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Showing posts with label globalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label globalism. Show all posts

May 23, 2024

14 North's Peculiar Events

Today's Full Moon @2Sag55 and a Fussy Post

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

The history of NAFTA and its replacement, the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) by the Trump administration (in effect July 1, 2020) tells the story of US attempts at establishing a North American "free trade zone" beginning with Ronald Reagan in 1979. Sounds like clearing a path for globalism to me! And perhaps you've heard of 1992 candidate Ross Perot's warning against NAFTA regarding "that giant sucking sound going South" as US jobs chased cheaper labor elsewhere. Obviously, Mr. Perot was correct.

Delusion and A Peculiar Turn of Events

And so NAFTA passed the House on November 17, 1993 (234-200), passed the US Senate on November 20, 1993 (61-38) - and became effective on January 1, 1994 - all under the influence of a 14 North Solar Eclipse @21Sco31:41 (November 13, 1993).

Then for the sake of comparison, 14 North is the Saros Series of the "Sequester Eclipse" of November 25, 2011 @2Sag36:48 - with quirky zealot Uranus Rx conjunct the Aries Point of Global Events, and shady, secretive financial dealings perpetrated by what was dubbed a "Super Congess." So this is the 14 North @2Sag36 that was activated this morning by the Full Moon @2Sag55, and here I am fussing about it all.

Of course, as all solar eclipses are, the 2011 Eclipse was a New Moon so potentially, under the spotlight of today's Full Moon at the same degree, we might soon hear financial news or gain information that in some measure relates to the crisis-ridden sequestration murkiness of 2011's sneakily formed under-the-table "Super Congress" with its restrictive solutions for our debt-ceiling crisis of 2011, or news that involves secret financial dealings.

Other than this fussy post, of course!

Meanwhile, today's Full Moon may likely relate to the ongoing Trump Trial soon to draw to a close in Manhattan, Judge Merchan presiding. Mr. Trump certainly seems to be mired within a debt crisis of his own creation, yes?

So above is a dual image of the 1993 14 North Eclipse (lower left) and the 14 North Eclipse of 2011 (upper right) with the initial 14 North of April 29, 1074 @13Tau54 listed on the right, and the next 14 North listed in the upper right corner.

Then besides the shadiness, peculiarity, and despair of it all, 1993 Jupiter and 2011 Jupiter Rx are in opposition across the financial Taurus-Scorpio axis which signals discontent in the money department sparking a potential for overblown efforts!

For as everyone knows, moderation tends to be the best course rather than overdoing issues and draining one's energy - or emptying the National Treasury.

Q: Is there a prominent historical event that occurred under the influence of a 14 North Eclipse? Why yes, the Valley Forge Encampment of General Washington and Our Exhausted Troops in 1777. Now there's a perfect example of drained energy.

And from 2022, here's an informative Thom Hartmann clip How China Can and Will Use NAFTA Against America.

Sep 12, 2020

Neptune and the Untangling of the American Empire

"Every Kingdom Is Born To Die," - Wade Davis

Yes, we know. And we feel it happening. Yet perhaps, dear reader, you've purposefully missed the August 6, 2020 article in Rolling Stone by Wade Davis, The Unraveling of America, or perhaps you don't like to ponder such topics as Fallen Empires, the whys and the wherefores.

Well, despite this, I'm here today to inform you that there have been multiple SO'W posts published over the last few years - especially since Trump - concerning such weighty topics. An example is the December 29, 2016 Capricorn New Moon = 1940 'Arsenal of Democracy' New Moon both @7Capricorn for those courageous enough to dare a perusal. Obviously, in recent years Donald Trump playing the POTUS role within the unraveling/dissolution/sabotage/collapse of America is an intimate actor in the piece, stage-managed by Putin and the Kremlin, and cheered on by various opponents of the US. Meanwhile, many pundits and others have admitted that his nibs is not the cause of our nation's demise but more a symptom of its karma for it's been coming on for years. I say he's the figurehead selected by opponents of democracy to lead America into the ash heap of history while China and Russia continue arrangements to take over global leadership. Well, powerhouse China intends to take over, anyway, although more arrangements are required.

After all, timing is everything and China is very patient.

Image: Neptune Ascends

And naturally, astrologers (if no one else!) easily recognize astrological Neptune's influence in words such as dissolve, unravel, sabotage, collapse - the planet well known for its surreptitious activities and undermining qualities (it seems the GOP has contracted 'urge to merge' fever - for Russia). A big clue is that the Republican Party of 1854 recently experienced a Neptune Return (since Trump) which timed an identity change into the Trump Party aka, the Conspiracy Party. And as you know, Neptune floating through shady Pisces has timed a period of paranoia, fear, propaganda, deceit, fraud, misconceptions, disguises, gaslighting, cravings, contagion, and loss, hasn't it?

And we should note that the above linked post concerns FDR's 'Arsenal of Democracy' speech and era, and that WWII began during the time of America's three-fer Neptune Return/s: exact on October 28, 1938, February 24, 1939, and August 30, 1939 - for as you know, WWII began September 1, 1939 with Hitler invading Poland (Return dates based on our July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT chart, to 22Virgo25) under the auspices of a difficult, forceful T-Square: Mars-Pluto = Saturn @00Taurus, Hitler's 'trigger degree' of his natal Sun, and forevermore linked to violence and resorting to violent measures.

Yes, many politicians will do anything to hold on to power, even Neptunian betrayal! No Big Lie or propaganda is too far even as our Ship of State sinks around their ears! Do you think perhaps Putin promised certain politicians and their enablers a cat bird seat or two? Puh! You know, 'gullible' is also a Neptunian word.

And so regretfully, with my preference for a sovereign America intact, I hereby curate for you a list of previous SO'W posts concerning the unraveling of our country - the fall of our grandly titled American Empire - for your consideration. Any one of them may be of interest and many contain videos and interviews by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann, plus, some Astrology is sprinkled in here and there like Neptunian fairy dust. In addition, be warned that some posts contain links to the others on this list but I'll attempt to correctly name them so you'll know which is which.

