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Showing posts with label karmic pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label karmic pluto. Show all posts

Dec 12, 2019

January 12, 2020 Pluto Echoes Events of 1773/1774

Hunting Pluto's Historical Past to Inform the Present

by Jude Cowell

With America's first-ever Pluto Return/s coming in 2022, and in consideration of the duration of karmic Pluto's cycle of approximately 248 years, it has become an interest of mine to find the historical date/s of Pluto based on its January 12, 2020 degree. For as you know, this is the date of the next Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46:34 through which current and upcoming political, financial, and social events will resonate, perhaps harshly or in a restrictive, compressed manner. Certainly, we know that hard work will be required.

In comparison, the last (and current until January 12, 2020) Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @27Lib36 was in 1982 under Reagan's presidency with his voo doo financial finaglings and slights of hand under which We The People have suffered these many years while the wealthy class has grown fatter and bossier. However, please note that in this post I'm looking at Pluto's position at the moment of the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction and not its US natal position in 1776 (Rx @27Cap32/33 in natal 2nd hou$e) although some historical overlap or similarities may be be noticed involving the years 1773--1776. And so the 2020 Conjunction times a Pluto Return to the 1773/1774 positions listed below and we may wonder: will history rhyme if not repeat? Well, the 2020 Pluto Return symbolizes a cosmic time link of karmic proportions, so we'll see, won't we?

Now when we sleuth for Pluto @22Cap46:34, we discover that the manipulating wealth-hoarder was lurking about during the years 1773 and 1774 and suggesting potentials for foreign agents, spying and intrigue, hidden wealth, and manipulation from abroad. Sounds familiar! Historical events of 1773 and 1774 show several interesting incidents, discoveries, activities, speeches, an essay, and legislation, some relating to the American Revolution and the First Continental Congress (May 28, 1774), some to scientific breakthroughs, and several having to do with the Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773--plus, Britain's fussy reaction to it via King George III--and the Boston Massacre.

Another notable if quirky event was Benjamin Franklin's essay in the form of a letter, An Edict by the King of Prussia, in which our First Patriot writes under the guise of the King of Prussia, publishes the hoax of a letter in the Public Advertiser in September 1773, and thereby pointedly criticizes through satire the overreach of the British government toward our American Colonies. Curiously, under Trump the word "hoax" gets quite a work-out. The Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Franklin's hoax letter manifested on September 16, 1773 @24Virgo00 in the 10 North Saros Series (10 North themes are listed in the center of the chart, below); this was a Total Eclipse and also serves as the PE of #3 on the following list.

Transit Pluto hit 22Cap46:34 five times in 1773 and 1774:

1. March 14, 1773

2. June 4, 1773 Rx

3. January 12, 1774 - This is the stand-out chart with its same date (January 12) and the fact that its Angles and cusps are basically the same as America's yet-to-happen natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA). As you see, in 1774 the line-up was: Sun 22Cap21, Moon 22Cap47, Pluto 22Cap46, and Mars 24Cap41; note that this particular Pluto Pre-Return to its 2020 position (as I'm quirkily calling it!) occurred on the day of a New Moon @22Cap20 (3:45:07 am LMT--a new cycle of activity) which further emphasizes the 22 and 23 degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, investment, and business. Actually, Pluto's January 2020 return to its 1773/74 degrees constitutes a 'cosmic time link' with the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020. Plus, a study of the next Full Moon on January 27, 1774 @8Leo01 could yield further information on what we're facing in 2020.

Quick note: In his Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas Devore gives '23 Capricorn' as a degree of governmental authority--and, 22Cap51 is the position of Trump's natal Vertex, a point of fated encounters and a potential for changing work conditions.

As for historical events of 1774, we find many stalemates and struggles between the status quo of the era's prevailing power structures and those who would grasp the freedom to wrest power and authority away for themselves. To me this sounds like an echo of Trump's and the global crime syndicate's coup of the US government and/or the attempt by the current power structure (The Establishment) to vanquish the gang of lawless usurpers and saboteurs. For now, let's say Pluto in Capricorn conjunct a governmental degree describes both sides' ongoing struggle for power and control in general. This is, it seems, a fated struggle of destiny. Different from the American Revolution--and yet somehow more similar than apathetic Americans wish to admit--they who have 'so much to lose'! Meanwhile, failing to fight for democracy is to lose.

