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Dec 20, 2008

Astrology details of US automakers

Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers await you along with very interesting astrological details of the US automakers who, in similar fashion to other industries and corporations in the US and elsewhere, are in process of diving out of their contractual agreements by breaking faith with past social responsibilities toward workers such as pensions and health care benefits. Suckas!

Add massive numbers of short-sighted lay-offs by the droves and you get the sense they're trying to fail so that a one-world global economic system may be pleaded for by us, the devastated pigeons: please sir, institute whatever reforms you think are necessary - but please protect my security.

Power elite notwithstanding, of course; class warfare not optional; security? an illusion.

Dec 18, 2008

financial collapse: they're doing it on purpose

London Banker: "The market has failed, and officialdom is perpetuating that failure."

By Mike Whitney

It is now clear to me that policy makers in the West are determined to apply every available resource to underpinning failure, misallocation and executive excess. As
this discourages the honest saver from parting with cash, policy makers are ensuring
that deflation will wreak its havoc on the financial and real economies of the world.


And I keep thinking that somehow, Bernie Madoff is part of the script. "Are there other Bernie Madoffs out there?" asked an NPR reporter, money-in-mattress jokes are in the air, and soon it will be, "please sir, whatever system you want to impose is okay by me."

The "arrows in the quiver" of the Fed are sparse as they work 'so hard' to put a bottom to the catastrophe. The foxes guard the hen house they raided themselves and corporations do their part by laying off thousands of workers at a pop.

Makes me want to send Bush a pair of musty shoes as they pry his knarly fingers from the White House doorjamb - his mission accomplished, the agenda followed to a T...the undermining and bankrupting of America.

Here's the very first post here at Stars Over Washington from Oct 16, 2005, titled, 'George W. Bush July 6, 1946' with Adriano Carelli's description of Bush's Ascendant degree '8Leo' added: the burning bush, which may make more sense now that the Bush jig is almost up.

Dec 17, 2008

IE flawed, switched to Firefox

Guess you've heard the news - there's danger in Internet Explorer, Will Robinson, switch to any other other browser. Just don't throw me in the IE brier patch.

Therefore, I'm using Mozilla Firefox even though Stars Over Washington displays rather crazily with it - all the side column links, feeds, info, ads, features, are schmooshed down below.

Things sure look better with IE, but their 'patches' don't fix IE's weaknesses until further MS the brier patch must win the day and display the blog.


Dec 16, 2008

Strobe Talbott interview on Obama administration

Der Speigel has published an interesting interview with Strobe Talbott concerning a cautious Obama administration and its 'global citizen' intentions.

You know the 'cautious globalist' description falls snuggly between Barack Obama's Saturn, happily placed in traditional, cautious Capricorn, sign of politics, law, and business, and Saturn's out-of-sign conjunction with Jupiter, placed within the first degree of the sign of the progressive citizen of the world, Aquarius.

I believe Obama's out-of-sign conjunction of the two societal planets, Saturn and Jupiter, works well for him because Cap and AQ share rulers unlike any other side-by-side signs.

Saturn rules Cap and is the 'ancient' ruler of Aquarius. Some astrologers (present company included) use Saturn as ruler of AQ with Uranus, discovered in 1781, as co-ruler or higher octave...influential, but too far away and unpredictable to be 'ruler' of any sign.

Having an emphasis on Cap-Saturn energy in my natal chart, I guess that's just the way I roll - it's traditional rulers for this Saturnian astrologer who 'sees' heredity, DNA, and family myths rather than 'past lives' in Astrology charts.

But don't leave out the mystical realm!

Dec 15, 2008

Bush loopholes executive pay in Bailout Bill

Funny Story...turns out that corporate CEOs' Golden Parachutes and outrageous paychecks are protected with an executive pay loophole inserted at the eleventh hour by the Bush administration which probably knew all along that Bailout Bill monies would not be gifted in this massive heist by way of 'auctions.'

Scoundrels and thieves! Makes me want to take off my shoes and lob away.

Muntather Al Zaidi praised

In Praise Of Muntather Al Zaidi

By Layla Anwar

Whilst Bush waspontificating from his ass, Muntather Al-Zaidi, a 28 years old journalist, a leftist, from the independent anti-occupation, anti-sectarian TV, Al-Baghdadia, stood up and threw not one shoe but TWO pair of shoes at Bush, calling him at the top of his voice YA KALB - YOU DOG.


And so many of the US mainstream media have opined over Bush's 'leg-acy' - they just didn't know it would have a shoe on it and be barking.

Dec 14, 2008

Video of shoes thrown at Bush's head 12.14.08

Couldn't resist! Here's the YouTube video of Bush in Iraq Sunday as an Iraqi journalist throws both his shoes at Bush's thick head.

Winter Solstice 2008 chart now posted

Almost belatedly (with only a week to spare), my article on Winter Solstice 2008 has been published with chart at Jude's Threshold, fyi.

Asteroid Astraea's 'law and justice' rises and there's a T-Square involving the still-in-orb opposition of traditional Saturn and progressive Uranus.

Mercury and Mars are both out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and working without interference from other planetary energies, except that Mercury in Capricorn is in mutual reception with Saturn in Virgo, so perhaps their collaboration is hidden from view.

