Pluto to Jupiter-Saturn Transforms US Inaugural Sun as Election 2024 is Affected by Election 2020
by Jude Cowell
When expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn met on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29, a new 20-year cycle of social ordering began, this time in an Air (mental) sign rather than in the practical Earth sign of Taurus (May 28, 2000 @22Tau43). Also at 00AQ+ every Inauguration Day is US Inaugural Sun (the presidency) which in late 2020 was Trump. Can it be the orange marauder again? Sadly so. But that's a topic for a future post.
Meanwhile, from December 2020 until October 31, 2040, the Sabian Symbol for 0 to 1 degrees of Aquarius is held aloft for the world to see as is the US presidency: "An Old Adobe Mission" which, among other indications, speaks of "building structures of survival with your group" (see lower right corner of the chart, below).
Yet anyone viewing the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction Horoscope of 2020 (inner) can see that transformative manipulator Pluto @23Cap51 will plod on and reach the 2020 Conjunction at some point in time and, as you see in the bi-wheel, below, the first of three exact meetings of Pluto to 00AQ29 occurs on February 4, 2024 (outer).
This also denotes 'transit Pluto to Jupiter' and 'transit Pluto to Saturn' influences which suggest potentials for, seeking greater power and influence but exaggerated plans may backfire, and abuse of authority issues surface involving financial, political, and other societal realms as regaining balance is sought. For example, in government, the Jupiter-Saturn pair = checks'n'balances and although bad actors have disrupted and sought to completely alter this practical tradition in the US, they mustn't be allowed to get away with it! Therefore, accountability is a must:
Now besides February 4, 2024, transit Pluto hits 00AQ29 twice more, on August 8, 2024 and December 11, 2024. Because the August 8th chart shows what seem to me to be the more numerous contacts with the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction chart of 2020, I'm displaying it, below, with prominent contacts circled and way too many of my study notes penned on for the curious.
Potentials within the midpoint picture of Jupiter-Saturn 2020 = tr Pluto 2024 are listed at the very bottom of the horoscope and suggest societal events and conditions that we've already have been experiencing, primarily thanks to Trump and his inability to accept his election loss in November 2020.
Trump's ongoing legalities and foolish legal situations are straining our judicial system and are, of course, part of this cosmic picture which began with a vengeance around the time of the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, which perfected @23Sag08 on the very day of the Electorial College Vote that chose Joe Biden over Trump, the sore loser.
4 South's themes of 'strong emotions over money and relationships' and a 'sense of frustration' or 'blockage' that feels 'fated' continue tiresomely to play out due to a sore loser who refuses to let go after a loss (paraphrasing B. Brady). And as you know, he hopes to keep himself out of prison by promoting the farce of his Big Lie ad nauseum.
So in closing, the Jupiter-Saturn 2020 chart represents a 20-year cycle of societal shifts, changes, and reforms, my friends, and you know that mundane Pluto brings transformation and regeneration in his wake--once the dust settles.
As an additional note of concern, it saddens me to mention that the natal Moon of President Biden (00-1 Taurus) receives prominent contacts in the August 8, 2024 chart (and before) yet I don't care to say more on the topic in this brief Sunday night post, other than to say that Astrology is all about potentials which may or may not express at all. Of course, not all planetary contacts can be squooshed upon either of the bi-wheels you see, above, so I trust that you will find more factors for yourself if you wish since these (highlighted in blue) are simply the ones that seem prominent to me. jc