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Showing posts with label zealotry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zealotry. Show all posts

May 26, 2024

Libertarian Party Audience Heckles Trump

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

By now you've seen clips of Trump being loudly booed and heckled as he attempted to deliver a speech at the Libertarian Convention now in progress (May 23--May 26). Agent Orange was trying to beg for Libertarian votes in November!

Checking the history of the Libertarian Party (US) we find that the party formed on December 11, 1971 after months of debate by a Committee founded on July 17th. The new party was publicly announced at a press conference on January 31, 1972. According to the party's Wikipedia page, the group formed partially as a response to Nixon's price controls and the ending of the Gold Standard.

Actually, we've discussed these topics previously such as in March 2021 with this: An Eclipse Series ended in 1931: The End of an Epoch. That was in the UK. The 9 Old South Series that ended on July 22, 1971 is noted therein with 1971 being the year that the US ended reliance upon the Gold Standard which helped sparked the formation of the Libertarian Party.

So! Let's take a peek at a noon Horoscope of the Libertarian Party, shall we? Unmarked by my usual study notes, it's suitable for printing if you wish:

Horoscope: Libertarian Party December 11, 1971 "noon" Colorado Springs, CO; Hour of the Moon (changes; fluctuations); ASC 13Pis26; MC 20Sag49; Sun 20Sag04/Moon 12Lib11, a 'live wire' Fire-Air blend with tendencies toward gregariousness, intellectualism, charisma, and a quick wit. The Harveys describe this combination of conscious and unconscious energies as a "frequenter of coffee shops" (!), and a blend which can be gullible, has a need for social advancement, and to "come down to earth" when being overly expansive. The blend's "Image for Integration" is rather interesting: "The Dead Poets' Society" and is shared natally by Jane Austen and Walt Disney.

Then as you see, there's a high flying Kite pattern of success anchored by the Saturn-Neptune opposition of subterfuge (Neptune the nose, Saturn the tail) but only if we allow the South Node @6AQ30 to be one of the points of the Kite. Perhaps we should since this South Node conjuncts US 1776 South Node marking the period as a Nodal Return for America, a time when new associations are formed.

Meanwhile, powerful wealth-hoarder 1971 Pluto @1Lib53 leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of the planets while radical Uranus @17Lib29 conjuncts the natal 2nd house Jupiter Stationary of NY playboy Donald Trump, age 25 in 1971. Perhaps this planetary contact partially accounts for the booing and heckling of Le Donald at the Libertarian Convention since Uranus symbolizes separation and disruption and is Trump's natal 10th house guiding planet of chaos, zealous radicalism, and Utopian ideals of lawlessness. He's uncontrollable and they know it.

Venus, planet of pespectives, evaluations, and currency is out-of-bounds @15Cap45 (conjunct US 'Powell' Moon in the July 1, 1776 "first vote" chart), and this founding chart reveals a 3rd quarter phase - crisis in consciousness - strong with Mutable-Fire Angularity (noon is only speculative). No planet is in a Fixed sign, only the South Node in Aquarius.

Then there's Mars in Pisces squaring Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter with potentials for restlessness, self-seeking, a sharp tongue, compulsive speech repetition, extravagance, overindulgence, and/or taking on too much at once.

To close, I'll mention two more factors: the most prominent midpoint picture in effect all day is Pluto-NN = Neptune: success through lies and fraud (R. Ebertin); the power of the half-truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost (N. Tyl), and the Party's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") which influenced its formation, the 9 New South @27Leo15 (conjunct you-know-who's natal Mars rising which suggests his headstrong, violent tendencies) which manifested on August 20, 1971.

Themes of 9 New South include worrisome news and responsibilities with paperwork come home to roost (paraphrasing B. Brady). The next 9 New South arrives on September 21, 2025 (basically an 'Autumn Equinox 2025 Eclipse') @29Vir05 with Uranus Rx @1Gem21 conjunct the Libertarian Party's 1971 Saturn suggesting reevaluation and possibly the altering of certain rules, regulations, and restrictions. Notably, the 2025 Eclipse will land upon the Party's 1971 Pluto, a power aspect that negatively can indicate revelations of criminality (R. Lineman).

All in all, the Libertarian Party's founding horoscope is quite Jupiterian (Sag), plus, the Gold Standard and price controls set them off, so I'd suppose that most issues then and now have to do with finances, don't you? But with a side order of Jupitarian issues of freedom, ideology, and boundary-breaking - and quite a large load of deception.

Many Thanks to all readers who have 'bought me a coffee' for your generous support encourages the continuation of this lonely work! Jude

Nov 2, 2020

US Moon-Pluto Cycle: zealous fanatics fighting evil!

A Cosmic Clock of Karma: Crisis-Ridden America's Moon-Pluto Cycle

by Jude Cowell

In Summer 1776, our Declaration of Independence was the prominent event when America's Moon-Pluto Cycle began with their real-time Conjunction @27Cap35:44 on July 2, 1776 (3:55:44 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). This planetary pairing describes intense events of the day such as battling for control of the country against a dictatorial British monarch, the king's intolerable restrictions and laws, and the imposition of occupying troops leading to brutal acts. Intense responses of men and women who came to be called Patriots ensued, also under Moon-Pluto influences in the governmental, legal, and business sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn which, along with other difficult influences, rendered depressive Moon-Pluto-Saturn vibes of loss and grief to the American Revolutionary era and often the need to 'regroup forces and plan anew' (Tyl).

