how do you see Freemasonry's involvement (if any) during these recent years of Uranian insurrectionists attacking The Establishment with the goal of toppling the US government, changing its form from a democratic Republic to an authoritarian dictatorship in league with foreign dictators - and is the order's influence being felt or utilized in modern-day Washington DC?

My first reply is to ask, which Freemasonry? The AFAM, the FAAM, or the Scottish Rite? Of these, the AASR (1801) is the brand that is truly only in the USA. The rest are beholden to the English and Scots-Irish realm, or the UK - the British Empire.

It's interesting because I've been meaning to get my old 2019 prediction stuff up on the blog, and I think part of the answer to "revolution" has to do with how the early "revolutionary" freemasons who took on the Crown had tapped into Plutonian energy that they could not have known to exist astrologically. Back then, they were the Uranians (upstarts), trying to do away with the Saturnians (English rule). All these years later, the upstarts are the Saturnians, and the new upstarts are the Uranians, who are basically trying to undermine the Saturnian rule of law.

In 1717, the Grand Lodge formed, and this was right before transiting Jupiter/Saturn conjoined transiting Pluto [JU/SA = PL].

In 1774 and 1775, a new [JU/SA = PL] did a triple-whammy from basically the moment the First Continental Congress warmed their seats until the battle of Bunker Hill and the "shot heard 'round the world" on April 19.

FF to 2020, and another triple-whammy of [JU/SA = PL] takes place, all during the pandemic, prompting both the overthrow (by the people) of Trump, and then the attempted Autogolpe of Trump. Trump is not just Trump, but a consortium of foreign despots and ankle-biters who want to weaken the USA and NATO because that's easier than growing more powerful on their own.

In short, Trump and his minions are pretty far away from the Masonic world, and it was the Masonic world's efforts to protect us from Trump. They were able to do this not just internally, but because the old Masonic network is truly international, and efforts to degrade the Trump regime from multiple angles went into action.

I have doubts that Modern Freemasons run the West anymore, as they have become a ceremonial relic for the most part, succumbing to bigger monied interests that can act without the Masonic networks, but we can still see their staid influence in institutions like NATO, the UN, the OAS, the FED, the CFR, and so on.

The AASR is still a formidable group, but one has to wonder if there is not a majority of its members who are sympathetic to the New Trump Order that wants to undo so many civil rights and Federal norms, them being based in the South.

By Ed Kohout, master of the pan flute.

Ed Kohout, Thank You so much. Your wider view of Freemasonry in America is, dare I say it, enlightening! And I hope readers unfamiliar with your extensive research will visit the deep-diving Occursion blog where you write intriguingly on "Hidden and Cryptic Astrological Histories."

Mar 8, 2024

Biden SOTU 2024: Bound to Succeed!

A SOTU 2024 Astro-Review

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Last night's SOTU Address to a joint session of Congress was delivered in fiery fashion by President Joe Biden who, some pundits say, will get him re-elected. Unlike his past SOTUs, President Biden didn't ask the malcontent Republicans to join him in legislative tasks to boost the country, instead he forcefully called them out on just about every issue they truculently oppose. With satisfaction I can type that Republicans' frilly gnatzie underpants were showing!

SOTU 2024 in Balsamic Lunar Phase: Prophetic

Citing a positive vision for our nation's future, Joe Biden symbolically reached ahead toward the promises of the visionary Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 of prophetic dreams, and claimed them to include in his bracing, forward-looking speech. Combative, yes, (his natal Saturn-Uranus conjunction came in handy!) and we can see these facets in midpoint pictures with the North Node of public contact in pioneering Aries at apex; penned on the chart, look for NN = Saturn-Uranus midpoint: combative energy, but also NN = Sun-Jupiter: new plans that feel "bound to succeed" (N. Tyl):

Above: SOTU 2024 9:27 pm est (lower left, Hour of Sun) and SOTU 2024 10:34 pm est (upper right, Hour of Mars); timings used from my phone's time stamp, yours may differ slightly.

Other astro-notes are listed on the charts for the curious including President Biden's natal Mars @12Scorpio rising as he ended his SOTU address--and with transit Jupiter in obstinate, often greedy Taurus opposing his Mars, a challenging opposition that will soon pass from Jupiter's Sabian Symbol word picture: "A Man Handling Baggage."

Well, I'd have to say that last night, Mr. Biden "handled" the dead-weight Republicans very well, those who refuse to govern and only pretend allegiance to America. Yet the quarrels won't end for it's Campaign 2024, after all.

And one, perhaps the major, issue the President has to improve upon is his outward support of Netanyahu's brutality against the Palestinian people and thousands of Michigan voters' recent protest against Biden's public stance--notwithstanding his workings behind the scenes toward a ceasefire in Gaza. See upper right corner for the Nemesis (divine foe) conjunction with Niobe (grieving mothers), both lingering in retrograde, for the Israeli-Palestinian paradox, the inability to forgive leading to endless acts of revenge, has caused strife and suffering in the world for as long as anyone can remember.

A Change of Perspective for Election 2024!

So now it's been confirmed that the Venus Election Cycle may be on the Democrats' side after all. Why? Because with election Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the outsider or stranger, the Venusian forecast is for a rival of the incumbent to be victorious this November, and there have been only a couple of exceptions through the years. But now that it's obvious that it's to be a Biden-Trump match-up and Herr Trump is running as "an incumbent," his Democratic rival is just as likely to win the presidency! Even more likely, if we-the-voters do our parts by turning out in massive numbers to Vote Blue for democracy on November 5, 2024. It's not hyperbole to say that our childrens' futures are on the line - and with women voters, a Biden victory can be assured and, along with House and Senate victories for Democrats, Roe v Wade will be restored along with womens' rights.

So in closing, here's a clear-eyed, plain-spoken, don't-miss podcast episode concerning last night's SOTU 2024 from the excellent David Feldman helpfully giving us The Mop-Up.

More astro-notes can be found in my previous post on Biden's SOTU Address 2024, written before the 9:00 pm start time was announced, and with Spica rising at 9:00 pm--still a symbolic chart for SOTU 2024, but it took several minutes for his glad-handing through the chamber (his old stomping ground) to lead President Biden to the podium where he began to speak at 9:27 pm!

A Closely Related Post: The Saturn-Uranus Cycle of Joe Biden.

Apr 26, 2023

Astro-Notes on J6 Coup Plotter Ted Cruz

Can Astrology Describe Ted Cruz?

by Jude Cowell: pro-democracy forever!

Hear Ted Cruz Caught on Tape Plotting "Step Two" of Trump's Jan 6th Coup Attempt, thanks to MSNBC's Ari Melber reporting on it.

