America 2022+ Must Use Our Saturn-Uranus Trine!
by Jude Cowell
Regretfully, I must report to you that a Moon-Neptune opposition in America's Solar Return 2022 Horoscope reveals that, for at least another year or so, our mass delusions and fantasy-world desires and schemes will continue to bedevil our reality, and will probably continue to be promoted by mass media outlets as long as it makes them money
Below is an excerpt from a December 2021 post discussing such disturbing mental and emotional conditions and subconscious images occurring within a percentage of our populace who labor under the spell of propaganda, mass hypnosis, mass psychosis, and with a willingness to be deceived by lies that support and promote deeply held emotional biases while not straining their thought processes overly much.
A Moon-Neptune Veil Within and Surrounding America
"Greater than all physical dangers are the tremendous effects of delusional ideas which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much vaunted reason and boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly powerless in the face of 'unreal' thoughts."
- Dr. Carl Jung, speaking about America which he identified as prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" and this is where we find ourselves today - with enemies who take advantage of our weakened condition, purposefully made worse by saboteurs and propagandists who assault our "much vaunted" reasoning ability. You know the tale of America: founded upon ideas and reason. Plato's Ideal of a perfect society. Can men govern themselves without monarchs? It's being made unusually difficult with Moon-Neptune influences mucking things up at every turn and spreading conspiracy theories, fantasies, and confusion across the land. And curiously, certain politicians, what FDR called "economic royalists," prefer monarchy in the form of an authoritarian dictatorship in America. Personally, I very much doubt that if they got their way, such a dystopian government would be all they expect it to be.

Image: America's Solar Return July 5, 2022 4:23:29 am EDT Washington DC
Hour of Saturn (limits; consolidation); Chart-ruler Mercury makes no applying aspects but is prominent @00Cancer and rising in 1st house so Mercurial concerns will be in focus around the country and globally; transit Mercury turns Rx @8Lib55 in September in Return 5th house; meanwhile, the Ascendant @23Gem03 brings US Mars to the fore while the Midheaven ('MC") @00Pis04 sports our nation's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 12 South Saros Series (00Pis33) with themes of 'successful outcomes to longterm worries or illness; draining issues seem worse, then clear' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Could this suggest more improvement in the pandemic department of life? Hopefully, yes! And perhaps improvement in military realms, too. And who can't appreciate the Moon-Pluto trine's ability to lift people onto a plane of higher consciousness?
Yet we see that the Moon-Neptune opposition is Angular and thus significant across the 4/10 axis of Domestic Scene-Public Status in the signs of Virgo-Pisces, the victim-savior polarity. Furthermore, the Moon-Neptune opposition squares US Mars(irritability; sensitivity; weakening conditions) while the Moon @22Vir36 in her own 4th house reflects US natal Neptune which emphasizes America's Mars-Neptune square of 1776 while adding lunar vibes (We the People) to the ongoing 'clash of ideals' Neptune in Pisces opposition to US Neptune in the more fact-based sign of Virgo with its persecution implications (racial and civil). Plus, health indicators are present here, and elsewhere in the chart, yet let's hope that America's 12 South Eclipse at MC can spread a lot of positive influences around and thus provide a lift to societal conditions.
Now as you see, with US Sun (13Can19) in Solar Return 1st house, 2022 until our next Return in July 2023 will mark a significant year for development with US leadership in the spotlight and Cancerian business capacity on the rise, especially with Moon-ruled Cancer on the SR 2nd cu$p - as long as those frothy Moon-Neptune delusions, held by unstable and bad faith actors, are kept reasonably under control around financial deals and investments, and physically. Basically, we'll need to keep eagle eyes on our collective cookie jar!
Additional Considerations for America 2022 into 2023
So with all the recent talk of war and revolution within America's public discourse, thanks to saboteurs, global mobsters, craven political operatives, and manic insurrectionists, it seems significant to me that very near our country's July 4th Independence Day 2022, a symbolic new cycle begins which issues from the American Revolution Horoscope because a Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon perfects @00Cap41 on July 8, 2022. With a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, this SP New Moon lands upon one of the four Cardinal Points of World Manifestation, which, when stimulated, tends to time global events of major significance. Will this symbolic lunation do the trick on a global scale? If other indicators chime in by transit, arc, and/or progression, it certainly can act as a timing device (as progressed Moons tend to do), especially at what is considered a critical, highly senstized zero degree. For the most probability of actual events, Carter's Rule of Three will naturally apply.
Thing is, we've been wandering about in the dark for the last few years during the SP Balsamic Phase (prior to the perfection of a SP New Moon) in relation to the meaning of America, and the true significance of events and it will take a few years for the solar-lunar light to grow bright enough to fairly navigate by. Yes, it's true that difficult events lie ahead for the US, and for the world. But as is so often said, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Meanwhile, Americans must recognize and directly face our problems in the stark light of reality for it's the only way to conquer them so that we as a people can plough on through with the reasoning ability intact that our nation's Founders, inspired by the brilliant Saturn-Uranus trine of their day, bequeathed to We the People as our birth right. So that if enough of us use the beneficial energies, they may act as a bridge between the past and the present, providing inventiveness and common sense that can only be suppressed if we allow it to be!
So there's merely a quick look at US SR 2022 Horoscope potentials and, of course, there are more planetary factors to find, some mitigating negatives, some interfering with positives.
Now in closing, look beyond 2022 into 2023, for here's a much recommended article by master astrologer Robert Wilkinson who provides the reader with a vast, expanded view of the Cosmos and The Ages as humanity stands poised for the transformation to come in, The Sun Now Vitalizes 30 Aquarius Where the Age of Aquarius Will Begin After 2050. This is Part 2 so you'll want to check out Part 1.
And Please Be Advised: There's another significant Return Horoscope for America - our nation's Chiron Return in April 2024 in bold, pioneering Aries.