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Showing posts with label Nostradamus Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nostradamus Eclipse. Show all posts

Aug 25, 2024

Project 2025 Ideas Have Failed Before!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

An op-ed in the L.A. Times by Joel Edward Goza concerns The ideas in Project 2025? Reagan tried them, and the nation suffered. Now SO'W is no stranger to complaining about the Reagan presidency and the "Decade of Greed" that he and his cronies promoted and used to their advantage.

An example is our discussion of the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981: A Turning Point for America (chart shown, below). For as Mr. Goza mentions, Ronald Reagan signed his first budget on August 13, 1981, just after the 1 North Reaganomics Eclipse manifested on July 30, 1981 @7Leo51 with themes that include: "information is distorted and possibly false" (B. Brady).

And as The Cosmos would have it, 1 North also happens to be the Saros Series of the Total "Mother of All Eclipses" of August 11, 1999 @18Leo21, the one that Nostradamus pointed toward from centuries ago with its difficult Fixed Grand Cross at the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). These degrees are described in The Book of Revelation by the oxen-lion-eagle-angel points, for the reader who may be interested in Biblical prophecy.

So below is an image of the 1 North Reaganomics Eclipse of July 30, 1981 @7Leo51 set for the White House, Washington DC. Yes, the chart is overloaded with my study notes, but I'm showing it to you anyway. As you see, Mr. Reagans's first natal planet to rise is his Saturn @00Tau49, and his natal Midheaven of Goals and Public Status is crowned by the Eclipse's Pluto @21Libra, planet of power, Plutocracy, and extreme wealth. Meanwhile, 3rd house Mars @8Can34 leads a Locomotive shape of ruthless determination to further his interests, having recently visited US 1776 Jupiter at the "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" degree:

Then considering the relationships, alleged or genuine, between Mr. Reagan and members of the evangelical community of his day, we might expect that they must have recognized the Eclipse-Scriptural connection (being Bible readers and all - and the Reagans used Astrology) and would naturally want to treat its energies carefully for best results in aid of the common good. But did they? Well, my guess is no, unless financial chicanery is a plus in society. Instead, suffering and tragedy followed for the American people, and the US is only now turning from Neoliberalism's bogus "trickle-down theory" of Reaganomics, thanks to President Biden. It's been 40 years of mistakes, and about time!

Now in closing, there's an example of a well known tragic event that was manipulated to occur under the influence of a 1 North Eclipse: the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The 1 North Eclipse of 1963 manifested in late Cancer opposite US 1776 Pluto (Rx @27Cap33) which implicates the murder of our popular president via a reversion in US society to Plutonian primal violence and animalism - which is precisely what the Project 2025 purge agenda intends to perpetrate if it can successfully manipulate Election 2024.

However, 40 years have passed since the Decade of Greed and We the People are "on to them." And so I ask you, dear reader, have the correct lessons been learned?

Apr 1, 2024

Total Eclipse 2024 w/ Total Eclipse 2044: Why?

An Ongoing Struggle for Control

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Details regarding the 8 North Total Eclipse coming up on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 are available at USA Today along with information concerning the next Total Solar Eclipse visible across Greenland, Canada, and the US occurring on August 22, 2044 @00Vir34:11 in the 10 South Saros Series. This will stir up themes from the August 21, 2017 Eclipse ("unexpected events; fatigue; information is distorted and possibly false" - B. Brady).

Now as previously discussed, the visionary 8 North of April 8, 2024 conjuncts Chiron, also @19Ari24 and near America's 1776 Chiron (@20Ari08), with 8 North visible across the center of the US from Texas to Maine. And as you know, it's the third Great American Eclipse of 2024 with the second one occurring on August 21, 2017 @29Leo (as noted, above) conjunct Regulus and Trump's natal Ascendant in the 1 North Series. Allegedly making America "great" then, and now, with Election 2024 on the horizon, making America "great" again - by way of a shady political slogan, that is. Of course, you know what the racists mean: making America white again.

