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Showing posts with label Ring of Fire Radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ring of Fire Radio. Show all posts

May 25, 2016

Majority of Americans Are Desperate For a Third Party Candidate - clip

For decades Washington DC sent American election experts around the globe to demonstrate to other governments how to hold democratic elections (or perhaps how to rig the results?) Now in 2016, our own elections have been turned into caricatures of their former selves and for comedians, the jokes just write themselves.

Candidate Bernie Sanders aside for a moment, would you vote for a 3rd-party candidate if there were one of merit in the race?

Apr 18, 2016

GOP Doing Everything Possible to Dismantle Democracy - video

Although I personally tend to blame both political parties for breach of the public trust in a multitude of ways these last decades, there does seem to be a particular leaning on the side of the Republican Party's anarchists and zealots wanting to "dismantle", shut down, obstruct, undermine, drown in a bath tub, destroy, and/or otherwise coup the US government as discussed here by Farron Cousins and Howard Nations:

Talk about a previous post! Here's one from December 2005 when Stars Over Washington was barely two months old concerning a similar anti-democracy topic: Chiron-Uranus Types in Government. Its points may sound familiar these 11 years later especially since transit Uranus in Aries (anarchists, Utopian zealots--Ebertin) is conjoining off and on America's natal Chiron @20Aries. Uranus in Aries describes, among others, the tea partisans who infiltrated the US Congress on the Koch Brothers' dime and would rather shut down the US government like cowardly traitors than actually govern our nation which imho puts them in breach of the public trust.

Apr 7, 2016

Trump’s Secret Lobbyist Meeting Proves He’s Just Like The Other Repugs - video

Republicans have been protesting too much for too long against Donald Trump as their nominee for me to believe they won't support him, how about you?

Feb 3, 2016

Cruz’s Caucus Victory Is Terrifying for Democracy - Ring of Fire reports

Internet service continues to be capriciously spotty so here's a quick embed from The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins concerning Ted Cruz:

And if you haven't, please answer the poll question at the top of the sidebar-->>

Jan 26, 2016

Why Congress Allows Big Pharma to Rip Us Off - video

Well, I always thought Congress was 'in the pocket' of Big Pharma via bribery, payoffs, and politicians holding pharmaceutical shares in their stock portfolios. After all, abandoning the American people to be the suckers of Big Pharma is typical of a US Congress acting in breach of the public contract. Here's an informative report from Ring of Fire Radio on the topic:

Jan 25, 2016

Most U.S. Cities Have Dangerous Lead Levels In Water - video

As first reported in The Guardian on January 22, 2016 and picked up by Raw Story, Documents reveal agencies across the US distort tests to downplay lead content of water, further evidence of the constant poisoning of the American people via water, food, air, beauty and other products, plus our fracked, drilled, mined, and contaminated environment. Of course, high-powered chemical and drug corporations ruin other populations' health and environments, too, but at the moment, we're talking America:

Here is Farron Cousins reporting for Ring of Fire Radio:

Jan 22, 2016

Ignore The Naysayers: Single Payer Healthcare Is A Great Idea - video (+ RNC 2016)

Concerning 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders' proposal for health insurance coverage for all Americans, here is Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire Radio:

Campaign 2016

Perhaps you've noticed lately the establishment (ex: Hillary) bringing out the 'Bernie Sanders' plans won't work in the real world' attack in the 2016 Campaign but I assert that the "real world" they refer to is nothing but the false reality we've been scammed into by power elite plutocrats who hate the idea of a government by, for, and of The People! That's a government where resources are used for the needs of the people, not for waging more war and implementing global conquest.

And if you don't vote on November 8th and a Republican enters the White House on January 20, 2017, we can wave buh-bye to any hope of returning the US government to the people once new plutocrat SCOTUS Justices are installed. Now I realize it may not be much better if a Democratic or Social Democratic president selects new Justices when the time comes but it will definitely be worse if a Republican president chooses them.

And please remember that the RNC 2016 Capricorn Full Moon in July conjoins US natal Pluto with the Sun in Cancer opposing our national Pluto which denotes a time and event of power plays, forceful intimidation, and lots of media coverage.

