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Showing posts with label veto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veto. Show all posts

Dec 3, 2007

Congress back today (you mean they were gone?)

Returning for a brief, three-week 'holiday' session, Congress has returned to the scene of their crimes and misdemeanors, and to hear Bush tell it, they've been very naughty as well--for not toeing Bush's funding line.

Or at least that's the Dems according to Dubya.

When I opened the chart for this morning, Capitol Building, 9:00 am est, the Sun popped out at me--11Sag+, conjunct the Pluto/Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999. As you know, the Pluto/Chiron combo is the plutocratic, oppressive, corporatism-fascism energy which has the world in a stranglehold (plus, there's Jupiter/Pluto, also a significator for plutocracy and excessive power.)

Chiron adds a wounded and disenfranchised quality to Pluto's behind-the-throne power tendencies.

Moon 4Lib00 (just past the Sibly USA natal MC) had just crossed the MC (4Lib15) in the Pluto/Chiron chart (5:50 am est; Dec 30, 1999) at 9:00 am in Washington, reflecting this degree publicly (although it's the backroom deals that guide them in House and Senate, not the Public's wishes, as we've noticed insufferably.)

Using the rounding-up method because it seems to apply to Washington more than the previous Sabian Symbol, let's peek at Lynda Hill's book on the Symbols, 360 Degrees of Wisdom, for the Moon's degree, "5Lib":

"A Man Teaching The True Inner Knowledge Of The New World To His Students":

Some Keywords: guidance and protection; being a guiding light for others; imparting wisdom; seeking answers to complicated questions (yes, please!); pioneers, teachers, students; secrets of the new age (oops.)

And Lynda always gives a Caution for each degree: dogmatism; feeling that one person has the only true answer (impossible!); feeling highly "evolved" and holding it over other people's heads; evangelism; arrogance; telling others "how it is" regardless of their feelings; gurus and cult dogma; the blind leading the blind.#

Sadly for America, that last one is the fear of all of us who sent Representatives to Washington to "serve" the People. Some members still attempt this "serving", or give a good performance of it for the record. And with so much on their plates for this three-week session, we may not see much more than stopgap measures, nostril flaring, and veto pens brandished tempestuously.

From adjustment of the AMT to the funding of the neocon's Iraq occupation, their arrogant imperialsm continues to defy reason, sanity, and the US piggybank they smashed with a hammer long ago.

Three short weeks? So much to do, so little time...and so much grandstanding and bluster to act out. Washington Theater, Dahling.

Diversions-r-us. Pocket-lining complimentary.

Jun 20, 2007

Bush saves our morals

Feeling over the moral line? Don't fund that research, says George the paragon of virtue currently haunting the Oval Office. Bush vetos our moral line but I can't forget that when mere mortal girds himself in righteousness, check closely for crossed fingers while you're watching the other hand.

In this masquerade a clown is making grimaces and the dunce cap is being passed around...hope is indeed on the horizon while storm clouds gather and the earth trembles.

The previously-mentioned Saturn/Neptune opposition, exact this Friday, won't be the end of confusions, propagandas, quakes, storms...we'll be in the Full Moon or Culmination stage of the Sat/Nep Cycle with the light decreasing slowly.

Good googly moogly, but much has been written online and in books concerning the energies of these two antithethical 'actors'...Neptune of the underwater realm and Saturn (Cronos), Father Time, the Taskmaster and Lessonbringer, earth and soil, realism, authority, control--the restriction principle which balances Jupiter's billowing expansion principle.

In our Solar System, Jupiter and Saturn are called the Fly-Wheel of the Universe because of the tension between them which is perfectly described by the yin-yang principle, if you like.

But along comes Neptune:

Nebulous, gaseous, watery, veiling, illusory, and possibly deceptive planet of idealism, inspiration, and spirituality...Neptune is the vortex to the Divine.

Yet opposing is Saturn which represents the disciplinarian side of our Creator, while Jupiter is the generous side--the rod and the staff of the Lord's Prayer.

So expansion vs restriction = planets stay in their courses instead of spinning out all over the the perfect amount of balm and comfort to know Who's in Charge (and it ain't dubya.)

Neptune isn't the codified or organized religion you love to avoid, it's the spiritual church, the brotherhood of humankind who loves Life over death.

Yet from within our delusions we tend to pervert Neptune's gentle persuasions with negative escapisms, confusions, and sometimes with lies. Sacrifice is her game, loss may have to be her name as Neptune washes away the temporary to make way for the permanent--a typical Saturnian word!

This little ball of Earth is now locked between Saturn and Neptune which relates to 9/11/01 when Earth was ambushed by the Saturn/Pluto opposition with its hardship, cruelty, and war connotations.

And perhaps you've read my crumb about the off-and-on-forming aspect in effect for years to come Karma: Neptune septile Pluto or perhaps you haven't.

Either way, those Transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are bringing in and ushering out generations which overlap in a complex tapestry of time and experience...whether we want them to or not.