With the November 4, 2014 Mid-Terms on our political agenda, here's a 26-minute video mash-up detailing the voter fraud and corruption of the Bush-Kerry election of 2004 to reflect upon:
And in case I have no chance to post an article concerning the horoscopes of the November 2014 elections please note that in a recent post appeared my prognostication that Democrats look to me to be favored astrologically but of course dirty politics can interfere with outcomes.
There's a 'higher' agenda and has been for many years in Washington DC about creating a 'new world order' or as some call it, a 'new world economic order'. We saw evidence with the attacks of 9/11/01 and Financial Collapse 2008.
Since I didn't bother to watch Senator Kerry's recent (certain) confirmation hearing for Secretary of State, I missed his repeated reference to a 'new world order' and the fact that he actually cited a book authored by a war criminal (and fellow perpetrator of war criminal Richard Nixon), one Henry Kissinger.
I hereby remedy my neglectful omission of Senator Kerry's draconian remarks:
It seems that John Kerry didn't learn anything useful after all about lying us into war from his stint in Vietnam. Or, he willingly succumbed to 'playing the game' in Washington in order to get ahead and receive plum assignments for his Skull'n'Bones self. After serving in the war, Kerry's famous testimony about who wants to be the "last man in Vietnam," etc, was probably more for future political maneuvering than high ideals, or so I've suspected for a long time. (I watched him on TV the day he gave his testimony to a Congress full of warmongers and agreed with his lofty rhetoric. But I was younger and more gullible then...constant lies from my government through the years have cured the condition.)
So now he's getting his 'dream job' of Secretary of State, the one he's prepared for all his life, some say. With Jupiter's Direct Station @6Gem19 on January 30, 2013, this hope is realized with Jupiter conjoining Kerry's natal Uranus 6Gem20 Rx--in natal 6th house of Work and Jobs (plus, the 6th H is Cadent = preparation.) Transit Jupiter will proceed to conjoin his natal Mars @10Gem36 Rx (6th H), move into 7th H from 6th H and hit his natal Moon, then natal Saturn @23Gem30 Rx. Here's a brief summary though other effects are in the mix such as tr Jupiter opposite n Sun and trine n Neptune 4Lib04 at MC 5Lib39:
Jupiter to n Uranus = political and financial expansion succeeds; Jupiter to n Mars = work success, favored in competition, dynamic energy and force but should avoid overconfidence for best results; Jupiter to m Moon = emotional satisfaction, popularity, and a higher social status; Jupiter to n Saturn = burdens are eased, hard work and patience merit success and recognition, authority is rewarded.
For a view of John Kerry's natal horoscope with details visit his astrodatabank page although his birth time is rated C for 'accuracy in question'. Yet his Sun 18Sag40 (rising) and Moon 17Gem31 (setting) seem to be the correct Sun-Moon blend, so we find a man of creative Fire and mental Air who is versatile, inventive, intellectual, and sociable. Good at giving practical advice, he's less able to deal with emotions, and can be tactless and short-tempered when things don't suit him. (Who isn't?)
A natural spokesperson, Senator Kerry is famously long-winded often doubling back on himself while speaking though he doesn't seem quite as bad about circuitous expression as he once did. (Plus, I have a young relative with a Gemini Moon who is very chatty and can talk in paragraphs without taking a breath!) President Obama has natal Moon in communicative Gemini as well and is known for his rhetorical talent (but with natal Sun in Leo.)
Yet there is a caution with Sun Sag-Moon Gemini which is a tendency to spread oneself too thin and not finish projects. May setting up perpetual war to establish a draconian 'new world order' of totalitarian global government be one of those projects.
Blog Note: if you wish, scroll to the sidebar's Search field and type 'nwo' and you'll have a list of posts, some with the modern NWO natal chart (timed by the third of three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune in 1993) and others with lists of politicians and others who have mentioned--threatened--the creation of a 'new world order' through the decades. If you wish.
Here's Max Keiser and guests discussing financial topics such as John Corzine's MF Global scandal of major proportions and the Big Lie that 'bankers are not responsible for Financial Crash 2008'...puh! How gullible do they think we are?