In no particular order they are:

When Will America Fall Like the Roman Empire?

Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes (post contains FDR's 1933 and 1937 Inauguration Horoscopes for the sake of comparison with 1937 POTUS Sun @00AQ conjunct bold, adventurous Altair and a difficult Saturn-Neptune opposition--transit Neptune Rx now conjuncts 1937 Saturn: authority figures, structures, and traditions disintegrate and are either highly idealistic, or strange and misguided; I'll add, 'or some combination of both'.

Economics Professor Richard Wollf Reveals How Empires End #

Mar 4, 2020

Astro-Notes on Joe Biden and the CFR

March 4, 2020: Not to Dissuade But to Inform

by Jude Cowell

For some time now it's been known that 2020 candidate Joe Biden, he of the Democratic persuasion, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, or is somehow associated with the social tinkering group. The following post is intended to inform anyone who is unaware of what such an association has meant and what it could mean in US Politics if former VP Biden enters the Oval Office once again--this time as president. Take the information with a grain of salt if you wish but don't cast your vote on November 3, 2020 without considering! And as always, your on-topic comments are welcome.

The CFR website has a page on Democratic candidate (and probably the party's 2020 nominee for POTUS) Joseph R. Biden for those who care to look. The Council on Foreign Relations was founded on July 29, 1921 with headquarters in New York City and an office in Washington DC. As we can see, the group will be 100 years old next year. Its statement on why the organization (aka, a think tank) was founded sounds pretty good to anyone unaware that the CFR is a promoter of the One World Government agenda, what elites once called the 'New World Order' (1993 horoscope shown). Maybe they still call it that, I do not know. But I do know that CFR members have infested the White House through several decades so having CFR Joe back there again and calling the shots can make little if any difference to America's "march" to global government (which means good-bye to 'nation states' and to US sovereignty) - other than the exalted mission of removing from office Herr Trump and the global crime syndicate/s he's in league with. An improvement? We can hope.

(Personally, I prefer a civilized society to Trump and his natal midpoint picture of horror and brutality, Mars-Saturn = Pluto, which is excessively violent, crass, cruel, and obviously on the barbaric side. As a maternal type, Trump's tendencies are naturally way over the line for a common-good supporter such as myself.)

So from the vantage point of March 4, 2020 in the throes of the 2020 campaign, it feels to me that the American people are caught in the crossfire between the CFR syndicate of experts vs figurehead Trump and his underworld criminal operatives and saboteurs who banded together to take over the White House, the US Supreme Court, and the US Congress. Meanwhile, as you've noticed, some pundits are calling the November 2020 Election the most significant ever and with this yours truly must agree even though I believe that social tinkerers purposefully set things up to be this way. Plus, with voting planet Mercury changing directions on that day I must wonder if the potential that the 2020 Election will be cancelled by Trump or by others--so that he can make a grandstand play for permanent control. Voting machines across America are so compromised after all yet election officials and politicians have had plenty of time to do something about the situation but didn't. Wonder why?

So please pardon me, dear reader, if I recognize the 2020 conflict as basically part of a final contest between Good and Evil. It's how I roll, and of course, you don't have to agree in spite of the super-karmic January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction--two archetypal devils meeting @23Capricorn, a degree of governmental authority (DeVore) and forming a more or less steel trap clamping shut against society--against civilization. In fact, the corruption of the US legal system has been an integral part of the saboteurs' take-over plan. Could and will a President Biden fix it? I truly hope so and am willing to give him a vote and a chance to try!

Social Tinkerer and Early CFR-er David Rockefeller

Now perhaps you've read before the following quote by David Rockefeller which was previously published in a 2009 SO'W post:

"{For} as David Rockefeller said in his speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991:"

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Surely preferable? Dear reader, in your opinion, does his holier-than-thou elitist attitude serve as justification for world domination?

Well, here's David Rockefeller spouting off again and bringing a complicit mainstream media directly into the globalist picture:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years but the world is now more sophisticated & prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war but only peace and prosperity for the whole of authority.” - David Rockefeller, member Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderberg/Trilateral Commission, June 5, 1991." (My italics.)

Peace and prosperity! For elites only?

Well, for me such revelations suffice as tells: greedy world bankers with a history of finagling global financial crashes and waging lucrative wars while continuing to exploit the masses--and a complicit intellectual elite who are no more honest than they have to be. For in recent years I've noticed that many such 'elites' in journalism, politics, and other fields 'answer' questions with phrases like, "What I can tell you is--". Is this phrase what they've been instructed to say publicly and nothing more? Is that all they can say without revealing too much of the agenda? Do lies always follow?

Well, anyway, I had a peek at CFR's 'noon' horoscope of July 29, 1921 (NYC) and discovered that the CFR was founded under some interesting midpoint pictures. Below is a list of a few of them with their potential manifestations--note that midpoints are always subject to future transits and progressions but some may never express at all ('noon' chart Angles are not included):

Jupiter-Pluto = Neptune: 'being deceptive; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into one's own format; cheating'.

Neptune-Pluto = Mars: 'used as a tool for other people's interests; succumbing to external powers; great personal magnetism to set things right, or rejection of actions because of misunderstanding'.

Neptune-North-Node = Jupiter: 'exploitation'.

Venus-Mars = Pluto: 'the conquest'.

Venus-Jupiter = Sun: 'advancement in life; being appreciated'.

Sun-Mercury = Mars: 'nervous drive; energies to tackle a project'.

And if we wish to include the position of the Taurean Moon at noon we have Uranus-Neptune (the NWO pair) = Moon: 'emotional conviction, realistic or fanciful; the sense of being on the right track to do one's best'.

Well, it's a fact that transit Pluto in 2017 reached 18Capricorn ('POLITICAL POWER'--Jones) and triggered the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction (18Capricorn) and the midpoint picture the trio formed has seemingly acted as a karmic timing device for the globalist agenda:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: 'the big picture demands a certain course of action, which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). Sounds like an offer they couldn't refuse! Then was Donald Trump aware of such a demand in 2017? Is Joe Biden aware of it in 2020 and 2021? Is Trumpism part of the agenda or against it? He pretends to be against globalism but is he? Will there be a Bidenism?

1921: A Sinister Solar Eclipse for the CFR

Now the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the CFR occurred on April 8, 1921 @17Ari59 in the 13 South Saros Series with themes of 'sinister energy underneath; potential constitutional crisis; striving for group endeavors, either positively or negatively' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Then is it poetic injustice, or simply a cosmic synchronicity, that the PE of the third of three conjunctions of NWO planets, Uranus and Neptune (October 24, 1993 Sun @1Sco24, Moon @29AQ; Uranus-Neptune @18Capricorn--horoscope linked, above), also fell into the sinister 13 South Saros Series? And when is the next 13 South Eclipse?

In 2029.

Now here are Two Natal Horoscopes of note: David Rockefeller (an untimed chart, but born in 1915, he was a powerful Saturn-Pluto kinda guy, plus, a double-dealing double Gemini). And Trump opponent (unless they're secretly on the same page!) Joseph R. Biden. How tragic for America and the world if it turns out that these two players are cheering for the same ultimate result while vying for the same WH catbird seat?

Well, there's more to the CFR situation, of course, but I'll hush my fussin' for now and add that midpoint potentials herein are suggested by master astrologers Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey, and do leave your on-topic comment with this post if you feel so inclined. And please Share if you dare. Oh! And be certain to vote on November 3, 2020 for anyone but the current crime-boss-in-chief!! jc

Feb 1, 2018

US Constitution Teeters w/ Trump as a New Moon Rises

Under the norm-defying, disruptive, unpredictable influence of kingpin Donald Trump, the US Constitution and a "constitutional crisis" are in the news and within reach these days as the attacks against our checks'n'balances system continue, the US government is hollowed out, and an evil authoritarianism rises here and across the globe.

As you know, the quirky Uranian Mr. Trump aligns himself with Nationalism and implies that he's against Globalism which must include global government, yet he'd be fine with a form of Globalism as long as it mimics Hitler's or Mussolini's old fascist regimes (who thought they could rule the world, too) or regimes of other world class pea-brained dictators who stifle/d the press of their day and work/ed to undermine the laws and morals of their societies. In our day, we have a Regulus-rising kingpin attempting to impose his capricious will upon us now.

So in honor of one of the Enlightened documents my ancestors sacrificed, fought, and died for, here is a link to both the Natal and Secondary Progressed New Moon (SP Moon) horoscopes of the US Constitution, posted here for either one of you curious readers.

Please share if you care!

And if you dare, check out Chris Hedges addressing The Fall of America.

Feb 15, 2017

February 2017 Karma: White House natal Saturn Eclipsed

The White House natal horoscope that I typically use is set for the day second President John Adams moved in (November 1, 1800). This was a day of a Full Moon @8Tau55 which perfected at 8:35:31 am LMT and times a horoscope with Saturn, planet of authority, authenticity, accountability, reliability, maturity, and conservatism, at a position of 22Leo59. So as you see, the natal Saturn of the White House has been eclipsed this month by a revealing Lunar Eclipse @22Leo28 as the early weeks and scandals of the Trump White House careen on. In this karmic eclipse season there are more secrets and leaks to come, no doubt, for what has been sown will be reaped.

Plus, the eclipsing is made more sad because the demands of Saturn in Leo are for loyalty, trust, realism, and reliability but these have been betrayed, it seems, by Mike Flynn, now a disgraced casualty of 'Flynngate'. Refusing to learn the lessons of Saturn is a very bad idea in any circumstance yet unaddressed so far by the White House is the fact that Mr. Trump is disappointing the American people in the very same areas that should be uppermost in a president's character which for Trump is distorted by his problematic Mercury-Neptune square of indiscretion and loose lips.

John and Abigail

Soon after he moved in, President Adams wrote wife Abigail a letter in which he opined his wish that, “none but honest and wise men [shall] ever rule under this roof.” Ruh-roh! Do you think that Mr. Adams sleeps soundly at his eternal rest under a worst-foot-forward Trump administration? (Some say that 22 Leo is the "worst foot forward' or "being one's own worst enemy" degree and in my past consulting work I have noticed this bearing out. And many times, so-called political 'gaffes' can fall into the foot-in-mouth category.

So considering how active, leaky, disappointing, and eroding transit Neptune in its own secretive sign of Pisces is proving to be, it seems to me significant that the White House began with the Sun (POTUS, as we call the archetypal role now) @8Sco55 and approaching nebulous scandal-bringer Neptune (16Sco40), planet of fraud, corruption, falsehoods, propaganda, masks, disguises, the media, the masses, flooding--and leaks of all kinds. Somewhere I've read that leaks from the White House (Executive Branch) began under the administration of third President Thomas Jefferson, but no matter when the problem began, it is now on steroids from within and without the Trump White House.

Now as you know, the February 10, 2017 Lunar Eclipse pairs with the February 26th Solar Eclipse in the 19 South Saros Series which, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse (@24Libra45) Series of the White House (Nov 1, 1800)! This personalizes and emphasizes the eclipsed Saturn condition. In addition, the eclipse degree is now approached by transit Jupiter, planet of increase and expansion, though the Great Benefic sometimes provides 'too much of a good thing' and/or a slippery slope to calamity. Transit Jupiter will reach 24Lib45 in mid-September 2017 and has been performing a three-fer Jupiter Return for Mr. Trump who was born on June 14, 1946 with a Stationary Direct Jupiter @17Lib27 (in his 2nd hou$e within a Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio, a bubbly description of his inflationary financial style). Lunar and Solar eclipse charts are linked for viewing, below.