Now the other two historical dates for Pluto @22Cap46:34 are August 28, 1774 and November 10, 1774 but as you see, the chart with the most clout for our modern-day money is #3 January 12, 1774 so here's the horoscope if you're curious:

As usual, much info is penned on the horoscope (pardon!) intended for those who care to have a look and mention must be made of the massive Earth Grand Trine of Sun, Moon, Mars, Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node of destiny ('NN') which suggests concerns with material comforts, worldly position, value, and perhaps above all given the dangerous times both then and now, security. The Capricorn line-up in 1774 is amazingly similar to that of January 12, 2020 (just add 2020 Mercury, subtract 1774 Mars) but since this is meant to be a post not a book, I'll leave this topic with you, dear reader, in case your own comparison of Pluto activity between 1773/1774 and 2020 is worth your time.

And as always, your on-topic comments, queries, and shares are very welcome! jc

Oct 24, 2016

A Major T-Square Marks Winter Solstice 2016

Winter Solstice 2016: Jupiter Opposes Uranus While Both Square Karmic Pluto

by Jude Cowell

Having previously viewed the Winter Solstice 2016 horoscope, you've noticed that expansive Jupiter in airy Libra will line up in opposition to radical Uranus in fiery Aries and, with apex Pluto in Capricorn, form a Cardinal T-Square of dynamic energies. Below again is the December 21, 2016 chart set for Washington DC and here is what I wrote about it way back in September before I knew what I didn't know then:

As you see, Jupiter rules the chart and the winter season on into 2017 but the first planet to rise is legalistic Saturn in Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, suggesting delay, hindrance, or some other kind of limitation or suppression. Wealthy Pluto is in the 2nd house, which in American mundane charts points toward the coffers of the National Treasury and those who control or feed from it so naturally the role of 'the Fed' is indicated.

And with the pairing of Jupiter and Uranus in opposition, we may expect events to involve such matters and people as fortune hunters, adventurers or explorers, inventors, and perhaps those who organize large endeavors or projects. However, this planetary pair may also express via freedom and independence issues, philosophical arguments which may include zealotry and its one-sided viewpoints, obstinate adherence to principles that do not stem from real convictions, farsightedness, missing one's best chance, successful speculation, a blissful realization, and/or a fortunate turn in life.

A sudden release of tension may accompany any of these potentials and as always, an opposition (180 degrees) suggests a sort of culmination, fulfillment, or a situation in which complete awareness is forthcoming. See below, for dates when the 'Full Moon' of the Winter Solstice 2016 Jupiter-Uranus opposition had planted its seeds during their three-fer conjunction/s.

Jupiter-Pluto; Uranus-Pluto

Then there's apex Pluto, the isolationist, who can act as a dictator when plodding through Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Here His Creepiness continues a karmic role in the turbulent yet weakened Cardinal Uranus-Pluto Square while also squaring Jupiter, a marker for what may be overly high expectations that need dialing down if real progress is the aim. And while it may inspire some folk to take themselves very seriously, the Jupiter-Pluto square denotes a time when there are frustrations and obstacles in Politics, diplomacy, finances, publishing, religion, group organizing, and other cultural matters. In addition, energy consumption and supply (gas prices?) will continue to be in the news, and new forms of energy are part of the picture as well.

Although large projects are not necessarily doomed to failure under a Jupiter-Pluto square, higher authorities may interfere or refuse to authorize the project's needed funds; or, powermongers may challenge the influence or authority of others, particularly those who have boastfully exaggerated their own importance or their extraordinary strength. Abuse or misuse of power is a caution under the sway of this square, and curiously, Alan Oken has labeled the Jupiter-Pluto square as an aspect of "the false prophet."


By the second half of December 2016 the Jupiter-Pluto square will be past its orb of influence so now let's consider the Jupiter-Uranus opposition. As you know, their cycle began with three conjunctions, the first on June 8, 2010 (conjunct the Aries Point of Global Manifestation), the second on September 19, 2010 @28Pis43, and the third on January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. And since their cycle is about 14 years in duration, 2016 is imprinted with their opposition.

(Note: the next Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus won't occur until April 21, 2024 @21Tau50, a one-fer encounter).

Restlessness, a sense of adventure, and a deep thirst for knowledge and education usually accompany a Jupiter-Uranus contact along with scientific or other breakthroughs, and free or reduced college costs and loans in the US may be what is described here as well especially with powerful manipulator Pluto in a money house and squaring banking Jupiter and rebel Uranus.

All in all, Winter Solstice 2016 basically times Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto vibes to usher out 2016 and the trio sets us up for the start of 2017 so if you wish to read more information about the Jupiter-Uranus duo, I recommend Anne Whitaker's research study in book form Jupiter Meets Uranus: From Erotic Bathing to Star Gazing.