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Showing posts with label Civil War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civil War. Show all posts

Jul 10, 2024

Project 2025 and Kevin Roberts

A Quick Peek at the Planets of Kevin Roberts

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

The Wikipedia bio page of dystopian provocateur of tyranny, Kevin Roberts, labels him mildly as a "political strategist." Yet the page contains reference links to a variety of articles about him saying he's a "DC outsider" and a "cowboy Catholic." Take your pick but don't leave out the fact that Roberts assumed leadership of the Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action on December 1, 2021, and soon after he took the reins of control, Project 2025 became a thing, a game plan, as it were, for a longed-for Trump v2 stint in the Oval Office come January 20, 2025. Or, if agent orange can't attend, an agenda for any other Aryan-styled seditionist, eager for power and pining for a pat on the head from Vlad.

Update July 26, 2024: It has been reported that Kevin Roberts is a member of Opus Dei which suggests a Vatican link with the global take-over scheme.#

Now if you've read any of my fussy posts before, you know that I consider the GOP's dystopian agenda they call "Project 2025" to be their hail Mary effort to sabotage the US government into a military police state, aka, Fascism with a generous helping of neo-gnatzie-ism.

Meanwhile, "Project 2025" has become the most searched for term on Google in recent days which is a good thing since Election 2024 approaches: let's sunlight the heck out of its madness. And despite Herr Trump hiding away for several days in an attempt to disassociate himself from the harshness of their purge agenda, no one is fooled by Donnie's absurd coyness. We know who and what the orange monster is - and he must be directly faced to be vanquished.

So just in case you ever need it, above a noon natal horoscope for Kevin Roberts surrounded by the July 2, 2024 Neptune Station Rx @29Pis55:54 - which conjuncts the fixed star of extreme misfortune, Scheat. Why? Because, as you see, Roberts has a trio of natal planets in the tribal sign of Cancer: Sun @2Can47, Saturn @7Can34, and Mercury Rx @12Can02, and all three will be eventually squared by Neptune in the coming few years. Beginning with his Sun (which squares his natal Pluto giving him a "might makes right" domineering attitude - including toward women). This is a transit of confusion and disorientation when his leadership position, integrity, principles, and honesty are in doubt. Then once transit Neptune enters Aries and proceeds to oppose natal Pluto (@4Libra), whatever political and financial power he has gained by then will erode.

Of course, this might be a comforting thought but unfortunately its influence won't come soon enough to gum up their vengeful Project 2025 agenda in case a Blue Wave of sane voters fails to Vote Blue on November 5, 2024 and be counted. Now you must have read or heard Roberts' threat against our families and America's future, but I'll quote him here (with one asterisk) for those who've managed to miss his intention so far:

"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain blo*dless if the left allows it to be."

And this psychopathic behavior of aggression, dear reader, was signaled to us last year by the 7 North "blo*d lust" Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @30Aries, the position of the American Revolution's Sun and the J6 position of warrior planet Mars on January 6, 2021. 7 North in April 2023 qualified, in fact, as Herr Adolf's "birthday eclipse."

And btw: 7 North also timed the first shot of America's Civil War of 1861.

Aug 2, 2023

KKK Act part of J6 Indictment Counts

Back in February 2021 on SO'W, a post appeared concerning Eclipses, Klans, Prez Bids, Despots, and Empires. Contained within was a dual image of two manifestations of a 17 South Solar Eclipse, an image also shown, below. This suggests a cosmic time link between Trump's 'prez bid' of 2015, made under the auspices of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse (17 South @29Pisces - conjunct fixed star of misfortune and imprisonment, Scheat), and the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 which the US Congress passed on April 20, 1871.

Updated to current events, in the August 1, 2023 Indictment of Donald Trump on four counts related to his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021 is the fact that one of the four counts ('conspiracy against rights') is said to make use of the KKK Act intended to protect our nation against insurrection attempts such as the Civil War which was also started under deceptive influences (ASC = Mercury-Neptune: being deceived, exploited; Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square deceives and exploits).

Significantly, the Civil War of 1861 began under the influence of a 7 North Eclipse which is the solar eclipse in effect now since April 20th (@29Ari50, the position of seditionist Mars on J6 indicating violent acts), plus, 7 North happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') Series of Jack Smith; see his eclipse link, below.

As can be seen in the bi-wheel shown above and in yesterday's post concerning Trump's arraignment in DC scheduled for August 3, 2023 (tomorrow), the 17 South Eclipse of 2015 conjunct Scheat landed upon the natal Moon of Fred Trump, the papa who made Donald the man-baby he is today.

So here's an excerpt from the above-linked post concerning the 17 South Eclipse of 1870 (@00Cap30, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation) and it's occurrence in March 2015, an eclipse series which inspired both the passage of the KKK Act of 1871, and Trump's 'prez bid' announcement of June 16, 2015 delivered from Trump Tower NYC with his racist remarks signaling the bigotry and extremism to come:

{The KKK Act of 1871} "now being considered for use against Trump and his comrades."

And so as a partisan for the common good of the American people, and the entire world, I'm taking this opportunity to thank Special Counsel Jack Smith for his dedicated work on the case of Donald Trump, first 'president' to ignite a seditionist insurrection against the government of the United States of America in the hope of retaining the powerful office he could no longer legally hold.

Closely Related: The Civil War's Solar Eclipse Soon Repeats. Now. It's repeating now. jc

Jul 27, 2023

Will Trump’s New Inflammatory Fascist Ad Ignite a Civil War? - Thom Hartmann

One of the more closely related SO'W posts to Thom's topic is from October 2022 concerning a cosmic time link via two Solar Eclipses, both in the 6 South Saros Series: The GOP Wants Confederacy 1861 Back where you'll see the 1860 6 South manifestation heralding the Civil War era, and its repetition in October 2022 @2Scorpio. Both eclipses reveal materialism through Venus, but the 1860 Mars, the warrior planet, is the real 'star' acting as leading planet of a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets; plus, Mr. Hothead is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') of the earthly plane, and opposes the 1860 Eclipse which indicates resentment, and tug-of-war activities.

And isn't this what the GOP and its hotheaded, fanatic 'magas' are attempting to activate: a tug-of-war campaign intended to ignite a second Civil War?

One of the unfortunate symbols of their 'success' with the gullible among us is the misguided insurrectionist who carried a Confederate flag into the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. For after all that my Southern ancestors sacrificed during the 'Civil' War, this American found the image to be highly offensive.

But my point today for gullible sore-loser seditionists is this: America is a Perpetual Union and it's constitutionally illegal for a state to secede from the Union - and this limitation is one of the several reasons that Trump and the GOP are determined to make the US Constituion null and void. If they can manage to break that legal taboo, our Perpetual Union can be dissolved along with democracy in America. This will make a return to brutal, sadistic Nazism more likely to spread around the globe.

Therefore, our fight is for the highest stakes: for life itself. Which means that to Vote Blue is the only path forward for the sake of our children's futures!

Apr 17, 2023

America’s Slow Civil War w/ Jeff Sharlet - Thom Hartmann

Well, it's Monday, Mitch McConnell is back at work in the Senate, and here's a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann Show with author Jeff Sharlet discussing his new book on the "slow Civil War" now in progress thanks to the Republican Party death cult of seditionists who want all the power and control.

And if they should manage to grab it, don't think that We the People will continue to worship as we please either, for their brand of morality will be legislatively enforced across the land while corruption will only grow. It'll be an exported version of sharia law roosting - in America!

Now as everyone knows, our country has already experienced a Civil War of ritual sacrifice (as all wars are), so personally, this pro-democracy citizen (despite CSA ancestry) prefers America's Perpetual Union - sans any and all fascists and nazis, violent criminals as they are.

Because you see, originally, as the 1781 Horoscope linked above shows, our nation was founded on enlightened principles of rationality through which we could analyze the past and actually learn from it! So no matter how many cheating tactics Republicans have in place for Election 2024, a free America's only hope is to Vote Blue in 2024 as if our democratic Republic depends on it.

Because, dear reader, it does.

Now here's a question: do you know that the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Aries is in the same Saros Series that brought America the Civil War of 1861? And the eclipse conjuncts warrior planet Mars' 29Aries position during the insurrection of January 6, 2021, which was an opening salvo of the 'maga' plan for another 'civil war'.

Aug 20, 2022

Freedom Poised Upon the Fourth Hinge Point of History

Dear America: Keep Democracy Avoid Barbaric Fascism!

by Jude Cowell

In a recent Hartmann Report, progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann writes about The Turning Points of History, or Hinge Points, and how we are now at The Fourth Great Turning of the 80-year cycle when once again democracy must be defended against sabotage by authoritarian oligarchs and the pillaging dictators who act as their figureheads: greedy barbarians, all.

America: Home of Democracy and the Light of Freedom

Here's the list of Great Turnings through US history but rather than bore you with my own interpretations of them (all are anti-democracy), I'll simply recommend a reading of Thom's above linked article.

The First Great Turning: the American Revolution;

The Second Great Turning: the Civil War;

The Third Great Turning: the Republican Great Depression (shown: the 1929 'Black Tuesday' Horoscope) and World War II; also see Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939;

The Fourth Great Turning: a seditious Donald Trump ascends to (or coups - jc) the US Presidency with the aid of Russia and possibly other oligarchies, soon pulling the US out of "free world" programs such as the UN Human Rights Council, UNESCO, the Paris Accords, the Iranian nuclear deal, etc. - basically his attempts to end the World Order established after World War II - and proceeding to chip away at NATO on behalf of Vladimir Putin who, as we now see in Ukraine, seeks to expand Russian territory no matter the cost - and NATO is an obstacle.

So here we are: with fascist racists and their neo-nazi cousins challenging democracy, a free world, and our Republic once again.

Now in closing, here's a previously posted bi-wheel of the NATO horoscope (inner) with the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio surrounding it and hitting NATO's Ascendant with the eclipse's 6 South themes of "manic energy; being forceful and taking power; great strength in relationships; sudden events" (paraphrasing B. Brady). And of course, you know that for America, this manifestation of a 6 South Eclipse brings along our 2022 Midterms with all the cheating and ballot rigging this implies - and, if democracy wins the day - a Blue Tsunami voter turn-out to beat back the barbarians at America's gate once again!

Aug 17, 2022

America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle

Horoscope: Sept 14, 1775 2:28:45 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Mercury-Neptune Conjunct @22Vir25:21

Mercury Thinks, Plans, Schemes as Titanic Neptune on a Bad Day Spreads Lies, Fear, Paranoia, and Sabotage

by Jude Cowell

On SO'W, the planetary pair of Mercury and Neptune turns up quite often in a variety of configurations, not the least of which are the First Shot of the Civil War (Mercury-Neptune = Ascendant: 'being exploited' - N. Tyl), and the natal Mercury-Neptune square of orator Donald Tr*mp, an aspect that Alan Oken labeled, The Sneaky Mind.

Now personally, as a descendant of CSA soldiers, I can't consider it a coincidence that Uranian Tr*mp the chaos agent of sabotage and espionage uses this deceptive, fantasy-prone square to promote his Big Lie along with all his other lies and schemes in order to lead the global criminal network of white supremacists, fasc*sts, and naz*s into fomenting an alleged second 'Civil War' in America.

Well, this orange-haired foreign asset and his comrades have managed to pit 1/3 of the country against the rest, haven't they? And naturally, the American Revolution, which began in 1775, is also being used by Trumpian insurrectionists, thugs, and their wealthy corporate backers for malevolent propaganda purposes to fool Republican voters and grasp power and control. In their hot little minds, a government take-over is in progress but we can stop them as we did in 1933 with President Joe Biden in FDR's role.

See Zealotry and the Civil War's Progressed Full Moon (the War's 1861 and Progressed Full Moon horoscopes are shown). And US Events of 1775.

So here's an excerpt from a previous post, linked, below:

The Combination of Mercury-Neptune

"Sociological Correspondence: Actors, deceitful people, liars."

Footnote: "Under Sociological Correspondence of Mercury/Neptune one should add "so-called saints," i.e., people who are found under this combination sometimes appear in every way perfect, they appear to have no faults until one day it is discovered they are almost the reverse of what they appeared to be. This is sometimes the case with actors who have to wear a mask which is not in accord with their personality, or in the case of diplomats who play a part in the course of their work and say something different from what they think. In these cases this describes the work they do" (R. Ebertin). Excerpted from Trump's Mercury-Neptune.

So let's go ahead and close this post featuring the highly imaginative duo of Mercury and Neptune and Tr*mp's brazen use of its energies with a link to a previous post concerning Leaders Who Rule on a Whim for we've certainly seen what such an unfit, loose cannon, disloyal president can lead America into and what our democratic Republic can very well do without: any form of fasc*sm, naz*sm, or any other -ism that enemies of our nation have in their scheming, grasping minds.

Jun 25, 2022

Gunpowder Plot 1605 and SCOTUS 2022

History Rhymes If Not Repeats: Sabotage 1605/2022

by Jude Cowell

Based primarily on my personal opinion that the anti-societal June 24, 2022 SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade (6-3) is part of an ongoing coup attempt against America by foreign and domestic forces of sabotage and sedition, I'm considering the highhanded SCOTUS decision of June 2022 to be a Catholic usurpation of the established government of the United States (and of our justice system), and am linking it with the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, aka, the Jesuit Treason, intended to usurp Protestant (anti-Catholic, though a son of Mary Queen of Scots) King James I from the throne and destroy Parliament (tracks here with the US Congress).

Now as you know, this was a failed coup and assassination attempt against the King by Jesuits set to peak and blow up on the night of November 5, 1605, and famously 'remembered' through the centuries as Guy Fawkes Day, named for the conspirator found guarding the explosives. Of course, other plotters were involved including the soon-to-be-executed Robert Catesby and Thomas Percy; more details are found in a Timeline World History Documentary The Real Story of Guy Fawkes: Gunpowder and Treason. A major succession crisis was avoided by the failure of the assassination plot.

Curiously, an interesting cosmic link is that on June 19, 1566 (OS), King James I was born under the influence of a major T-square, unaware of its dynamic energies as he must have been - yet still affected by it. The cosmic echo occurred as this midpoint picture of 1566 was activated above our heads: 'The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (N. Tyl) of 1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto. Yes, in 2017 stealthy Pluto activated 'global government' potentials of the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction, the first year of the Trump regime - at '18 Capricorn': POLITICAL POWER and, negatively, "smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones). My belief is that the utterly immoral Trump, who fancies himself a great thespian, was chosen to 'act as Pluto' in this cosmic mystery play, this contrived political theater production. Then on June 24, 2022, Catholic Justices on the SCOTUS bench enforced their version of "strong-armed paternalism" upon the female population of America. Upon men such regressive reforms will affect them in ways they cannot yet appreciate except for the more misogynist, Neanderthal-esque among them, the ruffians, criminals, and experienced rapists and pedophiles.

(Please note that obviously, there are other historical parallels and cosmic links between the 1605 event and the authoritarian Trump coup attempt of January 6, 2021, his attempt to stay in power by subverting democracy in America, so you may wish to compare horoscopes of these and other similar events.)

Stacking the SCOTUS Bench with Catholic Justices

Important to today's topic is the fact that the 'maga mob' insurrection of January 2021 was preceded by the enforced placement of a Catholic trio of Justices Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett on the Supreme Court bench during the Trump "administration" - in preparation - and thus tilting the Court toward the Vatican's traditional stance against abortion. Unfortunately, the overturning of Roe v Wade can now open the gates to even more regressive laws and the repeal of legal protections which will further undermine our nation and our long-established civil and other rights of women, minorities, and other citizens. However, Chief Justice Roberts is said to have dissent against yesterday's regressive decision and is apparently mindful of further changes which may overturn rights of the people, rights which offend Catholic sensibilities - and apparently offend the Justices' Vatican bosses. (How strong or effective Roberts' dissent will prove to be, I do not know - or was it only for effect?)

So in today's lingo, we find that hidden forces of regression and strong-armed paternalism are forcefully imposing handmaidism across America, the old 'barefoot in the kitchen' model for women from previous centuries, with rape-at-will privileges made legal for men. Therefore, a lack of karmic progress in America is now indicated so our struggle for rights must be re-engaged with equal, no, with increased, fervor. The financial implications of striking down Roe v Wade are vast and disruption in US household budgets will be encompassing coming atop the damage done to society by the ongoing pandemic, plus, the institution of vigilantism in various states will cause social upheaval and will raise levels of violence and crime - under cover of arresting those who commit, ask for, and/or enable abortions. Making crime 'legal' in order to "fight crime," how Orwellian of them! (Feeling targeted yet, you are?)

Meanwhile, most of these complex topics fall well beyond the scope of this post (which cannot become an e-book!) including the major sabotage we know as the Civil War, a fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune affair of sedition.

Sabotage: 2022 Contacts Affecting 1605 Planets

And so I'll simply list the primary planetary contacts (aka, cosmic links) that I see between the planets of November 5, 1605 and June 24, 2022 and add a few of their basic implications. Feel free to find more planetary contacts and infer their influences as you wish based on current events and the biases of past and current participants:

2022 Sun trine 1605 Mercury: self-interest serves others' interests.

2022 Mercury semisquare 1605 Pluto: rigid opinions make matters worse.

2022 Mars trine 1605 Saturn: actions taken are rewarded by others.

2022 Saturn square 1605 Uranus: instability in society, disruption, upheaval (purposeful!).

2022 Neptune opposite 1605 Mars: secret or hidden actions; conflicting beliefs and ideologies; leakages (ex: Alito's draft!).

2022 Neptune sextile 1605 Uranus: activities that are spiritually based.

And last but not least:

2022 Pluto square 1605 Pluto: discarding outmoded traditions and habits to make way for future plans.

Now to close, here's Mary Ann of Revealing Light Tarot with her informed insights concerning Roe now and into the future.

And a Forewarned is Forearmed Post: The Civil War's Eclipse Repeats in 2023. Whatever We The People can do now to head off these disruptive dystopian influences must be done - and this means, Vote Blue in 2022 and 2024!

Feb 1, 2022

Does an Ancient Roman Uprising Rhyme with Jan 6, 2021?

Venatio, Gladiator and Lion in the Colloseum; in oil by Studio artist Firmin-Didot, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

February 1, 2022

Does an Ancient Eclipse Link to Trump and the 1/6 Revolt?

by Jude Cowell

As a Saturnian astrologer fond of the phrase "history rhymes" via similarly repeating events rather than "history repeats" precisely, it has come to my attention during a review of my previous research concerning Masonic Grand Commander Albert Pike that the 'MAGA Mob Attack', aka, Trump's Insurrection of January 6, 2021 meant to retain power by overthrowing the US government, contains a whiff or two, possibly an echo - of the ancient Third Servile War of escaped gladiator slaves who battled against the Roman Empire beginning in 073 B.C. in Capua, Italy.

Escaping from the Capuan Gladiator School using kitchen implements ("choppers and spits") due to the betrayal of their plot, a group of slaves, over 70-strong but soon growing, managed to escape from captivity and a two-year revolt was enjoined as they roamed, raided, and pillaged the land. Once freed, three military leaders had been chosen by the group (a militia?), one of which was the slave gladiator famously known as Spartacus.

Video: Spartacus and the Third Servile War.

However, the revolt, which some historians have called a "civil war" intended to capture the city of Rome, ended for the slave-army in total defeat and approximately 11,000 of the revolt's survivors were crucified, all or thousands of them along the Appian Way.

Meanwhile in our day, Herr Trump demands freedom from a duly elected government and is already in process of mounting another challenge to governmental authority meant to re-grasp the reins of power any way he can - unless The Empire prevents and defeats him. Menacingly stirring the simmering pot of insurrection as it nears the boiling point, Trump's incendiary remarks during a recent rally have the Georgia Prosecutor Asking the FBI for Security Help as the flight risk 'teases' a POTUS run in 2024 and promises his insurrectionists 'pardons' (which may never be granted - he's not known for follow-through, and will promise anything in the moment in order to achieve his purpose: suckers!).

The Servile War Saturn and Total Eclipse of 073 BC with the 4 South Eclipse of December 14, 2020

Now admittedly I possess no thematic information concerning the Solar Eclipse of 073 BC as being a member of the 4 South Saros Series (4S themes are penned on the chart - its initial eclipse occurred April 17, 1624 @28Aries - see lower right corner) but what I'm noting here are cosmic time links such as Sun-Moon-Uranus in 073 BC as an echo of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus (the "swords vs torches" eclipse), and the fact that 073 BC Saturn Rx @23Sag34, acts as the handle of a Sling shape (like a Bucket but more concentrated) and this denotes the leader of the concentrated planetary energies (actors) directed upon a specific goal (freedom! overthrowing the empire!). Authoritative Saturn's leadership is modified by the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in Leo which sesqui-squares Saturn so might 073 BC Saturn represent Spartacus while Mars and Jupiter = the other two leaders of the revolt? (Sun-ruled Leo = ego and pride, and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius = the freedom to range far and wide). Of course, in reality, an actual sling as a weapon reminds us of the small David battling a huge Goliath, yes? Karmic lessons apply.

A Taurus Eclipse Requires a Firm Stand Against Obstacles

My suspicion is that the 073 BC Solar Eclipse @14Tau15 conjunct radical Uranus influenced the Third Servile War (as the first eclipse of the year), an insurrection against the Roman Empire and Army, and that perhaps the eclipse's ancient Saturnian and Taurean energies have been triggered or activated by the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 and by zealous Uranus, once again in Taurus. Plus, there are other planetary contacts (ex: 073 BC Venus conjoined by 2021 Mars at a critical 29th degree) with potentials for violent activities by folks who are prodded into taking action without fully understanding the severity of the consequences. Sound familiar?

Yes, slavery is tied up with the 073 BC Eclipse in mid-Taurus, but in the US such vile conditions now rhyme rather than precisely repeating - even though its evil effects continue to haunt us. Yet perhaps we may agree that a case can be made for citing the economic slavery of Predatory Capitalism within American Plutocracy, and for the lucrative trafficking and abuse of human beings being perpetrated in the shadows. Modern society remains encumbered by karmic conditions which must be confronted and dealt with. And as is often said, it's about time, sealed fate notwithstanding.

Then as we see rising in 1st house, 073 BC Neptune @8Gem50 was conjoined in July 1776 by US Uranus (8:55), a planet of freedom, independence, war, and revolt. Such a transit signifies a period when demented Neptunian ideals can mock issues of equality, personal freedom, and what we now call civil rights, while expression of political and social ideals are frustrated; yet there are opportunities for deep insights into societal conditions emerging from the Collective Unconscious. Well, I think they emerged in 1776 and we'd do best in 2022 by continuing to coax them forward - sans governmental overthrow.

On The Nodal Axis of Fated Encounters with The Dragon

Quirkily enough, one karmic Nodal contact is the 073 BC South Node @23Tau06 conjunct puppet master Pluto (with 'Saturn-Pluto' vibes and disrupted social conditions), and both conjunct the natal Midheaven of Herr Trump where vicious star of rage and destruction, Algol, twinkles. Another contact is the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction at IC which conjoins what turned out to be America's 1776 Nodal Axis (6Leo/6AQ). And although undiscovered until 1930, one of the outer karmic planets in 073 BC, slow-moving Pluto, rises with Castor, star of 'crippled limbs, loss, and/or murder' (A. Louis).

Additionally, by using the Placidus house system as done here, we find that karmic conditions which must be dealt with are further identified by the Taurus-Scorpio polarity intercepted across the 6/12 victim-savior axis. Meanwhile, chart-ruler Mercury rising @27Tau59, planet of travel and trickery, makes no applying aspects in the eclipse chart so its sign and house placements are emphasized:

The above Horoscope of the first Solar Eclipse of 073 BC on May 8th, a Total Eclipse, closely mimics some of the planetary positions of our day (exs: Sun-Moon-Uranus in Taurus and Mercury-Pluto; 073 BC Pluto = 073 BC Uranus-Neptune: "The big picture demands a certain course of action; little option to do otherwise" - N. Tyl; this picture repeated by transit in 2017 as: 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction @18Capricorn = 2017 Pluto). Included are other planetary contacts, aka, 'cosmic time links', with the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 manifesting upon the very day of the Electoral College Vote that Herr Trump takes such great exception to and which he tries to ignore by spouting 'The Big Lie' in order to gaslight his followers into perpetrating his dirty work. (And sending him donations.)

And yet the December 14, 2020 4 South lunation occurred @23Sag08 - conjunct Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn which represents an 'eclipse' of Trumpian authority and control as revealed in the real world by the Electoral College Vote in favor of Joe Biden. With Trump's Inaugural Saturn eclipsed, accountability for his past lapses of responsibility and lack of authenticity while in office are demanded but instead of accepting Saturnian reality and owning up to his mistakes, he's been beefing about his (Saturnian) loss ever since. A notable lack of karmic progress challenges improvements in the US via 'leader' Trump as America's former representative.

So now as shadows lengthen across my keyboard, let's close my fuss of grumpiness with a few links to --

Previous Posts Concerning Power-Related Topics:

Washington DC a 'New Rome? Altair the Eagle says Yes! (contains horoscopes of the 1933 and 1937 Inaugurations of FDR showing when the Oath of Office was changed from early March to January 20th, one with Moon-ruled Cancer rising, the other with Venus-ruled Taurus rising. Compare and contrast both Midheavens, The Goal Points.

Who Is Albert Pike? video, plus his Natal Planets. Ace insurrectionist, Confederate General, and Klan counselor was he.

When Will America Fall Like the Roman Empire?, a Thom Hartmann video, plus, Astrology and a few related links added within.

Civil War 1861: Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands.

Horoscopes: Jan 6th Rally (9:00 am est) with Mo Brooks (natal) who was first to speak.

Jan 6, 2021 'Mob Attack' Horoscope with its 2022 Solar Return. This attack has been described as resembling a medieval battle.

US Pluto Return Feb 2022 with a Moon Return to Jan 6th.

DC Horoscope: Midterms 2022 Brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - conjunct radical planet of Utopian anarchy, Uranus.

Jul 21, 2021

2021-2025 an 'As Above So Below' Post Round-Up

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday July 21, 2021: If the former guy can be believed (!#!): Flight Risk to Run for POTUS in 2024! And if his wealthy enablers and white "supremacist" voters have their regressive way, he'll win by hook or crook, which is the only way a Republican can win these days with the general population due to the GOP's rubbish policies that harm We The People and delete millions of American voters from participation in US elections (as Rs intend).

Now you realize these remarks are being typed by a common-good American citizen, yes? So if this common-good post ruffles your political feathers, you must be reading in the wrong place! A quick skedaddling is very much recommended.

As for today, I'm providing a round-up of previous SO'W posts, in chronological order, concerning such political topics in case a casual or a purposeful reader may find them useful or informative in an As Above So Below sort of way:

American Civil War's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus blend

Horoscopes: July 27th's First 1/6 Hearing with Trump Mob Attack

A "Ku Klux Kaucus" with Trump the Grand Dragon!

December 2021's Solar Eclipse: Benefits!

Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say?

Inauguration 2025 Horoscope: Cowboys and Tyranny.

Agreed, this is not a jolly list of topics at all but reality must be faced, else we're behaving just as fantacist Tr*mp living inside his dream world where the rest of us are merely pawns in his game and screens upon which to project himself.

Aug 6, 2019

Broken Hearts Across America and a hood-free KKK

Of Racist Manifestos, US Mars Rx, and a Horoscope for the Ku Klux Klan

by Jude Cowell

Around the time of the *end of the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan or, 'KKK', was founded as a secret society on December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee by a group of die-hard Confederate war veterans. Soon becoming a paramilitary force, Klan members were aggrieved over progressive Reconstruction Era policies which elevated the rights of African Americans in the South. In spite of (or because of) the fact that the South lost the war, and with the Klan's platform based on a philosophy of white racial superiority, night time raids of terror, intimidation, and violence were tactics intended to roll back Reconstruction efforts meant to elevate the rights of African Americans and in hopes of influencing upcoming political elections (an objective already being employed prior to Election 2020--there is method in Trump's bigoted, hate-filled rhetoric).

As an extension of previous 'slave patrols', the Klan used similar methods but perpetrated their vigilante deeds outside the law. And tragically in our day, it's debatable whether certain police brotherhoods in the US are secretly infused with Klan members and/or with officers who are sympathetic to the racist cause. From the trigger-happiness of many officers killing non-whites, it's become difficult to distinguish one from the other. Police departments certainly tend to 'protect their own', don't they? And at its base, we may in part wish to pin much of our current troubles on US Mars Rx by progression since 2006--and note that its degree (17Lib37) conjoins the stationary Jupiter of Donald Trump (17:27) and the North Node in the Klan horoscope, below. Plus, US SP Mars Rx opposes US SP Chiron @17Ari42 in SP 8th house of Death and Corporatism, a duo of martial proportions yet our Mars-Chiron 'sacred warrior' archetype is wounded or deceased, and many have returned (Rx) home from war never to be the same again, and with Mars energies turned inward (Rx) upon the populace.

In case you're curious, here's a brief video concerning Nathan Bedford Forrest (b. July 13, 1821 Chapel Hill, TN; d. 1877 Memphis) reputed to have been the first 'grand wizard' of the KKK, a charge he neglected to own up to. Remarks about the man by legendary Southern historian Shelby Foote are included in the 3min-59sec video.

Now first I shall say that as a child of the South (a native Georgian bwo NC, Virginia, and points North) it was a rare and frightening sight to drive by someone's house at night and witness a cross burning in the yard. The Cross!! A sacred symbol in my Baptist family and the burning of it has always hit me as totally wrong. I did not and do not agree with the message cross-burners intended to spread at that time by such an ugly act but I know that I think even less of them now than ever before--if that's even possible. For their use of primal violence against their fellow man puts them at the very bottom of the evolutionary ladder in my book. And they have people like Trump, Bannon, Miller, Pike, and Hitler to keep them company. But then again, I am not of the ends justify the means persuasion nor am I a member of the success-at-any-cost club.

So as you notice in the KKK horoscope, below, Mercury Rx is @29Sag16 with '30Sag' having the "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" Sabian Symbol. Therefore, a peek at who was the Pope in Rome in 1865 seems related somehow to the founding of the Klan and that was Pius XI, secret friend of Mussolini and the man who instituted the doctrine of "papal infallibility." Anti-Enlightenment principles, anti-modernity, Pius IX was no friend of the Jews in Italy, the Austrians, or of free speech and other Western principles. We might say he was something of a bigot or racist although I've never heard him described in those words. Anyway, Pius XI was Pope (1848--1878) when the Klan was formed (1865) and the organization's Mercury, planet of meetings, discussions, and messages, suggests a link with The Pope Who Would Be King, a book by David I. Kertzer who also authored the award-winning The Pope and Mussolini.

Astrology Allows a Peek Under the Archetypal Hood of the KKK

All that said, let's take a brief look at the Klan's 12:00 pm chart set for December 24, 1865 Pulaski, Tennessee (although setting the chart for one minute before midnight seems appropriate since shadows, secrets, and disguises with eye-holes are the Klan's 'thing' although they're peeking out into the light of day since 2017 thinking they've become mainstream under sympatico Trump, their friend in the White House); note the planet of primal violence, sneaky Pluto Rx in Taurus, a placement of intolerance and materialism:

Now as a speculative 'noon' chart there's not much to say about houses and cusps and of course the fast-floating Moon could be a few degrees before or after her position here (22Pis58) but curiously, the 22Pisces degree spotlights three feminine asteroids and their goddess archetypes: Astraea (justice), Juno (nation-states; politics; the wife), and Diana (the huntress). In the center of the chart I've penned: white women on a pedestal? Now Luna doesn't quite leave Pisces by midnight so it's a Pisces Moon for the Klan which emphasizes the 6/12 victim-savior axis and the Klan's martyr mentality that is contained within the group's Sun-Neptune square. This square also suggests wearing hoods (Neptune) to protect and shield their true identities (Sun).

Also penned on the chart are links to a few of Trump's natal planets (highlighted in pink; ex: Klan Mars @20Sag conjunct his problematic SN-Moon conjunction), plus, the Klan's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @26Lib18 (12 North theme: sudden opportunities to accept greater responsibilities--Brady), rebellious Uranus Rx in Cancer, sign of 'tribalism and nationalism', the Klan's erratic, willful Sun-Uranus opposition (lower left), its uncompromising, know-it-all Mercury-Uranus opposition (lower right), and the most difficult of all--the cruel, dictatorial Saturn-Pluto opposition (upper right). As you know, Saturn-Pluto oppositions were in force: in 1931 during the rise of fascism, and on 9/11/01 conjunct what many astrologers use as America's natal ASC-DESC axis of Self and Other (12Sag-Gem). And curiously, the Klan's Nemesis @23Sco48 conjuncts the natal IC of Donald Trump--so are their enemies his enemies?

Now naturally any and all readers are welcomed to disagree with me on any of these chart factors and my conclusions--dissent away for there's no 'infallibility' to be found here!

Even so, my objective is attained for at least a noon version of the KKK Horoscope is now available for viewing on SO'W for anyone who wishes to keep an eye on it for transits and progressions but hadn't yet calculated the horoscope for themselves.

Of course both positive and negative transits ('tr's; 'n' = natal) and their potential influences will arrive over time for any person or entity but here I'll list three that seem to apply to current or upcoming events or which may affect society and/or the Klan on various levels. All perfect three times each but note that their dates could be off a bit since we're using only a noon natal chart:

1. Tr Uranus opposite n Saturn (@9Sco39 and leader of a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets) = tension, instability, disruption--exact on or about June 25, 2020, October 6, 2020, April 12, 2021.

2. Tr Saturn square n Pluto Rx (@12Tau26) = intense conditions, manipulation only hampers, power and control issues, accountability for past abuses--exact on or about April 16, 2021, June 29 2021, January 5, 2022.

3. Tr Uranus conjunct n Pluto Rx = upheaval, sudden changes and challenges, bumps in the road as the past catches up...a volatile, rebellious combination of energies--on or about June 1, 2021, November 13, 2021, March 22, 2022.

Well, there it is and yes, these indications could affect our nation adversely via white supremacists particularly since there are racists hunkered down in the White House as I type. But as the mysterious 'they' are fond of saying, forewarned is forearmed.


Extra Note: beware the El-Paso-Dayton Disinformation Campaign.

*Actually, besides the April 9, 1865 surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia, there were multiple surrenders by a variety of Confederate Generals including one by Nathan Bedford Forrest, grand wizard of the KKK, as noted above; surrender was a drawn-out process for President Andrew Johnson didn't officially end the Civil War until August 1866.

Related: America's First-Ever Impeachment of 1868. Do We The People still know how?

Aug 10, 2018

NRA Founded under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes

Way back in 2012 when I published a few astro-notes concerning the NRA and the horoscope of its chartering (November 17, 1871 "noon," probably at Albany, NY), I mentioned the fact that Pluto (the assassin, saboteur, 'god' of Hades, manipulator, wealth-hoarder, spy, foreign agent, The Pope, the loner in the "ivory tower") was activating by transit a certain Mars-Saturn midpoint. Today I remind myself that Donald Trump was born with that exact midpoint picture in his natal chart and psyche: Mars-Saturn = Pluto: brutality; rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm (murder, death of many people) (Ebertin). Of course, in 2012, the safety of President Obama was on many minds for obvious reasons which don't need to be detailed here since racism in America continues to be used in Politics as a go-to wedge issue.

Of course, other astrologers have analyzed the NRA astrology chart as a quick duck duck go search will show such as an interesting discussion in a Skyscript forum which emphasizes the organization's compulsive, forceful, taking-power Mars-Pluto signature.

Another enlightening perspective was posted by astrologer Paul Saunders in 2014, an insightful analysis of the NRA's natal or founding chart focusing first on the organization's fanatic Mars-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. And the thing is, a footnoted quote by Reinhold Ebertin in his The Combination of Stellar Influences may be instructive concerning the Mars-Saturn blend of energies which colors the NRA with its cosmic brush:

"One is inclined at times to consider Mars-Saturn as the 'death axis.' This combination is found in many cases at the time of death, but one should not make the mistake of taking it for granted that death will result. During the course of life this 'death axis' is very often stimulated by transits and directions, but life continues."

And so the 'life' of the death-cultish National Rifle Association continues as it turns 147 years old on November 17, 2018 with its Mars-Saturn fervor unabated although it remains to be seen whether Russian mob ties and funding scandals will take a significant toll on its reputation or its coffers. This particular Southerner (yes, with CSA ancestors) would think and hope that the Civil War could be laid to rest by now as the horrific ritual sacrifice and divide-and-conquer tragedy (manipulated by foreign bankers) it actually was.

Four Related Posts: Horoscope of The Confederacy; Civil War: April 12, 1861 Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands; The Statue That Binds White Supremacy, World War III, Trump, and the US Congress; April 28, 2017 Trump to NRA Convention Atlanta, Georgia with Trump's natal Pluto (unaspected) and gun-polishing Mars in Leo rising...

Oct 10, 2017

The Statue That Binds White Supremacy, World War III, Trump, and the US Congress

Wikimedia; Albert Pike, old age; See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The ongoing political and personal barbs between Senator Bob Corker and Donald Trump concerning Trump's irresponsible remarks and tweets that could "start World War III" and the continuing Confederate statue removal debate that seems determined by higher powers to delete US history from our eyes, reminds me of the one statue above all others that should be removed for it ties together The Confederacy, white supremacy, World War III, and Donald Trump with his racist brothers in Congress.

Yet as a Southerner with ancestors who fought in the 'Civil' War, I agree with 'our' General Robert E. Lee who in his day made it clear that we should not glorify the war that divided us but move forward with the United States of America and that we should not raise our children to hate the US government!

The now-protested statue of which I complain--and the one that to me should be removed from DC's Judiciary Square before all others--is that of Confederate General Albert Pike--in his day the grand poo bah of Masons, a founder of the Ku Klux Klan, member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, and major promoter, some say, of World War III.

But of course, there are those who claim that Pike's 1871 Letter to Mazzini which lays out the Illuminati goals for fomenting three world wars is a hoax. Perhaps you're one of them! Yet if there is skepticism over the letter and its war 'plans' among those-in-the-know it may be a simple question of timing, of not letting the cat out of the war bag before all is in place for global conflagration, victory assured. At war's end these wealthy chaos-creating meddlers expect they will be able to "build anew upon ruins" a totalitarian global government as if it's a good idea and the only course of action. A fret concerning this globalism topic is the upcoming Solar Eclipse of August 2018, nicknamed, The Tower with its theme of collapse and rebuilding.

Well, here's a previous post which includes an informative video Who Is Albert Pike? If you've never taken a few minutes to watch it, please do so now for it directly relates to the current white supremacist in the White House, the man-baby Senator Corker recently said out loud could "start World War III"--something I believe most members of the Republican Party, their enablers in DC (including corporate Dems), and certain bankers want very much to start--many for financial reasons, some for religious or ideological craziness pretexts, and many to establish a 'new world order'--as if God's plan for the world can be rushed by arrogant, greedy idiots!

See An Update Horoscope of the New World Order which is timed by the third Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune (18Cap) where transit Pluto hangs out these days ("the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed--" and you know that Albert Pike was many things including an astrologer.)

And yet we know that:

"War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it." George Orwell

So from Jupiterian Trump's recent statements of belligerence, it appears that someone has advised the billionaire-wanna-be of this potential for profit and profit is all he cares about.

Now on the topic of the Civil War here's an excerpt from a previous post with a link to the rest added, below:

To persuade the South to secede from the union, Illuminized Sionist-Rosicrucian Freemasons used the Knights of the Golden Circle (member: John Wilkes Booth) which had been formed in 1854 by George Bickley with the objective of spreading racial tension; its military arm was the Ku Klux Klan. Meanwhile, Jesse James stole gold from banks and buried it to fund the war (nearly $7 billion!)

The states that seceded would be united in the Confederate States of America with each eventually becoming like an independent country. Abraham Lincoln (inaugurated March 4, 1861) told the American people that, "combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various southern states."

America and the entire world are now in the grip of the 'hidden hands' of wealthy men who plan another World War and who had a major part in putting hothead Mars-Rising Trump in the White House for such a purpose. Read the rest if you dare or if you simply care about the world's direction: Civil War Apr 12, 1861: Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands.

A Few Astro-Notes on Senator Bob Corker

Have you checked out Bob Corker's Wikipedia profile? Senator Corker was born August 24, 1952 in Orangeburg, SC. His family moved to Tennessee when he was 11 years old. A quick peek at the 24 hours of his birth date (sans birth hour) shows Sun from 00 to 1Virgo+ and Moon ranging from 10 to 22 Libra. As you see, The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 eclipsed Corker's natal Sun which conjoins royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided) and the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump. Will Bob Corker run for president? His Libra Moon is among the 2nd house Libra planets of Mr. Trump (Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter from 5 to 18 Libra).

The Earth-Air blend of Sun Virgo-Moon Libra denotes a practical idealist and a courteous intellectual (Corker is said to be the most intelligent man in the US Senate). Humorous, considerate, and rational, Bob Corker will be sorely missed in the Senate when or if he fails to run for re-election, as he has stated he would not. A senator and Republican who is ready to forgive others because he recognizes his own fallibility will not be easy to replace with a similar model--actually, impossible to replace from the looks of things for this personality blend shows that he has respect for the dignity of others, excellent reasoning power, and a "civilized concern for the wellbeing of all." And though the senator may at times seem detached, he appreciates both art and science, and has "the ability to cooperate with others for a common cause."

Senator Corker's daily mantra may be: "the unexamined life is not worth living." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey). Of course as we know, this viewpoint is diametrically opposed to the imbecilic profit-above-all mindset of Donald Trump who thinks he's never made a mistake and has nothing to apologize for.

The Prenatal Eclipse (PE) of Bob Corker @28Leo (conjunct The Great American Eclipse degree!) is in the 8 South Saros Series and manifested four days prior to his birth so that his PE is also his Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to birth) making him something of an 'eclipse baby'. The themes of 8 South, which last occurred in 2006, are: separation, loss, to be finished with something and feel sad; physical injury possible due to over-strain (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Yes, it must be quite a strain having to deal with a red-faced, angry, egotistical Mr. Trump who seems to be attempting to "start World War III" but who can't seem to 'best' Senator Corker whose IQ is probably way above his. I wouldn't want to deal with Trump, would you?

Jun 4, 2017

Aug 2017 Lunar Eclipse Hits The Confederacy's Sun

August 2017: Lunar and Solar Eclipse Alerts for the White House?

In January 2013 I posted here the natal horoscope of The Confederacy with its Sun @15Aquarius. The Confederacy Sun will be eclipsed on August 7, 2017 by a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ and given the infiltration of the White House by Klansmen (or by KKK supporters and sympaticos, Mr. Bannon in particular who just loves to employ the power of dark forces), it seems significant that such a solar relic from America's Civil War past will, in August 2017, be in focus via what can be called the cosmic blink of a Lunar Eclipse--then another blink from the accompanying Total Solar Eclipse as its shadow races across the country from Oregon to South Carolina where the Civil War's first shot was fired.

See Civil War April 12, 1861: Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands.

Now as you know, both lunar and solar eclipses may be described as "wild cards of the Universe" because of their disruptive Uranian qualities such as the ability to upset apple carts and dislodge secrets and other inconvenient information that some would prefer kept hidden. And since a Lunar Eclipse involves the Moon with its correlation to the unconscious and the past (including one's previous actions, behavior, and scandals), we may expect more glaring leaks and uncovered secrets in and around August 2017 and afterward. These may apply in particular to the shrouded-in-secrets White House and its current denizens who are already under much pressure. Besides, that's where the Klan lurks behind every door.

And as various Confederate monuments are being removed in the US it occurs to me to wonder why the most offensive of all (imho)--the statue of Confederate Brigadier General, Freemason, and Klansman Albert Pike--remains on guard in Judiciary Square near the US Capitol Building where Congress meets 'to do the people's business'.

UPDATE July 1, 2020: Good news for fussy me! On June 19, 2020 the (creepy, offensive) statue of musty old Albert Pike was toppled! Follow the link to view a bi-wheel of the toppling horoscope with Pike's natals surrounding it.

So while Googling for information on Pike's memorial statue, I ran across something of a defense of Albert Pike and the long held assumption of his being a Luciferian due in part to his famous quote concerning Lucifer. Check it out, if you're interested, for the blog puts Pike's words into context and I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to form your own conclusion concerning this 'Knight of the Golden Circle'.

Plus, you're familiar with the reputed and infamous letter the 'exalted' Freemason Pike sent to Mazzini (founder of Sicily's Mafia) dated August 15, 1871. Here's an excerpt which actually describes much of the social changes and unrest currently in progress and instigated by the radicals haunting the White House halls and their enablers, public and private:

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light...of Lucifer, brought finally into public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Whether the letter was written by a luciferian Pike or not, its cunning is worthy of Lucifer-Satan's way of thinking--to seduce and take as many souls down with him as he goes as he possibly can. The letter goes on to promote the Masonic plan for World War III which turns up in 2017 as a frequent topic of concern and anxiety. Genuine or not, whoever penned the 1871 letter was, at the least, a master of run-on sentences.

So as Thomas Jefferson famously admitted, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." And so should we all. But somehow the ones perpetrating the Utopian plan of global horror and persuasion upon the world seem unconcerned as if their actions are above natural law. Wonder how shocked they'll be when it turns out that that is exactly what they are not and that they will be held accountable for their actions on Earth and how they oppressed and harmed the innocent...because karma's law of reaping what's been sown applies to every single one of us on Planet Earth...with no exemptions for politicians or bankers.

And this August 2017, either karmic retribution or progress will arrive in America in two forms: a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius (August 7) which will tell us something about our reactions to Solar Eclipse events and conditions, and on August 21 the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo at a critical 29th degree ('The Great American Eclipse') conjunct the natal Ascendant of plotter Donald Trump, a denizen of the White House and a man who listens to self-described Satanist Mr. Bannon with his radical agenda to destroy the US government and rebuild the world in the image of Lucifer.

The August Leo Eclipse: a Potential Ruh-Roh for America

As always, eclipses may trigger disastrous weather and other natural events (ex: Mount St. Helen's is rumbling again, and storms, flooding, and fires are potentials) but there's more to consider because eclipses in Leo spotlight the need to exercise genuine leadership in whatever karmic situations and conditions manifest. Plus, a Leonine 'cosmic blink' suggests a paternal karmic link with an offspring (also denizens of the White House) and cautions against self-centered egocentricity, vainglory, ostentation, pomposity, pride, and other negative traits of the sign Leo--and there's a huge ruh-roh right there in the form of you-know-who.