The accuracy rating for the natal horoscope of Republican politician Ted Cruz is only a C since the hour of his birth is in question. Most often, 1:00 am MST (December 22, 1970 Calgary, Alberta: Sun @00Capricorn) is commonly used, as you can see if you follow the link. Yet another possibility is 7:34 pm, but admittedly I have no allegiance to either timing, particularly since Herr Cruz shows no allegiance to America, only fascist leanings. That he has argued cases before the US Supreme Court in the past does not an American patriot make. A Canadian by birth, Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship on May 14, 2014 and has clung to American citizenship ever since which places Cruz, the J6 coup plotter, firmly under US law.

And it may be that We the People don't actually know where Ted's true loyalties lie. Or if he has any at all.

Then way back in 2013, a post appeared on my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold, concerning Cruz's Sun-Moon personality blend so if you're curious about a maga Republican who's revealed to be a Crusader Dueling with Shadows, you're invited to check out my astro-notes.

Meanwhile, one of lawyer Cruz's more informative natal placements to me is his legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @16Tau19 conjunct the very position of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse conjunct the radical anarchist planet, Uranus.

For Herr Cruz, this planetary contact qualifies as a Uranus-to-Saturn transit, a period when laws and rules are challenged and reevaluation and alteration are potentials which may affect the way responsibilities are handled due to the unorthodox ideas presented. Thing is, such alterations can be accomplished within The System without tearing it down.

Yet as we know, motivation is everything, and unfortunately, a motivated Ted Cruz has joined the tear-it-all-down brigade of comrades, many of whom are still feeling bu*t-hurt from losing the Civil War, a conflagration that Ted has no personal connection with, to my knowledge. And this resentful sore-loser condition has been easily manipulated by enemies of American democracy, enemies such as the vengeful Herr Putin who's known to have felt deeply resentful since the fall of the Soviet Union (Russia's 1991 horoscope is shown, below). So I must suppose that Herr Vlad feels "bu*t-hurt", too.

Then revealingly, the fascist-nazi clincher on seditionists like Cruz is the Sabian Symbol of his natal Saturn rounded-up to "17Taurus": "A Symbolical Battle Between Swords vs Torches."

So if this cosmic synchronicity of symbol plus Saturn-Uranus' old vs new order impetus reminds you of the vile tiki torch march in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017, then we're on the same page when it comes to white "supremacy" - so here's my question: since when are hatred, primal violence, crime, and murder signs of any kind of "supremacy"?

Foreign Manipulation of US Affairs = Sabotage

Now personally, I never celebrate the fall of any country because of the populations it harms, yet even so, here's a view of Russia's 1991 Flag Raised Horoscope for your consideration:

Note that the Soviet Union post linked above contains chart details and an enlargeable horoscope, if you'd like them.

Now to close, here's a related post: 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse and Planets hit US Congress' 1789 Horoscope.

And here's some interesting news that broke a few days ago: Three of the 2017 tiki torch marchers have been indicted so apparently, "swords" trump "torches", at least in the case of these three bu*t-hurt neo-nazis.

Dec 20, 2022

Once the Weimar Republic succumbed to a Psychopath

In Germany's Weimar Republic Horoscope of November 9, 1918, the government that Hitl*r took over as chancellor on January 30, 1933, a dynamic T-Square appears thanks to a Saturn-Uranus opposition squaring Mercury (making great demands on nervous energy - R. Ebertin). Of course, we know that in general, the Saturn-Uranus duo stands for restriction vs freedom, past vs future, old vs new, and/or politically, historically, and socially (and more the point of this post): old order vs new order.

Much tension is involved, and the potential is for bending to turn into breaking with this planetary combination which, in the 1918 horoscope falls across the self-willed Leo-Aquarius polarity of Fixed, rigid energies.

For the curious, here's a 3-minute Rick Steves video The Story of Fascism: Hitl*r's Rise to Power (my aster*sk).

Horoscope: 118th Congress January 3, 2023: two possible opening hours, Washington DC:

Similar to the Midterms 2022 Elections, the take-over of the German government in January 1933 was legally accomplished - with strong-arm implications behind the curtain if things didn't go Herr Adolf's way (a Tr*mp tactic as well). But as we know in retrospect, they did go the Austrian's way, and Adolf was able to cause the entire world to suffer. Now the world will suffer again if Adolf-loving forces and actors are allowed to coup the US government more fully than they've done already when they managed to finagle control of the US House of Representatives beginning January 3, 2023 (see above image).

Predictably, congressional Republicans wlll perform their Political Theater as a three-ring circus, a clown show full of off-kilter antics meant to disguise their own crimes and complicity, promoting malicious lies, and committing acts of revenge with their eventual objective to collapse the US Congress and government, to "own the libs," and, aided by corrupt, theocracy-loving Supreme Court justices under Vatican rule, to establish totalitarian rule. As for American law and tradition, this mostly 'conservative' Supreme Court is now tragically in need of even the most basic of ethics rules.

Meanwhile, perhaps we can agree that the destructive maga coup/storming of the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 was Tr*mp's echo of the Reichstag Fire for it all but mimicked the burning of Germany's parliamentary Reischstag building. Notably, Hitl*r's false flag event in February 1933 came just days after the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse.

Significant to the future of America is that a Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Series will manifest in our era as well - on April 20, 2023 @30Aries, which qualifies as a belated birthday eclipse for a long-gone Herr Hitl*r, but also must serve as a forewarned-is-forearmed signal from the Universe for all pro-democracy folks.

Talk about a cosmic time link of sinister proportions: this will be it.

Nov 16, 2022

President Biden: Solar Return 2022 Horoscope

November 16, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Earlier this week we looked at the current Jupiter Return Horoscope of President Biden with his Jupiter Rx exalted in Cancer, a chart that's 'good for' approximately 12 years.

Now, with the President's 80th birthday arriving in a few days, here's a view of Joe Biden's Solar Return 2022 Horoscope set for the White House, and with a few study notes penned on; this chart is 'good for' a year until his next birthday in November 2023. Here, his 2022 SR Moon is posited in cooperative, diplomatic, harmonious Libra, and his Solar Return ('SR') Sun is in the 6th house of Work, Service, Daily Rounds, and Health. Meanwhile, SR 2022 Ceres, asteroid of democracy, sits atop Mr. Biden's natal Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point.

Then as you see, rising is Mr. Biden's natal 7th house of Partnerships and Alliances along with his Saturn-Uranus conjuntion in Gemini, a tense, persevering, and sometimes violent duo (see center of the chart for a few notes). When ascending, the Saturn-Uranus pair indicates difficult circumstances, yet for President Biden (Sun), we also see a bracing trio involving his Sun which is notated at the top of the chart and makes clear his power and success.

Besides this, US 1776 Uranus (@8Gemini) rises which often relates to being able to cope with unexpected events and conditions; Mercury is chart-ruler and makes only one applying aspect which is notated, lower left.

In addition, we find transiting North Node ('NN') with its joining energies pointing toward US Inaugural Ascendant in mid-Taurus (Oath of Office Jan 20th 12:00 pm est) and suggesting Mr. Biden's singular and beneficial accomplishments during his first term. In fact, the phrase 'outstanding in his field' comes to mind!