Set for the White House, Dec 21, 2008, the Libran Moon is in 10th house, US natal Saturn in Libra is at Midheaven, and Sun 00Cap00:00 conjuncts powerful Pluto and asteroid, Atlantis, so check it out, if you'd care to have a go - and please feel free to leave comments if you'd like.

Dec 13, 2008

Planets overhead: Week of Dec 15, 2008

She's done it again.

Astrologer Julie Demboski has written a clear-eyed assessment of our coming week - Dec 15 - 22 - for us to navigate by and benefit from.

You know that Julie's columns are always Recommended Reading around here, so catch up with her asap!

Chertoff Chronicles 12.13.08

This just in from SO'W's So I'm Told Department:

Michael Chertoff employs illegal workers in his home! Quite a guffaw for the head of the Department of Homeland Security, ya think? Such a big glaring Oops! Or maybe it's more of a law breaking situation.

They give citations for that, don't they? Perhaps Bush will pardon him under the blanket.

Well, here are a few notes on Chertoff's natal chart if you're game.

It's written in English so you don't have to speak Astrologese to find out about the guy. And it's all quite legal. Really.

Dec 12, 2008

Screen shot of the missing: Obama met with Blagojevich (Sun Sag-Moon Pis)

Bloggers can be tres cool!

From Google's cache, someone had the foresight to snag a screen shot of the disappearing news article from KHQA Chicago concerning a meeting between president-elect Barack Obama and Gov. Rod Blagojevich during the afternoon of Nov 5, 2008 when they met to discuss who would fill Obama's vacated senate seat.

This records the opposite of what the president-elect said about it, doesn't it? So I wanted to get the screen shot's link onto this blog for future reference, if necessary.

Now here's a mini-peek at Blagojevich's natal chart - born Dec 10, 1956, Chicago, IL, birth hour unknown.

Through the 24 hours, Moon was in Pisces (15:29 to 27:38), Sun in Sagittarius (18Sag10 to 19Sag11.) Sun conjunct asteroids Hebe and Hidalgo.

His father's heritage is Serbian, says Wikipedia, and his name is pronounced, near as I can tell: Blog oy' a vich.

There is a revealing midpoint picture which applies no matter his birth time:

Mercury-Pluto = Neptune: overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome; pursuit of peculiar plans; cunning, falsehood, libel, slander, calumny, and defamation.

Sun Sag-Moon Pis is a steamy Fire/Water combo. Steam can sterilize or scald and has a reputation for being volatile, passionately emotional, and moody.

The shadow side of this blend lacks the ability to take an impersonal view. "What's in it for me?" may often be heard as it clearly was on the tapes of his phone calls (if you listen between the bleeps) demanding big bucks for the senate seat appointment. Or he may have grabbed the seat himself and joined the other big time pocket-liners of Congress.

Instability and impracticality can wreak havoc in the life as this slave to moods expresses an urgent fanaticism. This combo has a proud and independent streak mixed with vulnerability; conforming to convention is not the usual with a Fire-Water blend.

Sun Sag-Moon Pis: irrational logic, deep convictions, and open receptivity describe this blend, yet there can also be gullibility, lack of concentration or discrimination, and vacillation. It's an 'optimism vs pessimism' combination with a lack of the necessary patience to ground ideas in the real world.

Image for Integration: 'A jolly, shabbily dressed vicar tells raucous jokes to down-and-outs, children, and high society at the Church garden party.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

So what about the planets on Nov 5, 2008?

One midpoint picture is worth a thousand's the one that has most to do with meetings that day:

Sun-NN = Pluto: being persuasive; ordering and controlling others; exerting influence; public prominence.

Thing is, it's Pluto who's the operative or trigger in this picture of energies, and powerful 'secret hand' Pluto is at '30Sag'...Sabian Symbol?

"The Pope Blessing the Faithful."


For a tiptoe on the lighter side, a fresh rhyme is now available at Lim's Limericks: A Kitten Named Blago if you'd care to check out a political meow from Chicago.

Geminid shower from extinct comet Phaethon

Space Weather News for Dec 12, 2008

WEEKEND METEORS: Earth is entering a stream of debris from extinct comet 3200 Phaethon, and this is causing the annual Geminid meteor shower. The shower is expected to peak on Dec 13 and 14.

Normally, as many as 100 meteors per hour shoot out of the constellation Gemini, but this year a bright Moon will interfere with the display, reducing hourly counts to only 20 or so. That's could still be a nice show. For best results, watch the sky from 10 pm local time on Saturday night (Dec 13) until dawn on Sunday morning (Dec 14.)

BIGGEST FULL MOON OF THE YEAR: The Moon that's causing trouble for the Geminid display happens to be biggest full Moon of 2008, as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than lesser Moons we've seen earlier this year. An astronomer would say this is a "perigee Moon" because it occurs at perigee, the side of the Moon's elliptical orbit closest to Earth.

Go outside tonight and take a look. The meteor rate may be low, but the lunar beauty index is off the charts.

Check for updates and more information.

BONUS: The Dec 1 Great Conjunction Photo Gallery continues to grow with daily additions from around the world. Browse the gallery here.