Well, the Federal Reserve central banking (extortion-laundering-manipulating) system of the US (tied at the navel with Britain's: turns out Alexander Hamilton bested Thomas Jefferson after all with George Washington's collusion, imho; check out the staged *Surrender of Cornwallis at a moment in time chosen by leading Freemason Washington, the General. The hour was elected, as it's termed in Astrology, which resembles the Sacred Geometry of the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, and other secret societies that have often joined forces, parted, and reconnected through the centuries while vying for ever-extending control.
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance."
And their "violent means" includes police actions against peaceful Occupiers.
So if I had to name one entity behind the machinations designed to collapse civilization while pretending that an Ideal Society--a "Utopia", a 'back to The Garden of Eden' vision is achievable simply by way of man's reasoning ability (which is God-provided, btw), I would say from my various reading that the House of Rothschild takes almost every cake in this regard.
Is global domination only a Jewish conspiracy? Other of my reading asserts that originally, the Rothschild ('Red Shield', but actually the Bauers) family were not Jews or of the Hebraic race but were of a different breed altogether, as Daryl Bradford Smith details.
Yes, it seems to benefit the global Rothschild Banking Syndicate (central banking cartel) to keep the 'Jewish conspiracy to control the world through money' myth going, not because there is no such conspiracy at all but because it diverts public attention from the top culprits while casting aspersions upon the Hebrew race which thus continues certain related myths and ruses of History. (No, I'm not denying the Holocaust--attendant myths, I should say and archetypes/stereotypes of old such as the Money Lender oppressing others and enriching himself by way of usury interest rates--like money changers polluting The Temple. It's corruption and rot fit to topple the world financial system 2 centuries later.)
Now this is the point in the narrative which diverged for the reigning Rothschild of that moment (Amschel Mayer) when he realized that much much more money is made by extending loans to Governments and Monarchs than to puny little individuals. Click the above link for a better explanation than you're getting from me here--my Internet connection is still squirrelly so I'm trying to type like the wind which has a typo-inducing effect.)
Now it's 2011, and we see where money lenders--their agents and all who worship gold--have lead global societies: to civilization's potential collapse. Even the sad scandal at the University of Pennsylvania may be seen as part of the Great Ruse for it adds to the **undermining of America's educational system. I hope those who will act upon its prosecution and resulting fall-out will tread gingerly for the sake of the State of Pennsylvania and for the United States of America for this puts a serious limp in our step similar to how codified Religion has been wounded by pedophile priest scandals--or I should say, by church men's perverted crimes against children and the scandals caused therefrom.
*Surrender of Cornwallis horoscope is shown with brief details; Barack Obama's Inauguration 2009 planetary positions are entered around the chart for your consideration.
**Think how undermining to the US government many presidential scandals have been: Bill Clinton caught on tape deposing himself into impeachment, George Bush circumventing while intimidating the US Congress to go along with his illegal war determination thereby undermining Congress as well. And don't get me started on December 2000 and the corrupt, farcical SCOTUS decision for Bush.
Super Congress to the Rescue? Or Are Their Capes at the Cleaners'?
Now with current impasses, stalemates, and snits of miffdom playing out at the Capitol Hill Theater for public consumption, we're meant to say, The US government doesn't function at all anymore, let's toss it out. The rest of the sentence would then be--unbeknownst to many--let's beg the neofascists to impose a military dictatorship on the American people.
Yeah, that'll solve all our problems fer shure. Puh! It's all a big ruse to facilitate a complete take-over of this country from the ripples of the false-flag ops of 9/11/01. 9/11's void-of-course (unstoppable events set in motion) Moon (we-the-people) @ '28Gem' = "A Man Declared Bankrupt" but we may have to replace "man" with "nation" if these radical Utopian anarchists have their illuminized way for much longer.
No one can fight demons unless said demons and monsters are honestly identified first for well-aimed punches are necessary. But name change or no, what are the chances? How long can our time-and-money-wasting shadow boxing continue? And who's pulling the marionette strings of the Supercommittee whose Rs and Ds can't even step into the same room together?
Some say the 'Deficit' 'Super' Committee will admit defeat by Monday though John Kyl seemed to push any chance of resolution over a cliff on today's Meet the Press (video of Kyl-Kerry segment with David Gregory) with John Kerry providing some small measure of Democratic balast.