So, yes, difficulties lie ahead for President Biden during his personal year, but hopefully his 2022--2023 trip around the Sun will also bring satisfaction and successful efforts on behalf of America!

Aug 16, 2022

America 1776: Enlightenment Principles not Religion and Joe Biden Signs a Bill!

Neptune Ascends by Jude Cowell

Admittedly, with the ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing America's 1776 Neptune in Virgo, religious persecution is only one of the effects of the opposition along with a generational clash of ideals, ideologies, and beliefs. Oceanic Neptune, planet of inspiration, spirituality, and the Divine Source, is fancifully shown in the above pencil drawing rising or ascending and by this I attempt to symbolize in this post the rise of certain religious factions over America's tradition of secularism.

Yet as most Americans must know, this nation was founded upon Enlightenment Principles inspired by those of the European Enlightenment, aka, the Age of Enlightenment. Now one consequence of such rational, lofty principles was the American Revolution so how dumb is it that far-right politicians and their Jan 6th insurrectionists have used "1776" as a rallying cry while promoting their unBiblical brand of religion.

For we know that most of the Founding Fathers, as we like to call them, were not Christians but Deists with beliefs nothing like those of the current crop of power-mad 'Christian' Nationalists promoting authoritarian theocracy for America and pretending that the nation has always been what they call, Christian. In fact, though unfairly tarred with an anti-religiois brush, Founding Father Thomas Paine, author of The Age of Reason, was not against God at all,

"It is only by exercise of reason that man can discover God. Take away that reason, and he would be incapable of understanding anything." Right there we find irrational religionists with their highly emotional biases on behalf of some sort of bizarre religion-slash-politics and demonstrating a complete lack of reasoning ability.

Great News! At 4:02 pm edt I watched President Joe Biden sign his progressive Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a transformative piece of legislation on behalf of America. With Sagittarius rising in DC (19Sag33) and chart-ruler Jupiter Rx in Aries and making no applying aspects (no interference like a VOC Moon?), I hope things proceed well with this bill, although delays are suggested (Rx). However, Venus in Leo rules the Midheaven (The Goal), both Venus and Jupiter are money planets, and Venus makes a beneficial trine with Jupiter so we have that going for us! Meanwhile, the leader (Sun) is apex of a YOD pattern with the spiritually infused Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base. Therefore, it was time for the President to act and bring resolution to the many crises in US society, in this, a "season of substance." And if we read the YOD trio as a midpoint picture, we find: "transforming life to alter or otherwise change existing patterns of personal growth" (M. Munkasey). As he said in his pre-signing remarks, Joe Biden believes in America and the American people!

Now back to my fuss:

So actually, these far-right seditionists are anarchists, more political than religious and yet are supported by the Christian Right. (In other words, they joined forces in order to grab power and control.) So you've probably noticed that the movement promotes a US government based on 1930s/1940s-style brutality, oppression, primal violence, and, in a word,nazism where might allegedly makes right. Of course, that's only if murder is "right," which it is not. A quick reading of the Ten Commandments tells anyone that.

Eclipse and Historical Cycles Echo One Another

Now some folks would have us believe that for these anti-societal criminals their 'time has come' but for America this was not the case in in the 1930s and it isn't written in stone now. However, on the level of timing, it's significant that a solar eclipse in the same Saros Series as the 'Nazis Rise To Power' Eclipse of 1932, the 6 South, will occur on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio conjunct Venus which I've titled, 'A House Raising'. This we have discussed on SO'W before and seems to relate to congressional House seats in particular, so it's notable that the October 2022 6 South Eclipse will directly influence our 2022 Midterms - as will a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus @16Taurus manifesting on that very day, and will 'eclipse' the Venus-Mars conjunction (16 Taurus) of a certain Austrian psychopath born long ago.

America Based on Enlightenment Principles not Religion

Meanwhile, on an astrological level, we can turn to Uranus for science and rationality and Neptune for faith and religion. Perhaps a quick consideration of the planetary pair of Uranus-Neptune may be interesting along with a note about their aspects back in 1776 when America was founded.

The Uranus-Neptune duo a la Michael Munkasey:

"Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; insight and invention; reforms with lofty ideals."

Now in each of the horoscopes for July 1 and July 4, 1776 that I considered for this post, I see that America enjoyed - enjoys - a Saturn-Uranus trine (ideals become reality; putting ideas into form) and a Neptune-Pluto trine (working for improved social reforms). Yet as you know, we've been under the sway of a transiting Saturn-Uranus square stirring up rebellion against authority which we've seen from riled up anarchists, seditionists, and saboteurs working against our country. And yes, these tumultuous activities have been interfering with progress (Uranus), of course, but somehow, on this very day, President Biden's signing of the Inflation Reduction Act has lifted up our 1776 Neptune-Pluto trine through the form of the transiting Neptune-Pluto sextile of opportunity nestled at the base of a YOD pattern - a turning point - activating a concerned leader to take action via today's Sun in Leo.

So I agree with Joe B: never bet against America!

A Related Post: America's 1776 Neptune in Virgo Turned Retrograde by Progression - in 1953!.

Jan 30, 2022

On the Mysterious Death of Nicola Tesla

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you've watch the History Channel's YouTube documentary The Tesla Files: Shadow Government Revealed (S1 E5). Born July 9, 1856 during a midnight thunderstorm in Gospic, Croatia with early Taurus and Pluto rising, Uranian genius Nicola (Nikola!) Tesla's inventions made posible many things such as the wireless technology we employ today. Dying under what seem to be mysterious circumstances on the night of January 7, 1943 in his Manhattan hotel room at The New Yorker, Tesla's files were reportedly gathered up and taken away by the FBI a couple of days after a hotel maid found his lifeless body. By this time, Tesla was very thin and living on warm milk and crackers, plus, the scientist was penniless after a lifetime of inventions (stolen!) and a habit of sleeping only two hours per night.

Apparently, Tesla suffered from a heart condition and died during a Saturn-Uranus-Conjunction period ('Saturn-Uranus' = heart blockage - R. Ebertin). Official cause of death: heart thrombosis. This may be true but it doesn't rule out criminal interference speeding his death along. However, as the above documentary mentions, it could be that Tesla was not being secretly surveilled by government agencies, but was actually working with them. This was, after all, the era of the secret Manhattan Project and other covert projects relating to the war effort and weaponry. Even 'UFOs' became involved in Tesla's story as detailed in the above documentary, and there's a link from there to the commandering of Tesla's files after his death. Perhaps you've heard of the The Majestic Twelve and the conspiracy theories that have swirled out of this secretive group of scientists.