Now last I heard, that cosmic clock still ticks so we might expect related conditions and events to exist in our era most noticeably when activated into expression by the various aspects within the Moon-Pluto Cycle, with conjunctions, squares, quincunxes, and oppositions to 27Cap35 suggesting periods of manifestation in the physical world. Plus, as you know, Secondary Progressions (particularly of the SP Moon) are a good timing method for gaining evolutionary information for whatever date we choose and today I choose the event-filled month of October 2020 based on America's Secondary Progressed ('SP') Conjunction of Moon-Pluto @29Cap20, a critical-crisis 29th degree. Sabian Symbol for '30Capricorn' = "A Secret Business Conference": "OPPORTUNITY" (Jones); EXECUTIVE POWER (Rudhyar). Its Illumination Point (opposite degree/unconscious) is: '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution": INHERITANCE (Jones); GLORIFICATION OF THE PAST (Rudhyar).

Potential expressions of the intense Moon-Pluto pairing are listed, below, and here you can view or re-view a DC Horoscope of America's SP Moon-Pluto Conjunction which perfected on October 15, 2020. Note that the SP chart I've used issues from America's July 4, 1776 horoscope set for 5:09 pm LMT with Aries Point conjunct IC, its foundation point. Of course, progressing other US charts would give slightly different timings but I'll leave that up to you, dear reader.

For real-world context, here's a handy Timeline of Trump Events for October 2020, many if not all of which show Moon-Pluto (Saturn) influences. And, speaking of our SP Moon-Pluto Conjunction, you'll remember that Trump backed out of the second debate with Joe Biden - scheduled for October 15th! I'll go ahead and say that Moon-Pluto-Saturn concerns were heavily involved with the virus-infected Trump's turn-tail behavior along with his typically short-sighted political considerations of the moment. And curiously enough, the very moment of the SP Conjunction on October 15th (see horocope linked, above), transits shows karmic Saturn @25Cap+ leading the Capricorn Trio and approaching the Moon-Pluto duo (29Cap20) which echoes the Moon-Pluto-Saturn trio of influences (off and on starting in 1776) and denotes emotional and mental suffering, and grave inhibitions. So perhaps even hotheaded Trump recognized a need to 'regroup forces and plan anew'. After his disastrous performance in the first debate, he was afraid of defeat so he chose retreat.

So here are some of the positive and negative cosmic influences of the Moon-Pluto pair (with Saturnian undertones chocked full of karma) that relate to our Revolutionary era and to current conditions and events.

Potentials of the Moon-Pluto Cycle in Politics, Business, Biology (in no particular order):

Feeling that evil must be fought no matter how drastically living conditions must be altered in order to do so; fanatical zeal; a craving for power and control; a highly creative pairing with a tranformative or regenerative quality; powerful women; intense emotional feelings and/or outbursts (ex: rage); clinging to destructive relationships or conditions, or, a tendency to let the past die; drastic mood variations; expressing sterile sentiments; obsessions that lead to a misuse of resources (exs: a border wall; expensive golfing trips); popular promises such as ending war or waste; public opinions on war, crime, and/or internal secrecy; panic, ungrounded or free-floating fears, hysteria; people from broken homes; babies born out of wedlock; rituals of purification; offended vanity or conceit; rash actions; risky behavior; jealousy; anger; making or enforcing drastic changes or reforms; overbearing conduct with women; reversals; alterations in the domestic sphere; doubts about how to control criminal or terrorist activities; life-after-death interests; hoarding trash; touchy emotions about how others evaluate degraded practices; compassion for victims of immoral practices or criminal elements. (Munkasey; Tyl; R. Ebertin; JC.)

Biologically the duo relates to the metabolism, blood disease, toxemia, fluid retention, and cancer.

Feel free to add more Moon-Pluto potentials in a comment if you're so inclined!

Above Image: NASA's portrait of planet Pluto.

Feb 14, 2017

Jeremy Scahill on Trump Team: A Cabal of Religious Extremists, Privatization Advocates, and Racists - interview

Published online in January 2017, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviews Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept, concerning the Trump team, Erik "Blackwater" Prince, and his sibling Betsey DeVos, newly installed privatization advocate, as head of the US Department of Education.

This is an excerpt from Mr. Scahill's eye opening interview so avoid watching if you prefer to remain in La La Land while the Christians vs Muslims conflagration is being further ignited from behind what is now a 'Trump curtain' hanging inside an antics-prone, thin-veneered Trump White House full of zealots:

Jeremy Scahill's article: Notorious Mercenary Erik Prince Is Advising Trump from the Shadows.

Feb 13, 2017: also from The Intercept: Foreign Spies Must Be Bored by How Easy Trump Makes Their Jobs.

And here is a post published here in 2010 (sans edits) on Erik Prince's Sun-Moon personality blend...'weather vane on a church spire' included.