International Confidence in US Economy 'Crumbling'
This just arrived and I'm posting it just as it came to me:
Along with exposing widespread international
surveillance, Edward Snowden has revealed
how exactly the US is financing its military
ambitions, according to Max Keiser, who
"What's interesting is that Edward Snowden
worked for Booz Allen. Booz Allen allegedly
along with a few other companies are the
masterminds behind LIBOR market rigging,
energy market rigging, FOREX market rigging.
And this is really the fuel that keeps the
American military empire going, because the
American economy, itself cannot support its
military ambitions, so they've resorted to market
manipulation and the kind of intelligence that
Edward Snowden is able to aggregate is key to
manipulating markets in ways that make Booz Allen,
allegedly, the channel for billions and billions of
dollars into America's military campaigns.
"And this is really about money, markets and
manipulations. It's not about security. It's not
to do with anything that the White House says.
Remember, the White House is a puppet of
Wall Street, Booz Allen, the hedge funds and
the financial interests of the corrupt bankers."
So, then how do some of those big companies
like Google, or Facebook actually benefit from
the PRISM surveillance program? Is there a
financial gain from them?
"Absolutely, because all of the manipulation
involves rigging the indexes. And the indexes
are all data-sensitive. So, if you can manipulate
the data, you can manipulate the indexes and
you manipulate the markets. And if you have
advanced knowledge of that inside information
you can make billions of dollars of front-running,
high-frequency trading, algorithmic trading. And,
of course, all the banks on the Wall Street are in
on this and all the banks in the UK.
"It's very telling that the foreign minister of
Ecuador said that, 'Look, you're talking about
us extraditing Edward Snowden, what about
bringing back those bankers we asked you to
bring back to Ecuador who we caught rigging
and terrorizing our market?' What about the
Icelandic bankers that have been asked by
the government of Iceland to be extradited
back to Iceland that are being held in the UK?
What about these other instances where
banking terrorists are being sheltered in
the US and the UK? They're not responding
to extradition agreements. So this is all about
financial legerdemain. Unfortunately, Americans
don't have enough money to fight their wars
anymore so they have to resort to snooping,
data-gathering, and market manipulation."
Will we see financial fallout between China and
the US?
"Well, China has got a fantastic card to play,
one trillion US dollars that they can dump on
the market anytime and jack interest rates up
five or six points, which would throw the real
estate market back into collapse. China is pulling
the strings here and China has all the cards to
play. America is the biggest debtor nation in the
world. Look at the bond market today (June 25),
it's selling off spectacularly all over the world
because confidence in the American hologram
of finance is collapsing.
"They flipped the switch. They see that the
emperor has no clothes. They see that there's no
underlying economic activity to support the military
and financial occupations emanating from the US.
It's game over!"
Here's Max Keiser and guests discussing financial topics such as John Corzine's MF Global scandal of major proportions and the Big Lie that 'bankers are not responsible for Financial Crash 2008'...puh! How gullible do they think we are?
Well, the Federal Reserve central banking (extortion-laundering-manipulating) system of the US (tied at the navel with Britain's: turns out Alexander Hamilton bested Thomas Jefferson after all with George Washington's collusion, imho; check out the staged *Surrender of Cornwallis at a moment in time chosen by leading Freemason Washington, the General. The hour was elected, as it's termed in Astrology, which resembles the Sacred Geometry of the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, and other secret societies that have often joined forces, parted, and reconnected through the centuries while vying for ever-extending control.
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance."
And their "violent means" includes police actions against peaceful Occupiers.
So if I had to name one entity behind the machinations designed to collapse civilization while pretending that an Ideal Society--a "Utopia", a 'back to The Garden of Eden' vision is achievable simply by way of man's reasoning ability (which is God-provided, btw), I would say from my various reading that the House of Rothschild takes almost every cake in this regard.
Is global domination only a Jewish conspiracy? Other of my reading asserts that originally, the Rothschild ('Red Shield', but actually the Bauers) family were not Jews or of the Hebraic race but were of a different breed altogether, as Daryl Bradford Smith details.
Yes, it seems to benefit the global Rothschild Banking Syndicate (central banking cartel) to keep the 'Jewish conspiracy to control the world through money' myth going, not because there is no such conspiracy at all but because it diverts public attention from the top culprits while casting aspersions upon the Hebrew race which thus continues certain related myths and ruses of History. (No, I'm not denying the Holocaust--attendant myths, I should say and archetypes/stereotypes of old such as the Money Lender oppressing others and enriching himself by way of usury interest rates--like money changers polluting The Temple. It's corruption and rot fit to topple the world financial system 2 centuries later.)
Now this is the point in the narrative which diverged for the reigning Rothschild of that moment (Amschel Mayer) when he realized that much much more money is made by extending loans to Governments and Monarchs than to puny little individuals. Click the above link for a better explanation than you're getting from me here--my Internet connection is still squirrelly so I'm trying to type like the wind which has a typo-inducing effect.)