UPDATE Jan 31, 2022: Here's a link to some historical context concerning President Truman and The Bomb. Original post continues here:

Then There's Poor Old Tesla Playing with Pigeons

These days, there are people asking, was Tesla's famous devotion to pigeons more professional than personal? Were secret messages sent to and from a (secretly?) surveilled Nicola Tesla via pigeons he kept on the roof of The New Yorker Hotel? If Tesla was being spied upon by various entities, it's no mere theory that homing pigeons had been used as winged messengers before, by the US military, in fact. And curiously, on an astrological note, for the Vertex ('VX' of fated encounters) at this death (unmarked on the chart but @19AQ55), its rounded-up degree of @20AQ reveals an appropriate Sabian Symbol of "A Big White Dove, A Message Bearer"! In the above documentary, you can see a photo of Tesla's favorite pigeon - and yes, it's white.

Perhaps another cosmic curiosity is that his 1943 Death Neptune Rx @2Lib03 conjuncts - hides - Tesla's natal Nemesis, the unbeatable foe (2Lib22), and of course, sneaky Neptune is the karmic planet of veils, disguises, surveillance, lies, fraud, corruption, speculation, loss, and more. Then rising at 10:30 pm EWT in the Death Horoscope is 14Vir21 which brings up Tesla's natal Icarus, asteroid of 'assassination' and/or 'falling from position' - and possibly being unprepared for the task ahead.

Meanwhile, there's a solar timing device between the charts because Tesla's demise, natural or assisted, came during his un-birthday when the Sun in Capricorn opposed his natal Sun in Cancer, an annual time of reassessment of one's goals for the year. Did a mystery visitor that January 7th insist on a change of direction that Nicola Tesla refused to make? Could it have related to the development of the atom bomb? Well, transit Mercury and Pluto Rx were opposed (across the US Nodal Axis of meetings, encounters, separations) which suggests that someone was determined to undermine existing circumstances along with the spying that comes with this pair. Their opposition by transit echoes America's Mercury-Pluto opposition of July 1776, a cosmic picture of "knowledge is power'.

Yet this opposition can also suggest that Tesla's complex thought patterns may have been unraveling or disintegrating due to longstanding health factors at his age such as the development of brain-related conditions (ex: dementia). After all, he'd reached 87 years old, was subsisting on a poor diet, and had already lived 3 years beyond his Uranus Return/s when things and memories important in the past tend to be let go or forgotten, thus creating a form of mental freedom - in other words, a natural process. Three times genius Tesla's Uranus returned to natal degree (23Tau56 in 1st house): twice in 1940 in June and November, and once in April 1941.

Then on a biological level, Reinhold Ebertin gives the Mercury-Pluto duo a link to 'nerve troubles' and to 'the overtaxing of strength' through 'excessive zeal'. For the brilliant Nicola Tesla, born with primal Pluto rising and thus able to see deeply into reality itself and understand the Universe's cosmic underpinnings, his was a life time of zeal.

And so my suspicion is that a certain midpoint picture of transformation and scientific breakthroughs, which prominently conjuncts his natal Ascendant at birth, could have played a primary part in his zealous life mission and inventions on behalf of the betterment of mankind:

Pluto = Jupiter-Uranus: devices that can transform the world!

And yet the mystery of Nicola Tesla's death remains, with Astrology offering valuable insights while providing no definite conclusion for most of us regarding the 'natural or assisted' question.

Now without further ado, below is a view of the Natal and Death Horoscopes of Nicola Tesla bwo a bi-wheel (his natal chart in center). As always, feel free to leave a name-tagged, on-topic comment with this post if there are any planetary factors you wish to mention for many other cosmic contacts and features between the two charts are worth noting:

Nicola Tesla intended that his inventions would be utilized for the sake of humanity, a mission unendorsed by the corporatists, colleagues, and government officials of his day. Even so, in tribute to a great and ill-treated genius, May Nicola Tesla R.I.P.

Oct 4, 2021

Hungary, Orban, Bannon, Eclipses, and US Elections

Warning Signals from The Cosmos 2022 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell, fan of Democracy, Freedom, and the Common Good

Above Collage: An Eclipse is a 'Cosmic Blink' from the Universe; (c) jc

His Wikipedia bio gives basic details concerning Hungary's Viktor Orban, creator of the "mafia state" kleptocracy that afflicts today's Hungary, and political idol of America's far-right Republican Party of regressive zealots. This style of government is what some are now calling "soft fascism," a term that provides no comfort for freedom-loving Americans who reject the barbaric dystopian Utopianism determined to destroy civilization as we know it.

As for the 2022 Midterm Elections and the Presidential Election of 2024, perhaps you're heard that Steve Bannon is calling for "shock troops" to "deconstruct state" as the GOP 'takes over' in 2024 - he's pre-activating this idea and organizing or planning to organize MAGA-style 'shock troops' to take over federal agencies immediately after the 2024 Elections. And brazenly, Fox News talking head Tucker Carlson broadcasted his show for a week from Hungary in August 2021. (See chart details for Hungary, below.)

Well, if the Venus Cycle has anything to say about Election Day 2024, Venus will be in Sagittarius, sign of the stranger or the outsider which suggests that the victor in 2024 will be of the rival party and not a member of the incumbent party. Sorry to type this, but there it is - unless various factors, planetary and earthly, combine to seriously interfere with the outcome (there have been a couple of exceptions). And yes, this outcome unfortunately makes sense considering all the 'prep work' Republicans are doing to assure control.

Now as you know, there are two eclipses that directly influence the 2022 Midterms and one is the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus perfecting on that very election day, November 8, 2022. Plus, the Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') that the 2022 Midterms fall into is the same series as the 'Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse' of 1932 (@8Virgo) - only this time a 6 South Eclipse will manifest on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio with themes of 'being forceful, taking power' and 'sudden events' via 'manic energy in group activities' (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

So as I've typed previously about such signposts on the way to naz*ism, America is being warned by the Cosmos via a cosmic blink! - which gives Washington DC time for democratic forces in the US to organize some form of shock troops of their (our!) own if America as a democratic Republic is to survive the 'subversion of security agencies' (Munkasey) by what amounts to a global criminal network of mobsters and thieves as described in Astrology by the titanic duo of Neptune-Pluto = organized crime (ex: "mafia state"); plans for mutual destruction; and, the occult.

Then perhaps the question should be: Do the real power players of Washington DC lurking behind the political thespians who play-act 'Politics' for public consumption have "plans for mutual destruction" - do they actually want to fight against such a draconian take-over of America - or has The Utopian Take-Over Plan, in fact, been their baby all along?

Previously appearing on SO'W: An Updated Horoscope of the NWO based on #3 of 3 conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune which perfected on October 24, 1993 @18Capricorn where subversive Pluto recently crept. Note that we're now in the grip of a Saturn (old order)-Uranus (new order) square that issues from their three conjunctions in 1988 in the 27--30-degree area of Sagittarius which includes the "Pope Blessing the Faithful" degree.

Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad) provides two charts for 'Hungary': #149 November 13, 1918 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 00AQ02; MC 28Sco05; and 'Hungary - Democratic' (!) #150 set for October 23, 1989 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 7Cap20; MC 8Sco18.

