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Showing posts with label Mirfak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mirfak. Show all posts

Apr 28, 2018

DC Horoscope: a Starry Autumn Equinox 2018

Image: Autumn Equinox 2018 (aka, Libra Ingress with Sun @00Lib00:00); Saturday September 22 9:54:16 pm edt White House Washington DC; Gibbous +156:46; Hour of Saturn (8th house), Mars out-of-bounds (OOBs) in 9th house and part of a disturbing midpoint picture: Mars-Saturn = Pluto (18Cap46 Rx) - brutality, violence, and murder. To these possibilities Noel Tyl adds potentials for 'the need to take control; forcing an issue'; and/or, 'strong anger'. This difficult midpoint picture is a natal echo for it appears in the birth chart of Donald J. Trump whose natal Pluto @10Leo02 sits at the Foundation Point (IC) of this chart, aka, The Drain.

Rain in the Forecast

Asteroids Eros (piercing) and Panacea (a soothing bromide) rise at Ascendant 3Gem17 just after starry Alcyone (something to cry about) of the Pleiades, then Mirfak (to have one's say), plus Menkar the Whale (victim of the unconscious; an imperative to say what must be said--or else). The rain stars of the Hyades (Prima Hyadum @6Gemini) soon rise bringing along their difficult implications such as scandal, disgrace, resentment, evil, imprisonment, violence, mental imbalance, extremism, shipwrecks, and/or murder (A. Louis). Yes, the world is in a sorry state (thanks compromised politicians!) and given that forceful Mars and Pluto are in the 9th house of Foreign Lands and karmic Saturn is in the 8th, this horoscope may be a foreboding picture of terrorism or an attempt at it--and of course false flag ops cannot be ruled out as we know from past experience of such pretexts being used to scam and emotionally manipulate the American people into yet another war. The Sorrows of Empire!

Sun-Mercury Conjunct US natal MC: public recognition, speeches, concerns about reputation

Chart-ruler Mercury applies twice (listed lower left): 1. square Saturn = info restricted, books/papers/emails lost; perfectionism; lack of time; sobering talk; and 2. trine Mars = too much talk not enough action; favorable for travel.

Applying aspects of the Sun (leader) are noteworthy and there are two (marked in pink, top of the chart): 1. square Saturn = a leader or leaders called to measure up and be accountable for past actions; somber times; and 2. trine Mars = vitality available but must avoid indolence and passivity.

Then there's the impressive Sun-Chiron opposition on the Cardinal World Axis--conjunct US natal MC-IC--and this is an aspect Richard Nolle has termed the psychopomp. Previously I have typed aloud whether Mr. Trump could be America's psychopomp, and of course the mundane Sun signifies the leader or the ruler of a nation. Well, some have called him psycho anyway.

Now transit Pluto @18Cap46 is also apex of the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (yet again) suggesting that 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) which relates, of course, to the collapsing of the old order of 1776 and the rebuilding of the new which is also shown in the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) (here, in 4th house @18Leo42) with its themes of The Tower collapsing and the rebuilding that begins once the dust has settled. (Brady).

And this PE is the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series that no one is waiting for.

Sep 21, 2011

Autumn Equinox 2011 Horoscope: Drastic Measures

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox September 23, 2011 5:04 am edt

by Jude Cowell

Below is an image of the Autumn Equinox 2011 horoscope, the Libra Ingress, set for the White House, Washington DC; Hour Mars 2Leo37 conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury; chart-ruler Mercury 25Vir23 in 1st house makes two applying aspects: conjunct Sun (4A37), and opposite Uranus 2Ari41 Rx conjunct 8th cusp which conjoins US natal IC 00Ari53 (Sibly version of America's natal horoscope (5:10 pm LMT, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA.)

The 8th cusp-Uranus-natal IC trio with Autumn Equinox Sun conjunct 2nd cusp indicates financial matters not coming together as expected so we must concentrate on what's working rather than on new methods. Compromise remains elusive as the president (Sun) knocks heads with radical political types (Uranus in Aries = Utopians, says Ebertin) over monetary policy and reform.