Jan 20, 2016

Who’s Behind The SCOTUS Attacks On Unions? - Ring of Fire Radio

Again SCOTUS is in the political news--Farron Cousins reports as the war against America's Middle Class (dressed as an attack on unions) continues:

A related post from May 1, 2014: SCOTUS, the 6th Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square, and a New Millennium which includes certain Sabian Symbols, an article link concerning the retirement of a Supreme Court Justice, America's Great Seal, the potential presidency of New Millennium seeder, Hillary Clinton, and the ongoing determination of the power elite to suddenly transform the status quo.

Jan 14, 2016

Obamaism vs Reaganism: Jupiter-Neptune and Pluto-Chiron

As we read in The Guardian the economic rescue made so necessary by Wall Street culprits and the continuing economic policies first perpetrated under Reaganism have not been replaced or corrected by Obamaism which arrived in the wake of the disastrous 8-year Bush-Cheney regime that undeniably culminated with Financial Crash 2008. That the Obama presidency is historic for breaking the color barrier and began with great hopes for positive change (something the 2009 Jupiter-Neptune conjunction/s inspired and supported) is obvious yet America's Main Street vs Wall Street conundrum remains tucked underneath a whopping income inequality divide. Many people agree that Mr. Obama saved Wall Street but Main Street? Not so much.

To paraphrase The Guardian article many Americans are finally waking up to our massively wide income divide. Yes, but will a majority of us fall again for discredited Reaganomics policies and candidates in November 2016? Will such sleepwalking voters show up at the polls?

Actually the Venus Cycle indicates that voters will demand someone other, or different which usually means a president of the rival party--Republican, in this case. There have been two exceptions to the Venus Prediction as noted by expert astrologer Bernadette Brady, yet 2016 Democratic candidates may be able to fulfill the requirements of 'the other'--Bernie for his Democratic Socialism, Hillary for her gender. However, in the Republican stable, Donald Trump may suffice due to his not-a-politician condition and even Ted Cruz could because he was in Canada though disqualified he may turn out to be.

Now those readers who were around Stars Over Washington since 2009 and before know that I have typed a large amount of words concerning Jupiter and Neptune as a pair of energies that represent potentials for 'the grand spirit, visions, big promises, flowery religious sentiments, get-rich-quick schemes, fraud, waste, speculation, hypocrisy (Ebertin)--and irresponsible, abusive, or reckless financial mismanagement. Political conflicts are also within the realms of Jupiter-Neptune (ex: Republicans vowing failure for President Obama since Day One). Such readers may be familiar with astrological principles and if so, they have not missed the significant synchronicity of the three 2009 conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune perfecting upon the US Moon in late Aquarius as seen on July 4, 1776...mundane Moon = We the People.

The blend of this grand influence of the societal planet of expansion (Jupiter) and urge-to-merge Neptune (often a leader in fraud, falsehood, deception, loss, failure, and planet of The Masses, The Media, and propaganda) led us in 2009+ to be exploited by our dreaminess, by falling into a swoon, having little sense of reality, becoming involved in speculation and fraud, losing ourselves in plans which brought waste, loss, and instability for a majority of the public. That America's natal Neptune @22Virgo conjunct fixed star Denebola (to go against society) obscures Barack Obama's natal Mars @22Virgo made the use of Jupiter-Neptune = natal Moon easier for those who were aware of the significance of such cosmic occurrences that were timed to chime with our newly elected "rock star" president (Mars-Neptune).

The Neptunian veil cast over Mr. Obama's Mars denotes a lack of clear vision or understanding when it comes to the president's actions and motivations (Mars) which he and his backers have hidden behind when acting in secret. Neptune veiling Mars also accounts in part for the lack of trust in President Obama and we all suffer from this constant refrain from Republicans whether we share their distrust or not.

And of course, Mars is the warrior planet but this post is more about financial issues even though the Pentagon is next after Wall Street and the Fed on my financial mismanagement list since global copping and conquest are very expensive to maintain as are US military bases, CIA annexes, prisons, and our embassies all over the world.

So now, since the 1980s (or even the 1970s), we have increased Income Inequality thanks to a society that has devolved into more of a US Plutocracy than the Founders set it up to be. And as we face the November 8, 2016 Election/s, only a large voter turn out by Democrats can hope to deflect the GOP ('grand old plutocrats') from taking the White House and playing the decades-long game of Democrats grow the economy--Republicans harvest it dry (thereby creating more beggars out of the rest of us). This is a game set up by hidden hands secreted away in their European lairs (headquarters such as the City of London and the Vatican Bank) and it is somewhat visible in the World Bank, the IMF, and the Rothschild system of central banks that throttle the world's finances and resources while continuing to enslave the people via debts that can never be paid off. This exploitative condition between the 'haves and the have-nots' can be further described in Astrology by the Pluto-Chiron pair and all its -isms including Capitalism, Communism, racism--and primal violence.

