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Showing posts with label Winter of 1777. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter of 1777. Show all posts

May 23, 2024

14 North's Peculiar Events

Today's Full Moon @2Sag55 and a Fussy Post

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

The history of NAFTA and its replacement, the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) by the Trump administration (in effect July 1, 2020) tells the story of US attempts at establishing a North American "free trade zone" beginning with Ronald Reagan in 1979. Sounds like clearing a path for globalism to me! And perhaps you've heard of 1992 candidate Ross Perot's warning against NAFTA regarding "that giant sucking sound going South" as US jobs chased cheaper labor elsewhere. Obviously, Mr. Perot was correct.

Delusion and A Peculiar Turn of Events

And so NAFTA passed the House on November 17, 1993 (234-200), passed the US Senate on November 20, 1993 (61-38) - and became effective on January 1, 1994 - all under the influence of a 14 North Solar Eclipse @21Sco31:41 (November 13, 1993).

Then for the sake of comparison, 14 North is the Saros Series of the "Sequester Eclipse" of November 25, 2011 @2Sag36:48 - with quirky zealot Uranus Rx conjunct the Aries Point of Global Events, and shady, secretive financial dealings perpetrated by what was dubbed a "Super Congess." So this is the 14 North @2Sag36 that was activated this morning by the Full Moon @2Sag55, and here I am fussing about it all.

Of course, as all solar eclipses are, the 2011 Eclipse was a New Moon so potentially, under the spotlight of today's Full Moon at the same degree, we might soon hear financial news or gain information that in some measure relates to the crisis-ridden sequestration murkiness of 2011's sneakily formed under-the-table "Super Congress" with its restrictive solutions for our debt-ceiling crisis of 2011, or news that involves secret financial dealings.

Other than this fussy post, of course!

Meanwhile, today's Full Moon may likely relate to the ongoing Trump Trial soon to draw to a close in Manhattan, Judge Merchan presiding. Mr. Trump certainly seems to be mired within a debt crisis of his own creation, yes?

So above is a dual image of the 1993 14 North Eclipse (lower left) and the 14 North Eclipse of 2011 (upper right) with the initial 14 North of April 29, 1074 @13Tau54 listed on the right, and the next 14 North listed in the upper right corner.

Then besides the shadiness, peculiarity, and despair of it all, 1993 Jupiter and 2011 Jupiter Rx are in opposition across the financial Taurus-Scorpio axis which signals discontent in the money department sparking a potential for overblown efforts!

For as everyone knows, moderation tends to be the best course rather than overdoing issues and draining one's energy - or emptying the National Treasury.

Q: Is there a prominent historical event that occurred under the influence of a 14 North Eclipse? Why yes, the Valley Forge Encampment of General Washington and Our Exhausted Troops in 1777. Now there's a perfect example of drained energy.

And from 2022, here's an informative Thom Hartmann clip How China Can and Will Use NAFTA Against America.