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Showing posts with label Matt Whitaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matt Whitaker. Show all posts

Nov 8, 2018

AG Sessions fired with Saturn conjunct natal Mars

When Attorney General Jeff Sessions was fired yesterday, November 7, 2018, transiting Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, sign of law, government, and authority, was sitting directly upon the natal Mars of former Senator Sessions (5Cap30).

Now the Mars-Saturn duo describes many things, among them hard work, destroyed vitality, harmful or destructive energy, and the 'death axis' (Ebertin). And apparently, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly made the phone call for we know that Trump would use someone else to do his 'dirty work' like The Don he is. (But some "embraces" you just don't want.)

So when restrictive Saturn, planet of karma, visits natal Mars, there are potentials (in this case, born out) for male relationships to break off, physical efforts to be ended or stopped, and any chronic health conditions to flare up (plus, transit Saturn has just recently dampened his natal Sun in very early Capricorn and with his Moon (physical body) in the range of 9Cap25 to 21Cap50, we know that his Moon is Saturnized or will be, not to mention the current transit of powerful Pluto's transformative stylings as he trods through Capricorn--ouch! Or the recent contact of the North Node with Sessions' natal Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo--double ouch!)

Additionally, the Saturn-to-Mars transit also suggests that as AG, Jeff Sessions circumvented the authority of Donald Trump when he recused himself from oversight of the Mueller investigation, thus enraging Trump against him, as we know. Thing is, his recusal was warranted since Sessions was a member of Trump Campaign 2016 although Mr. Trump pretends otherwise--it was his mistake to nominate Sessions in the first place. My question today is whether or not Jeff Sessions could be indicted for his contacts with foreign operatives during the 2016 Campaign, the contacts he lied about (perjured himself) before Congress, then finally admitted.

Yet even if the topic of a Sessions indictment 'disappears' from view or isn't warranted or pursued, I doubt we've heard the last of Jeff Sessions who may regroup and focus on a future course of action--also a possibility with the Mars-Saturn duo. And of course Trump's naming of loyalist Matthew Whitaker as temporary AG (without Senate confirmation) now opens a new can of Trumpian worms especially since some believe that partisan Whitaker, who has conflict of interest links to various players in the drama, should recuse himself from involvement with the Mueller investigation, too.

Now here's a previous post with astro-notes concerning the natal planets of Jeff Sessions with emphasis on his natal Jupiter in Scorpio.