, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Jan 1, 2016

Bernie Sanders Picks up a Couple of Unexpected Endorsements - Thom Hartmann reports

Jan 1, 2016: This Just In concerning Senator Bernie Sanders' 2016 Campaign:

Related: Is This the Natal Horoscope of Bernie Sanders? which may or may not be set for his correct time of birth, however, the planets in the chart are based on his date of birth. You'll note that the added endorsements come at a time when the planet of politics, expansion, and good fortune, Jupiter, has been and is within orb of his North Node (a Jupiterian point of public contact; joining) and dreamy, idealistic Neptune in Virgo, sign of The Worker and The Critic.

And I'm sending out a huge Thank You, Everyone, for all your tweets, re-tweets, and shares throughout 2015! Jude

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