Jul 27, 2021

Uranus-Pluto: Can Biden's American Rescue Plan end the Reagan Revolution?

Uranus-Pluto: A Pair of Revolutionary Planets and Their Midpoint then and now

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 27, 2021: Since the first hearing of the House Select Committee on 1/6 has ended at 1:00 pm edt with intense Mercury-Pluto conjunct Ascendant @26Lib59, and chart-ruler Venus in fact-based Virgo making no applying aspects but squares the Nodal Axis: inappropriate social reactions (by some such as secessionist Republican Taylor Greene - and detailed today by four testifying police officers), I'm adding a link to some of Thom Hartmann's commentary concerning the Biden administration's economic efforts on behalf of our country and people about which, Thom asks, Does the American Rescue Plan Signal the End of the Reagan Revolution?

As he has before, Thom cites Peter Turchin's piece in Nature (published 10 years ago) in which he notes that we would see "massive political upheaval in 2020 because politics tends to go in cycles of around between 40 and 60 years, most often 50 years." And since cycles are the stock in trade for all astrologers, it's only natural that our curiosity should perk up concerning Turchin's prediction, yes? As Above, So Below. Or as some of us think of the concept, "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Mr. Turchin had then predicted that "we'd see people in the streets" (last year, 2020) "like we hadn't seen since the late 1960s -" and most astrologers easily recognize the riotous influences of the Great Conjunctions of zealous anarchist Uranus, the Utopian rebel, and powerful planet of transformation and death, Pluto, the hidden hand, in the mid-1960s, in mid-Virgo, across the victim-savior axis.

And as I've noted here and elsewhere months ago, the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces had for some time been precisely opposing the degrees of the Uranus-Pluto Conjunction of the 1960s, a cosmic circumstance I tend to ascribe to a triggering of such rebellious energies of upheaval and social protest against the lack or loss of rights, and, via the Black Lives Matter movement - in 2020 demanding that 'slave patrol' style police officers stop killing people of color which, of course, was triggered primarily by the cruel execution of George Floyd. Add the current transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo and we have racial, social, and religious persecution, in addition to the violent reactions and rebellion against authority made timely by the Saturn-Uranus square in rigid, stubborn Fixed signs as old and new ideas and methods clash.

Then notably today at 1:00 pm edt, we find that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto has moved on to 19Pis59 - conjunct the 1:00 pm Moon suggesting potentials for 'daring; ambition; determination; intuition; restlessness; bringing about changes by force' (R. Ebertin). Perhaps Luna is Rep. Liz Cheney! Of course, you know that transiting Neptune Rx @22Pis58 is nearby as well and with transit Uranus-Pluto within orb, society's current conditions of 'insecurity, uncertainty', and, for some mentally or emotionaly unbalanced folk, 'neuroses' are unfortunately activated (R. Ebertin).

Bad Policies and Financial Scams Always Make Social Conditions Worse

Then for economic considerations such as financial transformation in the US sometimes called the Reagan Revolution, Thom adds the fact that, "-- 50 years ago, in 1971, the modern conservative era was kicked off with the Powell Memo "(see link, below), "which started building a massive conservative infrastructure and led to the election of Reagan. Like old Confederate statues," Thom continues, "the shine on St. Ronny seems to have turned rather green." Thus the speculation that the 'Reagan Revolution' may finally be ending with Biden initiatives - and taking 40 years of social and economic harm, including the discredited "trickle down" scam against the American people, with it.

If so, it's a case of good riddance and huzzah.

For more details on such riotous topics, eclipses, and more, see a previous SO'W post from 2020: Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis Across America. Perhaps the title of the post and my commentary within seemed overblown or hyperbolic to some SO'W readers in 2020 but after the Trump Mob Coup Attempt of January 6th, this may no longer be the case especially for those who recognize the benefits of facing reality no matter how harsh so that our side's Uranus-Pluto energies and other resources can be harnessed to fight back against radical reactionaries of the fascist/neo-nazi persuasion.

The Capitol police officers fought such forces on 1/6, as they testified today to defending Democracy against the violent mob sent there, as one officer, Mr. Dunn, stated, sent by "a hitman."

So if you, dear reader, have any qualms about the true identity of said "hitman," I must wonder why in the world you would be wasting your precious time reading Stars Over Washington!

Also related: 1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series ends; The Powell Memo: a Genesis of Corporatism in Control ('noon' horoscope shown); Astrology of Reagan's First Inauguration 1981 (chart shown, links to his Inaugural address); and Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America (horoscope shown).

Above image: a vintage depiction of the US Capitol Building.

Jul 11, 2021

The Saturn-Uranus Cycle of President Joe Biden

July 11, 2021: As you know, Bebe Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942 with a wide conjunction in Gemini of status quo Saturn Rx and progressive Uranus Rx straddling his natal Descendant (3Gem11). Below is a Horoscope of the Saturn-Uranus Conjunction of 1942 which times the beginning of the Saturn-Uranus Cycle that President Joe Biden was born into. The turmoil and conflicts struggling under the dynamic energies of the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square in the rigid signs of Taurus and Aquarius might make this post useful for at least a few SO'W readers!

Now as you see, the chart is set for Scranton, Pennsylvania since Joseph Robinette Biden was born in that particular location, as the legend goes. Note that relocating the chart to Washington DC makes little difference and, significantly, no planets change houses. A few Sabian Symbols and other chart factors are added to the horoscope so that you don't have to, plus, a smattering of astro-notes concerning the Saturn-Uranus pair of planets are typed below the chart for anyone who might need them although you can certainly think of more potentials for the 'old order vs new order' pair besides those listed:

General Astro-Notes: Saturn-Uranus Potentials

Tension; separation; provocation; self-willedness; obstinacy; limitation of freedom; Israel and Palestine; rebellion (usually against authority); violent acts and violent people; agitators; intervention in destiny; ability to cope; growing stronger by overcoming obstacles (R. Ebertin).

Now here's Saturn-Uranus in Hegelian Dialectic form

'Thesis: Counter-revolutionary rule; interaction of legislative and executive bodies' (as on 1.6.21? - jc); 'balancing conservatives and progressives; legislative processes able to temper traditional needs to new ideas.'

'Antithesis: Restrictions on personal contacts due to political situations which are beyond an enterprise's jurisdiction; control of access to political dissidents; sudden indifference by people to traditional mores or laws.' (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, by Michael Munkasey.)

(Dear whippersnapper: the word is pronounced, mor rays'.)

Well, considering how Republicans are carrying on these days, I'd have to say that 'indifference to ethics' should be tossed into the GOP's scofflaw bag, too.