Yes, the much-touted New Millennium has shown as a timing device for enslaving the world more tightly in the raptor's grip--in finances, total surveillance, politically, you name it. The current Pluto-Chiron cycle began with their conjunction in late 1999--at 12 Sagittarius, conjunct America's Ascendant in her late afternoon horoscopes of July 4, 1776 (I tend to use 5:09 pm LMT since it places 00Aries at IC though our Scorpio Rising chart is also descriptive). Therefore, Pluto-Chiron-r-us. But did Plutocracy need to announce its arrival as the New Millennium began? Many people were awake and aware of its tightening grasp upon our nation and government pre-1999 with the 60-year Pluto-Chiron cycle involving a transformation of mass consciousness, an expression of a mass need (Nolle)--and this we now hear in the campaign rhetoric of both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

Plus, how can we not wake up? The Sabian Symbol for 12 Sagittarius should have opened our ears back in 1999 into 2000: "A Flag Turned Into an Eagle That Crows"! Odd how the Bush gang had draconian changes to our traditional principles and freedoms ready to implement just after the attacks of 9/11/01--as if part of a plan. One question for 2016: is there a presidential candidate who isn't part of the plan? That's the one I want.

So since Democratic Socialist Senator Sanders is calling for a political revolution and because of his reform ideas and the fact that a Pluto-Chiron conjunction appears in the natal horoscope of Karl Marx (Marxism! Socialism!), I suggest that Pluto-Chiron's expression of a mass need is primarily the need to close the glaring gap in incomes in the US and beat Plutocracy of any political stripe back into its dungeon where it belongs if our allegedly democratic republic is planning to exist into the future.

And now commentary from Ring of Fire Radio's Farron Cousins:

Dec 8, 2015

Republicans Playing Santa For Corporations; Bloodsucking Corporatocracy - video

Are you too busy with holiday preps to keep a close eye on current bills passing through Congress? That's what Capitol Hill politicians are counting on! And that's how they slipped the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 into being as they absconded from Washington for their ill-deserved holiday:

Nov 18, 2015

Sanders Nails It Again: “We Have To Be Strong, But Not Stupid" - video

Aren't they adorable? Those governors who think they can override federal law about accepting Syrian refugees into their states. My home state of Georgia is saddled with Governor Nathan Deal (Republican who in 2010 ran from Capitol Hill just before the congressional ethics committee nailed him--all the way back to Georgia):

#FeelTheBern #Georgia #SmallMinded #Governors #SyrianRefugees #BombingSyria #WOT #EastvsWest

Nov 13, 2015

Bernie Sanders Has Winning Strategy: Democratic Socialism Works - video (plus, FDR)

The Nation's John Nichols and Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discuss Democratic Socialism, candidate Bernie Sanders and how he needs to talk more about it, and the 4th Republican debate and the ideas that were espoused for the American people:

Here's another video interview conducted by Thom Hartmann in case you missed Social Democracy Is 100% American. After all, FDR's implementation of our social safety net programs was actually a major sign of progress on America's march toward a 'new world order' and you may wish to check out an assessment of FDR's abilities as noted by Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells.

And since these forms of government are quite a bit more complex than the above interviews suggest, I recommend for background on Fabian Socialism (Communism, Bolshevikism, Marxism, etc) if you need it: Keynes at Harvard which is where Fabian Socialism was initially introduced into American academia and was thereby able to infiltrate the US government, even influencing Wilson's Fourteen Points, an alleged "blueprint for peace". After campaigning with a "peace platform," Woodrow Wilson touted his 'points' in an address to the US Congress on January 8, 1918 while deceptive Neptune @6Leo conjoined US natal North Node (encounter, public contact, and future direction.)

As a pair, Neptune-NN describes such potentials as: anti-social elements, a lack of communal spirit, ideals as an excuse for neglecting the needs of the populace, scandals involving foreign concerns, an inadequate health care system (especially during and after a war), drug policies that avoid important concerns, and/or spies or terrorists that enter for villainous purposes.

(Neptune-NN potentials: Ebertin; Munkasy.)

