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Showing posts with label US SP Jupiter Rx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US SP Jupiter Rx. Show all posts

May 31, 2022

America's Jupiter: Then and Now

Below is a dual image of America's 1776 charts (July 4th and July 1st, aka, the Powell Chart) progressed ('SP') to today's date, May 31, 2022 with SP Jupiter Rx @15Can11/14 highlighted in green (using the day-for-a-year method of Secondary Progression):

As you know, America's Jupiter in 1776 @5Can55/56 possesses a descriptive rounded-up Sabian Symbol ('6 Cancer'): "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" - a lucrative activity we can all agree has profited many politicians (and their financial backers) through the centuries, and has reached a state of high art. Engaging in insider trading helps along with pay-offs and bribes - and a Congress that neglects its oversight duties on a regular basis while corporate lobbyists basically run the place. Meanwhile, 'The Fed' is a disappointment.

Even the Pentagon is shown to be a major recipient of largesse for our SP Jupiter Rx @15Cancer is 'stuck' on the death star's natal Ascendant (1942) with US Jupiter having turned retrograde by progression @25Cancer in 1905 (based on our Sag Ascendant chart/s) or 1908 (based on the July 1, 1776 Powell chart). No matter which founding chart we progress, the Pentagon benefits greatly. As you see, our Jupiter turned Rx conjunct US natal Mercury, enlarging Washington's plans - 'thinking big', and opposing US Pluto, suggesting the playing and the challenges of big-league power games, with potentials for mass persecutions in the realms of ideology and religion.

So with Jupiter exalted in Moon-ruled Cancer in 1776 and remaining so by progression, this makes Jupiter (conjunct Venus and Sun in 1776) a primary driver of America's plans, goals, spreading of ideologies, military aims, and general tendency toward expansion, even when we engage in over-expansion as I believe we often have as a nation. My guess is that our country's legendary Manifest Destiny wasn't intended to create the problems it has, but it has - when an indivdual or an entity doesn't know when enough is enough. Based on America's Progressed Full Moon, the most prudent time to 'reign in' America's extension into the world was in December 2008 or thereabouts, depending on which founding horoscope is progressed. Obviously, this time frame aligns with the Bush-Cheney Financial Heist, or Crash: nest-feathering on steroids!

So here's an excerpt from a 2014 SO'W post about America's Jupiter in Cancer (with Sag rising as I then used):

Born under a Sun-Jupiter conjunction and with a lifelong preference for Peace and Harmony--two Jupiterian concepts--it saddens me to remind you that America's natal Jupiter in Cancer turned Rx by progression in 1905 and now falls @15Cancer, the degree of the Pentagon's natal Ascendant, our 'Death Star' of Venusian persuasions. For me this describes US resources such as our National Treasury being ensnared and misdirected away from the needs of the American people by the military industrial complex acting as the military enforcement arm of Global Government--at least until China finishes building up its military forces.

Well, it's now 8 years since I wrote the words above and there's little if any way to say in 2022 about social, economic, and political conditions being better for the American people, or for much of the world. Dictators continue to dictate, Washington and the Pentagon keep up their brave faces while getting up to who-knows-what in secret, enemy saboteurs - both foreign and domestic - are having a fascist-style field day against us with their raptor's eye focused on taking complete control in November 2022 and 2024, part of a global movement of thugs and strong-armed paternalists.

Politics in America? Why, that 'system of organized hatreds' is the confounded, most convoluted realm of all. And you know what 'they' say: you may not care about politics, but politics cares about you. So vote at every opportunity, dear reader, for our chances to support and promote Democracy may not last much longer.

In closing, I'll leave you with the quote concerning Jupiterian influences which inspired this rather fussy consideration of America's Jupiter, then and now, and particularly to Jupiter as chart ruler in our Sagittarius rising chart/s. However, to me the following also applies to America's Jupiter whether chart-ruler or simply as the Great Benefic so happily paired with our Venus and Sun in 1776, and suggesting the multiple opportunities for good that the Cosmos has provided our nation through the years.

Note that a few edits are applied for the sake of clarity - as you know, mundane Jupiter wears multiple hats and the following applies to his roles of broadcaster, media mogul, propagandist, and corporatist as well as preacher, politican and The General:

It is easy to become opinionated without even realizing it, and you can seek an abundance of opinions to minimize the importance of any one opinion. When you do this, it becomes possible to justify almost anything. The world of impersonal karma has reasons for everything. It appears to present a multitude of truth but it actually only hides the center of truth.

(Martin Schulman, The Ascendant: Your Karmic Doorway #ad.)

Meanwhile, my theory has been that decades ago, when US Jupiter turned retrograde by progression, after a few years much began to change in Washington, and within the American people, as ideals, ideologies, and beliefs slowly shifted internally (Rx) and began to be shifted by the 'powers that think they be' for their own selfish purposes, thus taking America's ship of state off her original course. This also suggests the generosity vs austerity stand-off fought in the realms of Politics and across the 'air waves' as the haves and the have-nots continue to struggle for pieces of The America Pie. Apple, I believe.

Well, even though we may not agree on any of this, My Thanks for reading and sharing! Jude

Feb 5, 2018

DC Horoscope: US Progressed New Moon 2024

February 5, 2018: If there exists an America in 2024, below is her next Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moon @19Pis26 on March 25, 2024 which symbolically times a new cycle of activity and experience. Of course, year 2021 begins a 'dark of the moon' period when anything can happen so I'm not predicting here, just posting our national SP New Moon chart for those who may wish to view it in early mode! And of course, with an SP or transiting New Moon, things take a while before the proper direction is clear.