And so the next visible Total Eclipse in the US will be the 10 South Solar Eclipse of August 22, 2044, and it will be opposed by Pluto Rx @1Pis35. This opposition from transformative Pluto indicates a choice between two courses: either the highest spiritual level is attained, or reversion into the basest animalism is the case. Yes, we're mired within such circumstances now, culminating with the 2024 Election to decide on either the relatively free society we're accustomed to vs a tyrannical gnatzie-style regime of strong-man barbarism profanely blended with holier-than-thou legislated theocracy. Most folks by now have heard of the draconian plan known as "Project 2025" set to explode on Inauguration Day 2025 if a fascist coups the White House in November.

Note: if you're unfamiliar with the SACR organization of Christian Nationalists and Christian Marriage promoters ("domination in the home" easily becomes S'n'M practices when mishandled - as they will be), check out The Guardian's coverage. I am informed that "SACR" is pronounced "sacker."

And yet a sextile from Mars @3Sco18 to the 2044 Eclipse helps moderate the baser energies although backsliding is possible, especially with lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio.

Not So Fast, 2044!

Yet we should mention that an additional 10 South Eclipse occurs between now and the Eclipse of August 22, 2044. Actually, it manifests quite soon on August 12, 2026 @20Leo01 and is featured in the dual image, shown below. In Leo, an eclipse spotlights the need for expressing the positive qualities of Leo rather than pompousness, self-glorification, boasting, and egocentricity which stymies positive karmic growth and problem solving.

One thinks of the toxic narcicissism in the spotlight today: politicians and CEOs so desperate for total control of the US government, US finances and resources, and societal standards while pushing regressive policies existing as far back as the 1800s (or even further as with Alito's repeal of Roe v Wade). But as everyone knows, "time travel" is not a thing so irrationality is a basic feature of their paternalistic ideologies, not a glitch.

Leo (Aquarius) Then Virgo (Pisces)

Now with an eclipse in modest Virgo as in 2044, qualities such as hard work, dedication, discernment, and perceptive analysis are required for best results, with criticism kept to a minimum. Plus, @00Virgo, the 2044 Eclipse conjuncts royal star Regulus with its caution: success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all gains will be taken away (as Regulus-rising Trump is fighting against now). As you know, an eclipse conjunct a fixed star strengthens both their influences.

For 10 South themes see Eclipses: 2024 Through 2026.

Set for Washington DC, above is a dual image of the 2026 and 2044 Horoscopes of 10 South Total Eclipses. The 2044 manifestation will be visible in Greenland, Canada, and the US with its path of Totality racing over Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The 2026 Eclipse will pass over the Arctic, Greenland, Iceland, the Atlantic Ocean, and Northern Spain. Naturally, one thinks of melting ice and other water events, but also the fire element can be involved with an Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo.

Cosmic time links exist between both these eclipses and with previous eclipses such as the "Nostradamus" Eclipse of August 11, 1999 in the 1 North Saros Series (repeated in August 2017) with 1999's rigid Fixed Grand Cross of planets. These time links may be topics of future posts.

Then for a broader view, the cosmic lens through which all subsequent manifestations of 10 South Eclipses may be viewed is the initial Eclipse in the Series, its sign, house and aspects. The first 10 South Eclipse occurred on March 10, 1179 (OS) @26Pis01 (transit Neptune's Zodiacal swimming pool in late Pisces). Then since Pisces is associated with cloudiness, I'd suggest Pisces as a spiritual lens along with Collective Unconscious implications since many of the events of 1179 involved The Crusades and other battles for control, both spiritual and temporal. And yet we know that with shady Pisces, secrecy, mystery, confusion, and/or crime cannot be ruled out.

So this is my overview of two Total Eclipses Over America: 8 North on April 8, 2024 and 10 South of August 22, 2044. If you find any value in this post, dear reader, please pass it along since few readers ever share my SO'W posts (discouraging!) yet it is much appreciated when a share occasionally happens.

A related post: The Very First Great American Eclipse of 1878.

