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Showing posts with label John Nichols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Nichols. Show all posts

Oct 14, 2016

Ed Schultz and John Nichols - video (plus, 'Trump vs GOP' Astrology)

Natal Charts Reveal Differences Between the Republican Party and Nominee Trump; Schultz and Nichols Discuss GOP Coup and the Party's 2016 Nominee

With much confusion reigning these days between Donald Trump and the Republican Party, can a brief comparison of their natal horoscopes reveal the whys and wherefores? Below is a brief list of chart factors between them which describe, I believe, at least some of their difficulties.

And please check out the October 13th video of progressive broadcaster Ed Schultz speaking with The Nation's Washington correspondent John Nichols concerning troubles within the Republican Party and the Party's issues with its own 2016 nominee Donald Trump.

A bi-wheel image of the natal charts of the Republican Party and Mr. Trump shows some of the planets and points between the two that conjoin although opposing planets reveal some of the turbulence between them. (Remember earlier in the 2016 campaign when 'Trump is not a Republican' was a prominent talking point heard regularly in the news?)

Yes, both entities have the same Sagittarian Moon position which conjoins Trump's natal South Node of neurotic behavior and (Saturnian) separation! Fixed star Ras Alhague is also there (see 'Sapphire Star' post, linked below). But as current political events (to endorse or not to endorse, that is the Q) confuse, we see the nominee's natal Neptune (5Libra50 Rx) rising in the Party's chart (ASC 4Lib23) in opposition to the Party's natal Mercury (5Ari18 Rx) suggesting misunderstandings, confusion, deception, illusions, errors, and loss. This condition is worsened by the fact that Trump was born with a Mercury-Neptune square of distorted perceptions, gossip, and a problematic relationship with the truth.

With Mercury square Neptune, discreet he is not yet this relates to what so many Trump supporters admire: that he 'tells it like it is' (or, how he and they think it is). Well, at least some of his observations are correct enough to discomfit The Establishment and the GOP hierarchy (and Democrats!) as Mr. Trump inconveniently reveals information that Washington is desperate to keep hidden from the masses.

A second factor of note is the Mars-Ascendant-Mars trio at the end of Leo (conjunct royal star Regulus, the king-maker) and the Party's natal Mars @00Virgo21 Rx in the 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, and Politics. Mars also acts as a Bucket handle for the GOP with Mars in Virgo exploiting every situation and criticizing every opponent. Meanwhile, Trump's chart shows a Bowl shape of planets with quirky rebel Uranus leading in Gemini, sign of deals and commerce. This denotes one who is a 'convincing' orator who scatters his energies. Plus, as you know, Gemini and Virgo square one another though both signs are ruled by shape-shifting Mercury who knows a lot about lying.

Now here are Ed and John discussing Trump and the GOP:

Image: natal charts of the Republican Party (inside) and Donald Trump (outside).

Let's close with another chart factor which is penned across the top of the image: the Republican Party's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) @8Sag33 and Donald Trump's Pre-Natal Eclipse @8Gemini48 precisely opposing one another--and both eclipses have themes of 'endings, partings, separations' attached. Plus, Trump's PE is also his Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to birth) which emphasizes the importance of his eclipse--and 8Gemini55 is the position of America's 1776 'totem' Revolution planet of radical reforms, chaos, and disruption, Uranus (also a planet of separation).

So in charts from 1854 and 1946, the degree range of 8/9 Gemini-Sagittarius spotlights fixed stars Aldebaran (success through integrity) and warring Antares (obsessed with success) as the Republicans attempt to win the White House (and down-ticket slots) on November 8, 2016 (not November 28th, Mr. Trump!) with their candidate constantly making headlines that simultaneously offend and distance large groups of American voters.

And yet...Nationalism promoter and protectionist Mr. Trump does talk big against the New World Order globalists, doesn't he? As if he alone would be able to act on America's behalf and grasp control of the transnational banking syndicate that he himself has taken huge loans from! Perhaps someone should tell him that the role of US president has become more of a facade of power in the world than it is the real thing.

A few related posts, videos, and Astrology:

Life Themes: the Pre-Natal Eclipses of Clinton and Trump; Donald Trump: Natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; and Trump Campaign Chief's Strong Ties to Putin Revealed - clip (w Astrology) which concerns Paul Manafort who 'stepped down' from Trump's campaign but remains behind the Russian curtain.

Nov 13, 2015

Bernie Sanders Has Winning Strategy: Democratic Socialism Works - video (plus, FDR)

The Nation's John Nichols and Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discuss Democratic Socialism, candidate Bernie Sanders and how he needs to talk more about it, and the 4th Republican debate and the ideas that were espoused for the American people:

Here's another video interview conducted by Thom Hartmann in case you missed Social Democracy Is 100% American. After all, FDR's implementation of our social safety net programs was actually a major sign of progress on America's march toward a 'new world order' and you may wish to check out an assessment of FDR's abilities as noted by Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells.

And since these forms of government are quite a bit more complex than the above interviews suggest, I recommend for background on Fabian Socialism (Communism, Bolshevikism, Marxism, etc) if you need it: Keynes at Harvard which is where Fabian Socialism was initially introduced into American academia and was thereby able to infiltrate the US government, even influencing Wilson's Fourteen Points, an alleged "blueprint for peace". After campaigning with a "peace platform," Woodrow Wilson touted his 'points' in an address to the US Congress on January 8, 1918 while deceptive Neptune @6Leo conjoined US natal North Node (encounter, public contact, and future direction.)

As a pair, Neptune-NN describes such potentials as: anti-social elements, a lack of communal spirit, ideals as an excuse for neglecting the needs of the populace, scandals involving foreign concerns, an inadequate health care system (especially during and after a war), drug policies that avoid important concerns, and/or spies or terrorists that enter for villainous purposes.

(Neptune-NN potentials: Ebertin; Munkasy.)