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Showing posts with label Rick Tyler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rick Tyler. Show all posts

Mar 4, 2019

Political Pundits Catch up with Astrology on the GOP!

Neptune in Pisces and the Disappearing GOP

by Jude Cowell

After hearing Trump's recent 'unhinged' and rambling rant at CPAC 2019, GOP strategist Rick Tyler says "it's over," for the Republican Party, "Rest in peace." Mr. Tyler predicts that once Donald Trump passes on there will be no party left which is unfortunate yet interesting since Astrology has been saying that very thing for years now as evidenced by the party's recent Neptune Return/s (2017-2018), with the last of five conjunctions perfecting on December 29, 2018! (See link, below.)

For as all astrologers know, the urge-to-merge energies of astrological Neptune, although sometimes inspiring, uplifting, and compassionate, can erode, dissolve, undermine, confuse, ruin, poison, infect, conspire, obfuscate, hide, mask, disguise, propagandize, spy, falsify, fantasize, cheat, defraud, idealize, demagogue, disappoint, disillusion, disappear, lie, mislead, doubt, disrespect, lose, steal, pilfer, rob, waste, and/or weaken whatever it touches or affects.

And since the Republican Party was founded in 1854 with Neptune @14Pis01, the party's nature on the inspirational level may not have been as grounded as it now turns out was needed in order for the political party to last more than 164 years (the approximate length of Neptune's orbital period), or perhaps a certain amount of dishonesty, fraud, masking, or wrong ideas were involved all along. Whatever the original cause, transit Neptune floating through its own sign of Pisces has provided determined forces a perfect opportunity to undermine, erode, weaken, and morph the party into the Trump-infused entity we now find squirming in his grasp, its end lamented by many.

Yet did things have to be this way for the Republican Party? No! For in Pisces there is always a choice of direction seen via the image of the Two Fishes, one swimming up toward the heights, the other down to the depths, and under the sketchy, lie-filled leadership of Donald Trump, it seems clear that the murkiest of depths are precisely where the GOP has sunk.

A vastly related post containing the horoscope of the GOP's December 29, 2018 Neptune Return: The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces.

Above image: my drawing Isle of Ruins, a fanciful illustration of where lost political parties go to waste away.