Meanwhile, there are at least four Sabian Symbols which should be listed on the chart but are not: Sun "13Taurus" = "A Man Handling Baggage" and Moon "20Sagittarius" = "People Cutting Through Ice For Summer Use." Also Venus "28Pisces" = "A Fertile Garden Under a Full Moon" opposite Neptune Rx "28Virgo" = "A Bald-Headed Man Dominates a Gathering of National Figures." (We may have found Joe!) To me the Venus-Neptune opposition represents on one level the Catholic faith in which Mr. Biden takes part, and, as a Protestant, I'll risk typing it out loud: goddess (Venus) idolatry (Neptune), and all the church's graven images, Mary (Venus) being one. Placing womankind upon a pedestal is often involved as well along with issues of Personal Love vs Universal Love (A. Oken) where service to the Collective becomes a life's mission (ex: Joe Biden). There's much more to the dreamy Venus-Neptune duo, of course, but there it is.

So in closing, see lower left for chart-ruler Moon's only applying aspect in the chart, an oposition to Jupiter in Gemini. As you see, the ethics-related Gemini-Sagittarius polarity is intercepted in this chart which adds a fated or karmic flavor to conditions and/or outcomes which must be dealt with. Of course, use a different house system and the interception would probaby disappear, or another one might appear!

And note that activist Mars rises with fixed star Mirzam (to have one's say) along with Phaethon, a mythological figure that tended to take on responsibilities before he was fully prepared.

Previously on SO'W: Karmic Planets Block President Biden into 2022 and for one, I'm sure you've noticed that transit Pluto is opposing his natal Jupiter Rx 25Can08 (natal 8th house), a period when his economic expansion and political objectives are not favored and other beneficial transits and cosmic conditions are needed to mitigate the negative factors. Three exact oppositions from powerful Pluto to his natal Jupiter (exalted in Cancer!) have and will occur all through 2021: January 29, August 4, and finally on December 4, 2021.

Jul 10, 2021

July 2021 brings Trump both Lunar and Mars Returns

Saturday July 10, 2021: Below is a dual image of Tr*mp's Lunar Return on July 21, 2021 (lower left; Moon 21Sag12 conjunct his South Node, opposite natal Sun-NN) and his Mars Return of July 24, 2021 (upper right). You'll note that the ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo (a generational influence timing a period of racial and religious persecution) continues to square Tr*mp's natal Sun-Moon opposition and Nodal Axis which suggests for him a time when fantasy and illusion affect his self-image and public image, when ego demands are difficult to satisfy (are they ever satisfied for him?), an air of confusion and uncertainty surrounds him, chaos and scandals proliferate, a lack of loyalty plagues his circumstances, and marital problems may surface.

Now if the Select Committee's first hearing on the 1/6 insurrection is held on or near July 21st or 22nd as suggested by Committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) (dates subject to change, of course), then these Return horoscopes can provide significant information concerning Trump's moods, emotions, and daily activities (Lunar Return - but also compare to his Solar Return 2021 chart) and a new two-year cycle of activity for him (Mars Return) so hopefully curious readers can manage to read the notes penned upon the charts (they're easier to read when printed, I'm told). We may refer to these Return horoscopes in a later post depending on how events proceed, yet as you know, the charts are full of 'Tr*mp info' whether the Select Committee meets in July or not.

Tr*mp's Lunar and Mars Return Charts for July 2021:

Prominent potentials include "violence" and "upsets" (Lunar Return: ASC = Mars-Uranus), and a "crisis of self-preservation" (Mars Return: ASC = Sun-Pluto); also "exercising influence upon the environment" and "mental domination" (ASC = Mercury-Pluto), plus, "a person of fame" (ASC = Pluto/MC - R. Ebertin). And note that every time his Mars in Leo returns to natal degree, it reinforces his aggressive natal opposition to US natal Moon (We The People) and caution is advised. And note that the ongoing status quo blocks progress Saturn-Uranus square provides fertile conditions in society for upheavals, violent actions, and/or accidents to occur.

Additionally, around the time of the Select Committee's first hearing (if it transpires as announced for July around these dates), these horoscopes may be interesting to review:

And here's a related article from early July that you may or may not have read. I'm linking it in this post because of its rather sassy title, Republicans Terrified As Pelosi Names Patriots and Investigative Heavyweights To 1/6 Committee. To me this seems completely understandable considering that certain Republican congress members went all-in with instigator Tr*mp to "stop the steal" by attacking the very Congress and Capitol Building in which they all work, hoping to establish a neo-nazi foothold of "white supremacy" more securely within the US government. And the more toolish fools among them are still parroting Tr*mp's Big Lie! Meanwhile, Tr*mp's 'Big Lie' and other remarks are turning out to be suitable for legal use against at least one of the 1/6 rioters who followed agent orange's orders on 1/6, one of which was to go to the Capitol and "fight like hell"!

But as it turns out, the rioters' supposed justification for perpetrating a violent attack on our legislative branch of government was only an illusion, a fantasy fed them by you-know-who because he had several axes to grind and, as always, others were expected to do the heavy lifting, tomahawk and flagpole in hand.

Gotta keep those tiny little mitts clean, thinks he!

All that aside, if you haven't you may wish to consider the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope for cosmic clues about our nation's upcoming solar year and the karmic opportunities for real progress that the Universe is offering our soul-sick nation. And considering all the negativity and destruction that Washington and the Pentagon have visited upon the world these many years, it's truly a gracious wonder that We the People of America have any positive karma left to ponder at all.

Now, dear reader, don't be shy! Your on-topic comments and observations are always welcomed and appreciated as long as your name is included! Jude

May 12, 2021

June 24, 2021 Cap Full Moon reacts to the June Eclipse

May 12, 2021: The June 24th Full Moon, seen below, suggests public reaction to the June 10, 2021 5 North Solar Eclipse (19Gem47) themes of "prophetic dreams, visions, insights from the Unconscious" (Brady). However, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is about consolidation, facts, business, investment, law, and government so what dreams and insights should be brought into reality? What insights can be realistically used to benefit our social and political conditions?

Notably, transit Mercury the Messenger and negotiator, here @16Gem15, will speed on to conjunct and possibly activate 5 North eclipse themes on or about July 2, 2021. Many people's dreams around that time, if not before, should be quite fascinating and perhaps contain helpful solutions for what ails us. Of course, eclipse influences last for approximately 6 months until the next solar eclipse draws near with its themes, and overlapping has been known to occur.

Now here's a famous quote from a Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn writer-dramatist:

"Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know He is." - Jean Anouilh (1910--1987; born in Bordeaux, France with Sun @00Cancer and Moon @2Can54 - and this is a post about a Full Moon spotlighting his words!)

DC Horoscope: June 24, 2021 Full Moon @3Cap27 oppo Sun @3Can27, across the 3/9 axis when the chart is set for Washington DC (a phase of culmination, fulfillment, full awareness, relationships); Hour of Jupiter Rx (in green). ASC 20Lib55 sports a few midpoint pictures (detailed on the chart) with Venus @27Can04 in blue as chart-ruler, however, Venus makes no applying aspects so her sign, degree, and house position are emphasized. Then as you see, angular Venus conjuncts Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal and Career Point of the chart, while opposing Pluto (26Cap05) at 'IC', the Foundation of the chart (and within orb of the US Pluto Return/s, exact in 2022). Potentials of this opposition are penned on the chart (upper right in blue) including cut-throat competition, underhanded manipulation, and lack of trust undermines relationships.

