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Showing posts with label American Rhetoric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Rhetoric. Show all posts

Feb 27, 2017

Feb 28, 2017 Trump Addresses Congress as Jupiter Rises

Here's What to Watch For When Trump Addresses Congress Tuesday night, February 28, 2017. Too soon for a State of the Union Address, Mr. Trump has a lot to say and will likely use his air time to bypass Washington and speak directly to the American people. Will American Rhetoric ever have it so good?

Meanwhile, Democrats in 30 states are rebutting Trump's efforts.

And CBS gives 9:00 to 10:30 pm ET as the time frame during which we may be treated to a second speech written by Stephen "the president will not be questioned" Miller, the first being his dystopian 'inaugural address' dumped upon us by Mr. Trump in January. Miller's second speech is said to be more...light, and perhaps so with jolly Jupiter Rx but rising at 9:00 pm and Mr. Trump's natal 2nd house trio of Neptune Rx, Chiron, and Jupiter stationary direct in Libra having just risen as of 8:00 pm.

If we hear the word "fair" as in, "it's not fair!," or hear calls for fairness from Mr. Trump we'll have heard his Jupiter in Libra. Thing is, Mars and Uranus, a combustible and activist pair, met in conjunction on Sunday evening (2/26) and still oppose transit Jupiter (Democrats?) while Venus and the Moon (the public) are conjoined at a critical degree (12 Aries) and will oppose Jupiter shortly. Safe to say that the concept of 'moderation' may not be in evidence during Mr. Trump's non-SOTU address although it will be received quite favorably by the public (Moon-Venus) who voted for him. (Received favorably at least until Jupiter is opposed by Venus but this won't occur until May, thanks to a Venus Rx period when begins March 4th @13Aries).

Manipulatively, there's wealthy stealthy Pluto @18 Capricorn, the POLITICAL POWER degree in the Sabian Symbols with its "smug or strong-armed paternalism' expression (Jones) sitting directly upon the Uranus-Neptune (global government) conjunction/s of 1993. Has Mr. Trump yet received Pluto's 'command' about the only course of action available to a US president, a command that 'must be followed' for the sake of 'the big picture' of world domination?

Well, transit Pluto conjoins a critical-degreed IC (20Cap) (The Foundation; the HOW? Point) and squares (blocks) the Moon, Venus, Mars, Uranus...and Jupiter, the broadcaster, General, corporatist, religious leader or guru, politician, and the promoter of hugeness that now inhabits the Oval Office. Which voices will we hear from Mr. Trump in his first address to a Joint Session of Congress? All of them? Possibly since astrological Jupiter can play many roles including The Actor. One thing is for certain: whatever words we hear, we can count on the Jupiterian Mr. Trump to again review (Rx) his overblown, over-promising, gilt-edged qualities and ring them forth across America's airwaves.

But with the Sun (leader) conjoining nebulous Neptune in shady Pisces (a sign ruled by Jupiter) his usual bluster will be necessary in order to blast his wonderfulness through the Neptunian veil and project self-confidence and a much needed sense of authenticity which the Sun-Neptune conjunction reveals is lacking.

Communicating Mercury (speakers and speeches, speech writers, reporters) is also in secretive Pisces and at an interesting degree so let's close with its symbol from Dane Rudhyar, rounded up:

Mercury '6Pisces': "A Parade of Army Officers In Full Dress." Is this a secret message from Stephen Miller, speech writer extraordinaire?


Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator (Ebertin).

Jun 24, 2009

Astrology revisits Bush Sr at the 1988 RNC

In his acceptance address at the 1988 Republican National Convention, George H. W. Bush called for a lot and promised a lot.

On the evening of August 18, 1988 at the Superdome in New Orleans, LA, we were ostensibly brightened by his "thousand points of light" and enthused by his promise that though Congress would push him again and again - and again - he would say, "Read my lips: no new taxes."

