Venatio, Gladiator and Lion in the Colloseum; in oil by Studio artist Firmin-Didot, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
February 1, 2022
Does an Ancient Eclipse Link to Trump and the 1/6 Revolt?
by Jude Cowell
As a Saturnian astrologer fond of the phrase "history rhymes" via similarly repeating events rather than "history repeats" precisely, it has come to my attention during a review of my previous research concerning Masonic Grand Commander Albert Pike that the 'MAGA Mob Attack', aka, Trump's Insurrection of January 6, 2021 meant to retain power by overthrowing the US government, contains a whiff or two, possibly an echo - of the ancient Third Servile War of escaped gladiator slaves who battled against the Roman Empire beginning in 073 B.C. in Capua, Italy.
Escaping from the Capuan Gladiator School using kitchen implements ("choppers and spits") due to the betrayal of their plot, a group of slaves, over 70-strong but soon growing, managed to escape from captivity and a two-year revolt was enjoined as they roamed, raided, and pillaged the land. Once freed, three military leaders had been chosen by the group (a militia?), one of which was the slave gladiator famously known as Spartacus.
However, the revolt, which some historians have called a "civil war" intended to capture the city of Rome, ended for the slave-army in total defeat and approximately 11,000 of the revolt's survivors were crucified, all or thousands of them along the Appian Way.
Meanwhile in our day, Herr Trump demands freedom from a duly elected government and is already in process of mounting another challenge to governmental authority meant to re-grasp the reins of power any way he can - unless The Empire prevents and defeats him. Menacingly stirring the simmering pot of insurrection as it nears the boiling point, Trump's incendiary remarks during a recent rally have the Georgia Prosecutor Asking the FBI for Security Help as the flight risk 'teases' a POTUS run in 2024 and promises his insurrectionists 'pardons' (which may never be granted - he's not known for follow-through, and will promise anything in the moment in order to achieve his purpose: suckers!).
The Servile War Saturn and Total Eclipse of 073 BC with the 4 South Eclipse of December 14, 2020
Now admittedly I possess no thematic information concerning the Solar Eclipse of 073 BC as being a member of the 4 South Saros Series (4S themes are penned on the chart - its initial eclipse occurred April 17, 1624 @28Aries - see lower right corner) but what I'm noting here are cosmic time links such as Sun-Moon-Uranus in 073 BC as an echo of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus (the "swords vs torches" eclipse), and the fact that 073 BC Saturn Rx @23Sag34, acts as the handle of a Sling shape (like a Bucket but more concentrated) and this denotes the leader of the concentrated planetary energies (actors) directed upon a specific goal (freedom! overthrowing the empire!). Authoritative Saturn's leadership is modified by the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in Leo which sesqui-squares Saturn so might 073 BC Saturn represent Spartacus while Mars and Jupiter = the other two leaders of the revolt? (Sun-ruled Leo = ego and pride, and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius = the freedom to range far and wide). Of course, in reality, an actual sling as a weapon reminds us of the small David battling a huge Goliath, yes? Karmic lessons apply.
A Taurus Eclipse Requires a Firm Stand Against Obstacles
My suspicion is that the 073 BC Solar Eclipse @14Tau15 conjunct radical Uranus influenced the Third Servile War (as the first eclipse of the year), an insurrection against the Roman Empire and Army, and that perhaps the eclipse's ancient Saturnian and Taurean energies have been triggered or activated by the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 and by zealous Uranus, once again in Taurus. Plus, there are other planetary contacts (ex: 073 BC Venus conjoined by 2021 Mars at a critical 29th degree) with potentials for violent activities by folks who are prodded into taking action without fully understanding the severity of the consequences. Sound familiar?
Yes, slavery is tied up with the 073 BC Eclipse in mid-Taurus, but in the US such vile conditions now rhyme rather than precisely repeating - even though its evil effects continue to haunt us. Yet perhaps we may agree that a case can be made for citing the economic slavery of Predatory Capitalism within American Plutocracy, and for the lucrative trafficking and abuse of human beings being perpetrated in the shadows. Modern society remains encumbered by karmic conditions which must be confronted and dealt with. And as is often said, it's about time, sealed fate notwithstanding.