Oct 23, 2015

Papantonio: The Shadow Government That Runs Washington - video (w/ Saturn-Neptune)

Considering the rather frequent mention on Stars Over Washington of the longstanding Saturn (government; management)/Neptune (secret; invisible; shadow) influence upon the July 4, 1776 natal chart and leadership of America you might think that the following video would have been posted here about a year ago so, a year late, here it is:


The Thesis-Antithesis of Saturn-Neptune in Political Astrology

You may find many a close description of our nation within the following potentials for expression of the Saturn-Neptune pair of energies when they combine. And in the country's late afternoon natal chart/s (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Saturn exalted at 14 Libra in 10th house and Neptune at 22 Virgo in 9th house snug around the Midheaven (MC), the Goal Point of the chart denoting America's aspiration in the world.

An angular midpoint picture is thus formed which perfected in 1778/9--Saturn-Neptune (3 Libra) = MC (00-1 Libra): using shortened, inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, and completed work is needed (*MM); wavering between materialistic and idealistic inclinations; a peculiar character (Ebertin.) The typical old Capitalism vs Socialism vs Communism vs Bolshevikism vs Marxism vs Zionism ideologies are suggested though -isms also fall under the exploitative, violent Pluto-Chiron pair of energies which add and identify Plutocracy vibes.

Saturn-Neptune potentials for expression in political and societal realms include:

Thesis: delusions among the real leadership (aka, the shadow government and the aims of their misguided ideologies); efficient use of expert advice; mistaken religious leaders; long lasting programs that have no real purpose; misuse of law officers; policies which restrict spies.

Antithesis: leaders deceive about the exercise of control; respected people involved in questionable practices; a leader capitulates; deficient business practices exposed; reliable equipment failures (perhaps we should include the US Congress in that last one.)

And perhaps the ultimate goal (MC) of all: control (Saturn) of the masses (Neptune)...the global masses.


*Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey, and The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin.

Oct 16, 2015

Why Is The Media Trying So Hard To Corner Joe Biden Into Running? - video

For those who follow Campaign 2016 at all it's been impossible to ignore the constant media promotion of a presidential run by VP Joe Biden: will he or won't he? Will he declare his candidacy before the deadline? Is Joe emotionally up to it? Will he announce after Hillary testifies again on Benghazi (Oct 22)? And so on and so forth. Well, I've been wondering myself why the media won't hush up about a politician who could just as easily retire from a long career as jump into the background searching quagmire that is a US presidential race:


So one more time (arghh!) here's a link to a recent post which includes brief astro-notes concerning the personality of Vice President Joe Biden for those who may be curious. You'll want to scroll down a bit for Joe Info since the post includes a couple of other topics as well.

Sep 17, 2015

Why Are The Republicans Still Using Reagan’s Washed Up Ideas? - video

September 17, 2015: after last night's Republican debate/s, their lack of ideas may seem obvious to many of us and as usual, policy discussions were not their strong point. However, I tend to see them as having plenty of ideas and definite about their policies. It's just that revealing draconian Republican ideas and policies of heartless austerity and anti-democratic legislation before an election would be a sure avenue to defeats so massive that even their gerrymandering, voter suppression, and ballot tampering couldn't justify alleged GOP victories!

For your consideration:

Note: by my remarks above I don't mean to suggest that Democrats never cheat during elections. They too are politicians so this automatically should go without saying, unfortunately for the voting public. After all:

"It's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes." Josef Stalin

Sep 14, 2015

Is Jeb Bush More Racist Than Donald Trump? - video

For your consideration as you wish:


Not certain I know the answer to such a question comment!

Sep 8, 2015

Face The Facts: The American People Are Populists - video

Populism is more than expressing sentiments toward public concerns.

If I had to name one factor in America's natal horoscope and psyche of 1776 to represent our populist tendencies it would be our Moon (We the People) in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius. And for leadership (Sun) there's our business-oriented, self-protective, tribal sign of Cancer--ruled by the Moon, but no longer truly under the influence of We the People because corporate business entities have taken over and direct the Washington political establishment particularly since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was sneakily passed by the US Congress minutes before they absconded for Christmas vacation to celebrate the selling out our nation to international bankers and other decrepit jacka*ses of a Utopian global government persuasion.

Aug 31, 2015

The Only Thing The War On Drugs Is "Successful" at Is Imprisoning African-Americans - video

And I would say that the oppressive 'war on drugs' has weakened American society for decades and decimated the childhoods and family lives of millions of citizens while making mega-bucks for certain shareholders: