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Showing posts with label Trump natal Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump natal Pluto. Show all posts

Sep 14, 2023

Trump's Degrees and the Oct 2023 Eclipse

7 South Eclipse Spotlights Trump's Biological Degrees

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

When the October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse in the 7 South Saros Series manifests @21Lib07, it lands directly upon the 3rd cusp (21Lib09) of Donald Trump's natal chart with the 3rd house relating to health issues as does the 6th. Of course, an individual's age is an important consideration in health matters and everyone knows he's approaching the advanced age of 80 in June 2026.

And if you're anything like me, you consider the initial eclipse of any Saros Series by its historical events, but also because an eclipse's sign may be used as a lens through which subsequent eclipses in that Series can be viewed. In the case of the Libra eclipse in October 2023, the initial 7 South Eclipse of June 22, 1248 (OS) occurred @8Can03, landing directly upon the as-yet-unborn Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51). Therefore, in October 2023, and into 2024, we consider Venus-ruled Libra through a Lunar Cancerian lens which reveals Moon-Venus influences.

"Moon = bodily fluids, lymph (cerebellum), blood serum, fertility," and "Venus = glandular products (veins, kidneys)" (R. Ebertin).

More specifically, if we consult Reinhold Ebertin's Biological Correspondence list we find that the Moon-Venus pairing relates to "glandular secretions (hormones, ferments in the stage of generation)."

Then, since the initial 7 South Eclipse occurred in Cancer, his natal Mercury's rounded-up degree of "9Cancer" (with Mercury's link to 3rd house matters and to the mind-body connection) we can consult our SolarFire software to find that his Mercury links to the pylorus, which connects the stomach to the duodenum.

Then Mr. Trump's rising Mars in Leo reveals an interesting medical correlation for "27Leo": chordiae tendinae, aka, the heart strings! And his prominent, stationary Jupiter @18Libra? "Fatty capsule of the kidneys." What about his 12th house Pluto @11Leo which conjuncts his Mars-Saturn midpoint, the "death axis"? The subclavian vein.

Now admittedly, I have gone through all the planetary degrees, angles, and cusps in Trump's natal horoscope for their Biological Correspondences, however, with a copy of Ebertin's book (or other sources), you can do this, too. For Trump they include more renal implications, plus, brain, liver, back, Achilles tendon of the left foot, right linguinal lymph nodes, and the "head of the humerus" (shoulder).

Then his Saturn, planet of blockages and obstructions, is of interest @24Cancer due to its link with blood vessels of the digestive organs. Well, he is of a hefty weight so the pressure within must be significant.

Then in closing, there's one degree and Biological Correspondence which must be included and it's his "22Libra" 3rd cusp degree for that is where the 7 South October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse lands with its Themes of "immense power, anger, and force" and "sudden crisis, or, a huge obstacle suddenly clears" (B. Brady).

And biologically? That would be, the October 2023 Eclipse spotlight @22Libra: "renal veins." As for his 6th house cusp with transit Pluto knocking at its door (!), that's "2Aquarius": left tibial nerve in the sciatic region.

Now any, all, or none of these Biological Correspondences may apply, now or never, but I thought since Trump's health continues to be fodder for public discourse, and because he wants to play POTUS again and complete the damage he started, this would be a good time to venture a peek at the fellow's natal degrees in the realm of medical potentials.

For more biological information see, The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin #ad.

Mar 30, 2022

DC Horoscopes: the Jan 6th Call Log Gap

March 30, 2022

ny Jude Cowell

Since today I'm under the weather and feelin' fussy with allergies acting up, a simple posting of the two horoscopes set for January 6, 2021 is my limit - the lower left chart set for 11:17 am est with 6Ari09 and wounded/wounding, blindspot Chiron rising, and (upper right) a chart set for 6:54 pm est. These are the times being reported that Trump's phone call records on January 6th have turned up missing - 7 hours 37 minutes of missing - while Trump's violent coup attempt against Congress was being perpetrated, much to his delight (Sun = Venus-Jupiter: joy; pleasure from taking chances). Note that when he says he doesn't know what a burner phone is, he knows what it is.

