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Showing posts with label Utopian ideals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Utopian ideals. Show all posts

May 26, 2024

Libertarian Party Audience Heckles Trump

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

By now you've seen clips of Trump being loudly booed and heckled as he attempted to deliver a speech at the Libertarian Convention now in progress (May 23--May 26). Agent Orange was trying to beg for Libertarian votes in November!

Checking the history of the Libertarian Party (US) we find that the party formed on December 11, 1971 after months of debate by a Committee founded on July 17th. The new party was publicly announced at a press conference on January 31, 1972. According to the party's Wikipedia page, the group formed partially as a response to Nixon's price controls and the ending of the Gold Standard.

Actually, we've discussed these topics previously such as in March 2021 with this: An Eclipse Series ended in 1931: The End of an Epoch. That was in the UK. The 9 Old South Series that ended on July 22, 1971 is noted therein with 1971 being the year that the US ended reliance upon the Gold Standard which helped sparked the formation of the Libertarian Party.

So! Let's take a peek at a noon Horoscope of the Libertarian Party, shall we? Unmarked by my usual study notes, it's suitable for printing if you wish:

Horoscope: Libertarian Party December 11, 1971 "noon" Colorado Springs, CO; Hour of the Moon (changes; fluctuations); ASC 13Pis26; MC 20Sag49; Sun 20Sag04/Moon 12Lib11, a 'live wire' Fire-Air blend with tendencies toward gregariousness, intellectualism, charisma, and a quick wit. The Harveys describe this combination of conscious and unconscious energies as a "frequenter of coffee shops" (!), and a blend which can be gullible, has a need for social advancement, and to "come down to earth" when being overly expansive. The blend's "Image for Integration" is rather interesting: "The Dead Poets' Society" and is shared natally by Jane Austen and Walt Disney.

Then as you see, there's a high flying Kite pattern of success anchored by the Saturn-Neptune opposition of subterfuge (Neptune the nose, Saturn the tail) but only if we allow the South Node @6AQ30 to be one of the points of the Kite. Perhaps we should since this South Node conjuncts US 1776 South Node marking the period as a Nodal Return for America, a time when new associations are formed.

Meanwhile, powerful wealth-hoarder 1971 Pluto @1Lib53 leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of the planets while radical Uranus @17Lib29 conjuncts the natal 2nd house Jupiter Stationary of NY playboy Donald Trump, age 25 in 1971. Perhaps this planetary contact partially accounts for the booing and heckling of Le Donald at the Libertarian Convention since Uranus symbolizes separation and disruption and is Trump's natal 10th house guiding planet of chaos, zealous radicalism, and Utopian ideals of lawlessness. He's uncontrollable and they know it.

Venus, planet of pespectives, evaluations, and currency is out-of-bounds @15Cap45 (conjunct US 'Powell' Moon in the July 1, 1776 "first vote" chart), and this founding chart reveals a 3rd quarter phase - crisis in consciousness - strong with Mutable-Fire Angularity (noon is only speculative). No planet is in a Fixed sign, only the South Node in Aquarius.

Then there's Mars in Pisces squaring Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter with potentials for restlessness, self-seeking, a sharp tongue, compulsive speech repetition, extravagance, overindulgence, and/or taking on too much at once.

To close, I'll mention two more factors: the most prominent midpoint picture in effect all day is Pluto-NN = Neptune: success through lies and fraud (R. Ebertin); the power of the half-truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost (N. Tyl), and the Party's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") which influenced its formation, the 9 New South @27Leo15 (conjunct you-know-who's natal Mars rising which suggests his headstrong, violent tendencies) which manifested on August 20, 1971.

Themes of 9 New South include worrisome news and responsibilities with paperwork come home to roost (paraphrasing B. Brady). The next 9 New South arrives on September 21, 2025 (basically an 'Autumn Equinox 2025 Eclipse') @29Vir05 with Uranus Rx @1Gem21 conjunct the Libertarian Party's 1971 Saturn suggesting reevaluation and possibly the altering of certain rules, regulations, and restrictions. Notably, the 2025 Eclipse will land upon the Party's 1971 Pluto, a power aspect that negatively can indicate revelations of criminality (R. Lineman).