Most of my current notes and its basic details are penned messily on the chart so hopefully you can enlarge the image for better viewing. Added are the dates and degrees of our country's Previous SP New Moon in 1994 (19AQ51), and this SP New Moon's Previous SP Full Moon (4Vir10) on or about December 25, 2008 which marked the time when the US had extended into the wider world as far as she could reasonably and naturally go. As you know, Washington DC's preparation for this important karmic condition was to continue indulging in the same old globe-conquering madness, wasteful spending, embezzlement from public coffers and various other financial crimes, weakened systems and agencies of government, lowered standards in international diplomacy, foreign entanglements and conflicts of interest that the Founders warned against, and mayhem and corruption that would horrify the American people if the truth were known. Oh well. One day all will be known!

Around the chart in blue: transits for the SP New Moon's date, time, and location.

America's Progressed New Moon @19Pis26 March 25, 2024 3:22 pm edt Washington DC:

Note that in the transits both Mars (2Pis11) and Pluto (1AQ45) are out-of-bounds and up to who-knows what. And that US SP Jupiter (15Can11) has been retrograde by progression since 1905 which figures directly into the formation of the 'Federal Reserve System of Banking', aka, the transnational central bank take-over of the US government. US SP Jupiter Rx also relates to America's tiresome tendency to over extend and grab what isn't hers--and a major change of direction and disturbing philosophical shifts were also shown by our nation's Jupiter function turning inward @15Cancer--directly upon the natal Ascendant of the money-guzzling Pentagon.

Oct 9, 2016

Oct 19, 2016: Mars-Pluto Conjunction Hits New Millennium Chart

Here's a re-publish of the New Millennium Horoscope set for January 1, 2001 12:00 am est White House Washington DC. My primary concern is the October 19, 2016 Mars-Pluto conjunction which occurs upon the South Node at 15Cap31 in 4th house of Domestic Scene, Homeland, Foundation of the Matter. And of course, the 4th house is also about Roots, Endings, and The Drain.

Trump and Clinton, Clinton and Trump

Now if you follow politics and the 2016 Campaign, you know that October 19, 2016 is when the third and final presidential debate occurs between Republican nominee Donald Trump (who just may be represented by the Scorpio Mars leading all the planets in a Locomotive shape from the 2nd house of the National Treasury (US SP Jupiter Rx = money, corporatism, the politician, and The General)...or not, since perhaps it's Mrs. Clinton whose natal Sun is in early Scorpio, and both candidates have the executive ability a Locomotive shows).

Also, Democrat Hillary Clinton's natal Moon in Pisces is represented by the Moon in the New Millennium's 6th house of the Military, Police, and Civil Service (and Pisces = the server). Yet as always, her aggressive Mars-Saturn-Pluto trio in Leo 'runs in the background' of her political career and falls within the 11th house of this chart which to me suggests her neocon/war-hawk stance and the people and groups she associates (11th h) with who have similar goals of world domination.

And as you see, the New Millennium's difficult Mars-Saturn midpoint at 14Leo49 is also in 11th house and conjoins Mrs. Clinton's natal trio in Leo. In 3rd house you can see Mr. Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction which conjoins the New Millennium's Chiron and this may signify the crises and wounds that many Americans intuit a Trump presidency would bring, and/or the 'blindspot' (Chiron) of some voters who have fallen for his promises of Making America Great Again.

Additionally, the detached and out-of-bounds Mercury at 14Cap36 conjoins the Saturnian, separative South Node in the chart which is a 'natal echo' of Clinton's Mercury-SN conjunction in Scorpio. Mercury-SN tends to have ideas ahead of its time and/or may signify past ideas and plans which here relate to the Pentagon since the 10th house North Node conjoins both the Pentagon's natal Ascendant and US SP (progressed) Jupiter Rx at 15Cancer--tragically describing America's past and future war path.

Now my assumption is and has been that the war costs of global conquest and other Pentagon programs (ex: black ops, invasion and occupation) have drained America's National Treasury and other resources, a condition hidden by our fiat money. So basically, the South-Node-Mars-Pluto condition indicates the US military chiefs falling back on past behavior (SN) and suggesting turbulent, possibly violent, events (Mars-Pluto) timed by the conjunction's Saturnian (Capricorn) hook-up with the New Millennium Nodal Axis of meetings, encounters, and past vs future direction...Mars-Pluto = SN.

Or, perhaps this is merely a cosmic picture of Campaign 2016 and the ruthless rivalry between our two political parties for control of the White House megaphone and our political discourse.

Now here are what I see as the stand-out planets in the New Millennium chart and why they are prominent:

1. Mars in Scorpio conjunct 2nd cusp because it leads all other planets via the chart's Locomotive shape and describes people with executive ability who command success;

2. 3rd house Pluto in Sagittarius (conjunct US Ascendant in the late-afternoon 'Sibly chart') because Mr. Underworld, planet of hidden wealth and criminality, is unaspected and therefore isolated from the rest of the planets (actors), a condition which denies them the benefit of plutonian regeneration;

3. Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius in the 5th house of Speculation, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits because Uranus is a reformer, a rebel, an anarchist, and a troublemaker and is the Final Dispositor of the entire chart since the 'trail of dispositorship' leads back to Uranus in Aquarius.

A Tragic Synchronicity?

Naturally there are many other chart factors of note than these but my main purpose today is to re-post the New Millennium Horoscope for you and remark upon the significance of the October 19th Mars-Pluto conjunction perfecting on the very day of the third and final presidential debate of 2016--and add that the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series of the New Millennium (2 South on December 25, 2000 at 4Cap14) repeats during the last year of the presidential term of whoever is (s)elected on November 8, 2016--because 2 South manifests once again on January 5, 2019 at 15Capricorn25 which echoes and conjoins the 2016 Mars-Pluto conjunction.