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Showing posts with label The Matrix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Matrix. Show all posts

Dec 7, 2015

Chris Hedges: Reality of Psychopaths - clip

A comprehensive grasp of history blends with compassion when you hear Chris Hedges speak. Here's a brief clip from a longer presentation:

Aug 8, 2014

August 2014: New Millennium Horoscope Triggered by Pluto

Pluto Now Active in New Millennium Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

With US military action increasing in Iraq against ISIS (formerly al-Qaeda) there are multiple horoscopes in which to look for planetary activity relating to Iraq and Iraq War planets. One such is the New Millennium (NM) horoscope where transit Pluto in Capricorn (11/12Cap) now retrogrades between New Millennium Sun and Mercury in 4th house, the Foundation of the Matter (4th house, when the NM chart is set for Washington DC as a symbol for America and on another level, for the global collective.

We may glean a few hints about the character of this time period by considering the *Sun-Mercury duo as it affects Politics and Business and the synthesis created when transformative manipulator Pluto creeps along and catalyzes the duo into a trio of planetary energies, thus forming a midpoint picture. Let's consider potential expressions for this now-active trio:

Millennium Sun-Mercury = tr Pluto: satellites transmit important information world-wide; important information concealed; theft, neglect, or loss of pertinent communication devices or of information (Munkasey); making far-reaching plans; an orator with suggestive power (Ebertin); a dramatic push to new perspectives (Tyl.)

That last potential seems to be occurring as I type with the US being 'drawn back' into Iraq, as many pundits are describing it. Got weapons manufacturing shares in your stock portfolio? Well, I suspect that many American politicians, past and present, have just that.

New Millennium Fourth House Matters

The IC (Immum Coeli), the lowest point in any horoscope symbolizing Midnight and often considered the cusp of the 4th house, is also known as The Drain and I think we may expect draining of various sorts to occur here and abroad for some time. (Watch for the word 'drain' in the news in coming weeks or months.) So instead of an Ending (another IC-related concept) of all US combat in Iraq we have now a continuation of military intervention "for humanitarian reasons", one of the US government's favorite propaganda slogans. Can any war be "humanitarian"? This may or may not be the case and as always, I prefer to wait for the consequences of Washington's actions rather than trusting promises (and time-worn slogans) touted by politicians and their enablers, bosses, and media supporters!

Now this seems to me like yet another bull-in-a-china-shop mistake of large proportions if you don't mind my saying so. If it winds up quickly that will be one thing but will there be more to come...on and on and on. Cheney had America invade Iraq with one consequence--it broke up what was a black market oil scam. Now control (one of Pluto's words) of Iraq's oil is being taken over by ISIS beheaders, all or in part at this juncture.

Astrological Pluto also stands for assassins (which can describe both ISIS soldiers and the USA, CIA, etc), death, destruction, abomination, and other depraved, morbid things. 'Great wealth hidden in secret places' is another calling card of Pluto of the Invisible Cape, and of course, spies and powerful puppet masters also appear on Pluto's resume.

Then there's the *Sun-Mercury duo which relates to such things as media coverage, a leader's ability to communicate, stating the intention of an enterprise clearly--or a lack of clarity and thus being unconvincing, ineffective press briefings, needs don't mesh with business concerns, many language barriers, defective thinking or reasoning (Washington is 'eat up' with that and makes innocent people suffer from it), and more. See Michael Munkasey's book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.

Well, I'll hush for now and say that if you've recently been hiding under a large rock (and who could blame you?) you may wish to check out Why the US Is Bombing ISIS in Iraq. After all, we can't depend on the false reality distractions they provide us here in 'The Matrix' every minute of the day and night, now can we?

Nov 21, 2009

Does 'The Matrix' have your computer?

In the wee hours of this morning I was on my WordPress blog attempting to do some code posting that wasn't working out when I got a message typed at me on the screen saying 'The Matrix' "has" me.

Read more here and don't hesitate to let me know if you have any good ideas. Is my pc's Adobe Flashplayer old, perhaps? Curiously, I had just spent about 3 hours or so creating a new Art Slideshow at, too.

Funny that a mystery message should happen after the (rare) rude comment of personal attack that I received on this blog yesterday - by a cowardly 'Anonymous', of course - I published it and you may find it by scrolling to yesterday's post about Sarah Palin's disappointing folks who attended her book signing tour.

Well, I guess a rude comment would be from one of her fanatics, wouldn't it?

Astrologically, good old transiting Mars of quarrels and attacks - Mr. Contentious himself - is now opposing my natal Pluto in Leo. Nice. Because as stated in a recent post, it will be 33 long weeks of Mars in Leo!