How unfortunate for America and the world that her current 'leader' can't seem to avoid displaying his negative Leo traits in such constant abundance with his 29Leo Ascendant and Mars rising in Leo conjunct royal star Regulus. And in spite of the star's traditional or else caution, it's tragically predictable with Mr. Trump that revenge and retaliation will be taken which guarantees that at some point, all that's been gained shall be taken away.

Related posts: How to View the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, and here are a few astro-notes concerning White Nationalist Steve Bannon whose Uranus-South-Node conjunction (1953) identifies him as high strung, often irrational, and very upset with changing social and technological trends and conditions.


Check with to locate Lucifer in a horoscope for a specific date; asteroid Lucifer is #1930 which links it to planet Pluto, discovered in 1930, and in Astrology, god of the underworld, a saboteur, assassin, gold hoarder, 'the invisible man of power', and agent of transformation via destruction and regeneration.

For more eclipse info see Your Prenatal Eclipse by Rose Lineman.

Sep 16, 2015

Abraham Lincoln's Greatest Speech: The 2nd Inaugural Address (2002 video)

Have you 58 minutes to devote to a presentation of Abraham Lincoln's second Inauguration Address delivered on March 4, 1965? The president's future assassin and the co-conspirators were in the throng that day and listening to his lofty words but being bent on revenge, nursing grudges due to Union war atrocities, and holding a deep hatred toward him for signing the Emancipation Proclamation, the men were ill disposed to appreciate the message in Lincoln's sentiments upon that historic day:

#SoreLosers #1865 #CivilWar

In case the above video mysteriously disappears from SO'W at some point, here's its YouTube link.

For further reading why not try Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Horoscope with details.

Jul 10, 2015

July 10, 2015 SC State House removes Confederate flag!

July 10, 2015 South Carolina removes the Confederate flag from the State Capitol grounds

Yes, this particular Southerner is among the elated Americans that Governor Nikki Haley signed the bill yesterday to lower and remove the Confederate flag from the South Carolina State Capitol Building in Columbia at 10:00 am today.

Now if only bigotry itself could be lowered from its hateful flag pole and lose its idolizing worshipers!

And no, I don't think my Confederate ancestors are rolling in their sacrificial graves today since what we know as the 'Confederate battle flag' was never actually used as such during the Civil War and is a politics-based ideological fantasy spun by white supremacists (Klansmen) during the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.

Am I also proud of my Southern heritage? Of course. Some of my ancestors migrated to Georgia from Virginia. One, my 4th-great grandfather on my paternal side, was born in Christiansburg, VA on December 25, 1776 (an easy date to remember!) But being proud of your Southern heritage is no justification for the savagery of racism which makes a very scanty shield to hide your cruelty behind while burning crosses and committing murder.

Taking a peek at today's horoscope set for 10:00 am edt Columbia, South Carolina, we find the Venus-Jupiter pair in late Leo (optimism) rising over an early Virgo Ascendant with a MC (Goal) at a 29th critical degree that if rounded up, gives a Sabian Symbol of "A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn." At IC, the Foundation of the Matter is the opposite degree of 29Sco20, the position of US Inaugural Moon 2009, the "A Halloween Jester" degree (30Sco). There is authoritative Saturn Rx @28Sco41--conjoining President Obama's natal MC and dampening--or rewarding--the spirits of the American people (Inaugural Moon).

Applying aspects of the chart-ruler Mercury (@3Can17 in 11th house and conjoining US natal Venus) show how things may proceed from this event and there are two major aspects: a trine to Neptune in Pisces (7th house) denoting the successful use of mass media and the faith-based motives of the victims' families who received the 9 pens Governor Haley used yesterday to make this event possible, and a conjunction with aggressive Mars (7A25) which hints at the partisan speeches and political opinions that will be forcefully expressed in coming days, weeks, even months, over this issue--including the upcoming KKK rally.

Perhaps today's progress in SC (the first state to secede) on jettisoning crusty old grievances will uplift We the People on a karmic level! Yet this must depend on how genuine are the feelings and motives of the actors (politicians and enablers) involved. Is today's flag lowering merely a theatrical farce? Can the scheduled KKK rally on July 18th mar the good intentions of family-oriented South Carolinians? Are publicity and grinning photo ops the point of today's ceremony intended to resolve a difficult political situation and improve business opportunities in the state? The first US planet to rise in the 10 am chart is, after all, America's deceptive, media and the masses planet Neptune in Virgo though we may hope that compassion and faith are suitably attached!

And maybe we'll find that two of the Images for Integration apply to SC's flag removal as given by Charles & Suzi Harvey in their Sun Sign-Moon Sign book:

Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus: "A family photo album...A flourishing family business."

Motives always matter, of course, but either way, it will be a relief to yours truly that the spiteful rag come down.

May 14, 2015

A Southerner Ponders American Progress and Mercury-Neptune

On April 12, 2011, the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, I published a few astrological details and my thoughts on America's Civil War horoscope and included links to a few articles and sources which may interest you. Information on the reasons for the waging of the horrific war (1861--1865) are mentioned in the post for those who agree that "war is a racket" (said General Smedley Butler) and who know, or wish to know, something about the 19th-century fight against the establishment of an American central bank which we now call the "Federal Reserve Bank" or System.

In hindsight, reasons for and results of the "Civil" War (or, War Between the States) may be considered quite differently in 2015 than they were at the time for those who were emotionally, ideologically, socially, physically, and economically involved in the proceedings of the era. The thrill, excitement, 'glamour', rapturous imaginings, and Mercurial-Neptunian irrationality of the idealistic fellows who eagerly enlisted in a major effort meant to protect the Southern way of life and its regressive, cruel economic model--primarily Southerners, I'm thinking of here being one myself and typing at you from the 13th Colony of Georgia--well, it was all a tragic exercise in self-deception and a case of being masterfully manipulated, duped, exploited, harmed, and used as rich men's pawns. A clue is found in the Civil War natal horoscope via the planetary midpoint which was precisely rising when the First Shot Was Fired at Fort Sumter Charleston, SC, on April 12, 1861 at 4:30 am LMT (according to historic record).

It was the Mercury-Neptune pair conjoining a Pisces Ascendant at that particular location and moment in time. And naturally, the Virgo-Pisces polarity is the victim-savior axis of martyrdom with Pisces one of the signs of war. Perhaps the implied confusion and potential for deception of the Two Fishes swimming up to the heights or down to the depths relate in part to military generals who are born under the sign of Pisces--Jupiter the General with Jupiter the traditional ruler of Pisces, Neptune the higher octave planet.

Mercury-Neptune = Ascendant: mistaken perceptions...

Now Mercury-Neptune combines energies of the planet of thinking, planning, communication, travel, tricksterism, commerce, and trade (the South's ability to trade its wares such as cotton with other countries was also at stake) with gaseous Neptune, planet of high inspiration (from a Divine Source--or Mystical Realms), delirium, fraud, deceit, falsehood, slander, scandal...well, you know the list of negatives for the archetypal king of oceans. Unconscious motivations, gut reactions, deluded ideals, confusion, hypnosis, the masses, and the media also come under the province of nebulous Neptune. To me, 'laying oneself open to the influence of others' (Ebertin) denotes the almost hypnotic persuasion practiced during the lead up to a war that caused brother to fight brother to the death and cousins to meet on battlefields too bloody to describe. Suggestible are those who believe what they want to believe for we must first deceive ourselves before others can fool us.

Astrological Mercury also rules youths as were many of the combatants with Neptune bringing the infections and diseases that account for most of the soldiers' deaths. This includes some of my kith and kin with "died from disease" being a somewhat typical description of a soldier's demise (2 out of 3), on both the maternal if not the paternal side of my family. Yet no, yours truly is not a secessionist! My preference is for our nation to progress, not regress into the past, to unify with a spirit of democracy, not split or be forced to join a totalitarian clump of misery and serfdom that threatens to regress populations across the globe into a system of slavery under military boot.