My basic point today is that the chaos, dishonesty, scandals, and conflicts of interest (transit Jupiter-Uranus opposition = political conflicts--Ebertin) of Donald Trump playing the presidential role is setting us up for Global Government and soon we shall hear how our and the world's problems are simply too big to be handled and solved by a little ole' nation state like us. Whether Trump is incompetent or is playing his role as such doesn't matter yet as I've typed before, I want him to do well as president because it means that America does well (same as I said for Mr. Obama). But so far, Mr. Trump has been masterful at damaging our nation's international reputation and 'doing well' seems more and more like only a Neptunian dream...

Here is a very much recommended video report which reveals part of what the Trumpian chaos is for: WikiLeaks: The US strategy to create a new global legal and economic system: TPP, TTIP, TISA. As it turns out, the new 'trade deal', the TISA, is even worse than the much maligned TPP--a corporate power grab which was set up and expected to fail. And shill-in-chief Trump signed an executive order that 'removed' the US from the TPP as if on cue.

Astro-Note: November 1, 1800 Full Moon: Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus, a muddy (the trail to the White House was very muddy that day) Water-Earth blend that suggests an all-or-nothing approach, possessiveness, and a tendency to be blind toward the motives of others. And given the dubious and possibly criminal nature of its current denizens, you may find that one of the blend's Images for Integration is again descriptive of the modern-day White House: "Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

No, the well-wishing John Adams would not be impressed with the Trumpians at all.


If you wish, view the horoscopes of the Lunar Eclipse and the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse in murky, karma-laden Pisces with notes included. As usual, the charts are set for Washington, DC which in Mundane Astrology represents the entirety of the United States of America.

May 24, 2016

A Discordant Message from Chief Nativist Donald Trump

In American Politics, Nativism is a pro-Anglo-Saxon, anti-immigration ideology in which the wages of 'less well paid natives' are believed to be lowered by immigrants who take jobs of our citizens by willingly working for much less pay. Jettison the inherent bigotry and resultant hatred of 'new comers' and such a point of view seems logical, right? It is, after all, a large part of what Globalism is all about.

Where I can't seem to find a shred of logic is in the nativism of 2016 candidate Donald Trump who bounces merrily along on a Republican bigotry ticket of nativism while espousing such rhetoric as American "wages are too high"! If you tout how immigrants lower the wages of American workers, why promise to lower working class wages if elected? Whaa-a-a?

Is Mr. Trump's unconscious,unfiltered Mercury-Neptune square once again blurting indiscreetly? Or did he simply mean that wages are already "too high" for a minimum wage increase so it's status quo (or lower) for wages during a Trump administration?

Either way, the bully candidate's nativism ploy is championed by power elites to persuade voters to vote Republican on November 8, 2016 - and that's millions of US voters who usually sit out elections for several reasons, not the least of which is the long-growing feeling (knowledge, actually) that our votes 'don't count' (assuming that at some earlier point in US history they did). US presidents are selected by elite committee, I've complained here for over a decade, and elsewhere online. And we can call them super delegates, the electoral college, what-evs...that lesser of two evils feeling never leaves us.

Did you notice when 2008 candidate Hillary Clinton was directed to be patient and stand down in favor of Barack Obama when the two candidates secretly attended the Chantilly, Virginia meeting in June 2008 of the Bilderberg Club? Is that why Bilderberg member VP Joe Biden has stated that Hillary will be elected in 2016--to fulfill a promise that 2016 is her turn to be president? If so, will this symbolize the reversal of America's Great Seal to the obverse side with the 'pyramid of power'?

Will women voters be the deciding factor in November 2016 as many political pundits are predicting?

For more on the Bilderberg Group, here's a link to The Guardian's 2001 interview with an original Bilderberger, Lord Healey.

Related: Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed (it's a feminine thing).

May 19, 2016

The Dynasty of Rothschild | The Only Trillionaires in the World - Full ...

Here's a video presentation I just felt like spotlighting for however long it remains embedded:

video link.

Only have 4 minutes to spare?

Then see The Rothschild Conspiracy Explained in Four Minutes:

Dec 23, 2015

Teddy Roosevelt: Invisible Government (Neptune-Saturn) and his Sun-Moon Blend

Invisible government, secret government, whatever we call it, our Saturn (planet of government, business, law) Neptune (invisible, secret, deceptive) psychos have been manipulating strings from behind the scenes since the beginning of this nation (from 'Mother' Britain, I suspect.) Even Teddy Roosevelt, an American aristocrat, admitted it though having him say it may have been a political ploy meant to release some steam building within the public cauldron:

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”

Theodore Roosevelt, April 19, 1906

Perhaps it's somewhat curious that Teddy Roosevelt's natal horoscope shows two dynamic T-Square patterns--one with his 3rd house Saturn in Leo as apex planet, the second with apex Neptune in its own sign of Pisces in his 10th house of Public Status and Career--and there are indications of falsehood and incorrect behavior (Venus-Jupiter = Neptune), and his well known ruthlessness is shown by Sun-Pluto = Saturn (Ebertin.) A Jupiter-Neptune square tends toward maudlin sentimentality, overindulgence, and promising more than can be delivered (politics!)

Of course, his Saturn-Pluto square denotes a dictatorial attitude and a life full of plots and intrigue so you may wish to view his bio and natal horoscope with its Watery (and very secretive) Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer personality blend if you are unfamiliar with it.

Freemason Teddy was quite a doozy with his expansive, boasting, 'bully pulpit' Jupiter in talkative Gemini rising!


Blog Note: if you may, please direct your attention to a new sidebar addition of a video embedded a few minutes ago. It's Senator Bernie Sanders' Social Democracy speech delivered on November 19, 2015 at Georgetown University in case you missed it and are curious. jc

Dec 3, 2015

The 'X' Zone Radio Show w Rob McConnell - Guest: Leo Lyon Zagami - audio

Since the creation of Stars Over Washington ten years ago we have discussed such topics as the 'new world order', the push toward global government, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati. Here Rob McConnell interviews once again Leo Lyon Zagami on such topics:

Related are two broadcasts by Max Igan: Rebalancing the Matrix and Illuminati Mind Control, Spells, and Illusions.

