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Showing posts with label slave patrols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slave patrols. Show all posts

Oct 8, 2020

October 2020 Mercury-Uranus and the White House

Horoscope: the KKK December 24, 1865 'noon' LMT Pulaski, Tennessee

An October Opposition: the Biden-Trump Debates and the Klan

by Jude Cowell

Thursday October 8, 2020: With the current transiting opposition between Mercury Rx in Scorpio and Uranus Rx in Taurus we see general tendencies in the Collective such as 2020 candidates jumping to erroneous conclusions about others, twisting others' ideas to suit one's purpose, and the possible involvement of people of influence who harbor bad intentions. Well, that sounds like any and all political debating, doesn't it? And pretty well describes the very practice of Politics itself. (But don't mind my opinion, I'm jaded--Stars Over Washington turns fifteen years old on October 16, 2020 with over 5,000 published posts!).

So to get to the point of this particular fuss I'm going to just go ahead and type it out loud: the Klan is in the White House and current transits to its 1865 planets (shown, above) reveal cosmic influences upon political conditions in the US and the excruciating Campaign 2020 ongoing as dictator-wanna-be Trump attempts to coup the Oval Office for 'four more years'. Meanwhile, CFR-er Joe Biden challenges the authority and pseudo-exalted standing of the Klan via Trump while, in what passes for political 'debates' these days, so much is left unsaid and many of the facts are distorted ad nauseum.

Now the data I have for the KKK is as follows: December 24, 1865 "12:00 pm LMT" (exact hour unknown) Pulaski, Tennessee: ASC 5Ari06; MC 2Cap59 (see chart, above). If you know of more accurate data, please let me know. Until then, this is the data I use to set up the organization's 'modern' chart for the group's origins go back further, of course, back to the Knights of the Golden Circle (of which John Wilkes Booth, Albert Pike, and Jesse James were members--Pike, a leader) and to the slave patrols of yesteryear which exist still via trigger-happy (racist) police officers on the hunt.

So what's being aggravated in the KKK horoscope of 1865 by the current Mercury-Uranus opposition is the Klan's dictatorial, willful, power-craving Saturn-Pluto opposition across the intense Taurus-Scorpio axis. Here are a few potentials of the transits which are most intense at the second Biden-Trump debate (October 15, 2020) so I'm comparing the chart of the predictive New Moon of October 16, 2020 with the 1865 Saturn-Pluto opposition of the Klan - also because the Libra New Moon @23Lib53 favors Joe Biden for the win.

CFR vs the Klan

2020 Mercury Rx @11Sco10 conjuncts 1865 Saturn @9Sco39: denotes restricted ideas and/or plans, serious thinking, and perhaps a tendency toward dullness of mind.

2020 Mercury opposes 1865 Pluto Rx: conditions of corruption and disintegration; opposing forces attempt to manipulate; information is withheld due to paranoia and a need for protection; wrong information is deliberatey provided in order to mislead; thoughts are strongly expressed but others refuse to listen; intense communications.

2020 Uranus opposes 1865 Saturn: authority is threatened (especially if it has been illegitimately gained); methods are challenged; opposing forces demand change and a new order.

2020 Uranus conjuncting 1865 Pluto: disrturbing conditions, disruption, upheaval; hidden fears surface; unsuccessful manipulation.

Addtionally, the basic energies within the Klan's Saturn-Pluto opposition are in process of being activated along with the January 12 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction at 22Cap46 which continues to be ruffled by transiting Saturn and Pluto with transit Jupiter yet to actualy reach 22 Capricorn in mid-November 2020. We see this ruffling when Joe Biden presents new views of the future and adds a realistic interpretation to our current predicament, and when escapist Donald Trump is inspired by the use of drugs and employs illusion to gaslight us all.

A Previous Post: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021.

Jun 9, 2020

Has America's Policing 'Style' Run Its Course?

Astrological Mars in the US: Masculine Planet of Police and Military Forces

by Jude Cowell

June 9, 2020: Readers of Stars Over Washington may recall mentions of America's natal Mars (22Gemini) turned retrograde (Rx) by progression since 2006, the exact date dependent upon which founding horoscope one uses for America. Since yours truly tends toward our July 4, 1776 charts (whatever hour) this gives US Mars Rx @18Libra (conjunct Trump's natal 2nd house Jupiter stationary with US natal Mars conjunct his 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio in Gemini; plus, his Mars rising @26Leo opposes US natal Moon--these are some of the cosmic conditions that caused me to warn against him in 2015/2016). And as you know, his Mars-infused aggression and oppression of We The People has only gotten worse, as predicted.

Simultaneously, the inward turning of testosterone--driven energies and motivations upon the populace (symbolically via SP Mars Rx) is seen through current police brutality against our citizens, and has been seen in our returning war veterans with broken bodies, hearts, and minds. America's Mars is weakened: Gemini Mars is ready for action while actions of a Libran Mars depend upon feelings and emotions often with a focus on what's fair and equal). How long will our Mars be Rx by progression? Approximately until year 2086 (2006 + 80).

And yet there is good news for American society!

For a re-invention of US police forces resonates positively with our SP Mars Rx. But let this particular Southerner say this: the disbanding and/or de-funding of US police departments in whole or in part would create just the anarchy the Utopian saboteurs and zealots have always wanted and are now working toward. So let's not hand it to them! Better to makes changes that directly address issues and solve them rather than scattering energies, missing the mark, and worsening negative conditions. A better change is to jettison the brutal officers who have been excused and sheltered by fellow officers and higher-ups for too long. They can usually be recognized by their slave patrol attitudes and cruel actions.

For more info, here is a June 8, 2020 segment from Thom Hartman asking, Should We Re-Invent or Disband America's Police?

And for even more info I recommend an overview of modern-day American police practices by certain officers with a 'rounding up runways slaves' mentality via a Bloomberg News op-ed by law Professor Stephen L. Carter, published October 29, 2015 asserting that, The debate on racism and law enforcement follows a clear line back to the antebellum South. Surely everyone in the whole wide world is aware of this! But Professor Carter's op-ed clearly lays out the history of the line, slave patrols and all. And naturally, some fault may be laid at the doorstep of the first slave trade of Angolans kidnapped and transported to Jamestown Colony in 1619 but that lies beyond the scope of this post.