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Showing posts with label fascism vs democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fascism vs democracy. Show all posts

Jun 6, 2024

Bannon for Prison: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Rand

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Admittedly, soon-to-report-to-prison-by-July-1st Steve Bannon (BBC News), podcasting bigmouth promoting lawless Tr*mpism, has for years reminded me of historical figure Albert Pike both in physical looks (check out Albert's photo), and ideologically from sedition to the dream of a third world war and global fascist domination, all Uranian pursuits of chaos, disruption, and mayhem.

Actually, their shared anti-humanity agenda has sometimes been put in the category of "Utopian Idealism" in which lawlessness is the ruination of civilization (and the bad guys win), and Ayn Rand's sociopathic idolatry of serial murder is alleged to be the "moralistic" way to exist - selfishly by objectivizing other people. If you're not one of the ones deemed by narcissistic sociopaths to be dispensible, that is.

Of course, since 1776 this American experiment is about mankind's ability to govern himself but that's not what Uranian zealots want - they're determined to be the ones doing the governing like feudal overlords holding all the wealth and privileges. And all spearheaded by a "president" gifted with total immunity for any crime he's in the mood to quixotically commit, including murder, Ayn Rand's favorite. In other words, no one will be safe, even the enablers of their psychopathy.

For background see How Ayn Rand Became An Admirer of a Serial Killer (not for the squeamish). And here's a view of Rand's natal horoscope where we find her natal Chiron now visited by transit Pluto, the Plutocracy duo, and her natal Venus, apex of a T-Square, is lingeringly contacted by transit Neptune @29Pisces. She'll get no glamorous portrait from me!

Now I prefer never to chortle over the misfortune of others but if I relent, it always concerns what they're reaping due to their own sorry behavior. This is what I call karma - reaping what's been sown, a natural law that no earthling can escape forever. Yet despite this, if Steve Bannon does see the inside of a jail cell, I'm certain he'll manage to make as much out of it as possible. Sabotage by Uranian zealots goes on!

Pike, Tr*mp, Bannon: Jupiterian Figures with Uranian Intent

Above you see a NASA portrait of planet Jupiter. But for the scheming podcaster's natal chart details try: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter.

And so a typical cussedness we've seen a lot lately in US politics has been denial of responsibility by the guilty, and we can easily plop the names of scofflaws Bannon and Tr*mp in the blank spaces. Therefore, a reluctant peek at current planetary transits to Bannon's natal planets had to be done with an emphasis on Saturnian responsibility. Here is the primary transit I discovered:

On June 14, 2024, transit Saturn @19Pis14 sesquisquares his natal Saturn @4Scorpio, which marks a period of complexity when Herr Bannon must face up to his responsibilities. It's a karmic time finally come, and he'll reap what's been sown and, if he's smart, he'll correct past mistakes, if he's willing.

For as you know, this legal predicament issues from his lack of response to a congressional subpoena concerning the J6 coup attempt, with lawmakers and an authoritative subpoena falling obviously under the auspices of planet Saturn and the fact that Bannon was called to Capitol Hill to account for himself, a societal responsibility which he declined to fulfill.

Apr 17, 2023

Election 2024: our Make-or-Break Moment

by Jude Cowell

In Thom Hartmann's April 17, 2023 Daily Take What's Behind the GOP's War Against Democracy?, Thom states that, "Election 2024 may well be the equivalent of the November 1932 German elections: a make-or-break moment for American democracy." Because as you know, Hitler did end up in control of the German government.

Confirming the date of the historic event, we find that the German federal election was held on November 6, 1932 with the Nazi Party's share of votes falling by 4%. Follow the link for more election details.

Then, since eclipse cycles echo historical cycles and bring along similar events and societal conditions, we find that the two Solar Eclipses of 1932, first on March 7 @16Pis32 in the 6 North Saros Series, the second on August 31, 1932 @8Vir09 in the 6 South Series (in which the November 1932 elections occurred), have already repeated in our era with the 6 South operative as I type but in process of morphing into the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 - this Thursday in the Eastern Time Zone (12:13 am - see bi-wheel, below).

April/October 2022 Solar Eclipses: 6 North/6 South

6 North April 30, 2022 @10Taurus; Themes: 'relationship to authority figures; accepting commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability'.

6 South October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio; Themes: 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy with great force in relationships; sudden events; huge efforts in a group activity'. In the Midterm Elections of November 2022, this manic energy managed to finagle through gerrymandering and other means, the 'maga' House of Representatives. So our 2022 Midterm Elections are equivalent to Germany's November 1932 federal elections according to the solar eclipse cycle - with only partial success for Nazis, then and now.

Horoscopes: 'Maga Mob Attack (inner) and 7 North Eclipse 2023 (outer) showing 7 North 2023 Conjunct Mars 2021; plus, other notes

So now we face the energies and themes of a 7 North Solar Eclipse about to manifest on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, conjunct the position of the January 6, 2021 Mars, the warrior planet of anarchy and sedition. Besides being what I've previously termed, Hitl*r's birthday eclipse, this manifestation of a 7 North Eclipse brings us an Eclipse-Mars contact which functions as a Sun-to-Mars transit, an action-oriented indication of plans that can be set in motion (a timing device), that physical efforts are on someone's to-do list, and a suggestion that others are attracted and/or encouraged to join in.

Yet negatively, there are unpleasant circumstances due to hot-headed or impatient activities, and predictably, injuries can or will result. One thinks of militia-minded malcontents such as those we watched go "wild" on our TVs in 2021, inspired by the seditionist-in-chief, the Mango Mussolini who continues to hang around the neck of the United States of America.

For more info concerning such difficult topics see a previous post: Horoscope of the Third Reich (1933 into 2017).

Eclipse notes: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.