Now it's 2011, and we see where money lenders--their agents and all who worship gold--have lead global societies: to civilization's potential collapse. Even the sad scandal at the University of Pennsylvania may be seen as part of the Great Ruse for it adds to the **undermining of America's educational system. I hope those who will act upon its prosecution and resulting fall-out will tread gingerly for the sake of the State of Pennsylvania and for the United States of America for this puts a serious limp in our step similar to how codified Religion has been wounded by pedophile priest scandals--or I should say, by church men's perverted crimes against children and the scandals caused therefrom.
*Surrender of Cornwallis horoscope is shown with brief details; Barack Obama's Inauguration 2009 planetary positions are entered around the chart for your consideration.
**Think how undermining to the US government many presidential scandals have been: Bill Clinton caught on tape deposing himself into impeachment, George Bush circumventing while intimidating the US Congress to go along with his illegal war determination thereby undermining Congress as well. And don't get me started on December 2000 and the corrupt, farcical SCOTUS decision for Bush.
Super Congress to the Rescue? Or Are Their Capes at the Cleaners'?
Now with current impasses, stalemates, and snits of miffdom playing out at the Capitol Hill Theater for public consumption, we're meant to say, The US government doesn't function at all anymore, let's toss it out. The rest of the sentence would then be--unbeknownst to many--let's beg the neofascists to impose a military dictatorship on the American people.
Yeah, that'll solve all our problems fer shure. Puh! It's all a big ruse to facilitate a complete take-over of this country from the ripples of the false-flag ops of 9/11/01. 9/11's void-of-course (unstoppable events set in motion) Moon (we-the-people) @ '28Gem' = "A Man Declared Bankrupt" but we may have to replace "man" with "nation" if these radical Utopian anarchists have their illuminized way for much longer.
No one can fight demons unless said demons and monsters are honestly identified first for well-aimed punches are necessary. But name change or no, what are the chances? How long can our time-and-money-wasting shadow boxing continue? And who's pulling the marionette strings of the Supercommittee whose Rs and Ds can't even step into the same room together?
Some say the 'Deficit' 'Super' Committee will admit defeat by Monday though John Kyl seemed to push any chance of resolution over a cliff on today's Meet the Press (video of Kyl-Kerry segment with David Gregory) with John Kerry providing some small measure of Democratic balast.
Up-in-polls candidate Newt Gingrich's cold hearted remarks about Occupiers (many of whom are--or are the offspring of--people Newt hopes will vote for him in 2012--oops!) are included along with Kyl's expressed support of the Newtian take-a-bath attitude. Note that Rs seldom if ever discuss publicly the real issues the Occupiers raise.
Now here's some info on the GOP's Toomey plan which sounds more like a 'Doom-y plan' to me, a discouragement which may be part of their intended goal.
Do you appreciate the 99% Movement, aka, the Occupiers? I do, because for one thing, victory for Machiavellian politics is always temporary and they don't stand a chance against honest discussion of America's financial lacks and social ills which are long overdue for redressing and rebalancing.
Here's a video featuring economist Michael Hudson which I first posted here in December 2010 under the title, Shrinking the US economy IS the point:
As always, I'm just one non-corporate blogger here and cannot vouch for all video or article content provided for your consideration on this or my other blogs. Read and watch with your personal discrimination meter set on High to Middling as you wish! jc
Max Keiser has much to say about fake unemployment numbers from the US government as the propaganda relates to the US/World econo-crisis.
This video is a worthwhile 9mins+, so please see what you think. It does seem that metals are the thing to grasp and hold!
Yes, the USA is in the crapper thanks to neocon cons and their enabling shills...and the secret society robots who shilled before.
Where's some of that goo-o-o-d old "compassionate conservatism" when you need an effective -ism to ruin your family and economic life?
Oh yeah. We tried that.
And now the American War Machine is stuck like glue in the Middle East where our boots on the sand are decidedly unwelcome, no matter what we do or say. But hey, the 5-pointed Pentagon is the US' main employer, and when millions are out of jobs for long enough, they must 'join up' at some point - if they're young enough and are breathing. And thus the ruse passes on to another generation of Americans who can't believe that their government would manipulate a noble sense of patriotism into being used to make patriotic citizens into war fodder and oil protectors.
So will all GOP-ers please hush now?
Keep your wacked-out crazy on the down low, okay? Stop telling lies, period (you too, Democrats.) It's way too late in any game to skid by on half-truths, provarications, and callously thought up talking points on behalf of narrow factions.
Now this is only another Flower Power Generation-er speaking: They did it to us and the world despised us. Now it's your turn and you've fallen for the same tired rhetorical devices promoted by political thespians with prominent thumbs pointing at us.