Plus, we should be aware that an opposition between venal Venu$ vs powerful Pluto ($$) has been known to attract violence, and the pair suggests private wealth hidden in secret places. It also contains bankruptcy potential and can denote a breakdown in the social fabric which anti-democratic forces are attempting to hoist upon us now under cover of the pandemic and its resulting economic difficulties which President Biden is in process of easing - without any cooperation from congressional Republicans, the party of obstruction whenever it comes to the needs of the American people.

(Despite McConnell and the other sore losers, Joe Biden's vaccine roll-out has been the most successful project Washington politicians have aced, maybe ever!)

Significantly, the Full Moon in ambitious Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets which suggests people or high-powered executives who are ruthlessly determined on success. And with the Moon out-of-bounds, these may be socially detached folks, even those secluded within ivory towers, those who are emotionally estranged from society who only care about business endeavors, politics, and taking or retaining control.

So as you see, there are dynamic energies in the chart via a Mars-Saturn opposition (4A32; obstacles; delays; resentment or resistance of authority) and the squares to rebellious Uranus that are involved: Mars square Uranus (5A23; difficulties, delays, frustration, threats) and of course the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square (0S50; past vs future; generational clash between seniors and young folk; old order uncomfortably replaced by the new; violent people).

Obviously, contentiousness, obstacles, delays, and political stalemates continue, however, the Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of conscious and unconscious energies can be very perceptive, dutiful, and professional yet family-oriented.

Well, it seems to me as if pessimism is what 'they' want from us and I refuse to comply! (Moon-Neptune = Saturn). Plus, as you know, the Moon-Neptune duo suggests potentials for sympathy, receptiveness, strange influences, exploitation, and/or an intensely vivid dream life and the activity of the subconscious (with the last two resonating with 5 North eclipse themes). Solutions may be found in dreams!

So What About Protective Jupiter?

Significantly, with expansive, optimistic Jupiter recently entered into his retrograde phase (until mid-October 2021), there's a revealing midpoint picture with the Great Benefic at apex. Saturn-Neptune = Jupiter suggests potentials for 'religion conceals deceptive practices; a sense that reality is just a vision (which resonates with 5 North themes, incorrect as it is); fortunate answers, as noted on the chart; and optimistically, yours truly would add, funding (Jupiter) for social safety net programs (Saturn-Neptune, social programs and the illness axis; of course, other indications for this planetary trio are possible but I'll leave them to your imagination).

Now we should also mention that US natal Mercury Rx conjuncts the MC opposite US natal Pluto at IC and suggests that government surveillance, intelligence gathering, and propaganda are on this Full Moon's menu along with 'vulnerable roadways' (infrastructure), 'disruptive political talk', 'news of orbital weapons or space exploration', 'secrets concerning transportation' or 'satellites', and/or 'self-destructive impulses in business' (paraphrasing M. Munkasey).

Well, the Sun's "A Cat Arguing With a Mouse" and the Moon's "A Party Entering a Large Canoe" are revealed by the rays of the June 24, 2021 Full Moon as We the People react in Saturnine fashion to the energies and ideas reflected by the dreamy June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse so we may find ourselves or others 'interminably quarreling with the nature of things' (4Cancer) and demonstrating an 'inability to get along with anybody' (4Capricorn; Jones).

But if this doesn't describe you, dear reader, I'm glad!

Apr 15, 2021

April 28, 2021: President Biden Addresses Congress

Update April 28, 2021: Advancing the chart below to a 9:00 pm edt start-time puts President Biden's natal Mercury, planet of communication, speeches oration, and messages, squarely upon the Ascendant, raises the Sag Moon closer to the Ascendant, and plops 3Virgo14 upon the Midheaven ('4Virgo' = "A Colored Child Playing With White Children") which spotlights both health and employment matters (Virgo), plus, the racial issues implied by the degree's Sabian Symbol. Compassion will be shown!

Original post begins here:

Astrology's What? (ASC) Where? (Desc) Why? (MC) and How? (IC) Points

by Jude Cowell

April 15, 2021: As you've heard, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has invited President Joe Biden to address a pared-down Congress on April 28, 2021, the day before the end of the President's first 100 days in office and one day after the Full Moon @7Sco06. His address is not being billed as an official SOTU (State of the Union) Address since that's traditionally delivered after a full year in office, but we all know that basically, a SOTU Address it will be. Therefore, I'm labeling his speech as a "pseudo-SOTU."

Below is a speculative 8:00 pm edt DC Horoscope set for April 28, 2021 Capitol Building with an abundance of planetary factors squished upon the chart for those who may care to enlarge the image and read the study notes of a novice astrologer with a lamentable interest in the Politics as practiced in the City where she once resided:

Solar Hour (Sun = the leader), regenerative Scorpio rises (the WHAT? Point), and Sun-ruled Leo at Midheaven (The Goal or WHY? Point) provides us with basic information concerning the address. The Scorpio Ascendant (forceful 'Mars-Pluto') spotlights the "A Drowning Man Rescued" degree which I believe will be one of Mr. Biden's themes of the night involving finances and mask-wearing in order to save lives. And as you see, the "Drowning Man" (ASC) is the apex point of a YOD pattern (highlighted in green = crisis; crossroads; karmic opportunity; special task) formed with a Chiron-North Node sextile at its base. The sextile includes wealthy MIDAS conjunct Node Node in the 8th house of Corporatism, Credit, Debt, and High Finance, plus, priestly Chiron is the wounded healer, here @"11Aries" = "The President of the Country" (Joe!). Opposite the 8th is the 2nd house of the National Treasury with Nemesis Rx (an unbeatable foe) pushing into the proceedings via the separative South Node, a (neurotic) Saturnian point of 'methods that worked in the past but now do not'. I'm counting this 3rd house Saturn @13AQ02 as 'conservatives' and obstructionists such as Republican opponents who work hard to block Biden's progressive, more liberal plans as seen in the Saturn-Uranus square (2A27; highlighted in blue at the bottom of the chart).

For as you know, Saturn-Uranus is the 'old order vs new order' pair of planetary energies. Yet confounding GOP efforts against him is the fact that their old friend Joe Biden is a liberal with conservative leanings so he can be signified by 'old man' Saturn in futuristic Aquarius. Notably, an apt midpoint picture reveals plutocrats who crave power - Jupiter-Pluto - conjunct restrictive Saturn so that 'the big picture must be adjusted to meet with more convention' and 'strategy becomes necessary' (Tyl). This would apply to the Biden administration and Democratic Party as well as to the GOP. As practiced, US Politics is always a high-stakes game and curiously, the public Moon at "6Sag" = "A Game of Cricket': 'exceptional competency in crisis' (Jones).