(I remember the wild applause that little ditty elicited!) Click link for the text of Bush's address along with audio players available, if you'd rather hear him intone.

Other grand remarks were made in his 1988 address, other firm statements were proffered in order to assure the American people of his patriotism and his "respect for common sense" to which he added that "...I have no great love for the imaginings of social planners. I like what's been tested and found to be true."

Whaa-a-a? No love for social planners like the global power elite and their chaos-promoting financial crises and shock doctrines? How about their wars, genocides as population control, and resource plunderings that decimate whole communities and races?

Do your global domination plans not qualify as 'social planning'?

Seems Mr. Bush Sr was prevaricating especially considering that shortly after 1988 he was calling for a New World Order!

This video is but 33 seconds' long and you'll find longer versions on YouTube quite easily. But I figured 33 secs were quite long enough to make a point, or a thousand of them, if you prefer.

Bush states his determination toward success in the his 1988 address he ambiguously stated, "I will keep America moving forward, always forward -- for a better America, for an endless enduring dream and a thousand points of light.

This is my mission. And I will complete it."

And now others carry forward the agend of the NWO.

Sep 8, 2008

1898 speech echoes 2008 campaign issues

One-hundred-ten years ago, on Dec 5, 1898 William Jennings Bryan delivered a message which reverberates into the 2008 presidential campaign - its issues, jingoisms, and propaganda-touting.

As you know, orators of the past were expected to speak for quite some time - a speech resembling today's 'sound bites' would have been considered a complete flop and a huge disappointment to entertainment-starved audiences everywhere.

The speech I've dug up for you, 'Imperialism', touches upon many topics of current value, not the least of which is a Republican house of representatives who complied with President McKinley's request for the authority to increase our standing army to 100,000.

Bryan called a large standing army, "not only a pecuniary burden to the people," but much more: "it is ever a menace to a Republican form of government."

Today we should recognize these things by well-worn experience, and yet the GOP still has its way in the realm of war profiteering and expansionist policies a la 2008.

Bryan paraphrases Abe Lincoln in his speech, "In 1859 Lincoln said that the Republican party believed in the man and the dollar, but that in case of a conflict it believed in the man before the dollar."

My, some things have changed, haven't they? Unless you're one of the elect few, that is - the cream of the one-world-government crop.

1898 (the decade when the Robber Baron class got its claws into every pie) and Bryan almost wholly could have been speaking of the 2008 presidential campaign when he said:

"Against us are arrayed a comparatively small but politically and powerful number who really profit by Republican policies; but with them are associated a large number who, because of their attachment to their party name, are giving their support to doctrines antagonistic to the former teachings of their own party."

Bryan goes on to discuss, among other things: the gold standard, the greenback, imperialism in the Philippines and Cuba, the paralyzing influence of imperialism, and then gives the four principle arguments advanced by those who enter upon a defense of imperialism.

He then identifies to whom each argument is addressed ('addresst'):

1. the nation's pride
2. the nation's pocketbook
3. the church member
4. the partisan

If any of this sounds familiar, it's because they're using the same tactics in the 21st century! If it works, why change, right?

So is America caught in a loop of self-destruction she can't break out of? Is she too dizzy to see she's being duped yet again?

Now I know that a vote in November may bring little improvement if you vote for the Dems. But if you vote for the Republicans you can be certain of encouraging the cynical imperialists who have been misdirecting our nation for a over a century.

What's it to be?

Change? Hope? Or simply the audacity and hubris of nation-rotting, Republic-destroying imperialism?


Thanks go to a great resource, American Rhetoric!

Sep 5, 2008

The rhetoric of 9/11

With the 7th aniversary of 9/11 coming up in a few days, you may wish to check out Rhetoric of 9/11, a special feature on American Rhetoric, a great resource for words right out of their mouths...transcripts, audio (including some MP3)'s an excellent resource for walking down memory lane, for your historical research, for reviewing propaganda and slogans, or for keeping politicians honest - as if, right?

Drill Baby Drill!