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Showing posts with label New Millennium Horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Millennium Horoscope. Show all posts

May 6, 2024

Between Two Horoscopes "The Cruelty Is the Point"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

A few days ago a controversial comparison of natal planets appeared here in the form of a question concerning two individuals who have been compared to one another in the press so I wondered what Astrology might have to say about them in bi-wheel form.

Today on SO'W comes another comparison between natal planets from 1946 to 1740, inspired by the obvious sadism now trying to make a comeback in American society and politics, and across the globe. And in the US it's lifted up by one political party in particular by strong-armed paternalism, misogyny, and holier-than-thou religious dominionism driving their anti-societal demands - in the minority though they are.

So undoubtedly, when it comes to the Republican Party (or what used to pass for it before "maga" took control), you've heard political pundits and others intone that the cruelty is the point. We can look directly at the GOP/Heritage Foundation plan to implement their Project 2025 agenda if a maga-lover should finagle the White House in November 2024 as a ready example of their cruel intentions which they've actually written down for all to read - as if their plan is inevitable! But it isn't.

Cruelty: The GOP War On Compassion

As you noticed years ago, the GOP's old "compassionate conservatism" was merely a political slogan used to gaslight voters into submission. Presently, the damage from SCOTUS' Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v Wade has led to cruel schemes, loss, and denial of medical care against American women and their pregnancies while threatening doctors and others with fines and prison terms for showing compassion and decency.

Meanwhile, the destructive energies and interference in people's medical decisions by paternalistic politicians grievously affect women and their family members but cold-hearted politicians and their backers don't care. And you know about the huge scandal of the moment which tells a sadistic tale: "bad*ss" Kristi Noem's easy execution of her dog, goat, and possibly other animals. Her chance at being selected for a VP run has apparently disintegrated - not because of the cruelty of her actions but because of the media storm it caused.

For after all, as we see via "30 Sagittarius," The Pope Blesses the Faithful, yes? So the order of the day is, control through cruelty, manipulate through fear: in a word, sadism:

Jupiter-Chiron Extremism Then and Now

So above you see a second planetary comparison between a certain two individuals, probably again on the controversial side. Therefore, one of the names has been disguised to protect the guilty, and study notes are penned on including Jupiter-Chiron conjunctions in both charts which indicate their shared extremism and zealotry, with taboo-breaking involved as well. Add to this various factors that suggest tendencies toward violence and anti-social behavior which appear around and between the natal horoscopes. Plus, 1740 Jupiter conjuncts 1946 Uranus, a contact which suggests a meeting of two minds!

Then as you see in the bi-wheel, the emphasis is on their shared Gemini and Cancer placements which include very close aspects both men have with Venus-Saturn conjunctions in Cancer, an aspect of discontent in relationships, although some measure of longevity in unions may also occur.

Now there are other planetary contacts from 1946 to 1740 too numerous to mention in this brief post so I'll leave them up to the curious reader. Suffice to say that cruelty is the point and man's inhumanity to man and woman has become 'the style' once again in this, The New Millenium.

Previously on SO'W a bi-wheel: Roe v Wade Decision 1973 and Roe v Wade Overturned 2022.

Jun 14, 2022

The New Millennium in Year 2024

Yet Another Pivotal Year for America and The World

by Jude Cowell

Among the several cosmic and earthly events coming in the year 2024, America's presidential election ranks at the top of our nation's to-do list. It's been written in the past (by Michael Howard, for one) that this will be our country's last such election with our final Inauguration on January 20, 2025. Well, this particular American does not choose to believe this, yet despite the multiple horocopes one can use for America's founding (when the New Order of the Ages began - in 1776, as we know, yet our first official Inauguration was held in 1789), let's instead progress the New Millennium Horoscope for clues as to what lies ahead, not just for America but for all of humanity.

The New Millennium Horoscope; SP New Moon of 2024:

Point is, one helpful technique for gleaning how conditions are evolving is Secondary Progressions ('SP': day-for-a-year), and the milestone years of SP New and SP Full Moons which function as timing devices for new phases being seeded at New Moon, and the culmination or fulfillment stage of development at the SP Full Moon.

And so by progression, the New Millennium Horoscope reveals a significant phasal shift in Year 2024. And actually, we've discussed this topic previously in November 2021. Here's a snippet from that post followed by a link to its entirety where you'll find the same dual chart image shown above:

Now in both charts, a motivated Mars is significant for he leads a Locomotive shape of planets (ruthless executives determined upon success - from his own sign of big business Scorpio). However, the final dispositor in both charts is radical Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius from where the 'Sky God' behaves progressively, futuristically, and often cooperatively on behalf of the group yet, as a planet of change, reform, and anarchy can choose to behave rebelliously while magnifying and exaggerating to distract from the issues. And as we've seen, some serious troublemaking can be the result -".

The New Millennium's Progressed New Moon @4AQ36: Society!

Now there are significant chart factors in the SP New Moon Horoscope that I had intended to discuss more fully in a second post, or at least, had wanted to point them out for dear readers who might wish to follow up on them themselves. Primarily I refer to the conditions of SP Jupiter and SP Saturn for the two societal planets are at Station Retrograde by progression indicating internal shifts within the realms of generous Jupiter and restrictive Saturn, representing the yin and yang of humanity's existence.

And as you know, when translated into Politics, the pair relates to America's much touted system of 'checks and balances' - so long under assault by domestic and foreign enemies determined to destroy society, to destroy civilization itself, their first and primary target: America. (For when you're the number one cheese, all the rats come for a gnaw and a nibble.) So with Jupiter and Saturn turning direct by progression, a go-ahead condition within the realms of both planets is suggested on a mundane level and should be looked into. Hopefully, one or both of us will have the time and opportunity to do so! Also involved is the current cycle of Jupiter and Saturn for the societal duo met @00AQ29 to begin a new 20-year cycle of their own in December 2020 - conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS).

Year 2024: The Real and The Symbolic

Okay, it's true that SP charts are merely symbolic and are good for timing purposes, if nothing else. So for real world events, we'll also want to consider at some point the Great American Eclipse in April, but initially, the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope linked above. Then there's the one and only Great Conjunction occurring in Year 2024 which would be the Meet-Up of Jupiter and Uranus on April 20, 2024 @21Tau49:48, a milestone within their 14-year cycle of this 'break-through' pair. Urksomely in the political realm, April 20th is a certain past psycho-dictator's birth date so for those who can manage to include his anti-societal self and his failed global take-over in their thoughts, it's worth a ponder.

Of course, as I type in the early morning hours of June 14, 2022, America is in the midst of June 2022's public hearings into Trump's coup attempt of January 6, 2021 which was the orange maniac's orchestrated assault on the peaceful transfer of power, on the Capitol Building and certain Congress members (plus, VP Pence), and on our democratic Republic, if we can keep it.

And speaking of that, perhaps you heard that Monday (Jan 13th) this news broke: 'They are desperate': Trump releases 12-page response to Jan 6 hearing so given his often demonstrated way of responding to challenges by projecting his condition onto others, we know that he is the one who's desperate - to avoid indictment and handcuffs. Yet if this should be the fate of the orange menace, I continue to believe that a super-large sized straight jacket had better be on hand.

Dec 9, 2021

When Pluto-Chiron conjunct: a New Cycle of Plutocracy

by Jude Cowell

December 9, 2021

Today, as Stars Over Washington meanders toward a total of 6,000 published posts since 2005, I confess to having no idea whether or not the DC Horoscope of the December 30, 1999 Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron, the Plutocracy duo, has turned up here before. With a near-60-year orbit, the mighty duo's rendezvous at the close of 1999 pointed toward the New Millennium and marked an important beginning of a significant new cycle in the realms of mass consciousness, aka, the Collective Unconscious. Subversive forces were stirring, rather like the waking of a fearsome dragon.

However, slight mention of the powerful duo was made in a previous SO'W post so here's a brief excerpt with mild edits for clarity:

Pluto conjunt Chiron: well, you know how I feel about this conjunction of corporatism, nationalism, fascism, nazism, communism, socialism, and other ~isms including racism. {Barbara Hand} Clow says this conjunction is very strong and is an evolutionary vortex, and that the house position defines the nature of the transmutive force.

Naturally, exploitation and primal violence also shelter under the Pluto-Chiron umbrella and in the last few years - the second decade of the New Millennium - we've seen a 'blossoming" of the negative potentials of Pluto-Chiron when their energies express together, sometimes violently, as wealthy 'elites' opportunistically take advantage of other people in order to protect their earthly thrones, increase their fortunes, and selfishly promote their objectives of power, control, and manipulation (over those of us who manage to stay alive to be further exploited!). Sad to say, the collapse of civilization itself is a longterm goal of these destructive social tinkerers - psychopaths, all, with evil on their minds and a success-at-any-cost attitude.

Oh all right, I'll quit fussing for now because, after all, you know who they are and what they do. You know their crimes and their guilt although often they perpetrate anti-societal crimes and outrages in the plutonian shadows - as you see, the duo is posited within the hidden, unconscious 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions such as Congress, and Back Room Deals. And of course, the 12th house is the favored domicile of watery Neptune, karmic planet of fraud, deception, speculation, fantasy, and loss - just a plutocrat's cup of tea!

So if you wish, check out (and compare with other charts) the DC Horoscope of the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction of December 30, 1999 for details about Plutocracy, plutocrats, and more of the negative societal conditions their greed and hatred creates while appreciating how the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 (themes: 'benefits' and 'good news') 'hit' the 1999 Conjunction (spotlighting its qualities and activities).

Plus, you may wish to consider the mixed bag of exposure and criminality that's now in progress of being spilled and leaked in Washington DC as the duo's 10th house Moon's Sabian Symbol becomes more visible to the entire world: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding":

A Related Post: The New Millennium Horoscope and its Progressed New Moon of 2024.

Feb 2, 2019

Grucci helps Washington DC usher in a new century - New Years Eve 1999

Today is February 2, 2019, the much-touted, seldom-awaited, annual "Ground Hog Day" when the gruff-looking varmint attempts to prognosticate for the US an early or late Spring 2019. Many Americans are snowed in today, and perhaps some are without power, sorry to say. The fear level has been purposefully ramped up by government sources on the already lame electrical grid issue and on other issues so we've got that not going for us. As if America isn't up to the task of defending her cyber self yet for years we've been told how intricately intrusive is the touch of the Total Awareness system we're virtually surrounded and entwined by as its tentacles gather all personal communications and details of our spied-upon lives. Allegedly. Meanwhile, don't give promis, financial tracking, or back doors another thought.

20 Years Ago and Then Some

Basically, the New Millennium has timed if not sparked an announced 'new world order' as the 1776 version falls by the wayside before our very eyes, a natural Saturn-Uranus imperative about every 45 years - brittle and breakable yet necessary. 'Old' Saturn and 'new' or 'futuristic' Uranus last met three times through 1988 under Reagan in the last three degrees of Sagittarius. We are under this sway until their next conjunction (once) @28Gem01 on June 28, 2032.

Now the question of January 1, 2000 as the beginning of the next era vs January 1, 2001 is not a great obstacle to the basic concept of a new order replacing an old order and there are other signs along the road to its full implementation, some of which have been set up ahead of time - very robotic and all yet a cruel master. A devil, in fact. Yet if handled positively, these energies can bring improvements in society such as the progressive ideas now being expressed in the Democratic House of Congress.

And do you know that society is currently under sway of a Solar Eclipse from the 2 South Saros Series which is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series of the New Millennium? Ongoing, the eclipse manifested on January 5, 2019 (US) @15Cap25 with its 'joining a new or unusual group' vibe, plus, 'gaining a great deal' (Brady). Prior to the dawning of the New Millennium, a 2 South eclipse occurred on Christmas Day 2000 @4Capricorn.

So if you're reading this, I figure you could be in the mood to view a 58-second Vintage Video by Grucci of New Years Eve 1999 with the Clintons (not shown) presiding at the Washington Monument that's been lit up like a gaudy Christmas Tree - soo-o-o Illuminati! - but with the capstone of the phallic obelisk mysteriously darkened. And for anyone young enough as to have been unaware of (or, not yet born!) The New Millennium Fireworks on that starry night and the rest of the spectacle, now's a good chance to catch up a little in slightly less than one minute!

A Related Post: Washington Monument: Center of Political Power?.

Dec 23, 2017

Horoscope: Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections

December 23, 2017: Year 2018 soon arrives and GOP politicians and their donors are already looking ahead to the 2018 Midterm Elections scheduled for Tuesday November 6th. Of course, it's too early now to say how hacked or rigged the votes and outcomes will be but we know at least one US political party that will do everything in its power to sway results their way, if at all possible. As usual, a large voter turn-out can make cheating more difficult so hopefully such will be the case even though GOP gerrymandering will be doing what it can with a few Democratic Party tricks in the mix as well.

Obviously, many political rallies and other events will occur between today and November 6, 2018 including scandals, subpoenas, and leaks. Various conditions will change for better or worse--including the just-signed GOP-Trump 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (with Mercury Rx!) which will have been in force for months by November 2018 and its results will affect public opinion positively or negatively. Still, let's take an early peek at the planetary influences and themes of the Prenatal Solar Eclipse and its Saros Series (2 New North) in which General Election 2018 falls. You may wish to follow the link, above, for details on which states and seats are in play, plus, other details as they are currently known.

2 New North has a disturbing nickname, The Tower Eclipse, and its themes relate closely to the #16 card in the Tarot deck. Anyone familiar with this card already knows what I'm about to type. If not, simply enlarge the chart and read its themes, upper right: 'sudden collapse of plans or lifestyles, confusion reigns but after the dust settles, rebuilding begins and has far-reaching effects ' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). For karmic progress, Solar Eclipses in Leo demand avoidance of such negative Leonine traits as ego, pride, and pomposity (Lineman) and this eclipse degree (18Leo) conjoins that of the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999--the 'Nostradamus Eclipse', or, King of Alarm Eclipse with its Fixed Grand Cross (mid-degrees of Fixed signs). Here, Jupiter @14Sco48 activates the Eagle Point, the Point of Regeneration, very near the position of Mars in 1999, as mentioned in the Book of Revelation and symbolizing when the Winds of War and Strife were set loose:

Image: August 11, 2018 2 New North Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 5:57:39 am edt Washington DC; Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes); Ascendant 13Leo44 so the Sun is chart-ruler but makes no major applying aspects. However, there is an inconjunct (quincunx) with 6th house Pluto @19Cap19 Rx (0A38) denoting potentials for justification, analysis, obsession with gaining approval, spying, gossip, resentment, and confrontations with authority--and adjustments must be made concerning the power principle (Pluto) and egocentric aims (Sun). Also note that a Moon-Pluto inconjunct suggests judgementalism and dogmatism (Epstein).

Is Trump Tower part of 'The Tower' Eclipse picture or does its theme of 'collapse' relate to the Republican Party--or perhaps to the US government itself? With the current crop of infiltrators working hard to hollow out America's halls of power and considering foreign interference in our business, I'd not care to express my deepest thoughts on this topic at the moment although I'm certain you have ideas of your own, dear reader.

A New Millennium No Longer New

Now as you know, in 1999 and into the New Millennium, it was George W. Bush playing the role of the 'king' (POTUS) of America. But in 2017+ it's you-know-who, born with royal Regulus, the 'king' or 'king-maker', rising along with his thin-skinned, confrontational Mars in Leo. However, like all royal stars, Regulus contains a serious caution: success if revenge is avoided. Now who can say that Donald Trump isn't a champ at revenge and retaliation? Yet if this cosmic caution is neglected or ignored, all that has been gained will be taken away.

Quirky Is as Quirky Does Especially When Angular

So as you see in the chart, disruptive Uranus @2Tau33 Rx has just crossed Midheaven, the Goal Point, which denotes 'reforms and changes of direction in career and matters of public status'. Now I won't add my own intuition that Democrats may take back enough seats in Congress to change the balance of power on Capitol Hill, or at least to toss a wrench into Trump's and the Republican agenda, but it's something to ponder and work toward, isn't it?

After all, maverick planet and anarchistic zealot when in Aries, Uranus, suggests that 'premature actions lead to failure' when the 'Sky God' is in Taurus. Plus, Uranus is Mr. Trump's guiding planet due to its oriental condition in his natal chart (10th house) and seems to inspire the chatty tweets (Uranus in Gemini) of his very thoughts directly at the public, however unvetted, untrue, odd, duplicitous, and/or disruptive they may be.

Well, there are many more chart factors in the above horoscope worth discussing and my aim is that you may do so 'amongst yourselves' for there are children about the place here, gifts to open, and a holiday to celebrate so I'll mosey along for now and check back with you later.

Till then, I'm Wishing Everyone a Merry Merry Jingle and a Happy New Year! Jude


Related Posts: Eclipses and a Few Other Cosmic Events of 2018 and The Natal Horoscope of Donald Trump Part 2 with a link to Part 1 and notes on his Prenatal Solar Eclipse @9Gemini which repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer amidst the Twin Stars of Gemini.

Plus, this post on The Tower Eclipse is actually the second one published. If you wish to check out my first version, tap or click this link.

Oct 9, 2016

Oct 19, 2016: Mars-Pluto Conjunction Hits New Millennium Chart

Here's a re-publish of the New Millennium Horoscope set for January 1, 2001 12:00 am est White House Washington DC. My primary concern is the October 19, 2016 Mars-Pluto conjunction which occurs upon the South Node at 15Cap31 in 4th house of Domestic Scene, Homeland, Foundation of the Matter. And of course, the 4th house is also about Roots, Endings, and The Drain.

Trump and Clinton, Clinton and Trump

Now if you follow politics and the 2016 Campaign, you know that October 19, 2016 is when the third and final presidential debate occurs between Republican nominee Donald Trump (who just may be represented by the Scorpio Mars leading all the planets in a Locomotive shape from the 2nd house of the National Treasury (US SP Jupiter Rx = money, corporatism, the politician, and The General)...or not, since perhaps it's Mrs. Clinton whose natal Sun is in early Scorpio, and both candidates have the executive ability a Locomotive shows).

Also, Democrat Hillary Clinton's natal Moon in Pisces is represented by the Moon in the New Millennium's 6th house of the Military, Police, and Civil Service (and Pisces = the server). Yet as always, her aggressive Mars-Saturn-Pluto trio in Leo 'runs in the background' of her political career and falls within the 11th house of this chart which to me suggests her neocon/war-hawk stance and the people and groups she associates (11th h) with who have similar goals of world domination.

And as you see, the New Millennium's difficult Mars-Saturn midpoint at 14Leo49 is also in 11th house and conjoins Mrs. Clinton's natal trio in Leo. In 3rd house you can see Mr. Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction which conjoins the New Millennium's Chiron and this may signify the crises and wounds that many Americans intuit a Trump presidency would bring, and/or the 'blindspot' (Chiron) of some voters who have fallen for his promises of Making America Great Again.

Additionally, the detached and out-of-bounds Mercury at 14Cap36 conjoins the Saturnian, separative South Node in the chart which is a 'natal echo' of Clinton's Mercury-SN conjunction in Scorpio. Mercury-SN tends to have ideas ahead of its time and/or may signify past ideas and plans which here relate to the Pentagon since the 10th house North Node conjoins both the Pentagon's natal Ascendant and US SP (progressed) Jupiter Rx at 15Cancer--tragically describing America's past and future war path.

Now my assumption is and has been that the war costs of global conquest and other Pentagon programs (ex: black ops, invasion and occupation) have drained America's National Treasury and other resources, a condition hidden by our fiat money. So basically, the South-Node-Mars-Pluto condition indicates the US military chiefs falling back on past behavior (SN) and suggesting turbulent, possibly violent, events (Mars-Pluto) timed by the conjunction's Saturnian (Capricorn) hook-up with the New Millennium Nodal Axis of meetings, encounters, and past vs future direction...Mars-Pluto = SN.

Or, perhaps this is merely a cosmic picture of Campaign 2016 and the ruthless rivalry between our two political parties for control of the White House megaphone and our political discourse.

Now here are what I see as the stand-out planets in the New Millennium chart and why they are prominent:

1. Mars in Scorpio conjunct 2nd cusp because it leads all other planets via the chart's Locomotive shape and describes people with executive ability who command success;

2. 3rd house Pluto in Sagittarius (conjunct US Ascendant in the late-afternoon 'Sibly chart') because Mr. Underworld, planet of hidden wealth and criminality, is unaspected and therefore isolated from the rest of the planets (actors), a condition which denies them the benefit of plutonian regeneration;

3. Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius in the 5th house of Speculation, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits because Uranus is a reformer, a rebel, an anarchist, and a troublemaker and is the Final Dispositor of the entire chart since the 'trail of dispositorship' leads back to Uranus in Aquarius.

A Tragic Synchronicity?

Naturally there are many other chart factors of note than these but my main purpose today is to re-post the New Millennium Horoscope for you and remark upon the significance of the October 19th Mars-Pluto conjunction perfecting on the very day of the third and final presidential debate of 2016--and add that the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series of the New Millennium (2 South on December 25, 2000 at 4Cap14) repeats during the last year of the presidential term of whoever is (s)elected on November 8, 2016--because 2 South manifests once again on January 5, 2019 at 15Capricorn25 which echoes and conjoins the 2016 Mars-Pluto conjunction.