In the Realms of Jupiter: Jeff Sessions, Current AG of the US
Yesterday we discussed the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump and I noted my intention to write a similar post on Steve Bannon and his natal Jupiter, plus, others. A series.
Since then Trump has publicly criticized 'his' Attorney General Jeff Sessions because he independently recused himself from all investigations involving the 2016 Campaign (thus becoming useless to Donald Trump and prompting the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller) so perhaps we'd better put Mr. Bannon's Airy Jupiter on the window sill for now and hurry to check up on the Watery natal Jupiter of Jeff Sessions who says that he will continue serving as AG as long as it is appropriate. That's his innate sense of decorum expressing in tandem with an understanding of the legalities involved which Trump has no idea of or appreciation for.
(As if the indecorous Mr. Trump cares what's appropriate especially if it conflicts with fulfilling his immediate needs and desires. Leo Mars rising, a dramatic me-first placement supporting his boundary breaking Jupiter. 'Tis he.)
For an explanation of this Jupiterian series of articles you find yourself enmeshed in, please follow the Trump Jupiter link, above. Now let us consider Southern Alabama's most famous Beauregard spiritually of the Mint Julep aristocracy even if not born of wealthy stock:
Jeffrey B. Sessions December 24, 1946 Selma, AL Jupiter @19Sco02 conjunct three stars: Zuben Elschemali, Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai or Unuk), and North Scale, all of which have negative connotations such as victimization, violence, immorality, misfortune, tragedy. However, some success and certainly high ambition are offered but with a caution that "hasty words cause problems" (A. Louis). And in fact, some folk consider 19Scorpio to be a malevolent or evil degree in and of itself, plus, Nicholas *de Vore gives it as a "crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will". We find that Mr. Sessions's 1946 birth occurred during the Dark of the Moon phase of the difficult Saturn-Pluto cycle for they soon combined their brutal, toilsome energies precisely on August 11, 1947 @13Leo07 which started the Great Cosmic Clock on a new 33-year cycle of Saturn and Pluto. Potentials for this pair include mass murder and/or principled fanaticism. Adepts and magicians may be group members as well.
And you know that sign Scorpio is famous for its depth, passion, and potentials for betrayal, lust, aberrations and perversions, brooding and melancholia, drugs, surgery, regeneration, high principles, courage, and more. Its ruler Mars and sub-ruler Pluto, always lurking down in the deepest levels of the Collective Unconscious until brought up for air (as at conjunction), are capable of behaving brutally or violently toward others--if not physically, then in other ways. Objectives must be reached at all costs (which are often charged to the pocketbooks of others). In Scorpio, natal Jupiter denotes a materialistic nature that ruthlessly strives for possessions and pleasure--craves them, in fact. We could say more about those realms of life based on the rest of the natal chart of the present AG but time's a-wastin' so...nyet.

So with Jeff Sessions's Jupiter @19Sco02, we see the planet of largesse and expansion, and its link with the law, involved in a waning conjunction with Venus, two money planets. But with Venus in Scorpio there can be danger of illness via intemperance and a sort of fanaticism in love with a gracious dash of jealousy sprinkled in for intensity's sake. A Venus-Jupiter conjunction indicates an eternal optimist--a 'glass half full' fellow--hoping that all will be well in the end. A life of ease is highly desirable for Venus-Jupiter but with a Capricorn Moon, an ambitious struggle for success cannot be forgotten.
Actually, during the 24 hours of Sessions's day of birth, the Moon may have formed a pleasant sextile to Jupiter. Without an accurate or near-accurate ('shortly before noon', etc) birth time, we can't know for certain. So in case Mr. Sessions is imprinted by one, here is what I gather from a Moon-Jupiter sextile and we can see if it jives: public relations and promotion are good fields for this aspect and personal popularity is often the case. Overly effusive at times, a person with this sextile of opportunity (if one grabs it when offered) must guard against becoming self-righteous even as a streak of the ministry shines through. This usually fortunate aspect has been termed 'the ray of hope' (Oken) but know that there may be loads of vulnerable feelings hiding behind that upright facade!
January 10, 2017 text and video: Jeff Sessions and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) during the AG confirmation hearing; Mr. Sessions defends himself against racism charges but with his record of activities noted in the article.
So we have here a man born under the rays of three planetary conjunctions, one involving Jupiter in Scorpio, a placement that tends to overrate its abilities and gifts in a constant search for 'the good life'. Saturn-Pluto, the ruthless streak in proud Leo, sign of ego, claims many natives who were born in or near 1947 yet taken separately Saturn in Leo can be diplomatic, cautious, and have an aura of simplicity, however studied or genuine it may actually be. And though his natal Jupiter @19Scorpio has advanced beyond a square to Saturn and Pluto (7-14Leo), such a difficult dynamic may have remained a bitter yet distant memory since it's in rigid Fixed signs and this can denote inner conflicts concerning morality, fear of an underlying archetype of the false prophet, and a tendency to leave tasks unfinished before starting the next.
Yes, Sessions family DNA, mythologies, and tarnished legends must haunt an old abandoned attic somewhere in Southern Alabama tonight. But beckon not to Beauregard for he can't hear you all the way up in DC.
Well, there's my Astro-Portrait of AG Jeff Sessions and his Jupiter in Scorpio, the sign of which shows how he relates to others--in Scorpionic ways. You may have noticed this Jupiter in the dignified bearing of the man or even in his cautiously expressed yet suspicious nature. Frustratingly, with this post we have yet to uncover the AG's very many secrets but we can be sure that his Jupiter in Scorpio keeps them well protected--except when he's acting a little reckless!
*Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas deVore (copyright MCMXLVII, by Philosophical Library, Inc.)