Then as we see rising in 1st house, 073 BC Neptune @8Gem50 was conjoined in July 1776 by US Uranus (8:55), a planet of freedom, independence, war, and revolt. Such a transit signifies a period when demented Neptunian ideals can mock issues of equality, personal freedom, and what we now call civil rights, while expression of political and social ideals are frustrated; yet there are opportunities for deep insights into societal conditions emerging from the Collective Unconscious. Well, I think they emerged in 1776 and we'd do best in 2022 by continuing to coax them forward - sans governmental overthrow.
On The Nodal Axis of Fated Encounters with The Dragon
Quirkily enough, one karmic Nodal contact is the 073 BC South Node @23Tau06 conjunct puppet master Pluto (with 'Saturn-Pluto' vibes and disrupted social conditions), and both conjunct the natal Midheaven of Herr Trump where vicious star of rage and destruction, Algol, twinkles. Another contact is the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction at IC which conjoins what turned out to be America's 1776 Nodal Axis (6Leo/6AQ). And although undiscovered until 1930, one of the outer karmic planets in 073 BC, slow-moving Pluto, rises with Castor, star of 'crippled limbs, loss, and/or murder' (A. Louis).
Additionally, by using the Placidus house system as done here, we find that karmic conditions which must be dealt with are further identified by the Taurus-Scorpio polarity intercepted across the 6/12 victim-savior axis. Meanwhile, chart-ruler Mercury rising @27Tau59, planet of travel and trickery, makes no applying aspects in the eclipse chart so its sign and house placements are emphasized:
The above Horoscope of the first Solar Eclipse of 073 BC on May 8th, a Total Eclipse, closely mimics some of the planetary positions of our day (exs: Sun-Moon-Uranus in Taurus and Mercury-Pluto; 073 BC Pluto = 073 BC Uranus-Neptune: "The big picture demands a certain course of action; little option to do otherwise" - N. Tyl; this picture repeated by transit in 2017 as: 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction @18Capricorn = 2017 Pluto). Included are other planetary contacts, aka, 'cosmic time links', with the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 manifesting upon the very day of the Electoral College Vote that Herr Trump takes such great exception to and which he tries to ignore by spouting 'The Big Lie' in order to gaslight his followers into perpetrating his dirty work. (And sending him donations.)
And yet the December 14, 2020 4 South lunation occurred @23Sag08 - conjunct Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn which represents an 'eclipse' of Trumpian authority and control as revealed in the real world by the Electoral College Vote in favor of Joe Biden. With Trump's Inaugural Saturn eclipsed, accountability for his past lapses of responsibility and lack of authenticity while in office are demanded but instead of accepting Saturnian reality and owning up to his mistakes, he's been beefing about his (Saturnian) loss ever since. A notable lack of karmic progress challenges improvements in the US via 'leader' Trump as America's former representative.
So now as shadows lengthen across my keyboard, let's close my fuss of grumpiness with a few links to --
Previous Posts Concerning Power-Related Topics:
Washington DC a 'New Rome? Altair the Eagle says Yes! (contains horoscopes of the 1933 and 1937 Inaugurations of FDR showing when the Oath of Office was changed from early March to January 20th, one with Moon-ruled Cancer rising, the other with Venus-ruled Taurus rising. Compare and contrast both Midheavens, The Goal Points.
Who Is Albert Pike? video, plus his Natal Planets. Ace insurrectionist, Confederate General, and Klan counselor was he.
When Will America Fall Like the Roman Empire?, a Thom Hartmann video, plus, Astrology and a few related links added within.
Civil War 1861: Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands.
Horoscopes: Jan 6th Rally (9:00 am est) with Mo Brooks (natal) who was first to speak.
Jan 6, 2021 'Mob Attack' Horoscope with its 2022 Solar Return. This attack has been described as resembling a medieval battle.
US Pluto Return Feb 2022 with a Moon Return to Jan 6th.
DC Horoscope: Midterms 2022 Brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - conjunct radical planet of Utopian anarchy, Uranus.