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Showing posts with label US Chiron in Aries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Chiron in Aries. Show all posts

Jan 2, 2024

Horoscope: US Chiron Return April 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Issuing from the late afternoon July 4, 1776 Horoscope of America (DoI) with its 4th house Chiron @20Ari08, here is the first of three Chiron Returns for America in our era. As you see, multiple astro-notes are penned on the chart, and the dates of Chiron Returns #2 and #3 are listed, upper right corner:

As you see, this Return occurs on April 20, 2024, the day of the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction and the freedom issues and the potential for breakthroughs that the duo's 14-year meeting tends to herald.

Now other American Horoscopes may be used for Return charts with slightly different results, but one reason I continue to like the late afternoon chart for July 4, 17776 is Chiron's Sabian Symbol and the implications of its the 4th house placement of Roots: because after all, our nation did begin with pugilists (aka, combatants) fighting on behalf of independence and freedom from the Big Bully across the sea. Plus, in general the 4th house = Basis/Foundation, and Domestic Scene (and Ending/The Drain but let's not go there: these are what our country's enemies are attempting to achieve: the ending of America and the destruction of democracy here and worldwide so Vote Blue in 2024).

For as we know in 2024, a Big Bully and his comrades are inside the house and doing as much damage as they can.

Yet despite this, Chiron in Aries is an optimistic placement for the Wounded Healer centaur, aka, The Key, and suggests that for best results, our focus should be on our willingness to take risks on behalf of the freedom to do and know more and this resonates closely with the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction - on the very same day!

Then as you know, there's another prominent cosmic event due in April 2024: a Great American Eclipse number 3 of 3 @19Ari24, a visionary affair that precisely conjuncts transit Chiron and sets up the globe for disruption and a change of direction!

On a personal note as 2024 begins: Continuing to write and publish Stars Over Washington takes resources for paper, ink, and keeping a scanner-printer in working order. If you value my time-consuming efforts here on behalf of America, please consider subscribing once or monthly at Stars Over Washington's Patreon account. And as always, dear reader, Thanks a Bunch for reading, Jude

Jul 28, 2022

The Nazi Regime and US Election 2024

July 28,2022

Mercury-Saturn: dull, distrustful, dishonest people

by Jude Cowell

In a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, today's New Moon @5Leo39 which perfected at 1:55 pm edt conjuncts the 1933 Syzygy Moon of the Nazi Regime (5Leo34, a New Moon in 10th house), its horoscope showing malevolent star Algol rising along with wounded Chiron Rx, angry Capulus - and the natal Midheaven of Herr Trump whose goal (MC) is to claw his way back into power and complete his dark vision of "American carnage".

Now my suspicion is that folks aware of world history can agree that carnage, brutality, and violence were Nazi specialties in the 1930s and 1940s - and the current crop of neo-nazis and fascists are determined to have their chance to rumble again if gullible American voters allow paternalistic Republicans to march back in charge, goose-stepping as they go.

However, another go-round with the orange monster, or one modeled in his image, would be more brutal than the first, so don't be a chump! Because the grass is definitely not greener on the nazi side of the fascist fence.

So as per reader's request and inspired by today's Leo New Moon, here's the Nazi Regime 1933 chart (see tail of a Kite Venus in Saturn-ruled Capricorn's 'obsolete views', highlighted in blue with Venus the ruler of the chart):

Now actually, the Nazi Regime Horoscope, shown above, is the same as the Horoscope of the Third Reich of January 30, 1933, Berlin, Germany but a republish of the 1933 chart has been triggered by today's Leo New Moon which also happens to conjoin America's Leo North Node of July 1776. And as you know, a Leo North Node inclines toward fun stuff such as entertainments and big parties, popularity, plus, a measure of organizational talent, but can also indicate speculation, pride, and pompous people such as Mike Pompeo now reported to be in discussion with the J6 Committee in regards to his possible testimony.

You'll find more on Mr. Pompeo the Capricorn here.

Our Election Day November 5, 2024 Up For Grabs

And now a word about Election Day 2024 planets contacting the Nazi Regime Horoscope. Comparing the charts suggests that, among other influences, it will be a Chiron-Uranus kind of day with 2024 Uranus Rx @25Tau42 conjunct the 1933 Chiron Rx rising, the 1933 Ascendant, and Trump's goal-oriented natal Midheaven where vicious Algol cruelly twinkles and screams. Red ketchup thrown furiously against a wall and dripping down is quite a descriptive picture of Algol-style rage.

Then further emphasizing the Uranus-to-Chiron duo on US Election Day 2024 will be 2024 Chiron Rx @20Ari14 conjunct 1933 Uranus (19Ari53), a double emphasis.

Additionally, we should note that 2024 Chiron Rx @20Ari14 is basically America's 1776 position of Chiron with its "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" symbol. In a previous post, I've likened the revolutionary Uranus-Chiron duo as chaos creators so I'm recommending to you a relic of a post from December 2005, published due to my constant dissent against the Bush-Cheney regime: Chiron-Uranus Types in Government (sans edits!). If you think of the orange menace and his comrades while reading, it's no coincidence.

Then for the curious, here's another post displaying a DC Horoscope of the first of three US Chiron Returns which occurs on April 20, 2024 a few days after the third of three Great American Eclipses. This eclipse will be in the 8 North Saros Series of vivid dreams and visions, and its path of totality will "split" America from the Southwest to the Northeast. Add this to the path of totality cut from Oregon to South Carolina by the August 21, 2017 Great American Eclipse which results in America divided into quadrants.

So yes, as most Americans agree, 2024 will be a pivotal year for America, a crossroads kind of year in fact, and on this we surely must necessarily agree.

And in case this is my final post of the week, have yourself some fun this Leo Moon weekend, at least until Luna enters Mercurial Virgo on Saturday afternoon!

Thanks for reading, Jude