And here is a modern natal horoscope of the New World Order based on the third of three Great Conjunctions in 1993 of Illuminati planets, Uranus and Neptune, @18Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Tragically, as transiting Pluto, planet of the Underworld, assassination, sabotage, and death, moves even closer to an exact conjunction with the 'NWO' degree of 18Cap, we will--and already are--seeing and experiencing an increased number of acts of violence, catastrophes, and disasters in and against the Collective--some events finagled by the power elite, some perpetrated by 'lone wolves' and 'domestic terrorists' with serious mental and emotional problems. And yet are some of the perpetrators fighting against the 'new world order' -- or for it?

Nov 22, 2015

DC Horoscope: Winter Solstice 2015 w North Node Rising

Washington DC December 21, 2015 11:48 pm est Sun to Capricorn: Pretense and Illusion

As you see, the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2015 is set for Washington DC and shows a favorable portent in the form of the Moon's North Node rising @26Vir11 (Ascendant in Nodal Degree suggests karma at work--reaping what's been sown) along with Jupiter @22Vir46 as leader of a Locomotive pattern of planets yet conjunct starry Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream). This pattern hints at a high-powered executive demanding success in his endeavors--a CEO, a corporation or syndicate of them, a religious leader, a military general, a priest or guru, a politician or political group--with expansive Jupiter perhaps all of these are represented here. Success seems near at hand for there is also a high-flying Kite pattern with the exalted-in-Taurus Moon as its tail posited in the 8th house of Corporatism, Shared Resources, and Transformation. A Mystic Rectangle is dotted, as you see, but it includes Chiron so let's assume its 'practical mysticism' vibes will be fortunate in the healing department along with Moon, Jupiter, and Venus.

During this dynamic Mars Hour, we find that with Virgo rising Mercury is chart-ruler so let's consider the Speedy One's major applying aspects to see how things will proceed this winter season--actually from the moment the Sun enters Capricorn since The Cosmos times this horoscope via The Great Cosmic Clock that is our Solar System. At 11:48 pm est, solar energies in the Collective morph from Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius into Saturn-ruled Capricorn and as you know, the entire sign of Capricorn is a mystical labyrinth with Saturn the traditional ruler of Astrology and anciently considered to be the devil.

Yet on a mundane level Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business, plus, systems, structures, the establishment, and lawmakers such as those who 'serve' the people on Capitol Hill. In Politics perhaps Saturn's 'devil' status and satanist tendencies hold true, would you agree after the way they've mucked things up?

Sun-Moon and Chart-Ruler Mercury in the Winter Solstice 2015 Horoscope

Now Winter Solstice 2015 brings much practicality with its Double Earth blend of Sun Cap-Moon Taurus, the Venus-ruled sign in which the Moon exalts. With Sun Cap-Moon Taurus we envision inherited wealth, self-made fortunes, and lucrative stock markets. Meanwhile, Mercury in Capricorn is an ambitious placement and provides thinking, planning, communicating Mercury with good concentration skills, methodology, and a conservative preference for the status quo in politics. Ideas are only useful if they are practical to a Cap Mercury and a serious, stern manner may be noted more often than not. Afflicted by squares from Mars and Uranus, this Mercury may also tend toward greed and doesn't mind using other people to attain materialistic goals with little if any thought to the human condition or the common good.

Along with the solar emphasis on 4th house matters of Home, Roots, Security, and Real Estate (and the Sun unaspected and thus intense, isolated, unpredictable, taking intermittent actions, a genius by any planet), we find an out of bounds (OOBs) Mercury @18Cap05 which has recently moved beyond wealthy, stealthy Pluto @14Cap42 and this reminds us, of course, of secrets, spies, surveillance, and what once was our right to privacy. Mercury OOBs tends to act on its own without interference from others (planets) and we may tend to think of NSA agents or other Mercurial actors. This degree area of the Zodiac continues to provide oppositions to US natal Sun conjoining Egyptian goddess star Sirius (the mundane becoming sacred; The Scorcher). The heaviest is the ongoing transit of Pluto opposing US natal Sun = titanic power struggles and challenges to power/control and the spying it brings; President Obama and thus the American people have certainly been ensnared in invisible Pluto's creepy net, violence included--particularly since the New Millennium.

Plus, you'll remember that '18Cap' is the degree of the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment-Illuminati-Age-of-Reason planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993 and keys the 'smug of strong-armed paternalism' vibes in the Sabian Symbols (Marc Edmund Jones.) 'POLITICAL POWER' and "A British Destroyer Flies the Union Jack" are part of this disturbing picture--and if we expect reason (as in, the Age of Reason) to solve everything, compassion for humanity is left out in the cold. Add Mercury to the Uranus-Neptune mix and we get a variety of ideas and plans along with Artificial Intelligence (Munkasey) which relates to Technology of course, but also intelligence (info) that is false.

As for Mercury's applying Ptolemaic aspects there are three (not counting a Moon-Mercury trine since Luna applies to Mercury): 1. sextile Venus in 2nd house of the National Treasury @20Sco13; 2. trine Jupiter, the engine leader rising in the 12th house of Politics, Back Room Deals, and Karma; 3. square Mars, also in 2nd house @23Lib02 which stimulates two stars, Spica and Arcturus.

1. Mercury sextile Venus denotes potentials for holistic thinking, an ability to line up support for ideas, forming alliances, and the use of diplomacy. Challenging complacent people and debates that turn into bickering are possible (Campaign 2016) though charm may also be used. Why, someone may even send flowers!

2. Mercury trine Jupiter shows someone being in the right place at the right time with the necessary information. Grandiose ideas abound and caution is needed to stay in touch with reality and not be overconfident of abilities or of situations. This may be difficult for the president (Sun) or for anyone in charge due to the midpoint picture mentioned below. However, Mercury trine Jupiter does tend to favor political activities, religious endeavors, court decisions (depending on which side you're on!), publishing, advertising, and cultural projects. Foreign relations may also be benefited via good opportunities which is great if the cautions are heeded and a moderate attitude is kept in mind.