All in all, the Libertarian Party's founding horoscope is quite Jupiterian (Sag), plus, the Gold Standard and price controls set them off, so I'd suppose that most issues then and now have to do with finances, don't you? But with a side order of Jupitarian issues of freedom, ideology, and boundary-breaking - and quite a large load of deception.

Many Thanks to all readers who have 'bought me a coffee' for your generous support encourages the continuation of this lonely work! Jude

Feb 5, 2020

Partners in Crime: A Presidency of One no more

February 5, 2020: With the Republican Senate's vote to exonerate scofflaw Trump set for this afternoon (4:00 pm est), if accomplished it will then be official - the Republican Party is made up of culprits complicit in the crimes of Donald Trump. Partners in crime, as the saying goes. And it looks to me as if this coming together of scoundrels, codifying lawlessness into law, shows in the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope (below) for as you see in the dual charts, unlike Inauguration 2017 with only the POTUS Sun in the 10th house of Career and Public Standing, the victor will also have Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury, all in Aquarius, all handmaidens to the POTUS Sun:

Now I haven't yet compared the natal planets of all possible scoundrels who could be represented by the three 10th house planets (2021) but it did occur to me to check the planets of Stephen Miller for any natals in Aquarius. Miller's natal Jupiter Rx @9AQ36 is there in 10th house just beyond 2021 Jupiter (7AQ22--conjunct US natal South Node of 1776) so if Trump commands the Oval Office for a second term, we may find bigot Miller whispering in his ear once again--and, as the Cosmos would have it, Miller's Jupiter Return perfects on January 29, 2021.

As for the three Aquarian planets of Inauguration 2021, here are a few brief potentials for each placement:

Saturn in AQ suggests ambitious plans with no sound foundation, eccentric expectations, and/or a reliable partner.

Jupiter in AQ implies comradeship (!), self-willed individuals, and/or indecisiveness (so many options!). Note that Jupiter can represent a financier (donor), CEO, politician, priest-minister-guru-mentor, and/or The General.

Mercury in AQ suggests reforms, inventions, a desire to work alone, and/or Utopian ideals. These ideals may be supported by the rising Mars-Uranus conjunction @7Taurus and its tendencies toward revolution, anarchy, explosiveness, and/or expressions of a violent temper. Potentials for this duo include radical reforms in the military, unplanned military actions, groups that exploit energy resources, modernization of the steel industry, security forces used to control strife (police state vs We The People?), rebellions against modernization efforts, and/or outbreaks of hostility (Munkasey).

Plus, you see an impulsive We The People's Moon rising at a critical 29th degree of Mars-ruled Aries. Sun AQ-Moon Aries: "Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John once again"..."A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys). Well, evil is definitely in the house, I'd say, at work in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, and Karma.

Well, I don't care to type anymore on the topic of Inauguration 2021 until we're closer to it and the November 3, 2020 Elections are over--whenever that will be. Besides, the Electoral College is scheduled to vote for president on December 14, 2020--the very day of a 4 South Solar Eclipse.

Now I wonder who scheduled that?

Related posts include: Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures (January 20, 2021 12:00 noon est). And June 18, 2020 Transits to Inauguration 2017 Planets.

Sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, and Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl (see the 2017 image, right center, for 1993 Uranus-Neptune = Pluto).

Feb 5, 2017

2017 Neptune hits American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces

2017 Neptune Veils Yet Reflects the Solar Eclipse Influences of the American Revolution

by Jude Cowell

Those familiar with the Year 1775 in US history know that it was a tremendously eventful 12 months in the American Colony during which our major struggle for Independence was sparked and set aflame. Let's take a look at the horoscope of the March 1, 1775 Solar Eclipse @11Pisces11 set for Lexington, Massachusetts where the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired less than two months later on April 19, 1775 and triggered the beginning of the American Revolution.

