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Showing posts with label Mother of All Eclipses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother of All Eclipses. Show all posts

Aug 25, 2024

Project 2025 Ideas Have Failed Before!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

An op-ed in the L.A. Times by Joel Edward Goza concerns The ideas in Project 2025? Reagan tried them, and the nation suffered. Now SO'W is no stranger to complaining about the Reagan presidency and the "Decade of Greed" that he and his cronies promoted and used to their advantage.

An example is our discussion of the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981: A Turning Point for America (chart shown, below). For as Mr. Goza mentions, Ronald Reagan signed his first budget on August 13, 1981, just after the 1 North Reaganomics Eclipse manifested on July 30, 1981 @7Leo51 with themes that include: "information is distorted and possibly false" (B. Brady).

And as The Cosmos would have it, 1 North also happens to be the Saros Series of the Total "Mother of All Eclipses" of August 11, 1999 @18Leo21, the one that Nostradamus pointed toward from centuries ago with its difficult Fixed Grand Cross at the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). These degrees are described in The Book of Revelation by the oxen-lion-eagle-angel points, for the reader who may be interested in Biblical prophecy.

So below is an image of the 1 North Reaganomics Eclipse of July 30, 1981 @7Leo51 set for the White House, Washington DC. Yes, the chart is overloaded with my study notes, but I'm showing it to you anyway. As you see, Mr. Reagans's first natal planet to rise is his Saturn @00Tau49, and his natal Midheaven of Goals and Public Status is crowned by the Eclipse's Pluto @21Libra, planet of power, Plutocracy, and extreme wealth. Meanwhile, 3rd house Mars @8Can34 leads a Locomotive shape of ruthless determination to further his interests, having recently visited US 1776 Jupiter at the "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" degree:

Then considering the relationships, alleged or genuine, between Mr. Reagan and members of the evangelical community of his day, we might expect that they must have recognized the Eclipse-Scriptural connection (being Bible readers and all - and the Reagans used Astrology) and would naturally want to treat its energies carefully for best results in aid of the common good. But did they? Well, my guess is no, unless financial chicanery is a plus in society. Instead, suffering and tragedy followed for the American people, and the US is only now turning from Neoliberalism's bogus "trickle-down theory" of Reaganomics, thanks to President Biden. It's been 40 years of mistakes, and about time!

Now in closing, there's an example of a well known tragic event that was manipulated to occur under the influence of a 1 North Eclipse: the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The 1 North Eclipse of 1963 manifested in late Cancer opposite US 1776 Pluto (Rx @27Cap33) which implicates the murder of our popular president via a reversion in US society to Plutonian primal violence and animalism - which is precisely what the Project 2025 purge agenda intends to perpetrate if it can successfully manipulate Election 2024.

However, 40 years have passed since the Decade of Greed and We the People are "on to them." And so I ask you, dear reader, have the correct lessons been learned?

Oct 18, 2021

Tyranny, Violence, Exploitation: the Pluto-Chiron duo

Monday October 18, 29021: Please note that today came the news that Colin Powell has died from Covid. He is mentioned in the post below, written years ago and here re-printed for its Pluto-Chiron and eclipse content. And note that 2021 Saturn in early Aquarius is a return to its 1639 degree mentioned in this post. jc

On the Tyranny of Plutocrats and Eagles That Crow

A reprint by Jude Cowell, with a few edits for clarity

One of the astrological signatures I think of first when it comes to tyranny, plutocracy, and governments is the Pluto-Chiron duo of oppression, primal violence, exploitation, corporatism, (predatory) capitalism, fascism, communism, zionism, Marxism, and other anti-societal -isms the world constantly faces via dark forces.

The cycle of Pluto and Chiron is approximately 60 years in duration and they last conjoined by degree (as seen from planet Earth) on December 30, 1999 and acted as one of the heralds of the New Millennium along with the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' in the 1 North Saros series as what some call the 'King of Terror' Eclipse prognosticated by seer and astrologer Nostradamus.

Conjoining at '12 Sagittarius', Pluto-Chiron's Sabian Symbol is descriptive:

"A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows"; "Keyword = ADJUSTMENT; positive expression: successful establishment through genuine self-expression; negative (shadow side/unconscious--jc) expression: idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.) Few can disagree that the bogus lead-up to the Bush-Cheney invasion of Iraq (and really, Afghanistan, too) was predicated on "unsubstantiated claims" and fakery. Even Colin Powell acted his part in the game of persuasion which he performed at the complicit UN.

The 1 North series originated on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 if you'd care to take a look at the societal conditions and historical events of that year for deeper insight into 1N eclipse themes which include: 'unexpected events add pressure to personal or group relationships; making hasty decisions is cautioned against because information is distorted and possibly false. There is also an essence of health concerns attached' to the 1N series' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Here's an early post I wrote about 'The King of Alarm Eclipse' Horoscope with a few details; please note that no edits have improved the following post.

Three Prominent Eclipse Factors:

1. The initial eclipse in a series permanently imprints upon each future manifestation of all eclipses in the series; for 1 North, this adds a Saturn-ruled Capricorn vibration to its Solar Leonine influences.

2. Eclipses are often called the 'wild cards' of the Universe due to their Uranian ability to reflect unexpected events and to reveal secrets and hidden causes. Changes of direction often occur.

3. New and Full Moons can act in similar Uranian fashion to Solar (New Moon) and Lunar (Full Moon) eclipses especially when they fall upon sensitive degrees, particular planets, nodes, and/or angles. Disruption and revelations may occur as with eclipses, the 'wild cards of the Universe'. Plus, New and Full lunations retain their 'seeding of a new cycle' and 'culmination phase' timings.

So as you see, the initial eclipse degree of 13 Capricorn opposes US natal Sun (leadership) which links its potentials to the US government, plus, another factor from 1N's manifestation in 1639 is that restrictive, depressive Saturn @6AQ22 conjoins America's natal South Node (of 1776) which adds potentials for limitation, isolation, separation, and ambitions that are out of harmony with prevailing societal attitudes and practices You know--like a vision of Global Domination aided by a false flag operation to emotionally manipulate the American people into waging preemptive war, the one we'll never on this Earth be able to wash off our collective conscience thanks to warmongering 'rulers'.

Ancient as the Hills: East vs West

Now if we consider the attacks of 9/11/01 as issuing from the 'King of Terror' (or, 'Alarm') Eclipse of August 11, 1999 @18Leo and thus as another of the heralding events of the New Millennium, we note that on 9/11/01, transit Neptune, signature planet of Islam, conjoined US natal South Node (6AQ) which adds elements of intrigue and misfortune that are out of control of its victims. A sense of fate or karma was prominent on 9/11/01 as Islam (Neptune) conjoined America's SN (fate; inheritance) with the American public reaping what had been sown (karma) for Washington's past (SN) hastily performed actions and betrayals. We might even say that certain past actors (SN) participated in the deceptive ruse (Neptune).

Then unsurprisingly, the attacks of 9/11 were used to justify the already planned implementation of tyrannical laws (ex: the US 'Patriot' Act) which undermine the very nature and principles of America--against what the American people thought we were--as our country was labeled by Osama bin Laden the 'great satan' -- but to me that was a perfect example of the devil calling the devil 'devil'!

As we look ahead, please note that a Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series repeats on August 21, 2017 @29Leo as the second of three Great American Eclipses. 'Information is distorted and possibly false' indeed.