3. Mercury square Mars: now if we break up the winter season (ending at Spring Equinox March 2016) into three sections, we find in the last time period that Mercury squares Mars symbolically from about February 21 to March 21, 2016. Solstice Mercury's sextile and trine won't go away yet a square approaches. So there is Mars @23Lib02 in 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earnings, and Values conjoining two fortunate fixed stars, Spica and Arcturus which are very much a part of the star lore of Washington DC. For in the original plans for the Federal City, Spica (The Spike, a phallic symbol) is reflected on earth by the Washington Monument and thus relates to the US presidency and its official archetype in the personage of *George Washington, the great stone face (30Pisces.)

Arcturus = the White House and there again we have presidential symbology with the Federal City's reflections similar to the Giza Pyramids on earth lined up like the Belt Stars of Orion, the Hunter (and Christ archetype in Christianity, Osiris in ancient Egypt.) These stars and imagery are spotlighted each time a planet enters the 23Libra degree area where Spica and Arcturus sparkle, of course, and both stars are considered beneficial and denote a fortunate realm within the malefic Via Combusta (the burning way in traditional Astrology: mid-Libra to mid-Scorpio.)

So with Mercury square Mars we may expect problems with incorrect information, frustration, and wrong directions. Aggression increases, mechanical snags and glitches occur, electrical issues may need attention (ex: US power grid), and competition gets down and dirty (but in politics who can tell a difference?); schedules may not function well so leave in plenty of time; public transportation is spotlighted negatively or via delays and cancellations; infections and contagions are potentials and I would be remiss not to mention them so please take precautions.

A Visionary Midpoint Picture for the Unaspected 2015 Winter Solstice Sun

Yes, North Node rising seems to be a favorable portent for our nation's future direction manifesting during Winter 2015--2016 yet we find our 1776 Neptune @22Virgo rising as well with Jupiter @22Vir46 (leader of a powerful Locomotive pattern) along with its obfuscation of President Obama's natal Mars also @22Virgo. Many times I have fussed about this conjunction, this veil through which the public sees or understands his actions and motivations with great difficulty, if at all. Inspired actions are possible with Mars-Neptune of course but we're talking about politicians not saints--and an unstable shift in government has been set in motion. Plus, there's America's natal Mars-Neptune square on the angles of the solstice chart with its 'misguided actions and motivations' leading to what too many times has resulted in 'the fog of war'.

Although Washington and Wall Street may deny it, our great nation has been bankrupted by warmongers, cheats, gold-hoarders, and politicians!

For as you know, Jupiter-Neptune is the speculator pair of energies-- visionaries, spendthrifts, religious frauds, and a degraded legal system (Munkasey) and with the Jupiter-Neptune midpoint conjoining the unaspected 2015 Winter Solstice Sun we find potentials for:

confidence and purpose where confusion or deception exist, visions used to enhance one's capabilities, prestige that helps others (political endorsements? Hillary has most of them so far), deceiving or being deceived, irresponsibility, squandering physical strength (military?), following a dream (or a secret destiny?), trying to capture the essence of things, potentially misguided states, feeling the spirit (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl; note that any, all, or none may apply.)

So Jupiter leading a Locomotive is a high-powered executive demanding success but he now conjoins US natal Neptune and the president's Mars which gives a boundary-crashing impetus to December 2015 into 2016, the last year of Barack Obama's presidency. This midpoint picture resonates with his first year in office which was imprinted by the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune occurring upon US natal Moon in Aquarius, the dreamy 'going with the wind; emotional swoon; involved in speculation' spell many of us were under. Therefore, potentials for this Jupiter-Neptune-Sun winter season include:

pretense, illusion, deception, fanaticism, paranoia, scandals, bankruptcies, mystery, and oceanic occurrences. A tendency toward overconfidence is noted as above for President Obama's Mars as he leans toward expansive actions that actually need moderation. War is obviously on the agenda but we don't need Astrology to tell us that--yet as you see, US Mars @22Gemini has crossed the Goal Point of the chart (MC 25Gem47) and drags US natal Neptune with it in their problematic square formation. Deception is on Washington's menu as are Syrian refugees with Saturn (ruler of the solstice Sun) in Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner and the emigrant.

Now you may have noticed in my writings that, as a self-described dissenting American, I remain in a permanent snit of miffdom over our nation's lies-into-war condition made worse by the way criminal usurpers have infiltrated what we've always been told was our government.

To that I say Puh! Clearly it is not and probably never was 'ours'. It seems Freemasons and other secret societies had a lock on it from the start--or before the start for a new nation and "new world order" had to be planned before it could be implemented. Perhaps our July 4, 1776 Pluto in late Capricorn--out of bounds of the earthly plane and acting apart from the other planets--directed our Founding Fathers from abroad where secret societies were birthed. This could account for a secret operative who encouraged them in signing the Declaration of Independence when they seemed to falter--that mysterious voice coming from the darkened balcony, mysteriously missing from the locked building when looked for, as the legend goes.

After all, the Signers were faced with the death penalty for high treason as they labored shut up in that sweltering room of the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia with its windows covered for total privacy and a guard posted at the door. Many hours of debate passed and then, the legend goes, an unknown voice rang out, "God has given America to be free!" which sent the delegates rushing forward to sign. Well, that's the legend but as usual with so much American history, the Declaration of Independence was not fully signed until August 2, 1776 within two weeks of the initial solar eclipse in the 13 North Saros Series. That it began the series echos the establishment of a 'New World Order' and a new nation, the first country created for the sake of a noble idea (Plato's, Bacon's, Weishaupt's, etc) and the ideals of freedom, independence, equality and democracy (so they say but not so much anymore--the power elite want a new order now--you know, like the fabled Atlantis--that golden time before The Fall, man in no need of rules or laws. That Age of Reason nonsense will be their flimsy excuse for collapsing the US government anyway.)