Up-in-polls candidate Newt Gingrich's cold hearted remarks about Occupiers (many of whom are--or are the offspring of--people Newt hopes will vote for him in 2012--oops!) are included along with Kyl's expressed support of the Newtian take-a-bath attitude. Note that Rs seldom if ever discuss publicly the real issues the Occupiers raise.
Now here's some info on the GOP's Toomey plan which sounds more like a 'Doom-y plan' to me, a discouragement which may be part of their intended goal.
Do you appreciate the 99% Movement, aka, the Occupiers? I do, because for one thing, victory for Machiavellian politics is always temporary and they don't stand a chance against honest discussion of America's financial lacks and social ills which are long overdue for redressing and rebalancing.
Here's a video featuring economist Michael Hudson which I first posted here in December 2010 under the title, Shrinking the US economy IS the point:
As always, I'm just one non-corporate blogger here and cannot vouch for all video or article content provided for your consideration on this or my other blogs. Read and watch with your personal discrimination meter set on High to Middling as you wish! jc
Well, the first item is what I consider good news for a Monday with little of it to spare!
The Obama administration will grant waivers to allow interested states to end-run around the ridiculous, teach-to-test-impart-no-knowledge No Child Left Behind Act that Bush & crew put in place to dumb down the US populace and destroy our educational system.
Hurrah! for states being allowed to leave this child-damaging law behind.
Plus, today's broadcast of Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! (coming on my TV as I type on LINK TV) promises to be informative on the Navy SEALS helicopter deaths, and on the rise of Food Stamp use in America by what used to be our Middle Class, the one US corporate titans and transnational globalists have left behind in their dust. Why, it almost seems as if certain CEOs create no jobs in the US because they're on the side of a GOP intent on failure for the Obama administration, doesn't it?
Amy interviews author Barbara Ehrenreich on her newly updated book Nickel and Dime: On (Not) Getting By in America. You may remember that she was the lady who went undercover to work in entry-level jobs ($7 an hour then, is $9 an hour now, she says) such as maid with a housecleaning service--brilliant work and very timely in 2011.
Ms. Ehrenreich makes the point that the current ruinous economic climate in the US and the rich class's unwillingness to share the sacrifice may have finally "broken through" Americans' reluctance to tax the rich because of the "I might be rich one day, too" illusion has been vanquished by recent events. Hurrah!
Throwing America Overboard
You know I loved hearing Sen. John Kerry on Meet the Press yesterday call Friday's S&P downgrade of America's credit rating to AA+ the "Tea Party downgrade"-- another Hurrah! Partisan? Certainly, but who says 'partisan' has to be untruthful? (Mr. Rove probably, but enough of him.)
Yes, on MTP Senator Kerry actually spoke more directly than usual, a pleasant change from his typical circuitous garble that says very little when you untangle the aristocratic mannerisms and self-edits mid-sentence.
Here's a link to MTP's August 7, 2011 broadcast with transcript and video, in case you missed it.
Astrology Much?
Kerry's birth data: December 11, 1943 @ 8:03 am MWT Denver, CO; ASC Sag; MC Lib; Sun Sag/Moon Gem (source: astrodatabank.) This blend's 'Image for Integration':
"Robin Hood as a young boy plays truant from school to go to his archery lesson, but ends up teaching his card tricks to his master." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Harvey.)
This Image which blends his conscious mind (Sun) with his unconscious (Moon) reminds me of then-Mr. Kerry's righteous testimony to Congress concerning the travesties and beastliness of the Vietnam War back in the day and his later joining Congress ('The Man', as we used to say) as One Of The Masters.
I have no fourth Hurrah for that.
Today, August 8, 2011 at 8:13 am edt in Washington DC, the revolutionary pair of planets Uranus and Pluto made their closest attempt at squaring one another as upheaval and fire-settings in London roil and other global regions continue erupting. Click for a view of the horoscope (set for DC) with a few astro-details.