So, dear reader, you may as well know that this is why recent thoughts of the Civil War inspired this post tonight: the genealogy research I'm doing now along with what has become America's tragic condition of Perpetual War at the purposeful direction of international financiers, depraved pocket-lining politicians, and other satanic psychopaths who enable and engineer the ruination of the country my (and perhaps your) ancestors gave their lives for, confused as they may have been under the influence of war propaganda.

For no matter which side our Revolutionary and Civil War soldiers fought on, I have the definite feeling that they never saw their extreme sacrifices and those of their family members ending up trashed and all but forgotten underneath the high-flying and immoral Pentagon's 'Death Star' war plans for world conquest; nor did they envision subsequent US presidents selling out the American people as they have done like robots parroting their overlords' commands.

#CivilWar #InternationalFinanciers #GlobalGovernance #Astrology

May 11, 2013

So What Killed General Stonewall Jackson?

According to a surgeon's recent review of his Civil War medical records, the third most prevalent reason for death during the war was the cause of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson's demise after 'friendly fire' had felled him as he returned from scouting enemy lines on the night of May 2, 1863.

May 2, 2013 was the 150th anniversary of General Jackson's death.

If you wish, check out the natal midpoint pictures of the Civil War with the deceptive Mercury-Neptune midpoint leading the way to death, misery, and Lincoln's ruthless invasion and occupation of the South.

Jan 15, 2013

Horoscope: The Confederacy--and a "dark vein of intolerance"

Natal Horoscope of The Confederacy (1861) with Pluto in Taurus

by Jude Cowell

You've probably heard by now that Colin Powell recently described the Republican Party as having a "dark vein of intolerance" which seems a spot-on analysis to this particular southerner. Particularly since the natal horoscope of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, Michigan) shows the dark planet of veins, tunnels, and other deep locations, Pluto, posited in Venus-ruled Taurus, sign of gardening, building, preserving, gold-loving, and luxury with its shadow side of greed, stubbornness, prejudice, and intolerance.

Thus, a "dark vein of intolerance" runs deep within the *era of the party's inception in 1854, a few years prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. Slavery of those who were seen to be 'lesser than' is the 'dark elephant in the room', of course, but such a massive topic is beyond the scope of this post even as racism winds its insinuating snakiness around this nation's heart--still, as we hear from the rhetoric and 'code words' of Republican Party members and other Americans who hold such vile persuasions based on their alleged superiority.

Another implied condition of influence is the hard-fought progress of the Civil Rights Movement/s championed by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr which roiled America during the 1960s when the restless and rioting combination of Uranus and Pluto met in Great Conjunction in mid-Virgo at the critical-crisis degree of 17 Virgo.

So this weekend, we have President Obama's second Inauguration, privately on Sunday January 20th and publicly on Monday January 21st--Martin Luther King Jr Day--and social conditions may be on the boil in America particularly when future anti-gun-violence measures are tossed in (see video below.) As you know, generational Uranus and Pluto are in and out of a square aspect (obstacles, blockages, frustration) in the globally-affected Cardinal signs of Aries and Capricorn, exact since 2010. Thus civil rights troubles regurgitate.

And of course you know of Richard Nixon's campaign ploy in 1968 to use the Southern strategy and the Republican Party has been skewed (and in my opinion, damaged to the core) by holier-than-thous ever since. Makes sense that the GOP's much-touted "soul searching" that would supposedly take place after their loss of the White House on November 6, 2012 never actually occurred for look at the misshapened beast of intolerance they'd have to face if they looked deeply enough. My suspicion is that party leaders took a brief peek as they kneeled down, then renewed their vow of subservience.

Restrictive, Status Quo Saturn Rx in Virgo

Virgo can play The Critic and may act at times as intolerantly as Taurean energy if it is ill-directed and feeling inferior (as it often does, especially with natal Saturn therein.) And because Virgo is ruled by mental planet Mercury, I find that Virgo intolerance is usually based more on conceit of opinion and on intellectual snobbery, while Taurean intolerance is more the jealousy-envy-winner-take-all kind of character flaw...greedy and selfish. Manipulating and controlling (Pluto) the bodies (Taurus) of others may be described by Pluto in Taurus as well (exs: slavery, and the abortion and contraception bossiness of old white men...these days fans of Viagra.)

Below you see the natal horoscope of The Confederacy which, like the Republican Party horoscope, contains Pluto in Taurus. Plus, Pluto is in the 12th house of The Unconscious, Karma, and Self-Undoing. Many things are hidden in the 12th houses of all horoscopes and here we see that the planet of war and conflict, Mars (strong in its own sign of Aries, the warrior and pioneer), hides near the cusp, ready to break out at any moment into the more visible 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes.

And with foreign bankers to motivate and support them and with independent trade a major concern, southern planters, businessmen, and their sons were ready as firecrackers when the first shot began the Civil War near Charleston, S.C.

Image: The Confederacy February 4, 1861 '12:00 pm' Montgomery, Alabama

Hour of Venus; Moon out-of-bounds (emotional insecurity) in adventurous Sagittarius; a Kite pattern of success but its 'tail'--Jupiter @22Leo (a degree of 'mastery') is Rx and I believe, along with Saturn Rx represents the foundation (4th house) of the southern cause's support system--the House of Rothschilds which controlled the British government (Saturn) and monarchy (Jupiter in royal Leo); Sun 15AQ59 with Mercury 19AQ13 (the 'nose' of the Kite) and wounding-wounded Chiron in 10th house of Worldly Status.

The Confederacy's Jupiter @22Leo50 returns to natal position on July 7, 2015

Testy Mars is also involved in the Kite configuration along with the Sag Moon ruled by Rx Jupiter; Venus conjoins NN at Nodal degree--more 22s of 'mastery' (which in this case reminds me of slavery.) The Confederacy's natal Venus-NN conjunction was stimulated by the New Moon of January 11, 2013 at that degree. With a swoon of synchronicity, a New Moon at the same degree occurred on January 11, 1994 (a time link!) which plays into the Republican take-over of the House by Newt Gingrich and his minions--and the subsequent government shut-down the GOP so enjoyed and with which they again threaten our nation's economic standing if they don't get their way: Act Two, one supposes.

Astro-note: the above chart data is taken from Campion's The World Book of Horoscopes which shows an Ascendant of 00Gem34, the degree of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse with Mercury-Pluto content ("an obsessive idea finally accepted; success after much hard work"--paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.

As you well know, an African American president will continue to inhabit the Oval Office for four more years, a fact that Republicans refuse to accept in their deep stubbornness and intolerance of 'the other'. And this selfishness is displayed no matter how their theatrical political stunts hurt the American people or how easily their sorry strategies may collapse global markets. Yes, the entire world will have the Republican Party to 'thank' if financial matters 'go south'!

Plus, curiously, the IC Point of The Confederacy chart @12Leo25 (its Foundation or Basis) conjoins the natal Sun degree of President Obama!

Edit 3.2.16: video removed so the code is removed but I hope you've listened to Colin Powell, above, for the result is the 2016 candidacy of Donald Trump who pretended confusion over the identity of Klansman David Duke! Talk about racist dog whistles, Trump has them in his back pocket during each of his speeches (aka, ramblings).

It seems to me that those of a Confederacy mindset ought to be ashamed of their backwardness and regressive primal tendencies but apparently such self-awareness is completely missing in many of them. Which is somewhat odd considering that The Awakener, Uranus (but also The Rebel and Anarchist) is rising (edit 3.2.16: and 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders is calling for a political revolution in an attempt to save our country for the sake of We the People). Well, perhaps not so odd for revolutionary Uranus for, as they've brashly threatened on many occasions, The South Shall Rise Again! Q: do racism, intolerance, and primal violence have to rise with it?


*In the Tropical Zodiac, Pluto lumbered through the 30 degrees of Taurus from 1852 to 1884, leading up to and encompassing the American Civil War with its massive death count made higher by disease, infection, and gruesome surgeries (Pluto), and in part, was in effect during the era of the Industrial Revolution/s when many social transformations took place.