The embarrassing political and ideological battles continue into Spring 2012 and beyond as President Obama's character and suitability for office come even more under fire. And the whole world is watching as radical elements attempt to destroy our entire system of government, imperfect as it may be (and it is.) Thanks a lot, Ronald "Government Is Evil" Reagan, you really got the Destroy American ball rolling and the Dark Legacy of Reaganomics keeps on giving to the rich and taking from the poor.

And of course, the Deficit Reduction Committee's work is covered in the Autumn Equinox 2011 chart with the extraordinary power of a 'Super' Congress handed to 12 congress members which to my mind is unConstitutional. Their recommendations are due on November 23, 2011 in time for the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37--sitting at the Foundation of the Autumn EQ 2011 horoscope!!

As you see, a few of President Obama's natal planets are penned in around the chart: rising is his natal Pluto in Virgo opposite natal Chiron which here sets (conj DESC--Chiron opposite Pluto = 'knight in shining armor' on a Quest); Mr. Obama's natal Moon in Gemini (publicity through speeches) is at Midheaven (MC = The Goal; Aspirations; Public Status) along with two midpoints which create angular pictures with the MC and one with Obama's natal Moon...any, all, or none may apply...

Mars/Uranus = MC: taking drastic measures; extraordinary achievements; putting a gun to someone's head; an inflexible character; an act of violence.

Note: on C-SPAN this morning, Charlie Rangel referred to people "putting a gun to (the president's) head."

Mars/Uranus = BHO natal Moon: feelings govern; a desire to achieve something very big; ambition.

Moon/Uranus = MC: excitement and great energy; pursuit of ambitious aims; determination; ready for action; taking a hand suddenly or interfering.

Mercury also rules the 10th house of Public Standing bwo Gemini which indicates changes on the world stage for the US--Gemini's Mercury relates to communications, plans, but also commerce and trade; plus, Fixed Star Mirfak (Alpha Perseus) is @ MC, keywords: young male energy with hunting and fighting abilities. (Brady.)

In any horoscope, a chart-ruler's applying aspects show how things will proceed. As mentioned above, Virgo is rising, so changeable Mercury 25Vir23 in 1st house rules the chart. The applying conjunction to the Sun will perfect on September 28 at 5Lib20...'6Lib' = "The Ideals of a Man Abundantly Crystallized" which may refer to the president's new push back stance gaining momentum.

Mercury opposing Uranus (7A18) shows oration, communications, and plans embroiled in quarrels, disagreements, and disruptions, and serious conflicts arise between the generations related to finances and ideologies. This opposition may also refer to social networking (Uranus) activism as young Americans (Mercury) get out on the streets in protest.

Now manipulative Pluto, pulling strings from behind the scenes (and from abroad) is apex planet in a YOD pattern ('Finger of God', special task, crisis, turning point, crossroads.) This is a very karmic configuration and, as we know, the crisis has been a long time coming (slow moving Pluto.)

Apex Pluto in a YOD formation shows those with fixated opinions and plans that have disturbing effects upon others (not that Pluto cares about others) and past conditions must die so that a new path is revealed; this Pluto represents those with high executive positions of authority who are determined to usher in a New Order.

Perhaps I don't need to tell you this, but the people represented by this anti-social Pluto hold extreme perspectives that are out of focus with society's views and values.

A midpoint picture is created from the YOD:

Mars/MC = Pluto: extraordinary zeal and great vigor; the desire to bring immense tasks to a successful conclusion.

Transit Pluto continues to oppose US natal Jupiter 5Can56 and denotes America's financial, political, and social struggles against powerful plutonian forces desiring to break down our nation and all civil institutions.

Yes, Pluto is very busy this Autumn as apex in a second planetary pattern--a T-Square between the Sun/Uranus opposition.

First, the midpoint picture:

Sun/Uranus = Pluto: radical reformers (we know!!); a desire to rearrange things (without the American people's consent!); tragic experiences; imprisonment;
very provoking others with constant rebellion and distractions; disruptions of events to gain recognition; direct attacks on the individuality of others to gain more notoriety for self or interests.

As apex in a Cardinal T-Square, Pluto denotes those with intense focus on objectives and an inability to compromise with others; sharing power is a non-starter, and explosive endings may be thought necessary in order to make a new start; again, this Pluto represents high powered executives--who feel much contempt for those they manipulate, and the case of this T-Square, those whose plans they block.