Sorry to hear of riots in London over the weekend yet I shall reserve my opinion on who the masked marauders are and for whom they actually work. One determinate will be what new draconian, police-state measures from the government are said to be 'inspired' by the turmoil if indeed new 'laws' are deemed to be necessary. Of course, I'm the one who posted recently, Beware if your city or nation wants to host the Olympic Games!
Since I've been trying to find more details about the issue of union organizing, its pros and cons, Franks' article fills the bill on that score, but it also contains his views on Barack Obama's victory, governing from the center, and what the governed want from government.
Now I know what you're thinking: McCain didn't try, he was only a fake candidate - the same role that Al Gore and John Kerry played.
Gore meekly accepted the SCOTUS decision after wimpily protesting the recount/chad situation in 2000.
Then John Kerry pulled a lofty "I'm above their attacks" air for Swift Boaters using the Michael Dukakis model and let Rove stomp all over his military record, one of the few things Kerry had going for him.
2008 comes along, and McCain picks Sara Palin as VP stunning mate and she played the role of Flash In The Pan Mama while getting herself some national name recognition for later use. Oh - and she'll soon have a book she wants you to buy.
Why, it's almost as if gnats like me are correct when we say the American people don't elect the president, he's selected from a private stash by a secret cabal from the shadows.
And it's almost as if America's two most elevated natal planets on each side of our national *Midheaven describes a secret government for all the world to see...one of the signatures of Saturn-Neptune IS secret (Neptune) government (Saturn.)
Perhaps the great majority of us are the only ones who can't see it even as it hides in plain sight, m'peops.
But we now know from blowback that others in the **wider world feel its wrath and have had enough.
And we now know that all the power elitists do, they cover themselves by acting in our name: America.
* Using 'Sibly' version or the Dane Rudhyar chart for July 4, 1776. ** 'wider world' = the Midheaven, the most visible point in any chart, the noon point.
Lindsey Graham just said to George Stephanopoulos that experience and judgment have to come together for the presidency and he seems to believe that they do in Sara Palin!
Candidates meeting a national security threshold? We still have one?
Joe Biden vs Sara Palin has an almost otherworldly flavor and should make an interesting show - but please, do not adjust your sets. You're now in the Twilight Zone so don't bother to squirm.
Wonder if Biden chuckled when he heard of his vice presidential peer? Will he wear kid gloves with Sara Palin? Does he own any?
Has jingo John McCain been wrong about Iraq and re-inventing the Middle East, a region which now has al - Qaeda in 60 countries after years of stimulation and vexation by Bush-Cheney policies and aggression?
Saturn calling: Palin is "back there with the flat-earth caucus," says John Kerry to Stephanopoulos. Kerry seems pretty hot under the white collar this morning much as he did when delivering his (for him) fiery speech at the DNC last week.
Now I know that the Dems can do no less than 'see an opening' with Palin's VP nom, yet it's all rhetoric, folks...just political theater, dahlink! Are you diverted?
Still, kudos must go to the McCain campaign which has garnered a lot of people's attention that was sorely lacking before last Friday's announcement of Sara Palin as VP pick while stepping on the DNC's shadow big time!
Just watch what they're up to elsewhere while the Sara Show is happily diverting most eyes toward her sparkling and fascinating direction.
News at Noon: Gustav is forcing Bush AND Cheney to 'skip' the Republican Convention 2008. Not quite the same as skipping out when Katrina came to call with responsibilities, but the best the neocons can do at the moment.
Should I insert: sigh of relief coming from the McCain campaign?
~:~ Update Sept 3: there's been a Palin limerick published at Lim's Limericks - I'm just warning you!
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences."- C. S. Lewis (1898-1963), British Novelist
C.S.Lewis (Clive Staples) was known as Jack Lewis and was born in Belfast, Ireland, Nov 29, 1898.
On that day the Moon remained in Gemini, sign of the writer, and gives him a witty and versatile Fire-Air Sun Sag/Moon Gemini personality blend with this Image:
Robin Hood as a young boy plays truant from school to go to his archery lesson, but ends up teaching his card tricks to his master. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)
This blend is shared natally by "New Age" philosopher, Benjamin Creme, Akbar the Great of Persia, Noel Coward, Petra Kelly, founder of the Green Party, Francisco Franco, and John Kerry.