Be all that as it may, perhaps you'll agree that the themes of 13N apply closely to the events of August 2, 1776. The solar eclipse manifested on August 14 @21Leo52 conjunct Venus @22:46, making the USA a fiery nation of dramatic show-offs and natural leaders with statues and symbols of goddess Venus (aka, Isis or Columbia) all around the Federal City--and later illuminating New York Harbor. 13N relates to: group endeavors, projects, and associations with a flavor of 'breaking an existing bond which requires separation but then there is joint achievement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Sounds like America to me.

And yet it's late days and we find that descendants of early social engineers of Bacon's and Weishaupt's ilk (or perhaps just the transnational bankers of the globalism persuasion) want to toss out the freedom, independence, and democracy model and substitute it with draconian surveillance and the strong-arm policing of Global Government, what some believe is the 'Secret Destiny of America'. Yet this would mean that humanity's enslavement is the ultimate goal of this nation and that I refuse to believe in spite of certain actors' constant undermining of our governmental institutions via such tactics as 'shutdowns' meant to suggest and herald a final shutdown and the chaos it would bring so that a new order would be called for.

All this I mention here because the very important November 8, 2016 Election is key to power elite plans along with whatever dirty tricks they play on us before then, propaganda included. Will America select her first female president? I suspect so as The Great Seal (modeled on the Illuminati seal dated May 1, 1776) symbolically turns its conscious side over to its feminine unconscious side and the American people finally discover the Seal's hidden messages and the true implication of,

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

--Barry Goldwater, a practical, shrewd Sun Capricorn-Moon Taurus personality. We can't say he didn't warn us.

For more on the Stars of Washington DC, the Washington Monument, and other such related topics try this August 2015 post which contains starry info plus a few links to previous SO'W articles that may be of interest especially for those who see merit in valuing America, her beginning and principles, while our tenuous grasp upon her as a sovereign nation still holds.


*George Washington February 22, 1732 10:00 am LMT Popes Creek Landing, VA with Venus exalted in Pisces and at a critical degree of 'brilliant talents or genius': 29Pis25 conjoining the Aries Point of World Manifestation, Recognition, Reward, and Prominence (he of the Star Families.) General Washington's lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio sits upon his natal Descendant of Partnerships and the Winter Solstice 2015 Moon @17Tau02 rises in his natal chart!. George is known to have deserved a phallic symbol for his legacy as a ladies' man though never fathering a child of his own (that we know of for certain) probably due to early illnesses that caused sterility. Too much information?

Nov 18, 2015

Canada, Russia, and France Engage ISIS! - video

A human failing is that vengeance only brings more vengeance. But that's what global government types depend on...

Nov 15, 2015

The World Bank and the Future of Poverty - video (w Astrology)

A report from Stuff They Don't Want You to Know:

As you know, the US-UK creation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were engineered to be justified by World War II and were founded at Bretton Woods, N.H. in July 1944. The groups' intellectual 'founding fathers' were John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White, chief international economist at the US Treasury. The establishment of "a new global economic order" was a goal with a hidden agenda to "integrate elites of all countries into the capitalist world system of rewards and punishments."

Although the World Bank displays a pro-society logo that says End Poverty, it seems to me that they've had decades to do just that but have made very few improvements in the world other than to bribe heads of state. And of course, WB-IMF loans to governments come with strings attached and if you wish, read more about these global wheeler-dealers...

John Maynard Keynes: a Prolific Writer with Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Gemini

Related: the Natal Horoscope of John Maynard Keynes with a few biographical details. You'll see that his 10th house of Career and Public Status is stuffed full with his New Moon self: Sun, Moon, Mercury (Gemini), Venus conjunct Neptune (Taurus), and Saturn conjunct Pluto (00-2 Gemini, a violent area of the Zodiac.) South Node @9Taurus conjoins Midheaven (inherited abilities; his father determined that mathematics would be his career direction) and his 2nd house ($) Uranus (originality; genius) @19Virgo dynamically squares the Sun-Moon-Mercury trio while trining Neptune. Also, the plutocracy pair conjoin though out-of-sign: Pluto @00Gemini conjunct Chiron @29Taurus, a critical 29th degree, denoting the crisis conditions of power and manipulation that he dealt with, often behind the scenes.

Keynes' birth data is accurate for it's Rodden Rated AA (quoted BC/BR; collector: Blackwell): June 5, 1883 9:45 am GMT Cambridge, England; ASC 25Leo07; MC 12Tau18; 8th cusp 14Pisces. Curiously, Keynes (Baron of Tilton since 1942) at age 63 died on April 21, 1946 of a heart attack shortly after returning from the first meeting of IMF and WB Boards of Governors in Savannah, GA. My suspicious self wonders if perhaps his death was quite convenient for someone but of course it may have been perfectly innocent even with an inconclusive 'mysterious death' signature of Pisces on 8th cusp. Keynes' American counterpart in the formation of the World Bank and IMF, Harry Dexter White, also died of a heart attack in August 1948..."Men's hearts failing them for fear"?

Oct 21, 2015

Caller: VP Biden, Republicans ARE the Enemy! - clip (plus a grump)

A 'go along get along guy' is not the lackadaisical way that yours truly would describe VP Joe Biden's attitude as discussed in the following clip from the Thom Hartmann Show.

*Unforgivingly, I'd use terms involving the Big Picture 'Chess Game' played by imperialist global government operatives, a game or 'great plan' which is often referred to as a 'new world (economic) order' and total control grid being implemented by groups such as the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the supranational banking system, and other cabals, councils, and societies both secret and invisible which work toward a common goal. Any politician can afford to be graciously inclusive when he's part of the R vs D ruse, a convenient scam used to keep the American people divided and weakened since he (or she) was read in to the mission years ago and supports the Big Picture.

But of course, everyone likes Joe Biden so my fuss is only Capricorn me--a dissenting American who became *fed up years ago with what they've 'done with the place', the idealistic land we like to call the United States of America, the nation that infiltrators have worked so diligently for years to undermine and hollow out our government and Constitution, and collapse our society into complete chaos as a model for the entire world. This way the engineered global collapse will be total and all those left standing will plead for a 'new world order' to be installed to allegedly 'solve' the chaotic conditions that surround us. Joe Biden has been in politics for what--40 years? What has he done to stop America's decline? For example, did the 'war on drugs' stop it or boost it?