Oct 22, 2023

The Fixed Grand Cross Eclipse of the 3rd Millennium

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Manifesting in Sun-ruled Leo, sign of the lion, the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 is sometimes referred to as the Nostradamus Eclipse because through it, the seer pointed humanity toward future difficulties as we faced the New Millennium. Yes, the eclipse occurred somewhat prior to the actual start of the Millennium (in January 2001, not 2000) but its strength as a Total eclipse should not be denied, plus, much depends upon the version of the seer's quatrains for not all of analyses of his work are alike.

That the 1999 Eclipse contained planets upon the rigid Fixed Grand Cross of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius imparts a prophetic glow due to mention in the Book of Revelation of the associated animals (oxen, lion, eagle) plus, the Angel Point of Aquarius pouring out to the world the water of the spirit. All planets are at or near the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs.

Astrologically, my point is that the 1 North Eclipse of 1999 is cosmically imprinted upon the third Millennium and upon humankind, and that keeping up with planetary transits to the 1 North Horoscope of August 11, 1999 remains a worthwhile endeavor for those curious about the unfolding of time and the existential concerns so many people have these days. Apparently, even Nostradamus was understandably concerned.

At Its Worst: Angels Loosed Winds of War and Strife

Now as you know, the August 1999 1 North Eclipse sports another disturbing label: the "King of Alarm (or Terror) Eclipse" as the herald of a more violent period on Earth as most people would agree, especially once negative events and crime really got underway with the WTC attacks and America's unfortunate mishandling of the situation (aka, "Dubya's Revenge" on Poppy Bush's behalf). That's some 'mishandling' to hurtle the mighty US military in the wrong direction, isn't it? And so many lies were necessary in order to fool the country into supporting his and Dick Cheney's recklessness and plundering goals. As it turned out, their arrogant "Project for a New American Century" (PNAC) was a major dud that caused the deaths of millions of people. The phrase "war crimes" is often tossed around yet nothing is done.

Republican Party Now a De*th Cult?

Then fast forward to nowadays in the not-so-New Millennium, and we're experiencing the increase of terrorism via extremist politicians in league with global and domestic thugs who are actively attempting to make violence an accepted way of life in America. But are you buying it? Purchasing violence for your children you are? Vote Republican in 2024 and you vote for more of the strong-armed paternalism that brought our country the Catholic SCOTUS decisions against women and against voting rights with additional travesties of justice due to belch from The Bench any time now.

Neptune-Pluto: Organized Criminals with Social influence

Two major transits to America's 1776 planets that undergird these risky times are the US Pluto Return (plutocratic manipulation from wealthy so-and-sos, foreign and domestic), and transit Neptune in Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo heralding a period of persecution in various sections of society and occurring across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces (fact vs fiction, too). One obvious difference: in 1776, plutocrats and their associates created America, now those animated by the destructive spirit are determined to tear it down on behalf of Russia, China, and V_____ City. Obviously, despotic autocrats and willful bullies are highly allergic to democracy!

You may wish to see The Grand Cross in Astrology.

So see what you can make of the bi-wheel; plenty of notes are penned on; for reading, enlarge the image if you must:

Okay, I'll hush my fussin' and simply add the bi-wheel you see, above, which shows a recent, significant example of planetary transits contacting the 1999 1 North Eclipse Horoscope in a negative way: the Lunar Eclipse of the 2022 Midterms @16Taurus+ - conjunct radical disruptor Uranus, planet of chaos, shocks, anarchy, and assaults - and Geminian Trump's guiding planet.

And so the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse creates a cosmic time link between the 'King of Terror' Eclipse (imprinted upon the New Millennium) and the violence-adjacent, Trump-supporting 'maga' politicians somehow elected at the 2022 Midterms, and who now work to sabotage the US House of Representatives - and with "Senator" Tuberville doing his Trumpish part to weaken the US military.

You know, if I were a Democrat elected to the House, there's no way I'd feel safe sitting near any one of sore loser Trump's loose cannon *maga*s proudly sporting their AR-15 lapel pins. Would you?

Previously, on SO'W: The New Millennium in Year 2024 (displaying the New Millennium Horoscope of January 1, 2001, and its Progressed New Moon which perfects on May 4, 2024 @4AQ36.)