Well, if you click to enlarge the horoscope you may read a few other chart details, and there are other factors of note, of course. But since I'm readying for an out of town trip, I shall close for now and await your on-topic comments and opinions which I will moderate from an area near Atlanta, GA. in this, my favorite of the seasons, Autumn.

Nov 19, 2007

Comet Holmes 'swallows' Mirfak

Space Weather News for Nov. 19, 2007

Comet 17P/Holmes is swallowing a star! Not really, but it looks that way. Tonight, the exploding comet is passing directly in front of Mirfak, the brightest star of the constellation Perseus.

Astronomers liken the view through a backyard telescope to a giant space-faring jellyfish gobbling a phosphorescent treat. Although Comet Holmes is now fading to the limits of naked-eye visibility, the star-comet duo is still easy to find in the northern sky after sunset.

Visit for a sky map and photos.#

Here's some info on Mirfak and Perseus archetypes and myths.

Nov 15, 2007

Comet now bigger than the Sun

Space Weather News for Nov. 15, 2007

GIANT COMET: University of Hawaii astronomers have measured the diameter of Comet 17P/Holmes: 1.4 million kilometers. This makes the exploding comet bigger than the sun and now the largest object in the solar system. Not surprisingly, the comet is visible to the naked eye; with only a backyard telescope you can watch its gigantic debris cloud expand from night to night. Nov. 19th is an especially good night to look: Comet Holmes will glide by *Mirfak, the brightest star in the constellation Perseus, and appear to swallow it.

Visit for a sky map and images.

(Note: The sun remains by far the most massive object in the solar system. Comet 17P/Holmes' diaphanous atmosphere of dust and gas, which is what the astronomers measured, contains less mass than a typical asteroid. In spite of its great size, Comet Holmes is a lightweight that won't be deflecting the orbits of planets or causing any other such catastrophes.)

ROSETTA FLYBY: On Nov. 13th, the European Space Agency's comet-chasing Rosetta spacecraft buzzed Earth, passing only 5300 km above the southern hemisphere. During the high-speed gravity assist maneuver, Rosetta snapped some fantastic pictures including close-up shots of Antarctic icescapes and glittering views of city lights at night.

See Rosetta's amazing photos at

*Mirfak (Alpha Perseus): young male energy; a young warrior proud of his strength.

Oct 24, 2007

Comet erupts in Perseus!

Space Weather News for Oct. 24, 2007:

ERUPTING COMET: Astronomers in Japan and Europe report that Comet 17P/Holmes is undergoing a spectacular eruption. The 17th-magnitude comet has brightened by a factor of five hundred thousand or more during the past 24 hours becoming a naked eye object in the evening sky. This may signify a breakup of the comet's core or a rich vein of ice suddenly exposed to sunlight--no one knows.

Look for a yellow 2.5th-magnitude fuzzball in the constellation Perseus after sunset. ("2.5th magnitude" means a little dimmer than the stars of the Big Dipper.) At present the comet looks more like a star than a comet; it does not have a discernable tail, but it might grow one as the outburst continues.

Visit for a sky map, photos and updates.#

The constellation of Perseus the Prince is a member of the royal family and orbits around the North Pole. He was known by the Hebrews as Parash, a horseman, or sometimes as Ham, son of Noah. In Egypt he was called, Khem, the young black son of Cepheus the king.

The brightest star in Perseus is Mirfak (Algenib) and is associated with the young warrior who is proud of his strength, his hunting and fighting abilities, and of his trophy. People with Mirfak linked to planets in their natal charts are: Muhammed Ali, Martin Luther King, Jr, Margaret Thatcher, and Henry Ford.

So Mirfak represents young male energy that may not listen to the wisdom of others or take caution. There is a flavor of overestimating one's mental or physical abilities...guess you could say a flame-out may result as we're seeing with Comet Holmes! So Washington and the Pentagon--beware, because even you exalted types can't change the As Above, So Below nature of the world.

5:00 pm News from NPR:

State Department Security Chief Richard Griffin has resigned effective Nov 1--he oversaw entities like Blackwater. Seems the heat from the spotlight was too hot--flame-out!