Yes, it's the Marxist Hegelian Dialectic being used against humanity to manipulate and force the Collective toward a predetermined outcome, aka, the Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis model. 1776 marked the beginning of a new world order which peaked with the Bretton Woods Agreement but now 'the powers that think they be' want a different global system that leaves behind what the power elite sees as the outdated concepts of democracy, freedom, independence, liberty, equality, and privacy. Outdated for the masses, that is.

Okay, I'll hush this grump for now amidst tonight's multiple media tributes to Just Joe Biden and immediately suggest a listen to Thom speaking with a caller to his show who makes a point that stood out to me as I listened to VP Biden's announcement of his non-run and which inspired my above grump:


Related: Astro-Notes on Joe Biden, and from 2011: Is the US Infected with the Hegelian Dialectic? Well, what do you think?

Oct 5, 2015

Senator (now VP) Joe Biden on Shalom TV: "I Am a Zionist" - clip

Found at last! For years the location of this 2-minute-39-second clip of an interview with VP Joe Biden concerning Zionism (he's one of them, he assures us), Iraq, and Israel eluded me. Here it is, uploaded in April 2007 by Shalom TV:

You know, these guys and gals (sometimes known as 'world leaders') are spending a huge amount of their time, effort, and taxpayer money (and pretend fiat money) trying to speedily fulfill Bible if the God of All Creation is in need of their arrogant, anti-societal meddling.

Actually there are several types of Zionism. And from August 2010, here's a post on Zionism and the Natal Chart of Israel. You may also wish to check out a few Astro-Notes on VP Joe Biden if you're daring.

A Bad Trade Deal now in the Hands of Congress (w/ Larry Cohen) 10.5.15 - clip

Our laughing stock Congress will 'save' and protect US workers, right? (wink):

Agree or disagree, the TPP is transparently another phase of the process toward a fully implemented 'new world economic order'.

Oct 3, 2015

How TPP would Hurt Healthcare - video

All that trouble, effort, time, and money to force the ACA ('Obamacare') upon us and now this: #TPP something shady within...

Aug 7, 2015

Brunch with Bernie: 8/7/15 - Thom Hartmann video

Senator Bernie Sanders speaks with Thom Hartmann about the 2016 election and our loss of voting rights:

Imho, the only way Republicans can reliably 'win' elections these days is to cheat. Someone tell them that cheating isn't winning, it's stealing--though with their 'success at any cost' agenda, they don't care. And yes, I know--the Democratic Party is only about half a rung higher on the ethics ladder than the Republicans - and they're all following the same Corporate Globalism script in the con vs lib Political Theater they perform for public consumption and our diversion.

And yet, when and if We the People join together and make our opinions known in no uncertain terms, the 'ruling class' backs down even if it's only temporarily! Most of them fancy themselves such political thespians able to charm and fool us, don't they? Well, will somebody please pass the rotten tomatoes?!

Aug 3, 2015

Delving into the Mysteries you are?

Here are links to three online resources for those who are delving or wish to delve into what may be called, the Mysteries, or the Occult, in relation to Politics and the establishment of a new order that is now in progress of creating global chaos so that the Novus Ordo Seclorum of 1776 can be replaced with a more stringent model as the 'New Millennium' proceeds.

As for Political Astrology and timing of such issues, you may remember that the last US presidential election of 2012 occurred under the auspices of a Saturn-Uranus opposition which describes the status quo old order (Saturn) in a stand-off with the new order represented by disruptive Uranus--and conflict ensues, as we see. Of course, their recent opposition issues from the last (and current) Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Uranus which perfected three times in 1988 in the 27-30 degree range of Sagittarius with deceptive Neptune soon chiming in for a triple conjunction (1989) not seen since the 15th century:

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by Nesta H. Webster, the ancient history of George Washington's family, and A Cosmic History of the Illuminati.

Another great resource for unusual topics is The 'X' Zone Radio-TV Show with host Rob McConnell broadcasting from Canada. Yours truly is scheduled to be interviewed by Rob this Thursday August 6, 2015 at 10:00 pm EDT so I hope you'll tune in Thursday or catch a podcast at your convenience!

Mar 18, 2015

Pap and Thom Hartmann: Corporate Media Ignoring The REAL Email Scandal

Although yours truly is not a fan of RT, the following video is for those who are considering voting for Jeb Bush in 2016. Among other topics, it mentions what this American refuses to forget: that Jeb Bush was a signer of the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) bomb-Iraq pact along with Dubya, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Spit-Comb Wolfowitz, Perle, Kristol, and the rest of the neocon warhawk Vulcan gang that bankrupted our nation on behalf of their globalist/Zionist/corporate masters.

#JebBush #neocons @PNAC #Zionism #GOP #IraqWar #2016 #ThomHartmann


For Jeb Bush to insist he's his 'own man' is absurd yet he hopes the assertion will be part of a successful presidential campaign. After all, a few weeks ago his mother Barbara Bush changed her "pretty mind" and thinks Jeb should run in 2016 after all because he's the GOP's best chance to take back the White House! Maybe she's right---reverting to a neocon is the only idea the GOP can come up with.

If you're curious, here's a post concerning Jeb Bush's natal horoscope--he was born on Feb 11, 1953 during the off-again-on-again Saturn-Neptune conjunction. And here's the natal horoscope I published in the post with then-transits for March 2007 in case you don't care to tap or click for Jeb:

Note that power-mad Pluto creeps closer to his 4th house Chiron (the Plutocracy pair), plus, the current Jupiter Retrograde-Direct transit in Leo (Direct Station on April 8, 2015 @12Leo) conjoins his natal Pluto which accounts in large part for the huge increase in donations to his political campaign.

Mar 10, 2015

TPP Sale Echoes Broken NAFTA Promises

#TPP #NAFTA #globalism

TPP, another not-so-well disguised tactic to undermine America's soveignty on "the march" toward global government.