The March 1, 1775 eclipse in the 11 South Saros Series is the Prenatal Eclipse of the American Revolution and its horoscope, planets, and eclipse themes may reveal a few insights into, and motivations behind, our fight for independence from Britain which ultimately (after many struggles and hardships) brought to fruition the Uranian-Neptunian ideals of The Enlightenment - Utopian ideals which were held by America's Founding Fathers, many if not all of whom were members of secret societies. Does this Neptune transit return with revolutionary ideals in tow?

And if we fast forward to 2016 and 2017, we find transit Neptune conjoining and reflecting the PE of the American Revolution (11Pis11). These hits occurred twice in 2016 and were exact on April 17, 2016 and August 12, 2016. Significantly, the third and final transit of Neptune to the 1775 Solar Eclipse degree occurs on February 16, 2017 and I think you'll find that the themes of 11 South apply closely to the Electoral College selection of Mr. Trump to play the POTUS role, and to the events and behavior of the newly minted Trump presidency with its lack of a mandate from a majority of We the People--hence the millions of people worldwide now protesting in the streets against Trump and his policies. They are re[resented by Neptune, too!

11S themes are noted below the horoscope; please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbled study notes, some of which will be discussed, below:

Image: 11 South Solar Eclipse March 1, 1775 5:01:13 pm LMT Lexington, Massachusetts; the Hour belongs to warrior planet Mars, the Mutable Earth/Water/Angular chart shows a Seesaw shape of polarities and conflicts, and a KITE pattern with rebellious anarchist Uranus at Midheaven (The Goal and WHY? Point--see bottom, left) includes Venus exalted @24Pisces and Mercury @27Pisces as the focal planets (emphasis on Venus) of the KITE pattern--and Neptune, the higher octave planet of Venus, as its tail. A Mars-North Node conjunction (military and police contact) rises in the horoscope, as you see, with NN @3Vir47 stationary so the chart is now having a Nodal Return which suggests new alliances, particularly of the Jupiterian kind ($$; politics; religious leaders; Jupiter the General--Mr. Trump's newly chosen Cabinet and staff) but with an aggressive Martian flavor of violence, war, military action, and quarrels--lots of quarrels stirred up by the Mars-Rising Mr. Trump, the litigious.

11 South Themes: sudden reforms are needed as old ideas and methods will fail so that new systems are required to deal with events; thoughts of new ways to handle issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

To approach the topic sans Astrology, try Paul Mendoza's article posted on February 22, 2016, 2017: The Third American Revolution? written during Campaign 2016.

And, for comparison's sake, here is a dual image of the 11 South eclipse of 1775, plus, its last manifestation @30Cancer (Sabian Symbol: "Daughter of the American Revolution" on July 21, 2009, Barack Obama's first year in the Oval Office and the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator-wastrel-inflationary pair of planets that hit US natal Moon (We the People) and caused that dreamy feeling over Barack along with 'little sense of reality', 'becoming involved in speculation', and the sense of rootlessness engendered by the mortgage and home foreclosure crisis embedded within the 29th anaretic degree of Cancer, sign of home, family, security, and those responsible scuttling sideways to avoid confrontation. Note that we're talking of Politics and the negative expression of "30Cancer" is: "the ultimate betrayal of self-hood by a false assumption of superiority" and its Illumination Point opposite ("30Cap") is: "rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others" (Jones):

11 South 1775 eclipse is lower left and 11 South 2009 eclipse is upper right; note that the zealots-on-a-mission pair of Jupiter-Chiron in the 12th house of Karma and Politics (2009 chart) at "25AQ" has a curious Sabian Symbol: "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed" (my italics). Also note that 11 South manifested in the years 1901, 1919, 1937, 1955, 1973, 1991 (events: GHWB's Desert Storm invasion, his public touting of a 'new world order', and the assassination of writer Danny Casolaro), (2009), and next in 2027 @10Leo. 11 South's initial eclipse at Cardinal World Point 00Can48 occurred on June 14 (Trump's birthday, NS), 1360 (OS), the year of the Treaty of Calais between England and France which did not end their Hundred Years' War). And so a Cancerian lens is used through which to view all subsequent 11 South Solar Eclipses, no matter their sign, and 11 South themes contain the potential to trigger worldwide events.

Floating Back to Nebulous if Inspirational Neptune (photo, above)

Now as you know, astrological Neptune resonates with the Arts, veils, masks, disguises, leaks, deception, lies, fraud, weakness, confusion, corruption, disappointment, and the undermining of current conditions, but also suggests the urge to merge, erosion, distrust, delusion (including self-deception), liquids such as water, oil, gas, plus, toxins, infections, and drugs such as alcohol, cannabis, and prescription pills. Yet Neptune's resume also includes such entities as: the Divine Source, the mainstream media, the masses (unwashed or otherwise), the so-called "useless eaters", spiritualists, idealists and ideologues, the Collective and its Unconscious, and propaganda.

To Neptune add realistic Saturn, planet of authenticity, and we have Kellyanne Conway's "alternative facts", invisible/secret government, and sick, depressed, and/or weak people. In other words, Saturn-Neptune keys the now-tattered social safety net programs of FDR's New Deal, the ones Trump and the Republicans (and their financier enablers) are determined to disrupt and destroy--with the help of corporate Democrats--so that control and the money involved in these social programs are handed over to reckless, greedy Wall Street speculators and warmongers. Plus, some creative depopulation occurs by default, leaving more resources for the 'elite' ones who remain. You know how some 'unintended consequences' are actually (Saturn) secretly (Neptune) intended all along.

In addition, the zealous anarchists (Uranus in Aries; Jupiter conjunct Chiron) want our Education Department monies, too, and for this purpose they are forcing an unqualified anti-public-school Betsey DeVos into office to undermine our school system and steal from public education funds (and from our children! You just know that Mr. Jefferson must be turning over in his grave--over the theft and over 'fake news', too).

So obviously, Neptune in its own sign of murky Pisces can 'help' with the *destruction of our social and political institutions and we hear more and more in the Neptunian news media that America is again having a revolution thanks to the alt-right white supremacists who have coup'ed the White House--and the resistance from the pubic. And the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 with its 'good time for tackling the truth; seeing a thing for what it really is' vibes being opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces had its 'realism demands' confused and muddled by deceptive Neptune in opposition to the eclipse themes that were and continue to be sorely needed in this country. A 'good time for tackling the truth' is about to give way to the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse themes but has had spotty success so far and Mr. Trump's fake news continues to be promoted ad nausem.

And so in closing, we see that the February 16, 2017 Neptune transit to the 1775 American Revolution Solar Eclipse falls between the upcoming Lunar and Solar Eclipses of February 10th and February 26th and thus creates a trio of significant cosmic manifestations that suggest political reforms in the manner of "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed" with its negative connotation of "unhappy and rebellious conceit." But how about the positive manifestation of "25AQ", so near the US natal Moon?

Positive expression: "A genius for turning deficiency into a real asset."

Sounds huge to me! As long as We the People get busy turning the many deficiencies of the Trump regime into real assets to be used against his and Steve Bannon's bigoted alt-right agenda so that the movement becomes our revolution, not his!


*destruction? Other chart factors apply, of course, very much including plutocrat Pluto, now in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, for the saboteur is in process of destroying institutions, systems, traditions, and taboos. And this, as the wealthy dragon creeps along toward fulfillment of America's first-ever Pluto Return in 2022 (27Cap33 Rx, opposite US natal Mercury Rx in Cancer, our sneaky surveillance and spying pair; progressed US Pluto has been at the crisis-anaretic degree of 29 Capricorn for some time--conjunct the 00AQ Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and opposing the 2009 11 South Solar Eclipse!) Yet occurring even sooner than 2022 is a Pluto Return to its position (25Cap57) in the 'American Revolution's PE' horoscope, a period beginning once transit Pluto reaches 20Cap55 in March 2018.

Related: After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump. That would be unpredictable Uranus, planet of anarchy, sudden disruption, eccentric behavior--and is America's revolution significator.