So please enlarge the dual image of charts, below, to read my astro-notes which include Pluto-NN rising at 11:17 am, and Herr Trump's deadly 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn midpoint picture rising at 6:54 pm. And as always, your on-topic insights are invited via a courteous comment, and check below for a few details concerning the Sun-Moon blend of energies, the 'cosmic weather', of January 6, 2021:

Earth-Air Sun Capricorn-Moon Libra ('Saturn-Venus') energies describe a crusader who is cunningly capable, a fighter for a cause; dedicated to his mission, he strives to become a polished performer, and is opportunistic and cynical (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by the Harveys #ad).

"When one with honeyed words but evil mind, persuades the mob, great woes befall the state."

- Euripdes, Orestes, a play first presented in 408 B.C.E.

Tragically, the mob was persuaded.

Jul 1, 2021

July 3, 2021 Jupiterian Trump's Grievance Rally

Thursday July 1 2021: On Saturday July 3rd (one assumes in the evening) Trump expects to hold what I'm calling one of his 'Grievance' rallies and this time the event is set for Sarasota, Florida. However, the cosmic weather on Saturday isn't as grand for him as he would like. For certain transits are ongoing such as transit Saturn Rx opposing natal Pluto (which conjuncts his Mars-Saturn midpoint) suggesting challenges to authority and conflicts over power. And with his Mars-Saturn midpoint, the 'death axis' duo, under the influence of more Saturnian rays, there are potentials for 'deficiencies in planning due to an incomplete review of plans, and/or a 'loss of momentum from a lack of drive'. Also note that 'prudence and caution are disregarded as pressure is brought for completing stalled work' (Munkasey). Of course, have prudence and caution ever been part of his impulsive behavior? Hard to say.

Also denoting conflict and embattlement is the transit of Pluto opposing his natal Venus in Cancer which reflects Trump's slowly building legal problems and possible bankruptcy, plus, issues of jealousy, manipulation, and loss of control are on his mind with his insecurities quite obviously shown. At 8:00 pm, the shade-throwing Neptune-MC midpoint rises along with potentials for 'living in a world of illusion and unreality; acting and pretending; taking the wrong path in life; pursuit of wrong objectives' and 'uncertainty or insecurity' (R. Ebertin). We may expect the grudges he loves to hold to be on full display. Will bored audience members walk out at some point? Well, at 8:00 pm, Capricorn rises making karmic Saturn the chart-ruler - and Saturn Rx, opposing his natal Pluto as noted, makes no applying aspects in the horoscope. Perhaps that's his aura of authority and control "going nowhere" - or impressing few listeners!

As for orating planet Mercury, it will bring us Trump's typical (translation: tiresome) messages that always tend toward dishonesty (in duplicitous Gemini). And Trump's natal 10th house North Node @20Gem48 of public contact will rendezvous with July 3rd's changeable Mercury to hear whatever he has to say, same old grievances and all. (Better them than moi!). This transit of Mercury wedges the messenger between his natal Sun-Uranus so a midpoint picture forms that suggests 'sudden reforms and/or making arrangements' as he works at projecting his 'unique' personality, and discusses with others how to achieve freedom (it's almost July 4th!) from his anxieties and concerns - or from the indictments and possible subpoenas that have his disgraced name upon them.

So pardon me for asking, but can a handy escape hatch be far away from his bone-spurred tootsies? Well, please note, dear reader, that yours truly is suffering from a serious case of Trump Fatigue as are a majority of people these days, and I do get the cranky heebie jeebies just typing his name. Mea culpa.

Even so, I am compelled to mention one more cosmic factor undergirding his July 3rd rally of belly-aching and inflated dreams and it relates to the wide-girthed Jupiterian Trump 'the orator' and 'broadcaster': transit Jupiter Rx @1Pis53 (in 2nd house of Money and Earning Ability: are funds drying up in spite of all his fraudulent schemes?). Plus, as you know, mundane Jupiter also represents politicians, corporatists, and religious figures and you may have noticed that of late, Jupiter has been unaspected, therefore, detached from the rest of the planetary energies and influences. This presents a cosmic picture of a loner who's been living an 'ivory tower' existence, and shows his judgment to be undeveloped or flawed. Buoyancy may be noticeably lacking in his manner although Trump may exhibit a spurtlike enthusiasm that quickly fades. Feeling weighted down by life is typical with an unaspected Jupiter and most folks, if they pay attention to this rally, will recognize his usual disconnection from society's moral, ethical, and/or religious standards.

And yet, an exhuberant form of idealism and zealotry may be on display as he orates particularly concerning the realms of Jupiterian values that obviously include leanings toward materialism and worldliness, while his worsening mental remoteness may cause some of us concern.