Also in 2nd house of Money and Values is the current Solar Eclipse which perfected on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (Electoral College Vote day) in the difficult 4 South family of eclipses. You know 4 South's sour themes: 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships; blockages and frustrations; relationships suddenly ended; a sense of fated events beyond personal control' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Hopefully, the former guy's belly-aching and malicious schemes concerning his 2020 Election loss will continue to fade away or perhaps come to a screeching halt under the milder influences of the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse @20Gemini as it bestows the better themes of 5 North ('prophetic dreams and visions').

Someone's Mars Is Rising

Now President Biden's first natal planet to rise in this chart is his unaspected Mars @12Sco35 ("13Scorpio" = " An Inventor Inventing") which can act directly, free of interference or influence; by 9:00 pm edt, ASC = 22Sco08 along with Mr. Biden's natal Mercury (21:32), the messenger. Meanwhile, 8th house Mars @3Can20 is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane and off attending to who-knows-what - perhaps additional plans to undermine the Biden administration and delay improvements for the American people? Well, as you know, activist Mars when in Moon-ruled Cancer is impulsive, moody, resentful, and subject to angry outbursts, even arson. Add to this an inconjunct from Mars to the public's Moon (@5Sag12 and rising in 1st house: happy mood) and a cosmic picture forms of hotheads (Mars) who lack self-control, tend to misjudge others, and form alliances with, and allegiances to, the very people who exploit them. In general, a Moon-Mars inconjunct is an aspect of nervous irritation and emotional anxiety which describes most of us these days. Yet Mars @3Can20 conjuncts US natal Venus so cooperation is needed for best results. But that would favor Joe Biden, whine the Republicans! As would wearing masks (see the IC's Sabian Symbol conjunct the HOW? Point) and the WHY? Point with "A Chemist Conducts an Experiment" upon it suggesting vaccines created to fight against the Covid-19 contagion and President Biden's inventive plans to rescue the US economy, with a tip of his hat to FDR's New Deal programs.

Also notable are the Sabian Symbols for the North Node ("12Gemini" = "A Black Slave Girl Demands Her Rights From Her Mistress" - will he mention America's killer cop trials? And perhaps reparations?). Then there's orating Mercury @"21Taurus" = "Moving Finger Points to Significant Passages in a Book", possibly a reference to the Bible, or to the secret book all presidents are said to follow. Or, it's simply an echo of the YOD pattern noted, above. Thing is, orating Mercury in Taurus opposes Mr. Biden's natal Mercury in Scorpio, a perfect cosmic picture of the disagreements and diverse opinions his pseudo-SOTU 2021 will activate, or aggravate.

Now in closing, we may wish to consider the cosmic weather of the evening via its Sun Taurus-Moon Sagittarius pairing, an Earth-Fire blend of conscious and unconscious energies ruled by the popular Venus-Jupiter combination. This 'dynamic duo' wants to make a contribution to the world via a stable economy and suggests common sense, inventiveness, and doing things on a grand scale which may refer to President Biden's visionary plans which must be large enough to make a difference in spite of opponents who, by harming Joe Biden, also harm the American people.

Well, there are many more factors of interest in this speculative horoscope of Biden's pseudo-SOTU Address 2021 so check them out if you wish. And if inspired, leave an on-topic comment! jc

(For more details see Sun Sign Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad)

Feb 26, 2021

US Solar Return 2021: YODs plus Karmic Progress

America July 2021 to July 2022: Career, Reputation, Illness, Home Care

by Jude Cowell

February 25, 2021: Based on a 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA horoscope, on July 4, 2021, the Sun returns to its position on July 4, 1776 @13Can19. Obviously, various founding horoscopes will give different results but this data is what I'm using for this particular Solar Return 2021 post. And as you see, using the MC (Midheaven = Career, Public Reputation, and/or Goal Point) allows two YOD patterns (dotted lines) to emerge for the year suggesting potentials for crises (which we already know we're in), turning points (or crossroads), and/or karmic opportunities for making evolutionary progress (or not, if solar energies are mishandled).

We should also consider that YODS can denote health issues but for the purposes of this post, let's allow 'home care' and 'nurturing' concerns to represent the balance of such potentials as the pandemic and vaccinations proceed.

Note: For background influences of the titanic conflicts between Saturn and Uranus this year, check out Mary Plumb's TMA article on the earlier Saturn and Uranus squares which includes links to other astrologers' posts. The last exact square perfects on December 23, 2021, and as you know, these squares issue from the 45-year Saturn-Uranus Cycle which began with their three conjunctions in late Sagittarius all through 1988 (along with Saturn Conjunct bubbly Neptune 3 times in 1989; 1988/89: major, sharp financial shifts). And now, with the squares, everyone is feeling their old order vs new order vibes while 'overcoming perilous conditions' is required and Democrats try to push through their Covid Relief Bill against Republican obstructionism. Do you see the GOP represented by restrictive Saturn blocking the progress proposed by Uranus via the Democrats? Then we agree.

Related: George Will's The Gifts of Greed (1992).

So for karmic progress on political, societal, and economic levels, it seems time for society to 'get over' the debilitating 'trickle down' economic policies of Ronald Reagan and his greedy ilk, so that America can advance by actually solving the societal problems of We the People. And I think the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope with its YODs and 'karmic opportunities for progress' agrees.

Because when a YOD points toward the Sun (leadership) as apex planet, the pressure is on to alter the way power and authority are utilized so that abuse of power is avoided. Ego-deflation may occur due to the quincunxes to the Sun (ego) yet if solar energies are properly channeled after years of preparation, one's full attention and inner strength will inform actions with the YOD/s acting as timing devices for the year described in the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope. Additionally, with powerful Pluto leading a Locomotive shape in the SR 2021 chart, a certain measure of ruthless determination will be necessary as our Ship of State chugs toward success. After all, the 'former guy' plans to continue his retaliation against Democrats, and, I would suggest, against the American people - see US natal Moon rising in the horoscope still (as always) opposed by Tr*mp's natal Mars in royal Leo!

(Note: in the US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776, there are no YOD patterns in the US SR 2021 chart that I can find.)

Now one erratic factor in the chart that may or may not be worrying is that SR 2021 Uranus @13Tau56 conjuncts Inauguration Ascendant 2021 which can indicate disruption, sudden reforms, upsets, unexpected events, and/or a change of leadership with major new start potential which may echo the YOD's 'turning point' implication. However, it's possible that Uranus-to-ASC simply suggests coping ability.

And considering the difficult issues facing my fellow Americans, plus, the fact that We The People need a major break from disruption and upsets (although reforms are needed), I'll be hoping for coping ability supported by the insightful, visionary solutions inspired by the 5 North Solar Eclipse in versatile Gemini, North Node conjunct IC and Aldebaran ('success through integrity'), thinking/planning Mercury the Messenger nearby in its own sign and conjunct starry Capella, Phact, and Bellatrix, plus, Cupido, asteroid of Corporatism, The Syndicate, and The Family.